ZenaTech Announces Second Land Survey Acquisition With a Signed LOI, Bringing Drone-as-a-Service Innovation to a US $10.3 Billion Industry

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ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) has signed a second Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire a land survey company in the Southern US, advancing its Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) strategy in the $10.3 billion US Surveying and Mapping Services industry. This follows a previous acquisition announcement in the Southeast US region.

The company aims to revolutionize traditional land surveying through AI drone solutions, offering subscription-based or pay-as-you-go services. Using drones equipped with sensors, cameras, LiDAR, and GPS systems, aerial data can be collected and analyzed within hours instead of weeks or months.

ZenaTech is currently negotiating over 20 potential acquisitions, targeting smaller land survey engineering firms with established client networks and licensed surveyors. The DaaS model will serve various sectors including governments, farmers, oil and gas companies, warehouse and logistics customers, and environmental firms.

ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) ha firmato una seconda Lettera di Intenti (LOI) per acquisire un'azienda di rilevamento del territorio nel sud degli Stati Uniti, avanzando la propria strategia di Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) nell'industria dei Servizi di Rilevamento e Mappatura del valore di 10,3 miliardi di dollari. Questo segue un precedente annuncio di acquisizione nella regione del sud-est degli Stati Uniti.

L'azienda punta a rivoluzionare il rilevamento tradizionale del territorio tramite soluzioni di droni dotate di intelligenza artificiale, offrendo servizi basati su abbonamento o pay-as-you-go. Utilizzando droni equipaggiati con sensori, telecamere, LiDAR e sistemi GPS, i dati aerei possono essere raccolti e analizzati in poche ore anziché in settimane o mesi.

ZenaTech sta attualmente trattando oltre 20 acquisizioni potenziali, mirando a piccole aziende di ingegneria del rilevamento del territorio con reti di clienti consolidate e geometri autorizzati. Il modello DaaS servirà vari settori, tra cui governi, agricoltori, aziende petrolifere e del gas, clienti nel settore magazzino e logistica, e aziende ambientali.

ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) ha firmado una segunda Carta de Intención (LOI) para adquirir una empresa de topografía en el sur de EE. UU., avanzando en su estrategia de Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) en la industria de Servicios de Topografía y Mapeo valorada en 10.3 mil millones de dólares. Esto sigue a un anuncio previo de adquisición en la región del sureste de EE. UU.

La empresa tiene como objetivo revolucionar la topografía tradicional a través de soluciones de drones con IA, ofreciendo servicios basados en suscripción o pago por uso. Utilizando drones equipados con sensores, cámaras, LiDAR y sistemas GPS, los datos aéreos pueden ser recolectados y analizados en cuestión de horas en lugar de semanas o meses.

ZenaTech está actualmente negociando más de 20 adquisiciones potenciales, enfocándose en pequeñas empresas de ingeniería de topografía con redes de clientes establecidas y topógrafos autorizados. El modelo DaaS atenderá a varios sectores, incluidos gobiernos, agricultores, empresas de petróleo y gas, clientes de almacenes y logística, y empresas ambientales.

ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA)는 미국 남부에 있는 토지 측량 회사를 인수하기 위해 두 번째 의향서(LOI)를 체결하여, 103억 달러 규모의 미국 측량 및 매핑 서비스 산업에서 Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) 전략을 진전시키고 있습니다. 이는 미국 남동부 지역에서의 이전 인수 발표에 이어지는 것입니다.

회사는 AI 드론 솔루션을 통해 전통적인 토지 측량을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 하며, 구독 기반 또는 사용량에 따라 지불하는 서비스를 제공합니다. 센서, 카메라, LiDAR 및 GPS 시스템이 장착된 드론을 사용하여 공중 데이터를 몇 주 또는 몇 달이 아닌 몇 시간 내에 수집하고 분석할 수 있습니다.

ZenaTech은 현재 20개 이상의 잠재적 인수를 협상 중이며, 고객 네트워크가 확립된 소규모 토지 측량 엔지니어링 회사와 면허가 있는 측량사를 목표로 하고 있습니다. DaaS 모델은 정부, 농부, 석유 및 가스 회사, 창고 및 물류 고객, 환경 회사 등 다양한 분야에 서비스를 제공할 것입니다.

ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) a signé une deuxième Lettre d'Intention (LOI) pour acquérir une société de géomètres dans le sud des États-Unis, faisant avancer sa stratégie de Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) dans l'industrie des Services de Géomètre et de Cartographie, qui pèse 10,3 milliards de dollars. Cela fait suite à une annonce d'acquisition précédente dans la région du sud-est des États-Unis.

L'entreprise vise à révolutionner le relevé traditionnel grâce à des solutions de drones alimentées par l'IA, offrant des services basés sur l'abonnement ou à la demande. En utilisant des drones équipés de capteurs, de caméras, de LiDAR et de systèmes GPS, des données aériennes peuvent être collectées et analysées en quelques heures au lieu de semaines ou de mois.

ZenaTech négocie actuellement plus de 20 acquisitions potentielles, ciblant de petites entreprises d'ingénierie de relevé avec des réseaux de clients établis et des géomètres agréés. Le modèle DaaS servira divers secteurs, y compris les gouvernements, les agriculteurs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières, les clients logistiques et d'entrepôt, ainsi que les entreprises environnementales.

ZenaTech (NASDAQ: ZENA) hat einen zweiten Absichtserklärung (LOI) unterzeichnet, um ein landvermessungsunternehmen im Süden der USA zu erwerben, und somit seine Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS)-Strategie in der 10,3 Milliarden Dollar schweren US-Branche für Vermessungs- und Mapping-Services voranzutreiben. Dies folgt auf eine vorherige Bekanntgabe einer Übernahme in der Region Südost-USA.

Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, die traditionelle Landvermessung durch KI-Drone-Lösungen zu revolutionieren und bietet abonnementsbasierte oder nutzungsabhängige Dienste an. Mit Drohnen, die mit Sensoren, Kameras, LiDAR und GPS-Systemen ausgestattet sind, können Luftdaten innerhalb von Stunden statt Wochen oder Monaten erfasst und analysiert werden.

ZenaTech führt derzeit Verhandlungen über mehr als 20 potenzielle Übernahmen und zielt auf kleinere Vermessungsingenieurbüros mit etablierten Kunden-Netzwerken und lizenzierten Vermessungsingenieuren ab. Das DaaS-Modell wird verschiedene Sektoren bedienen, darunter Regierungen, Landwirte, Öl- und Gasunternehmen sowie Kunden aus Lager- und Logistikbereichen und Umweltunternehmen.

  • None.
  • None.

TORONTO, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZenaTech, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZENA) (FSE: 49Q) ("ZenaTech"), a technology company specializing in AI (Artificial Intelligence) drone solutions and enterprise SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions, announces today that it has signed a second land survey acquisition LOI (Letter of Intent) to acquire an additional land survey company. This is part of a larger acquisition strategy to disrupt the land survey business and other industries, by accelerating the innovation, speed and precision benefits achieved by using AI drones. The signed agreement is with an established land survey engineering firm located in the Southern area of the US, adding another potential acquisition to the one previously announced in the Southeast US region, adding to the roll out of ZenaTech’s Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) business in the US.

“This signed LOI to acquire a second US land survey company will further expedite our DaaS strategy to bring AI drone hardware, software, and expertise to innovate and improve the operations of many traditional business verticals. We are currently working through negotiations on a pipeline of over 20 acquisitions. It is exciting to have the opportunity to be the first drone company to launch a DaaS business model at scale, adding the potential for significant revenue in the US and globally,” said CEO Shaun Passley, Ph.D.

Drone-as-a-Service, like Software-as-a-Service, is a subscription-based or pay-as-you-go service model where business users can benefit from the efficiencies of using a drone solution in their business for a variety of applications from surveillance, and inspection, to compliance and safety and specific industry applications, on a regular or periodic basis instead of having to buy or physically own the hardware, software and acquire the expertise needed to implement. Companies in a variety of verticals like the land survey industry, where drones are just starting to be regularly used, can benefit from the innovation, speed, and precision of drones while saving on having to make a costly investment and qualifying for the US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and other regulatory and pilot certifications that are required.

The US Surveying and Mapping Services industry is estimated at $10.3 billion according to Business Research Insights, growing at least 3% annually. Remotely piloted and autonomous drones with an array of sensors and cameras, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and GPS systems for capturing high-resolution pictures and data are positioned to revolutionize the industry. Aerial data across expansive terrains can be gathered and analyzed in a matter of hours instead of the typical weeks or months required using traditional methods.

Accurate land surveys are essential for the planning, design, and execution of roads, bridges, and building projects for cities, commercial, and residential projects, and are required for legal purposes. ZenaTech is focused on smaller land survey engineering firms with a valuable network of clients and licensed surveyors and a Surveyor-in-Charge, designations that take years to achieve.

ZenaTech’s DaaS business model will target multiple US sectors and customers such as governments, farmers, oil and gas companies, warehouse and logistics customers, and environmental firms, enabling them to utilize a complete drone application using the ZenaDrone 1000 multifunction autonomous drone or the IQ Nano compact indoor/outdoor autonomous drone.

About ZenaTech

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) (FSE: 49Q) is a technology company specializing in AI drone solutions and enterprise SaaS solutions for mission-critical business applications. Since 2017, the company has leveraged its software development expertise and grown its drone design and manufacturing capabilities through ZenaDrone, to innovate and improve customer inspection, monitoring, safety, security, compliance, and field service processes. With over 100 enterprise software customers using branded solutions in law enforcement, government, and industrial sectors, and drones being implemented in these plus agriculture, defense, and logistics sectors, ZenaTech’s portfolio of solutions helps drive exceptional operational efficiencies and cost savings. The company operates through six offices in North America, Europe, and UAE, and a growing global partner network.

About ZenaDrone

ZenaDrone, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZenaTech, develops and manufactures autonomous business drone solutions that can incorporate machine learning software, AI, predictive modeling, and other software and hardware innovations. Created to revolutionize the hemp farming sector, its specialization has evolved to multifunctional drone solutions for industrial surveillance, monitoring, inspection, tracking, and process automation applications. Currently, the ZenaDrone 1000 drone is used for crop management applications in agriculture and critical field cargo applications in the defense sector, and the IQ Nano indoor drone is used for inventory management in the warehouse and logistics sectors.

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Contacts for more information:

Company, Investors and Media:
Linda Montgomery

Michael Mason

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This press release and related comments by management of ZenaTech, Inc. include “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws and applicable Canadian securities laws. These forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This forward-looking information relates to future events or future performance of ZenaTech and reflects management’s expectations and projections regarding ZenaTech’s growth, results of operations, performance, and business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by terminology such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “aim”, “seek”, “is/are likely to”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict”, “potential”, “continue” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology intended to identify forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking information in this document includes, but is not limited to ZenaTech’s expectations regarding its revenue, expenses, production, operations, costs, cash flows, and future growth; expectations with respect to future production costs and capacity; ZenaTech's ability to deliver products to the market as currently contemplated, including its drone products including ZenaDrone 1000 and IQ Nano; ZenaTech’s anticipated cash needs and it’s needs for additional financing; ZenaTech’s intention to grow the business and its operations and execution risk; expectations with respect to future operations and costs; the volatility of stock prices and market conditions in the industries in which ZenaTech operates; political, economic, environmental, tax, security, and other risks associated with operating in emerging markets; regulatory risks; unfavorable publicity or consumer perception; difficulty in forecasting industry trends; the ability to hire key personnel; the competitive conditions of the industry and the competitive and business strategies of ZenaTech; ZenaTech’s expected business objectives for the next twelve months; ZenaTech’s ability to obtain additional funds through the sale of equity or debt commitments; investment capital and market share; the ability to complete any contemplated acquisitions; changes in the target markets; market uncertainty; ability to access additional capital, including through the listing of its securities in various jurisdictions; management of growth (plans and timing for expansion); patent infringement; litigation; applicable laws, regulations, and any amendments affecting the business of ZenaTech.

Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the management of ZenaTech in light of its experience and understanding of historical trends and current conditions and other factors management believes are appropriate to consider, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Although ZenaTech’s management believes that the assumptions underlying these statements are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect, and actual results may vary materially from the forward-looking information presented. Given these risks and uncertainties underlying the assumptions made, prospective purchasers of ZenaTech’s securities should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and, except as required by applicable law, ZenaTech undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on ZenaTech’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential investors should read this document with the understanding that ZenaTech’s actual future results may be materially different from what is currently anticipated.


What is ZenaTech's latest acquisition target announced in December 2024?

ZenaTech (ZENA) announced signing a Letter of Intent to acquire a land survey company in the Southern US, marking their second such acquisition target.

How large is the US Surveying and Mapping Services market that ZenaTech is targeting?

According to Business Research Insights, the US Surveying and Mapping Services industry is valued at $10.3 billion and growing at least 3% annually.

What is ZenaTech's Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) business model?

ZenaTech's DaaS is a subscription-based or pay-as-you-go service model where businesses can use drone solutions without having to purchase hardware, software, or acquire expertise and certifications.

How many potential acquisitions is ZenaTech (ZENA) currently negotiating?

ZenaTech is currently working through negotiations on a pipeline of over 20 acquisitions.
ZenaTech, Inc.


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