ZenaTech Expands Southeast Region with Fourth Land Survey Company LOI and Plans to Include Drone Swarms to Address the US $22.8 Billion Average Cost of a Hurricane
ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) has signed a Letter of Intent to acquire its fourth land survey engineering company in Florida, expanding its Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) operations in the Southeast region. This strategic move aims to address hurricane damage management, which costs an average of $22.8 billion per significant landfall according to the Office for Coastal Management.
The company plans to deploy ZenaDrone 1000 and IQ series drones for hurricane cleanup, search and rescue operations through drone swarms. ZenaTech's subsidiary, ZenaDrone, will produce hundreds of drones to assist hurricane-prone states. The company is currently in discussions with over 25 potential acquisition targets.
The DaaS business model offers a pay-as-you-go solution for various sectors including governments, developers, farmers, and oil companies. The US Surveying and Mapping Services industry, valued at $10.3 billion, is being revolutionized by drone technology, enabling data collection across large areas in hours instead of months using traditional methods.
ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) ha firmato una Lettera di Intenti per acquisire la sua quarta azienda di ingegneria di rilievo della terra in Florida, ampliando le sue operazioni di Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) nella regione del Sud-est. Questa mossa strategica mira a gestire i danni da uragano, che costano in media 22,8 miliardi di dollari per ogni impatto significativo secondo l'Ufficio per la Gestione Costiera.
L'azienda prevede di utilizzare droni ZenaDrone 1000 e della serie IQ per le operazioni di pulizia dopo gli uragani, nonché per le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso attraverso stormi di droni. La filiale di ZenaTech, ZenaDrone, produrrà centinaia di droni per assistere gli stati più colpiti dagli uragani. Attualmente, l'azienda è in discussione con oltre 25 potenziali obiettivi di acquisizione.
Il modello di business DaaS offre una soluzione pay-as-you-go per vari settori, tra cui governi, sviluppatori, agricoltori e compagnie petrolifere. L'industria dei servizi di rilievo e mappatura negli Stati Uniti, valutata 10,3 miliardi di dollari, sta vivendo una rivoluzione grazie alla tecnologia dei droni, che consente la raccolta di dati su aree vaste in poche ore invece che in mesi utilizzando metodi tradizionali.
ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) ha firmado una Carta de Intención para adquirir su cuarta empresa de ingeniería de topografía en Florida, expandiendo sus operaciones de Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) en la región Sureste. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo abordar la gestión de daños por huracanes, que cuesta un promedio de 22.8 mil millones de dólares por cada impacto significativo, según la Oficina de Gestión Costera.
La empresa planea desplegar drones ZenaDrone 1000 y de la serie IQ para la limpieza post-huracán, así como para operaciones de búsqueda y rescate mediante enjambres de drones. La subsidiaria de ZenaTech, ZenaDrone, producirá cientos de drones para ayudar a los estados propensos a huracanes. La empresa actualmente está en conversaciones con más de 25 posibles objetivos de adquisición.
El modelo de negocio DaaS ofrece una solución de pago por uso para varios sectores, incluidos gobiernos, desarrolladores, agricultores y compañías petroleras. La industria de Servicios de Topografía y Mapeo de EE. UU., valorada en 10.3 mil millones de dólares, está siendo revolucionada por la tecnología de drones, lo que permite la recopilación de datos en grandes áreas en horas en lugar de meses utilizando métodos tradicionales.
제나텍(ZenaTech) (NASDAQ: ZENA)는 플로리다에 있는 네 번째 토지 측량 엔지니어링 회사를 인수하기 위한 의향서를 체결하여, 동남부 지역에서 드론 서비스(DaaS) 운영을 확장하고 있습니다. 이 전략적 결정은 해안 관리국에 따르면 엄청난 피해가 발생할 때마다 평균 228억 달러의 비용이 드는 허리케인 피해 관리를 다루기 위한 것입니다.
회사는 허리케인 청소, 수색 및 구조 작전을 위해 ZenaDrone 1000 및 IQ 시리즈 드론을 배치할 계획입니다. 제나텍의 자회사인 제나드론은 허리케인이 자주 발생하는 주를 지원하기 위해 수백 대의 드론을 생산할 것입니다. 이 회사는 현재 25개 이상의 잠재적 인수 대상들과 논의를 진행 중입니다.
DaaS 비즈니스 모델은 정부, 개발자, 농부 및 석유 회사 등 다양한 분야에 대해 사용한 만큼 지불할 수 있는 솔루션을 제공합니다. 103억 달러로 평가되는 미국의 측량 및 매핑 서비스 산업은 드론 기술에 의해 혁신되고 있으며, 전통적인 방법으로는 수개월이 걸리는 대규모 데이터 수집을 몇 시간 내에 가능하게 하고 있습니다.
ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) a signé une Lettre d'Intention pour acquérir sa quatrième entreprise d'ingénierie d'arpentage foncier en Floride, élargissant ainsi ses opérations de Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) dans la région Sud-Est. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à répondre à la gestion des dommages causés par les ouragans, dont le coût moyen s'élève à 22,8 milliards de dollars par impact majeur, selon le Bureau de Gestion Côtière.
L'entreprise prévoit de déployer des drones ZenaDrone 1000 et de la série IQ pour le nettoyage après ouragan, ainsi que pour des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage via des essaims de drones. La filiale de ZenaTech, ZenaDrone, produira des centaines de drones pour aider les États exposés aux ouragans. Actuellement, l'entreprise est en discussion avec plus de 25 cibles d'acquisition potentielles.
Le modèle commercial DaaS propose une solution de paiement à l'utilisation pour divers secteurs, y compris les gouvernements, les développeurs, les agriculteurs et les compagnies pétrolières. L'industrie des services d'arpentage et de cartographie aux États-Unis, évaluée à 10,3 milliards de dollars, est en pleine révolution grâce à la technologie des drones, permettant la collecte de données sur de grandes surfaces en quelques heures au lieu de mois avec des méthodes traditionnelles.
ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) hat ein Absichtsschreiben unterzeichnet, um ihr viertes Landvermessungsingenieurbüro in Florida zu erwerben und damit ihre Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) Aktivitäten in der Südostregion auszubauen. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, die Schadensbewältigung nach Hurrikanen anzugehen, was laut dem Büro für Küstenmanagement durchschnittlich 22,8 Milliarden Dollar pro erheblichem Landfall kostet.
Das Unternehmen plant den Einsatz von ZenaDrone 1000 und IQ-Serie-Drohnen für die Aufräumarbeiten nach Hurrikanen sowie für Such- und Rettungsoperationen durch Drohnenschwärme. Die Tochtergesellschaft von ZenaTech, ZenaDrone, wird Hunderte von Drohnen produzieren, um den hurrikangefährdeten Staaten zu helfen. Das Unternehmen befindet sich derzeit in Gesprächen mit über 25 möglichen Akquisitionszielen.
Das DaaS-Geschäftsmodell bietet eine Bezahl-nach-Nutzung-Lösung für verschiedene Sektoren, einschließlich Regierungen, Entwicklern, Landwirten und Ölgesellschaften. Die US-Branche für Vermessungs- und Kartierungsdienstleistungen, die auf 10,3 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt wird, wird durch die Drohnentechnologie revolutioniert, die die Datenerhebung in großen Gebieten innerhalb von Stunden anstelle von Monaten mit traditionellen Methoden ermöglicht.
- None.
- None.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZenaTech, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZENA) (FSE: 49Q) (BMV: ZENA) ("ZenaTech"), a technology company specializing in AI (Artificial Intelligence) drone, Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS), enterprise SaaS and Quantum Computing solutions, announces that it has signed an LOI (Letter of Intent) to acquire a fourth land survey engineering company located in the US Southeast region in Florida. This location will enable the ZenaDrone 1000 drones to assist with cleanup after a hurricane. A significant landfalling hurricane produces an average damage cost of USD
As the fourth such acquisition, this will further add to the base of ZenaTech’s Drone as a Service or DaaS operations in the Southeast region, providing convenient regional customer access to the ZenaDrone 1000 and the IQ series of multifunction drones. The Company’s subsidiary ZenaDrone plans to produce hundreds of ZenaDrone 1000 drones to assist Florida and other hurricane-prone States to manage natural disasters, including search and rescue with a drone swarm.
So far, ZenaTech has acquired two companies this month and has more to come ─ the company has been in discussions with over 25 companies currently in its pipeline.
“This LOI for a fourth land survey company acquisition is another step towards our vision to create a national DaaS business, bringing AI drone speed and precision to the innovation of existing verticals and applications. We will target local, state, and federal governmental agencies as our potential customers,” said CEO Shaun Passley, Ph.D. “In addition, we will include Florida as part of our Sky Traffic project where we plan to utilize AI drone swarms and quantum computing algorithms to process vast amounts of real-time, drone-collected data, enabling faster and more optimized response and damage assessments. We are in the process of hiring additional Ph.D.’s in physics and quantum computing as we build out our Sky Traffic project team.”
AI-powered drone swarms are designed to work collaboratively in real time by using advanced algorithms to communicate, share data, and coordinate flight paths, ensuring comprehensive coverage of hurricanes and their aftermath in places like Florida, saving lives and enhancing emergency response. They can dynamically adapt to changing weather conditions, collecting critical data like wind speed, pressure, and temperature. During emergencies, the drones use thermal imaging and GPS to locate survivors, deliver supplies, and relay communications, providing rapid support in inaccessible or heavily damaged areas.
ZenaTech’s Drone as a Service or DaaS business model enables governments, builders and developers, farmers, oil and gas companies, environmental firms, etc. to utilize a complete drone solution for a specific application─ i.e., land surveying, crop management, inspection, safety, or compliance application – and purchase it on a pay-as-you-go basis rather than having to buy the entire drone hardware and software solution. This business model provides cost-effective access to the enhanced productivity benefits and AI capabilities offered by drone technology for speed, improved precision, and elimination of outdated or manual processes. Like Amazon Web Services, where Amazon owns computer equipment platforms, and hires the personnel, with the DaaS model, ZenaDrone owns the drones and hires the pilots, enabling businesses and governments to hire DaaS for services.
Accurate land surveys are essential for the planning, design, and execution of roads, bridges, and building projects for cities, commercial, and residential projects, and are required for legal purposes. ZenaTech is focused on acquiring established land survey engineering firms with an overseeing licensed Surveyor-in-Charge, a valuable designation that takes years to achieve. The use of drones requires FAA licensing and drone expertise, hardware, and software that ZenaDrone will bring to the transaction.
The US Surveying and Mapping Services industry is estimated at
About ZenaTech
ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) (FSE: 49Q) is a technology company specializing in AI drone, Drone as a Service (DaaS), enterprise SaaS and Quantum Computing solutions for mission-critical business applications. Since 2017, the company has leveraged its software development expertise and grown its drone design and manufacturing capabilities through ZenaDrone, to innovate and improve customer inspection, monitoring, safety, security, compliance, and surveying processes. With enterprise software customers using branded solutions in law enforcement, health, government, and industrial sectors, and drones being implemented in these plus agriculture, defense, and logistics sectors, ZenaTech’s portfolio of solutions helps drive exceptional operational efficiencies, accuracy and cost savings. The company operates through seven global offices in North America, Europe, Taiwan, and UAE, and is growing a DaaS business model and global partner network.
About ZenaDrone
ZenaDrone, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZenaTech, develops and manufactures autonomous business drone solutions that can incorporate machine learning software, AI, predictive modeling, Quantum Computing, and other software and hardware innovations. Created to revolutionize the hemp farming sector, its specialization has grown to multifunctional drone solutions for industrial surveillance, monitoring, inspection, tracking, process automation and defense applications. Currently, the ZenaDrone 1000 drone is used for crop management applications in agriculture and critical field cargo applications in the defense sector, and the IQ Nano indoor drone is used for inventory management in the warehouse and logistics sectors.
Contacts for more information:
Company, Investors and Media:
Linda Montgomery
Michael Mason
Safe Harbor
This press release and related comments by management of ZenaTech, Inc. include “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws and applicable Canadian securities laws. These forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This forward-looking information relates to future events or future performance of ZenaTech and reflects management’s expectations and projections regarding ZenaTech’s growth, results of operations, performance, and business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by terminology such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “aim”, “seek”, “is/are likely to”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict”, “potential”, “continue” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information in this document includes, but is not limited to ZenaTech’s expectations regarding its revenue, expenses, production, operations, costs, cash flows, and future growth; expectations with respect to future production costs and capacity; ZenaTech's ability to deliver products to the market as currently contemplated, including its drone products including ZenaDrone 1000 and IQ Nano; ZenaTech’s anticipated cash needs and it’s needs for additional financing; ZenaTech’s intention to grow the business and its operations and execution risk; expectations with respect to future operations and costs; the volatility of stock prices and market conditions in the industries in which ZenaTech operates; political, economic, environmental, tax, security, and other risks associated with operating in emerging markets; regulatory risks; unfavorable publicity or consumer perception; difficulty in forecasting industry trends; the ability to hire key personnel; the competitive conditions of the industry and the competitive and business strategies of ZenaTech; ZenaTech’s expected business objectives for the next twelve months; ZenaTech’s ability to obtain additional funds through the sale of equity or debt commitments; investment capital and market share; the ability to complete any contemplated acquisitions; changes in the target markets; market uncertainty; ability to access additional capital, including through the listing of its securities in various jurisdictions; management of growth (plans and timing for expansion); patent infringement; litigation; applicable laws, regulations, and any amendments affecting the business of ZenaTech.

How much does ZenaTech's drone technology aim to address in hurricane damage costs?
What is the market size for US Surveying and Mapping Services that ZENA is targeting?
How many land survey companies has ZENA acquired in the Southeast region as of January 2025?
What is ZenaTech's Sky Traffic project and how will it use AI drone swarms?