ZenaTech Announces FAA Approval for Evaluation, Testing, and Demonstration of ZenaDrone Drone Solutions in the US

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ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) announced that its subsidiary, ZenaDrone, has received FAA approval for visual line-of-sight commercial applications and data collection in the United States. This exemption allows for live testing, evaluation, and demonstration of the ZenaDrone 1000 product with US-based partners and potential customers, including at drone tradeshows and exhibit events.

CEO Dr. Shaun Passley emphasized the importance of this milestone for refining drone solutions, distribution, and manufacturing plans in the US. The approval also supports ZenaDrone's joint venture with Night Sun, a Native American , to develop drone applications for search and rescue, firefighting, cargo delivery, and land surveying.

The ZenaDrone 1000 is an autonomous drone designed for stable flight, maneuverability, and heavy lift capabilities. It incorporates AI, sensors, and purpose-built attachments for industrial use. The drone is currently used by farmers in Ireland for smart farming and has been piloted with the US military for delivering temperature-controlled critical medical supplies.

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) ha annunciato che la sua filiale, ZenaDrone, ha ricevuto l'approvazione della FAA per applicazioni commerciali in visuale diretta e raccolta dati negli Stati Uniti. Questa esenzione consente test dal vivo, valutazioni e dimostrazioni del prodotto ZenaDrone 1000 con partner e clienti potenziali statunitensi, inclusi mostre e eventi espositivi sui droni.

Il CEO Dr. Shaun Passley ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo traguardo per perfezionare soluzioni dronistiche, piani di distribuzione e produzione negli Stati Uniti. L'approvazione supporta inoltre la joint venture di ZenaDrone con Night Sun, un'organizzazione nativa americana, per sviluppare applicazioni dronistiche per la ricerca e il soccorso, la lotta contro gli incendi, la consegna di merci e il rilievo territoriale.

Lo ZenaDrone 1000 è un droni autonomi progettato per un volo stabile, manovrabilità e capacità di sollevamento pesante. Integra intelligenza artificiale, sensori e attrezzature specifiche per l'uso industriale. Attualmente, il drone è utilizzato da agricoltori in Irlanda per l'agricoltura intelligente ed è stato testato con l'esercito statunitense per la consegna di forniture mediche critiche a temperatura controllata.

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) anunció que su filial, ZenaDrone, ha recibido la aprobación de la FAA para aplicaciones comerciales de línea de vista visual y recopilación de datos en los Estados Unidos. Esta exención permite pruebas en vivo, evaluación y demostración del producto ZenaDrone 1000 con socios y clientes potenciales en EE. UU., incluyendo en ferias comerciales de drones y eventos de exhibición.

El CEO Dr. Shaun Passley enfatizó la importancia de este hito para refinar soluciones de drones, planes de distribución y fabricación en EE. UU. La aprobación también apoya la empresa conjunta de ZenaDrone con Night Sun, una organización nativa americana, para desarrollar aplicaciones de drones para búsqueda y rescate, combate de incendios, entrega de carga y topografía.

El ZenaDrone 1000 es un drone autónomo diseñado para un vuelo estable, maniobrabilidad y capacidades de carga pesada. Incorpora IA, sensores y accesorios diseñados para su uso industrial. Actualmente, el drone es utilizado por agricultores en Irlanda para la agricultura inteligente y ha sido probado con el ejército de EE. UU. para la entrega de suministros médicos críticos controlados por temperatura.

제나테크 (Nasdaq: ZENA)는 자회사인 제나드론이 미국에서 시각적 선상의 상업적 응용 및 데이터 수집에 대해 FAA 승인을 받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 면허는 미국 내 파트너 및 잠재 고객과 함께 ZenaDrone 1000 제품의 실시간 테스트, 평가 및 시연을 허용합니다. 여기에는 드론 박람회 및 전시 행사도 포함됩니다.

CEO인 Dr. Shaun Passley는 이 이정표가 드론 솔루션, 유통 및 제조 계획을 다듬는 데 얼마나 중요한지를 강조했습니다. 이 승인 또한 드론 응용 프로그램을 개발하기 위한 ZenaDrone과 나이트 선이라는 미국 원주민과의 합작 투자도 지원합니다. 이 응용 프로그램은 수색 및 구조, 화재 진압, 화물 배송 및 토지 측량을 포함합니다.

ZenaDrone 1000은 안정적인 비행, 기동성 및 대형 화물 운반 능력을 위해 설계된 자율 드론입니다. 산업 용도로 사용되는 AI, 센서 및 맞춤형 장착 장치가 통합되어 있습니다. 이 드론은 현재 아일랜드의 농부들에 의해 스마트 농업에 사용되고 있으며, 미국 군대와 함께 온도 조절이 가능한 중요한 의료 물자의 배송을 위해 테스트되었습니다.

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) a annoncé que sa filiale, ZenaDrone, a reçu l'approbation de la FAA pour des applications commerciales en ligne de vue et la collecte de données aux États-Unis. Cette exonération permet des tests en direct, des évaluations et des démonstrations du produit ZenaDrone 1000 avec des partenaires et clients potentiels basés aux États-Unis, y compris lors de foires commerciales et d'événements d'exposition de drones.

Le PDG Dr. Shaun Passley a souligné l'importance de cette étape pour perfectionner les solutions de drones, les plans de distribution et de fabrication aux États-Unis. L'approbation soutient également le partenariat de ZenaDrone avec Night Sun, un Amérindien, pour développer des applications de drones pour la recherche et le sauvetage, la lutte contre les incendies, la livraison de biens et l'arpentage des terres.

Le ZenaDrone 1000 est un drone autonome conçu pour un vol stable, une maniabilité et des capacités de levage lourdes. Il intègre l'IA, des capteurs et des accessoires conçus pour un usage industriel. Ce drone est actuellement utilisé par des agriculteurs en Irlande pour l'agriculture intelligente et a été testé avec l'armée américaine pour la livraison de fournitures médicales critiques à température contrôlée.

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) hat bekannt gegeben, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft ZenaDrone FAA-Zulassung für kommerzielle Anwendungen in Sichtweite und Datenerfassung in den Vereinigten Staaten erhalten hat. Diese Genehmigung ermöglicht lebensnahe Tests, Bewertungen und Demonstrationen des Produkts ZenaDrone 1000 mit US-amerikanischen Partnern und potenziellen Kunden, auch auf Drohnen-Messen und Ausstellungsevents.

CEO Dr. Shaun Passley betonte die Bedeutung dieses Meilensteins zur Verfeinerung von Drohnenlösungen, Vertriebs- und Produktionsplänen in den USA. Die Genehmigung unterstützt auch das Joint Venture von ZenaDrone mit Night Sun, einem amerikanischen Ureinwohner, um Drohnenanwendungen für Such- und Rettungsaktionen, Brandbekämpfung, Frachtlieferungen und Landvermessung zu entwickeln.

Das ZenaDrone 1000 ist eine autonome Drohne, die für stabilen Flug, Manövrierfähigkeit und schwere Traglastfähigkeiten konzipiert ist. Sie nutzt KI, Sensoren und maßgeschneiderte Anhänge für industrielle Anwendungen. Die Drohne wird derzeit von Landwirten in Irland für Smart Farming verwendet und wurde mit dem US-Militär getestet, um temperaturkontrollierte kritische medizinische Lieferungen zu liefern.

  • FAA approval for commercial applications and data collection in the US
  • Ability to conduct live testing, evaluation, and demonstration with US-based partners and customers
  • Progress towards building flight hours and air-worthiness accreditation
  • Joint venture with Night Sun to develop drone applications for Native American tribes
  • Current use of ZenaDrone 1000 by farmers in Ireland for smart farming
  • Pilot program with US military for critical medical supply delivery
  • None.


The FAA approval for ZenaDrone's visual line-of-sight commercial applications is a significant step forward for ZenaTech. This exemption allows for important real-world testing and demonstrations in the US market, which is essential for refining their drone solutions and building credibility. The ability to accumulate flight hours and work towards air-worthiness accreditation is vital for market penetration.

The ZenaDrone 1000's versatility, with applications in agriculture, defense and logistics, positions it well in the growing commercial drone market. Its autonomous capabilities, AI integration and industrial-grade design address key needs in these sectors. The existing use case in Irish agriculture and pilot testing with the US military for medical supply delivery demonstrate practical applications and market readiness.

However, investors should note that while this approval is promising, it's just one step in a highly regulated industry. The company will need to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and compete in a rapidly evolving market. The joint venture with Night Sun could provide a unique market entry strategy, but execution and scalability will be critical factors to watch.

TORONTO, Ontario, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZenaTech, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZENA) ("ZenaTech"), a technology company specializing in AI (Artificial Intelligence) drone solutions and enterprise SaaS solutions, today announced that its subsidiary company, ZenaDrone, has been granted an exemption by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) for visual line-of-sight commercial applications and data collection in the United States, subject to specified conditions and limitations. This approval enables live testing and evaluation of the ZenaDrone 1000 product with US-based partners and potential customers, and live demonstration of the product’s capabilities may commence at US drone tradeshow and exhibit events.

“This is an important milestone and central to our work with US-based customers and partners as we refine our drone solutions, distribution, and manufacturing plans in the US,” said CEO, Dr. Shaun Passley Ph.D. “It is also a step towards building our flight hours, air-worthiness accreditation, and our overall solution credibility as we continue to perfect new ways to incorporate drones into mission-critical business operations in verticals such as agriculture, defense, and logistics.

"Last year, ZenaDrone signed a joint venture agreement with Night Sun, a Native American Corporation that plans to manufacture and sell drones for use by Native American tribes across the US. This FAA approval enables us to start our work developing and testing our drone applications for search and rescue, firefighting, cargo delivery, and land surveying with this partner," concluded Dr. Passley.

The ZenaDrone 1000 is an autonomous drone product designed for stable flight, maneuverability, heavy lift capabilities, incorporating innovative software technology, AI, sensors, and purpose-built attachments, along with compact and rugged hardware engineered for industrial use. Currently, it is in use by farmers in Ireland enabling smart farming, plant tracking, and crop management, and it has been piloted in the field with the US military for delivery of temperature-controlled critical medical supplies.

About ZenaTech

ZenaTech (Nasdaq: ZENA) is a technology company specializing in AI drone solutions and enterprise SaaS solutions for mission-critical business applications. Since 2017, the company has leveraged its software development expertise and grown its drone design and manufacturing capabilities through ZenaDrone, to innovate and improve customer inspection, monitoring, safety, security, compliance, and field service processes. With over 100 enterprise software customers using our branded solutions in law enforcement, government, and industrial sectors, and drones being implemented in these plus agriculture, defense, and logistics sectors, ZenaTech helps drive exceptional operational efficiencies and cost savings. The company operates through six offices in North America, Europe, and UAE, and a growing global partner network.

About ZenaDrone

ZenaDrone, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZenaTech, develops and manufactures autonomous business drone solutions that can incorporate machine learning software, AI, predictive modeling, and other software and hardware innovations. Created to revolutionize the hemp farming sector, its specialization has evolved to multifunctional drone solutions for industrial surveillance, monitoring, inspection, tracking, and process automation, utilizing the ZenaDrone 1000 drone and the IQ series of indoor drone products.

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Linda Montgomery

Michael Mason

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This press release and related comments by management of ZenaTech, Inc. include “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws and applicable Canadian securities laws. These forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  This forward-looking information relates to future events or future performance of ZenaTech and reflects management’s expectations and projections regarding ZenaTech’s growth, results of operations, performance, and business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by terminology such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “aim”, “seek”, “is/are likely to”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict”, “potential”, “continue” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology intended to identify forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking information in this document includes, but is not limited to ZenaTech’s expectations regarding its revenue, expenses, production, operations, costs, cash flows, and future growth; •expectations with respect to future production costs and capacity; the intention to complete the listing of ZenaTech’s common shares on an exchange; the ability to deliver products to the market as currently contemplated; ZenaTech’s expectations regarding its revenue, expenses, and operations; ZenaTech’s anticipated cash needs and it’s needs for additional financing; ZenaTech’s intention to grow the business and its operations and execution risk; expectations with respect to future operations and costs; the volatility of stock prices and market conditions in the industries in which ZenaTech operates; political, economic, environmental, tax, security, and other risks associated with operating in emerging markets; regulatory risks; unfavorable publicity or consumer perception; difficulty in forecasting industry trends; the ability to hire key personnel; the competitive conditions of the industry and the competitive and business strategies of ZenaTech; ZenaTech’s expected business objectives for the next twelve months; ZenaTech’s ability to obtain additional funds through the sale of equity or debt commitments; investment capital and market share; changes in the target markets; market uncertainty; ability to access additional capital; management of growth (plans and timing for expansion); patent infringement; litigation; applicable laws, regulations, and any amendments affecting the business of ZenaTech.

Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the management of ZenaTech in light of its experience and understanding of historical trends and current conditions and other factors management believes are appropriate to consider, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Although ZenaTech’s management believes that the assumptions underlying these statements are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect, and actual results may vary materially from the forward-looking information presented. Given these risks and uncertainties underlying the assumptions made, prospective purchasers of ZenaTech’s securities should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and, except as required by applicable law, ZenaTech undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on ZenaTech’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential investors should read this document with the understanding that ZenaTech’s actual future results may be materially different from what is currently anticipated.


What FAA approval did ZenaTech (ZENA) receive for its ZenaDrone subsidiary?

ZenaTech's subsidiary, ZenaDrone, received FAA approval for visual line-of-sight commercial applications and data collection in the United States, allowing for live testing, evaluation, and demonstration of the ZenaDrone 1000 product.

What are the key features of the ZenaDrone 1000 developed by ZenaTech (ZENA)?

The ZenaDrone 1000 is an autonomous drone designed for stable flight, maneuverability, and heavy lift capabilities. It incorporates AI, sensors, purpose-built attachments, and rugged hardware for industrial use.

What joint venture did ZenaTech (ZENA) sign for drone manufacturing and sales in the US?

ZenaTech signed a joint venture agreement with Night Sun, a Native American , to manufacture and sell drones for use by Native American tribes across the US, focusing on applications such as search and rescue, firefighting, cargo delivery, and land surveying.

Where is the ZenaDrone 1000 currently being used, according to ZenaTech's (ZENA) announcement?

The ZenaDrone 1000 is currently being used by farmers in Ireland for smart farming, plant tracking, and crop management. It has also been piloted with the US military for delivering temperature-controlled critical medical supplies.

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