Zeta Global and Yahoo Team Up to Drive Marketing Impact for Global Brands

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Zeta Global and Yahoo have announced a strategic partnership to enhance marketing impact for global brands. Yahoo will migrate its email marketing to Zeta's AI-powered Marketing Platform (ZMP), while Zeta's Data Cloud becomes interoperable with Yahoo ConnectID. This collaboration aims to provide:

1. Intelligence-powered marketing on ZMP, sending billions of AI-personalized emails quarterly.
2. Integration of Yahoo DSP into ZMP, unifying customer data across channels.
3. Joint intent-powered audiences, offering comprehensive customer insights.

The partnership is expected to boost personalization, efficiency, and ROI for both companies and their clients. Yahoo CEO Jim Lanzone will join Zeta CEO David Steinberg at Zeta Live on September 26 to discuss Yahoo's transformation and innovation strategies.

Zeta Global e Yahoo hanno annunciato una partnership strategica per migliorare l'impatto del marketing per i marchi globali. Yahoo migrerà il suo marketing via email sulla Piattaforma di Marketing (ZMP) potenziata da AI di Zeta, mentre il Data Cloud di Zeta diventerà interoperabile con Yahoo ConnectID. Questa collaborazione mira a fornire:

1. Marketing basato su intelligenza artificiale su ZMP, inviando miliardi di email personalizzate dall'AI trimestralmente.
2. Integrazione di Yahoo DSP in ZMP, unificando i dati dei clienti attraverso i canali.
3. Pubblico con intenti condivisi, offrendo approfondimenti completi sui clienti.

La partnership dovrebbe aumentare la personalizzazione, l'efficienza e il ROI per entrambe le aziende e i loro clienti. Il CEO di Yahoo, Jim Lanzone, parteciperà a Zeta Live il 26 settembre insieme al CEO di Zeta, David Steinberg, per discutere della trasformazione e delle strategie di innovazione di Yahoo.

Zeta Global y Yahoo han anunciado una asociación estratégica para mejorar el impacto del marketing para marcas globales. Yahoo migrará su marketing por correo electrónico a la Plataforma de Marketing (ZMP) impulsada por IA de Zeta, mientras que la Nube de Datos de Zeta se volverá interoperable con Yahoo ConnectID. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo proporcionar:

1. Marketing impulsado por inteligencia en ZMP, enviando miles de millones de correos electrónicos personalizados por IA trimestralmente.
2. Integración de Yahoo DSP en ZMP, unificando los datos de los clientes a través de los canales.
3. Audiencias impulsadas por la intención compartida, ofreciendo conocimientos integrales sobre los clientes.

Se espera que la asociación aumente la personalización, la eficiencia y el ROI para ambas empresas y sus clientes. El CEO de Yahoo, Jim Lanzone, se unirá al CEO de Zeta, David Steinberg, en Zeta Live el 26 de septiembre para discutir la transformación e innovación de Yahoo.

Zeta Global과 Yahoo는 글로벌 브랜드의 마케팅 효과를 향상시키기 위한 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. Yahoo는 이메일 마케팅을 Zeta의 AI 기반 마케팅 플랫폼(ZMP)으로 이전할 예정입니다, 동시에 Zeta의 데이터 클라우드는 Yahoo ConnectID와 상호 운용 가능해집니다. 이 협업은 다음을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다:

1. ZMP에서 AI 기반 마케팅을 통해 분기마다 수십억 개의 개인화된 이메일을 발송합니다.
2. Yahoo DSP를 ZMP에 통합하여 채널 간 고객 데이터를 통합합니다.
3. 공동의 의도에 기반한 청중을 제공하여 고객 통찰력을 종합적으로 제공합니다.

이번 파트너십은 두 회사와 고객 모두에게 개인화, 효율성 및 ROI를 증대할 것으로 예상됩니다. Yahoo의 CEO인 Jim Lanzone는 9월 26일 Zeta Live에서 Zeta의 CEO David Steinberg와 함께 Yahoo의 변화와 혁신 전략에 대해 논의할 예정입니다.

Zeta Global et Yahoo ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique pour renforcer l'impact marketing des marques mondiales. Yahoo migra son marketing par e-mail vers la Plateforme de Marketing (ZMP) alimentée par l'IA de Zeta, tandis que la Cloud de Données de Zeta deviendra interopérable avec Yahoo ConnectID. Cette collaboration vise à fournir :

1. Un marketing intelligent sur ZMP, envoyant des milliards d'e-mails personnalisés par IA chaque trimestre.
2. L'intégration de Yahoo DSP dans ZMP, unifiant les données client à travers les canaux.
3. Des audiences basées sur l'intention conjointe, offrant des insights complets sur les clients.

Ce partenariat devrait accroître la personnalisation, l'efficacité et le retour sur investissement pour les deux entreprises et leurs clients. Le PDG de Yahoo, Jim Lanzone, rejoindra le PDG de Zeta, David Steinberg, lors de Zeta Live le 26 septembre pour discuter des stratégies de transformation et d'innovation de Yahoo.

Zeta Global und Yahoo haben eine strategische Partnerschaft angekündigt, um die Marketingeffektivität für globale Marken zu verbessern. Yahoo wird sein E-Mail-Marketing auf Zetas KI-gestützte Marketingplattform (ZMP) migrieren, während Zetas Daten-Cloud mit Yahoo ConnectID interoperabel wird. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab,:

1. Intelligente Marketinglösungen auf ZMP, die vierteljährlich Milliarden von KI-personalisierten E-Mails versenden.
2. Integration von Yahoo DSP in ZMP, um Kundendaten über alle Kanäle hinweg zu vereinheitlichen.
3. Gemeinsame intendierte Zielgruppen, die umfassende Kundeninsights bieten.

Die Partnerschaft wird voraussichtlich die Personalisierung, Effizienz und den ROI für beide Unternehmen und deren Kunden steigern. Yahoo-CEO Jim Lanzone wird am 26. September zusammen mit Zeta-CEO David Steinberg bei Zeta Live darüber sprechen, wie Yahoo sich wandelt und innovative Strategien verfolgt.

  • Strategic partnership with Yahoo, a major global media and tech company
  • Migration of Yahoo's email marketing to Zeta Marketing Platform, potentially increasing Zeta's revenue and market share
  • Integration of Zeta's Data Cloud with Yahoo ConnectID, expanding Zeta's reach and capabilities
  • Potential for billions of AI-powered personalized emails sent quarterly through Zeta's platform
  • Enhanced audience targeting capabilities for joint Zeta and Yahoo advertisers
  • None.

This partnership between Zeta Global and Yahoo represents a significant strategic move in the digital marketing landscape. While specific financial details aren't disclosed, the deal's scale is substantial, with Zeta set to send billions of AI-powered emails quarterly for Yahoo. This collaboration could potentially boost Zeta's revenue and market share in the competitive martech sector.

For Yahoo, the migration to Zeta's platform might lead to improved operational efficiency and cost savings in their marketing efforts. The integration of Zeta's Data Cloud with Yahoo ConnectID could enhance Yahoo's advertising capabilities, potentially increasing its appeal to advertisers and driving ad revenue growth. Investors should monitor for future announcements on the partnership's financial impact and any shifts in market share for both companies.

The collaboration between Zeta and Yahoo marks a significant technological advancement in AI-driven marketing. Zeta's AI-powered platform will enhance Yahoo's ability to deliver personalized content at scale, potentially improving user engagement and retention. The integration of Zeta's Data Cloud with Yahoo ConnectID is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the industry-wide challenge of signal loss in a cookieless future.

This partnership could lead to more sophisticated audience targeting and improved ROI for advertisers. The creation of unique intent-based audiences through the combination of Zeta's and Yahoo's data assets could give them a competitive edge in the digital advertising market. However, the success of this integration will depend on the seamless execution of complex data systems and AI algorithms, which often presents technical challenges.

This partnership signals a shift in the digital marketing landscape, potentially disrupting current market dynamics. By combining Zeta's AI capabilities with Yahoo's vast user base, both companies are positioning themselves to capture a larger share of the digital advertising market. The integration could lead to more effective targeting and personalization, addressing key pain points for marketers in an increasingly privacy-focused digital environment.

The collaboration may also influence industry trends, pushing competitors to seek similar partnerships or invest more heavily in AI and data capabilities. For investors, this move could indicate future growth potential for both Zeta and Yahoo, particularly if they can demonstrate improved marketing performance metrics for their clients. However, success will depend on effective execution and the ability to deliver measurable results in a highly competitive market.

Zeta Marketing Platform brings next-generation AI capabilities to enhance Yahoo marketing and amplify precision and reach for brands

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), the AI-powered marketing Cloud, and Yahoo, a global media and tech company that serves as the trusted guide to the internet for hundreds of millions of people globally, today announced plans to migrate Yahoo’s email marketing to the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP). Additionally, Zeta’s Data Cloud is now interoperable with Yahoo ConnectID, enabling Yahoo DSP users to seamlessly activate audiences to deliver higher returns on investment.

"As Yahoo continues its transformation, we believe Zeta is the right partner to enable us to continue putting our customers first. Their differentiated data, innovative marketing technology, and world-class team will support the scale, complexity, and precision we need to enhance our user experiences and strengthen brands’ efficiency and effectiveness on our industry-leading properties,” said Matt Sanchez, President & GM of Yahoo Home Ecosystem.

Zeta Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO David A. Steinberg noted, “We are thrilled to be joining forces with one of the most iconic companies in technology and to be part of their transformation story. Zeta’s next generation platform, with AI at its core, empowers Yahoo to engage its members with more individualized messages that distill the uniqueness of Yahoo’s content. Zeta’s ability to scale at unprecedented speed will benefit Yahoo as it accelerates its investment in content and member engagement.”

Together, both companies will join forces to provide:

  • Intelligence-Powered Marketing on ZMP: Zeta will partner with Yahoo’s marketing team to migrate its member database and marketing automation to the ZMP. This integration will enhance Yahoo’s marketing with advanced customer intelligence, enabling personalized experiences and boosting attention share. Zeta will send billions of AI-powered personalized emails each quarter, using data-driven insights for strategic decisions like send times, content recommendations, and multi-channel engagement. This will result in emails across Yahoo’s key verticals-News, Sports, Finance, Life, and Entertainment.
  • Integration of Yahoo DSP into the ZMP: The ZMP is integrated with Yahoo ConnectID, Yahoo’s future-proof identifier for signal loss to unify customer and prospect data across paid and owned marketing channels in a privacy-centric way. By enhancing Yahoo DSP with Zeta’s advanced audience targeting capabilities, the integration will streamline benefits for joint clients and position both companies to expand market share in a dynamic landscape.
  • Joint Intent-Powered Audiences: The Zeta Data Cloud will be interoperable with ConnectID, allowing for the creation of unique intent-based audiences. Now, joint Zeta and Yahoo advertisers will gain access to comprehensive insights into customer intent, location intelligence, and psychographics, enabling more impactful marketing strategies that deliver high-value audiences and premium inventory through the optimal channels and timing, maximizing engagement and return on investment.

Yahoo CEO, Jim Lanzone, will join Zeta Global CEO and Chairman, David Steinberg, on the mainstage at Zeta Live on September 26 to discuss the transformative processes that are revitalizing Yahoo, including cutting-edge technologies, redefining brand growth, and fostering a culture of innovation. The session kicks off Zeta Live, the premier AI and marketing event, which includes a full day of sessions from visionaries, some of the most well-known names in business, and iconic keynotes all under one roof to inform, engage and most importantly, inspire Zeta customers and the marketing community. To participate in the free virtual experience, register here.

About Zeta Global

Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA) is the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and trillions of consumer signals to make it easier for marketers to acquire, grow, and retain customers more efficiently. Through the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP), our vision is to make sophisticated marketing simple by unifying identity, intelligence, and omnichannel activation into a single platform – powered by one of the industry’s largest proprietary databases and AI. Our enterprise customers across multiple verticals are empowered to personalize experiences with consumers at an individual level across every channel, delivering better results for marketing programs. Zeta was founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley and is headquartered in New York City with offices around the world. To learn more, go to

About Yahoo

Yahoo serves as a trusted guide for hundreds of millions of people globally, helping them achieve their goals online through our portfolio of iconic products. For advertisers, Yahoo Advertising offers omnichannel solutions and powerful data to engage with our brands and deliver results. To learn more about Yahoo, please visit

Media Contacts

James A. Pearson,

Brenden Lee,

Source: Zeta Global


What is the new partnership between Zeta Global (ZETA) and Yahoo?

Zeta Global (ZETA) and Yahoo have partnered to migrate Yahoo's email marketing to Zeta's Marketing Platform and integrate Zeta's Data Cloud with Yahoo ConnectID, aiming to enhance marketing impact for global brands.

How will Zeta's AI technology be used in Yahoo's email marketing?

Zeta's AI technology will power billions of personalized emails quarterly for Yahoo, using data-driven insights for strategic decisions like send times, content recommendations, and multi-channel engagement across Yahoo's key verticals.

What benefits does the Zeta-Yahoo partnership offer to advertisers?

The partnership offers advertisers access to comprehensive customer insights, including intent, location intelligence, and psychographics, enabling more impactful marketing strategies and potentially higher ROI through optimal channel and timing selection.

When and where will Yahoo CEO Jim Lanzone discuss this partnership with Zeta Global?

Yahoo CEO Jim Lanzone will join Zeta Global CEO David Steinberg on stage at Zeta Live on September 26 to discuss Yahoo's transformation, including this partnership and other innovative strategies.

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