Zeta Live 2024 Attendance Doubles Year-Over-Year as Business Leaders Embrace AI to Unlock the Future of Marketing

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(Very Positive)

Zeta Global's annual conference, Zeta Live 2024, achieved record attendance with over 1,100 in-person attendees and more than 16,000 virtual registrations, doubling year-over-year. The event, held in NYC on September 26, 2024, focused on the transformative impact of AI on marketing and business. It featured notable speakers like Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken, and Dr. Deepak Chopra, along with business leaders from major companies.

The conference showcased Zeta's new products, including an intelligent mobile product and expanded generative AI Agents for the Zeta Marketing Platform. Sessions covered topics such as AI's impact on marketing strategies and Zeta's product roadmap. The growing interest in Zeta Live reflects the emergence of generative AI as a catalyst for marketing transformation and Zeta's rising profile in the AI-powered marketing space.

La conferenza annuale di Zeta Global, Zeta Live 2024, ha raggiunto un record di partecipazione con oltre 1.100 partecipanti in persona e più di 16.000 registrazioni virtuali, raddoppiando rispetto all'anno precedente. L'evento, tenutosi a New York il 26 settembre 2024, si è concentrato sull'impatto trasformativo dell'IA sul marketing e sugli affari. Ha presentato relatori di spicco come Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken e il Dr. Deepak Chopra, insieme a leader aziendali di importanti compagnie.

La conferenza ha messo in evidenza i nuovi prodotti di Zeta, inclusi un prodotto mobile intelligente e agenti AI generativi ampliati per la Piattaforma di Marketing Zeta. Le sessioni hanno trattato argomenti come l'impatto dell'IA sulle strategie di marketing e la roadmap dei prodotti di Zeta. Il crescente interesse per Zeta Live riflette l'emergere dell'IA generativa come un catalizzatore per la trasformazione del marketing e l'aumento del profilo di Zeta nello spazio del marketing potenziato dall'IA.

La conferencia anual de Zeta Global, Zeta Live 2024, alcanzó una asistencia récord con más de 1,100 asistentes presenciales y más de 16,000 inscripciones virtuales, duplicando el año anterior. El evento, celebrado en Nueva York el 26 de septiembre de 2024, se centró en el impacto transformador de la IA en el marketing y los negocios. Contó con oradores destacados como Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken y el Dr. Deepak Chopra, junto con líderes empresariales de grandes compañías.

La conferencia presentó los nuevos productos de Zeta, incluyendo un producto móvil inteligente y agentes de IA generativa ampliados para la Plataforma de Marketing Zeta. Las sesiones cubrieron temas como el impacto de la IA en las estrategias de marketing y la hoja de ruta de productos de Zeta. El creciente interés en Zeta Live refleja el surgimiento de la IA generativa como un catalizador para la transformación del marketing y el perfil cada vez más alto de Zeta en el espacio de marketing impulsado por IA.

지타 글로벌의 연례 회의 지타 라이브 20241,100명 이상의 대면 참석자16,000명 이상의 가상 등록자가 참여하여 기록적인 참석률을 달성하였으며, 지난해에 비해 두 배로 증가했습니다. 이 행사는 2024년 9월 26일 뉴욕에서 개최되었으며, 마케팅과 비즈니스에 대한 AI의 혁신적인 영향을 다루었습니다. 샤킬 오닐, 마이클 밀켄, 그리고 딥락 초프라 박사와 같은 저명한 연사들과 주요 기업의 비즈니스 리더들이 참여했습니다.

회의에서는 지타의 새로운 제품들이 소개되었으며, 여기에는 지능형 모바일 제품과 지타 마케팅 플랫폼을 위한 확장된 생성 AI 에이전트가 포함되었습니다. 세션에서는 마케팅 전략에 대한 AI의 영향과 지타의 제품 로드맵과 같은 주제를 다루었습니다. 지타 라이브에 대한 관심 증가는 마케팅 혁신의 촉매로서의 생성 AI의 출현과 AI 기반 마케팅 분야에서의 지타의 증가하는 프로필을 반영합니다.

La conférence annuelle de Zeta Global, Zeta Live 2024, a atteint un record d'affluence avec plus de 1 100 participants en présentiel et plus de 16 000 inscriptions virtuelles, doublant par rapport à l'année précédente. L'événement, qui s'est tenu à New York le 26 septembre 2024, s'est concentré sur l'impact transformateur de l'IA sur le marketing et les affaires. Il a présenté des conférenciers notables tels que Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken et le Dr. Deepak Chopra, ainsi que des dirigeants d'entreprise de grandes entreprises.

La conférence a mis en avant les nouveaux produits de Zeta, y compris un produit mobile intelligent et des agents IA génératifs élargis pour la plateforme de marketing Zeta. Les sessions ont couvert des sujets tels que l'impact de l'IA sur les stratégies marketing et la feuille de route des produits de Zeta. L'intérêt croissant pour Zeta Live reflète l'émergence de l'IA générative comme un catalyseur de transformation marketing et le profil en hausse de Zeta dans le domaine du marketing alimenté par l'IA.

Die jährliche Konferenz von Zeta Global, Zeta Live 2024, verzeichnete mit über 1.100 persönlichen Teilnehmern und mehr als 16.000 virtuellen Anmeldungen eine Rekordteilnahme, was eine Verdopplung im Vergleich zum Vorjahr bedeutet. Die Veranstaltung fand am 26. September 2024 in New York City statt und konzentrierte sich auf die transformative Wirkung von KI auf Marketing und Geschäft. Es traten bedeutende Redner wie Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken und Dr. Deepak Chopra auf, zusammen mit Unternehmensführern großer Firmen.

Die Konferenz präsentierte die neuen Produkte von Zeta, einschließlich eines intelligenten mobilen Produkts und erweiterter generativer KI-Agenten für die Zeta Marketing Plattform. Die Sitzungen behandelten Themen wie die Auswirkungen von KI auf Marketingstrategien und die Produkt-Roadmap von Zeta. Das wachsende Interesse an Zeta Live spiegelt das Aufkommen von generativer KI als Katalysator für die Transformation des Marketings wider und hebt Zetas sich entwickelndes Profil im KI-gesteuerten Marketingbereich hervor.

  • Record attendance with over 1,100 in-person attendees and 16,000 virtual registrations, doubling year-over-year
  • Showcased new products including intelligent mobile product and expanded generative AI Agents
  • Featured high-profile speakers and business leaders, enhancing Zeta's industry position
  • Growing interest in the event reflects Zeta's rising profile in AI-powered marketing
  • None.
  • More than 1,100 visionaries, business leaders and practitioners from more than 400 Enterprises attended in person, doubling attendance year-over-year
  • The annual conference solidified Zeta’s role at the forefront of the AI revolution that is transforming marketing
  • Keynote speakers and luminaries included Shaquille O’Neal, Michael Milken, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Tiffany Haddish, and many more

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud, today announced that in its fourth year, Zeta Live 2024 achieved record attendance with over 1,100 in-person attendees and more than 16,000 virtual registrations, growing 100% year-over-year. The annual event took place in NYC on Thursday, September 26 by invitation only at Center 415, and offered a livestream option for attendees globally. The full-day event can be watched on-demand here.

David A. Steinberg, Zeta Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO with Shaquille O’Neal in “The AI-Powered Slam Dunk: The Business of Shaq” session at Zeta Live 2024 on September 26, 2024 in New York City (Photo: Business Wire)

David A. Steinberg, Zeta Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO with Shaquille O’Neal in “The AI-Powered Slam Dunk: The Business of Shaq” session at Zeta Live 2024 on September 26, 2024 in New York City (Photo: Business Wire)

The growing interest in Zeta Live reflects the emergence of generative AI as a catalyst for the transformation of marketing and the rising profile of Zeta, one of the fastest growing companies in the AI-powered marketing space. The conference explored the evolving role of the Chief Marketing Officer and examined the transformative impact of AI on marketing, businesses, and society. The programming featured a diverse range of perspectives, featuring over 70 speakers such as Shaquille O’Neal, Michael Milken, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Tiffany Haddish, and business leaders such as Jim Lanzone (CEO, Yahoo), Linda Yaccarino, (CEO, X), Tariq Hassan (SVP, Chief Marketing & Customer Experience Officer, McDonald’s USA), Kevin Mayer (Co-CEO & Founder, Candle Media), and many more.

Zeta Live also showcased innovation at scale, as Zeta announced a myriad of new products including its new intelligent mobile product, as well as its expanded lineup of generative AI Agents on the Zeta Marketing Platform. Read the full news release here.

“AI is no longer science fiction – it’s part of every boardroom conversation today because even though AI is in its early stages, brands are realizing the true impact it is having across their companies, especially in their marketing capability,” said David A. Steinberg, Zeta Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO. “The record-breaking attendance at Zeta Live this year further bolsters our business momentum and is a testament to Zeta’s commitment to making AI actionable for marketers to improve productivity and increase revenue. I can’t wait to see where we go next.”

Some notable sessions include:

  • “AI-Powered Slam Dunk: The Business of Shaq” -- Shaquille O’Neal joined Zeta Global CEO, David Steinberg in a live and engaging discussion about his career and transition from sports icon to multifaceted entrepreneur. Shaq also shared personal stories about how he leverages his personal brand combined with technology to build his portfolio of businesses and endorsements. The full session can be viewed here.
  • “Redefining the CMO: How AI is Revolutionizing Marketing Strategy” -- In a session moderated by Zeta Global President & Chief Operating Officer, Steven Gerber, attendees listened as Fortune 500 CMOs discussed how the convergence of data, AI, and technology are not only transforming marketing but also marketers, starting with the CMO. The full session can be viewed here.
  • “Charting the Future: Unveiling Zeta’s Product Roadmap” -- This session offered an exclusive look into Zeta’s dynamic product roadmap, highlighting the strategic vision and groundbreaking advancements that drive the Zeta Marketing Platform + Data Cloud forward. Led by Christian Monberg, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Product at Zeta, and Neej Gore, Chief Data Officer, attendees got an exclusive preview of Zeta's innovative approach to intelligence, and how Zeta is setting new standards for the future of the marketing cloud. Watch the full session here.

All Zeta Live sessions are available for on-demand viewing at The Zeta Resource Center.

About Zeta Global

Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA) is the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and trillions of consumer signals to make it easier for marketers to acquire, grow, and retain customers more efficiently. Through the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP), our vision is to make sophisticated marketing simple by unifying identity, intelligence, and omnichannel activation into a single platform – powered by one of the industry’s largest proprietary databases and AI. Our enterprise customers across multiple verticals are empowered to personalize experiences with consumers at an individual level across every channel, delivering better results for marketing programs. Zeta was founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley and is headquartered in New York City with offices around the world. To learn more, go to

Investor Relations

Madison Serras


Candace Dean

Source: Zeta Global


What was the attendance for Zeta Live 2024?

Zeta Live 2024 achieved record attendance with over 1,100 in-person attendees and more than 16,000 virtual registrations, doubling year-over-year.

Who were some of the keynote speakers at Zeta Live 2024?

Keynote speakers included Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Milken, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Tiffany Haddish, and business leaders such as Jim Lanzone (CEO, Yahoo) and Linda Yaccarino (CEO, X).

What new products did Zeta (ZETA) announce at Zeta Live 2024?

Zeta announced a new intelligent mobile product and an expanded lineup of generative AI Agents on the Zeta Marketing Platform.

When and where was Zeta Live 2024 held?

Zeta Live 2024 took place on Thursday, September 26, 2024, in New York City at Center 415, with a livestream option for global attendees.

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