Zefiro and Fiùtur to Create Digital Lifecycle Solution for Environmental Markets with Expected Q4 2024 Launch

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Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) has partnered with Fiùtur to create the 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution', set to launch in Q4 2024. This collaboration aims to digitize Zefiro's operations, enhancing transparency in environmental markets. The solution will utilize Fiùtur's SMART Data Governance Framework to address challenges in voluntary carbon markets.

Key aspects include:

  • Digital data collection from field operations
  • Transparent quantification of emissions removal data
  • Advanced analytics for targeting leaking wells
  • Interoperability with emerging network tools

Zefiro has also invested in Fiùtur's Series A round, demonstrating commitment to the partnership. Additionally, Zefiro has retained CDMG for a two-month advertising and marketing contract worth USD $300,000.

Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) ha stretto una partnership con Fiùtur per creare il 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution', che sarà lanciato nel quarto trimestre del 2024. Questa collaborazione mira a digitalizzare le operazioni di Zefiro, migliorando la trasparenza nei mercati ambientali. La soluzione utilizzerà il Framework di Governance dei Dati SMART di Fiùtur per affrontare le sfide nei mercati del carbonio volontari.

Gli aspetti chiave includono:

  • Raccolta di dati digitali dalle operazioni sul campo
  • Quantificazione trasparente dei dati di rimozione delle emissioni
  • Analisi avanzate per individuare pozzi perdenti
  • Interoperabilità con strumenti di rete emergenti

Zefiro ha anche investito nel round di finanziamento di Serie A di Fiùtur, dimostrando il suo impegno verso la partnership. Inoltre, Zefiro ha ingaggiato CDMG per un contratto di pubblicità e marketing di due mesi del valore di 300.000 USD.

Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) se ha asociado con Fiùtur para crear la 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution', que se lanzará en el cuarto trimestre de 2024. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo digitalizar las operaciones de Zefiro, mejorando la transparencia en los mercados ambientales. La solución utilizará el Marco de Gobernanza de Datos SMART de Fiùtur para abordar los desafíos en los mercados de carbono voluntarios.

Los aspectos clave incluyen:

  • Recopilación de datos digitales de las operaciones de campo
  • Cuantificación transparente de los datos de eliminación de emisiones
  • Análisis avanzados para identificar pozos con fugas
  • Interoperabilidad con herramientas de red emergentes

Zefiro también ha invertido en la ronda de financiamiento Serie A de Fiùtur, demostrando su compromiso con la asociación. Además, Zefiro ha contratado a CDMG para un contrato de publicidad y marketing de dos meses por un valor de 300,000 USD.

제피로 메탄 주식회사 (ZEFIF)는 Fiùtur와 협력하여 '제피로 생애주기 솔루션'을 만들었습니다. 이 솔루션은 2024년 4분기에 출시될 예정입니다. 이 협력은 제피로의 운영을 디지털화하고 환경 시장의 투명성을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 솔루션은 Fiùtur의 SMART 데이터 거버넌스 프레임워크를 활용하여 자발적인 탄소 시장에서의 문제를 해결할 것입니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 현장 운영에서 디지털 데이터 수집
  • 배출 제거 데이터의 투명한 정량화
  • 유출 우물을 목표로 한 고급 분석
  • 신규 네트워크 도구와의 상호 운용성

제피로는 또한 Fiùtur의 시리즈 A 자금 조달에 투자하여 파트너십에 대한 의지를 보여주었습니다. 추가로 제피로는 30만 달러 규모의 2개월 광고 및 마케팅 계약을 위해 CDMG를 retained했습니다.

Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) a noué un partenariat avec Fiùtur pour créer la 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution', qui sera lancée au quatrième trimestre 2024. Cette collaboration vise à numériser les opérations de Zefiro, améliorant ainsi la transparence sur les marchés environnementaux. La solution utilisera le Cadre de Gouvernance des Données SMART de Fiùtur pour relever les défis des marchés de carbone volontaires.

Les aspects clés incluent :

  • Collecte de données numériques à partir des opérations sur le terrain
  • Quantification transparente des données de suppression des émissions
  • Analyses avancées pour cibler les puits perdants
  • Interopérabilité avec les outils de réseau émergents

Zefiro a également investi dans la levée de fonds de Série A de Fiùtur, démontrant son engagement envers le partenariat. De plus, Zefiro a retenu CDMG pour un contrat de publicité et de marketing de deux mois d'un montant de 300 000 USD.

Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) hat sich mit Fiùtur zusammengeschlossen, um die 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution' zu entwickeln, die im vierten Quartal 2024 auf den Markt kommen soll. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Abläufe von Zefiro zu digitalisieren und die Transparenz in den Umweltmärkten zu erhöhen. Die Lösung wird das SMART Data Governance Framework von Fiùtur nutzen, um Herausforderungen in den freiwilligen Kohlenstoffmärkten zu bewältigen.

Wichtige Aspekte sind:

  • Digitale Datenerfassung aus den Feldoperationen
  • Transparente Quantifizierung von Emissionsentfernungsdaten
  • Fortgeschrittene Analysen zur Zielgerichtetheit von undichten Bohrlöchern
  • Interoperabilität mit aufkommenden Netzwerkinstrumenten

Zefiro hat auch in die Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde von Fiùtur investiert und damit sein Engagement für die Partnerschaft unter Beweis gestellt. Darüber hinaus hat Zefiro CDMG für einen zwei Monate dauernden Werbe- und Marketingvertrag im Wert von 300.000 USD engagiert.

  • Strategic partnership with Fiùtur to enhance data transparency and integrity in carbon markets
  • Launch of 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution' expected in Q4 2024
  • Investment in Fiùtur's Series A round, indicating confidence in the collaboration
  • Potential for reduced operational costs and cycle time through advanced analytics
  • USD $300,000 expense for a two-month marketing contract with CDMG

Zefiro is partnering with Fiùtur to create the “Zefiro Lifecycle Solution” to accelerate and scale its vertically integrated business model through end-to-end digitization of its operations and production, providing unparalleled transparency and productization pathways for the Company going forward.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZEFIRO METHANE CORP. (Cboe Canada: ZEFI) (Frankfurt: Y6B) (OTCQB: ZEFIF) (the “Company”, “Zefiro”, or “ZEFI”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Fiùtur, a digital verification network ecosystem, to accelerate the scalable aggregation, verification, standardization, and delivery of environmental data for carbon credit issuance. Through this partnership, Zefiro aims to address deficiencies in the carbon markets, with respect to auditable data and end-to-end transparency. The partnership combines Zefiro’s deep knowledge in methane measurement and abatement with advanced data-driven screening, operational data capture, and ongoing monitoring to ensure integrity through the generation of immutable, large-scale reference data sets in accordance with Fiùtur’s SMART Data Governance Framework, addressing immediate market challenges in voluntary carbon markets.

Zefiro has entered into a strategic partnership with Fiùtur, which is a digital verification network ecosystem

Zefiro has entered into a strategic partnership with Fiùtur, which is a digital verification network ecosystem

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The Zefiro Lifecycle Solution will harness the interoperability of Fiùtur’s SMART ID enabled partner ecosystem to create “digital lineage” between real-world data collection in its field operations, including wellhead-level leak readings and transparent quantification of emissions removal data from completed projects to support the issuance and delivery of transferable claims, including offsets, insets and data products, via institutional-level distribution channels enabled by Fiùtur. By collecting this data digitally, Zefiro will also be able to perform advanced analytics to target leaking wells, and reduce operational costs as well as cycle time.

The partnership embraces the immediate need for transparency and integrity in environmental markets while also acknowledging the vast potential of interoperability with emerging network tools such as Xpansiv Connect and the Canton network.

Zefiro Founder and CEO Talal Debs commented, “Institutions face significant barriers to accessing verifiable and high-quality environmental solutions, including emission offsets. Zefiro seeks to overcome these barriers as a means to accomplish our mission: solving the environmental challenge of abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells and the methane they emit. Data limitations are a major problem for these markets today. Fiùtur’s highly sophisticated platform will help ensure that Zefiro embeds the rich digital data, and provenance, that institutional markets increasingly demand. As a result, we see Fiùtur as a thought leader and a key ally. We expect this step will enable Zefiro to deliver more high-quality environmental contract volumes to our existing customer base as well as to open up numerous new buyers and delivery channels.”

As part of this strategic partnership, Zefiro has invested in Fiùtur’s Series A round, underscoring the potential of this collaboration to drive substantial progress for Zefiro’s environmental remediation services.

Fiùtur CEO Joe Madden commented, “We have drawn on years of unique experience across a multi-disciplinary team to create the technology, ecosystem, and governance necessary for market participants and technology providers to interact and build demand-driven products for the transition economy across sectors. Zefiro’s vision of a digital future and their unique commercial approach are poised to elevate these markets to new levels of scale and integrity.”

The Zefiro Lifecycle Solution is set to launch in Q4 2024.

More information about Fiùtur can be found on its website:

Zefiro also announces that it has retained CDMG, Inc. ("CDMG") of Nashville, Tennessee to provide advertising and marketing services. The two-month contract provides for total payment of USD $300,000.

Reporters/Media: For any questions or to arrange an interview with Dr. Debs or Mr. Madden, please contact Rich Myers of Profile Advisors (New York City) by email at or by telephone at +1 (347) 774-1125.

About Fiùtur

Fiùtur is a digital verification network ecosystem and has developed an open architecture to enable the programmatic encoding of governance and commercial terms across transparent, digitally enforced and automated measurement, reporting and verification (dMRV) protocols. The platform enables an ecosystem of market participants to deliver provable, real-world outcomes to global markets. The Fiùtur ecosystem incorporates financial institutions and other capital providers, proprietary and public data sources, insurers, technical firms, certification bodies, industry players, project developers, environmental-commodity registries and markets, corporates, and a myriad of others. To find out more about Fiùtur, please visit

About Zefiro Methane Corp.

Zefiro is an environmental services company, specializing in methane abatement. Zefiro strives to be a key commercial force towards Active Sustainability. Leveraging decades of operational expertise, Zefiro is building a new toolkit to clean up air, land, and water sources directly impacted by methane leaks. The Company has built a fully integrated ground operation driven by an innovative monetization solution for the emerging methane abatement marketplace. As an originator of high-quality U.S.-based methane offsets, Zefiro aims to generate long-term economic, environmental, and social returns.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company,


“Talal Debs”

Talal Debs, Founder & CEO

For further information, please contact:

Zefiro Investor Relations
1 (800) 274-ZEFI (274-9334)

For media inquiries, please contact:

Rich Myers - Profile Advisors (New York)
+1 (347) 774-1125

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as “seeks”, “believes”, “plans”, “expects”, “intends”, “estimates”, “anticipates” and statements that an event or result “may”, “will”, “should”, “could” or “might” occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking information including statements regarding: the Company’s intention to reduce emissions from end-of-life oil and gas wells and eliminate methane gas; the Company’s partnerships with industry operators, state agencies, and federal governments; the Company’s expectations for continued increases in revenues and EBITDA growth as a result of these partnerships; the Company’s intentions to build out its presence in the United States; the anticipated federal funding for orphaned well site plugging, remediation and restoring activities; the Company’s expectations to become a growing environmental services company; the Company’s ability to provide institutional and retail investors alike with the opportunity to join the Active Sustainability movement; the Company’s ability to generate long-term economic, environmental, and social returns; and other statements regarding the Company’s business and the industry in which the Company operates. The forward-looking information reflects management’s current expectations based on information currently available and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that may cause outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking information. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed timeframes or at all. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: (i) adverse general market and economic conditions; (ii) changes to and price and volume volatility in the carbon market; (iii) changes to the regulatory landscape and global policies applicable to the Company's business; (iv) failure to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals; and (v) other risk factors set forth in its Prospectus dated April 8, 2024 under the heading “Risk Factors”. The Company operates in a rapidly evolving environment where technologies are in the early stage of adoption. New risk factors emerge from time to time, and it is impossible for the Company’s management to predict all risk factors, nor can the Company assess the impact of all factors on Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ from those contained in any forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including, but not limited to, the assumption that general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The forward-looking information included in this news release is made as of the date of this news release and the Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Statement Regarding Third-Party Investor Relations Firms

Disclosures relating to investor relations firms retained by Zefiro Methane Corp. can be found under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution' announced by Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF)?

The 'Zefiro Lifecycle Solution' is a digital platform created in partnership with Fiùtur, aimed at digitizing Zefiro's operations and enhancing transparency in environmental markets. It's set to launch in Q4 2024.

How will the partnership between Zefiro (ZEFIF) and Fiùtur impact carbon markets?

The partnership aims to address deficiencies in carbon markets by providing auditable data and end-to-end transparency, using Fiùtur's SMART Data Governance Framework to ensure integrity in voluntary carbon markets.

What are the expected benefits of the Zefiro Lifecycle Solution for Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF)?

The solution is expected to enable advanced analytics for targeting leaking wells, reduce operational costs, decrease cycle time, and potentially open up new buyers and delivery channels for Zefiro's environmental contract volumes.

Has Zefiro Methane Corp. (ZEFIF) made any investments related to this partnership?

Yes, Zefiro has invested in Fiùtur's Series A funding round, demonstrating its commitment to the partnership and confidence in its potential.



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