Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) Indicates US Economy Continues Steady Expansion

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The Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) for September 2024, released by Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), indicates steady expansion in the US economy. The Economic Index Score reached 69.1 points, showing a 1.0% month-over-month increase. This reflects stabilizing consumer confidence, increased business activity, and improved job market sentiment.

Key highlights include:

  • Consumer Purchasing Power expanding, with Discretionary Spend Propensity up 7.2% and Credit Line Expansion Intent up 18.4%
  • Job Market Sentiment improved by 0.6%
  • Mixed vertical strength, with the Financial Sector down 1.8 points and Travel sector up 9.2 points
  • Auto Sector experiencing an 11.1% decline

The ZEI utilizes AI to analyze trillions of behavioral signals from over 240 million US consumers, providing comprehensive scores reflecting economic sentiment and trends.

L'Indice Economico Zeta (ZEI) per settembre 2024, pubblicato da Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), indica un'espansione costante dell'economia statunitense. Il punteggio dell'Indice Economico ha raggiunto 69.1 punti, mostrando un incremento dell'1.0% rispetto al mese precedente. Questo riflette una stabilizzazione della fiducia dei consumatori, un aumento dell'attività commerciale e un miglioramento del sentiment nel mercato del lavoro.

Tra i punti salienti possiamo notare:

  • Aumento del Potere d'Acquisto dei Consumatori, con la Propensione alla Spesa Discrezionale aumentata del 7.2% e l'Intenzione di Espansione delle Linee di Credito aumentata del 18.4%
  • Il Sentiment del Mercato del Lavoro è migliorato del 0.6%
  • Forza verticale mista, con il Settore Finanziario in calo di 1.8 punti e il Settore Viaggi in aumento di 9.2 punti
  • Il Settore Auto ha subito un diminuzione dell'11.1%

Il ZEI utilizza l'IA per analizzare trilioni di segnali comportamentali provenienti da oltre 240 milioni di consumatori statunitensi, fornendo punteggi completi che riflettono il sentiment economico e le tendenze.

El Índice Económico Zeta (ZEI) para septiembre de 2024, publicado por Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), indica una expansión constante en la economía estadounidense. El puntaje del Índice Económico alcanzó 69.1 puntos, mostrando un aumento del 1.0% mes a mes. Esto refleja una estabilización de la confianza del consumidor, un aumento en la actividad empresarial y una mejora en el sentimiento del mercado laboral.

Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Poder Adquisitivo del Consumidor en expansión, con la Propensión al Gasto Discrecional aumentando un 7.2% y la Intención de Expansión de Líneas de Crédito en aumento del 18.4%
  • El Sentimiento del Mercado Laboral mejoró en 0.6%
  • Fuerza vertical mixta, con el Sector Financiero bajando 1.8 puntos y el sector de Viajes aumentando 9.2 puntos
  • El Sector Automotriz experimenta un declive del 11.1%

El ZEI utiliza IA para analizar billones de señales de comportamiento de más de 240 millones de consumidores estadounidenses, proporcionando puntuaciones integrales que reflejan el sentimiento económico y las tendencias.

2024년 9월 Zeta 경제 지수(ZEI)는 Zeta Global(NYSE: ZETA)가 발표하였으며, 미국 경제의 지속적인 확장을 나타냅니다. 경제 지수 점수는 69.1 점에 도달하였으며, 이는 전월 대비 1.0% 증가한 수치입니다. 이는 소비자 신뢰의 안정화, 증가된 사업 활동, 그리고 개선된 고용 시장 감정을 반영합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 소비자 구매력이 확대되고, 재량 소비 성향이 7.2% 증가하였으며, 신용 한도 확대 의향이 18.4% 증가하였습니다.
  • 고용 시장 감정이 0.6% 개선되었습니다.
  • 혼합된 수직 강세가 있으며, 금융 부문은 1.8 포인트 감소, 여행 부문은 9.2 포인트 증가하였습니다.
  • 자동차 부문은 11.1% 감소를 경험하였습니다.

ZEI는 2억 4천만 명 이상의 미국 소비자의 수조 개의 행동 신호를 분석하기 위해 AI를 활용하여 경제적 감정과 추세를 반영하는 포괄적인 점수를 제공합니다.

L'Indice Économique Zeta (ZEI) pour septembre 2024, publié par Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), indique une expansion continue de l'économie américaine. Le score de l'indice économique a atteint 69,1 points, montrant une augmentation de 1,0 % par rapport au mois précédent. Cela reflète une stabilisation de la confiance des consommateurs, une augmentation de l'activité commerciale et une amélioration du sentiment sur le marché du travail.

Les points clés comprennent :

  • Une augmentation du Pouvoir d'Achat des Consommateurs, avec une Propension à la Dépense Discrétionnaire en hausse de 7,2 % et une Intentions d'Expansion des Lignes de Crédit en hausse de 18,4 %
  • Le Sentiment du Marché du Travail s'est amélioré de 0,6 %
  • Force verticale mixte, avec le Secteur Financier qui a baissé de 1,8 points et le secteur du Voyage qui a augmenté de 9,2 points
  • Le Secteur Automobile a connu une diminution de 11,1 %

Le ZEI utilise l'IA pour analyser des billions de signaux comportementaux provenant de plus de 240 millions de consommateurs américains, fournissant des scores globaux reflétant le sentiment économique et les tendances.

Der Zeta Wirtschaftsindex (ZEI) für September 2024, veröffentlicht von Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), zeigt eine stetige Expansion der US-Wirtschaft. Der Wirtschaftsindexwert erreichte 69.1 Punkte und verzeichnete einen Anstieg von 1.0% im Vergleich zum Vormonat. Dies spiegelt eine Stabilisierung des Verbrauchervertrauens, eine erhöhte Geschäftstätigkeit und eine Verbesserung des Arbeitsmarktsentiments wider.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Die Kaufkraft der Verbraucher erweitert sich, mit einer Erhöhung der Neigung zu discretionary Ausgaben um 7.2% und einem Anstieg der Absicht zur Erweiterung von Kreditlinien um 18.4%.
  • Das Sentiment auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verbesserte sich um 0.6%.
  • Mischhafte vertikale Stärke, der Finanzsektor fiel um 1.8 Punkte, der Reisesektor stieg um 9.2 Punkte.
  • Der Automobilsektor verzeichnete einen Rückgang von 11.1%.

Der ZEI nutzt KI, um Billionen von Verhaltenssignalen von über 240 Millionen US-Verbrauchern zu analysieren und umfassende Punktzahlen bereitzustellen, die wirtschaftliche Stimmungen und Trends widerspiegeln.

  • Economic Index Score increased by 1.0% month-over-month, indicating steady economic expansion
  • Discretionary Spend Propensity up 7.2% and Credit Line Expansion Intent up 18.4%, showing improved consumer purchasing power
  • Job Market Sentiment improved by 0.6%, suggesting better employment outlook
  • Travel sector saw 9.2 points growth in consumer interest
  • Time Browsing Online Index recorded considerable gains, suggesting healthy e-commerce activity
  • Financial Sector down 1.8 points due to Americans waiting for Federal Reserve's interest rate update
  • Auto Sector experienced an 11.1% decline month-over-month, possibly due to supply chain issues and delayed purchases


The Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) provides valuable insights into the current state of the US economy. The 69.1 point Economic Index Score, with a 1.0% MoM increase, suggests moderate but steady economic growth. Key indicators like the 7.2% increase in Discretionary Spend Propensity and 18.4% rise in Credit Line Expansion Intent point to improving consumer confidence.

The mixed performance across sectors is noteworthy. While the Financial Sector faced pressure (-1.8 points), the Travel sector showed strong growth (+9.2 points). The 11.1% decline in the Auto Sector suggests potential opportunities for investors as the market adjusts to supply chain issues and anticipates future sales events.

For investors, this data indicates a cautiously optimistic economic outlook, with potential opportunities in sectors showing growth or recovery potential. The upcoming holiday season could present significant opportunities, especially in e-commerce and travel-related investments.

The ZEI's use of AI technology to analyze consumer behavior from 240 million US consumers represents a significant advancement in economic forecasting. By leveraging generative AI to process trillions of behavioral signals, the index offers a more dynamic and real-time view of economic trends compared to traditional survey-based methods.

The incorporation of 20 proprietary inputs that recalibrate monthly based on actual behavior enhances the index's accuracy and responsiveness to market changes. This AI-driven approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of consumer activity, a important driver of economic growth.

For investors in the tech and AI sectors, Zeta Global's innovative use of AI for economic analysis demonstrates the growing potential and practical applications of AI in finance and economics. This could signal increased demand for AI-powered analytics tools in the financial sector, presenting potential investment opportunities in companies developing similar technologies.

The US economy maintains moderate growth trajectory reflecting a cautiously optimistic consumer

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud, today released the Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) for September 2024. The ZEI is one of the first AI-powered economic indexes, utilizing Zeta's proprietary Generative AI technology and real-time consumer behavior from over 240 million US consumers to reflect the current state and trajectory of the US economy.

The ZEI’s primary measure of US economic health, the Economic Index Score registered 69.1 points which represents a modest month-over-month (MoM) increase of 1.0% over the August value. The consistent upward trajectory in 2024 reflects stabilizing consumer confidence, increased business activity, and an improvement in the job market sentiment, leading to stable growth. The recent decision by the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates is expected to accelerate these trends.

"The Zeta Economic Index shows that consumers and businesses are adapting to a new economic normal,” said David A. Steinberg, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Zeta Global. “The data shows modest but steady growth over the past month, illustrating that some of the prior uncertainty is shifting toward optimism with a renewed propensity for spending. While the economy is showing modest momentum rather than firing on all cylinders, the ZEI predicts that businesses can expect a more robust holiday shopping season in line with an expanding economy.”

Additional highlights from the ZEI:

  • Consumer Purchasing Power is Expanding: Both Discretionary Spend Propensity and Credit Line Expansion Intent have shown MoM increases of 7.2% and 18.4% respectively, underscoring confidence in the direction of the economy. The Time Browsing Online Index, which incorporates online shopping activity, also recorded considerable gains MoM suggesting healthy e-commerce activity heading into the final quarter of the year.
  • The Job Market is Transitioning: Job Market Sentiment saw a modest uptick of 0.6% MoM, indicating a slight improvement in employment outlook. This shift is illustrative of new and emerging labor market opportunities in construction and healthcare, and in anticipation of future prospects as a result of the interest rate reduction.
  • Vertical Strength is Mixed, with the Financial Sector Under Pressure: The Financial Sector was down 1.8 points, a result of Americans waiting for the Federal Reserve’s interest rate update mid-month. The uptick in Credit Line Expansion Intent suggests financial service products will show renewed interest in the final quarter of the year as rate-cuts improve the borrowing landscape. The Travel sector saw sizable MoM growth in consumer interest of 9.2 points, with seasonality, promotions, and holiday planning in play. Dining and Entertainment both saw small gains aligning with improved conditions around discretionary spending.
  • Overall Auto Sector Sees Moderate Contraction: The broader automotive sector has seen an 11.1% decline month-over-month, possibly impacted by endemic conditions including supply chain issues affecting vehicle availability, the recent conclusion of summer promotions like Labor Day sales, and anticipation of upcoming major sales events such as Black Friday and end-of-year incentives. As a result, consumers are delaying their purchases in hopes of better deals and improved supply conditions.

The ZEI utilizes generative AI to analyze trillions of behavioral signals providing comprehensive scores that reflect economic sentiment, trends, and dynamics. Unlike surveys, this index utilizes over 20 proprietary inputs that recalibrate each month based on actual behavior, enhancing the understanding of a key driver of economic growth – consumer activity.

The Zeta Economic Index is publicly available here and is provided as a complimentary service. It should not be considered investment advice or be relied upon to make investment decisions.

About Zeta Global

Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA) is the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and trillions of consumer signals to make it easier for marketers to acquire, grow, and retain customers more efficiently. Through the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP), our vision is to make sophisticated marketing simple by unifying identity, intelligence, and omnichannel activation into a single platform – powered by one of the industry’s largest proprietary databases and AI. Our enterprise customers across multiple verticals are empowered to personalize experiences with consumers at an individual level across every channel, delivering better results for marketing programs. Zeta was founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley and is headquartered in New York City with offices around the world. To learn more, go to

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Investor Relations

Madison Serras


Candace Dean

Source: Zeta Global


What was the Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) score for September 2024?

The Zeta Economic Index (ZEI) score for September 2024 was 69.1 points, representing a 1.0% month-over-month increase from August.

How did consumer purchasing power change according to the Zeta Economic Index (ZETA)?

According to the Zeta Economic Index (ZETA), consumer purchasing power expanded, with Discretionary Spend Propensity up 7.2% and Credit Line Expansion Intent up 18.4% month-over-month.

What was the performance of the Travel sector in the September 2024 Zeta Economic Index (ZETA)?

The Travel sector saw sizable month-over-month growth of 9.2 points in consumer interest, according to the September 2024 Zeta Economic Index (ZETA).

How did the Auto Sector perform in the latest Zeta Economic Index (ZETA) report?

The Auto Sector experienced an 11.1% decline month-over-month, possibly due to supply chain issues, end of summer promotions, and consumers delaying purchases in anticipation of future sales events.

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