Zoned Properties Plans Continued Portfolio Expansion with New Ohio License Awards to Multi State Operator Clients, Enhancing Growth Prospects

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Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY) announces plans for portfolio expansion with five new properties secured in Ohio, following the state's award of new adult-use cannabis licenses. The company strategically sourced sites across Ohio, securing properties in key market locations for multi-state operators in major metropolitan areas. These properties have received preliminary approval from the state, pending a 45-day review period before official provisional licenses are issued.

This achievement reflects Zoned Properties' decade-long efforts to build a national reputation and network with leading cannabis dispensary operators. The company is also collaborating with operators in Kentucky and Maryland, expecting further opportunities for portfolio scaling. These recent wins highlight Zoned Properties' value proposition in acquiring value-add real estate with compelling investment return opportunities in the emerging cannabis industry.

Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY) annuncia piani per un ampliamento del portafoglio con cinque nuove proprietà assicurate in Ohio, a seguito dell'assegnazione di nuove licenze per l'uso ricreativo della cannabis nello stato. L'azienda ha strategicamente individuato siti in tutto l'Ohio, assicurandosi proprietà in posizioni di mercato chiave per operatori multi-stato in importanti aree metropolitane. Queste proprietà hanno ricevuto un'approvazione preliminare dallo stato, in attesa di un periodo di revisione di 45 giorni prima dell'emissione delle licenze provvisorie ufficiali.

Questo traguardo riflette gli sforzi decennali di Zoned Properties per costruire una reputazione nazionale e creare reti con i principali operatori di dispensari di cannabis. L'azienda sta anche collaborando con operatori del Kentucky e del Maryland, aspettandosi ulteriori opportunità per l'espansione del portafoglio. Questi recenti successi evidenziano la proposta di valore di Zoned Properties nell'acquisire immobili con valore aggiunto con interessanti opportunità di ritorno sugli investimenti nel settore emergete della cannabis.

Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY) anuncia planes para una expansión de su cartera con cinco nuevas propiedades aseguradas en Ohio, tras la concesión de nuevas licencias de cannabis de uso recreativo en el estado. La empresa ha identificado estratégicamente sitios en todo Ohio, asegurando propiedades en ubicaciones clave del mercado para operadores multiestatales en grandes áreas metropolitanas. Estas propiedades han recibido aprobación preliminar del estado, a la espera de un período de revisión de 45 días antes de que se emitan las licencias provisionales oficiales.

Este logro refleja los esfuerzos de una década de Zoned Properties para construir una reputación nacional y establecer contactos con los principales operadores de dispensarios de cannabis. La empresa también está colaborando con operadores en Kentucky y Maryland, anticipando más oportunidades para escalar su cartera. Estas recientes victorias destacan la propuesta de valor de Zoned Properties en la adquisición de bienes raíces de valor agregado con atractivas oportunidades de retorno de inversión en la emergente industria del cannabis.

Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY)는 오하이오주에서 새로운 성인용 대마초 라이센스를 수여받은 후 다섯 개의 새로운 부동산 확보를 통해 포트폴리오 확장 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 오하이오 전역에서 전략적으로 부지를 확보하였으며, 주요 대도시 지역의 다국적 운영자를 위한 핵심 시장 위치에서 부동산을 확보했습니다. 이 부동산은 주정부의 예비 승인을 받았으며, 공식적인 임시 라이센스가 발급되기 전에 45일의 검토 기간을 기다리고 있습니다.

이 성과는 Zoned Properties가 10년 동안 구축해온 국가적 명성과 주요 대마초 판매점 운영자들 간의 네트워크 구축 노력을 반영합니다. 이 회사는 또한 켄터키와 메릴랜드의 운영자들과 협력하고 있으며, 포트폴리오 확장에 대한 추가 기회를 기대하고 있습니다. 이러한 최근의 성과는 급성장하는 대마초 산업에서 가치 추가 부동산 확보와 매력적인 투자 수익 기회에 대한 Zoned Properties의 가치 제안을 강조합니다.

Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY) annonce des plans pour une expansion du portefeuille avec cinq nouvelles propriétés sécurisées dans l'Ohio, suite à l'attribution de nouvelles licences de cannabis à usage adulte dans l'état. L'entreprise a stratégiquement identifié des sites à travers l'Ohio, en sécurisant des propriétés dans des emplacements clés du marché pour opérateurs multi-étatiques dans de grandes zones métropolitaines. Ces propriétés ont reçu une approbation préliminaire de l'état, en attendant une période de révision de 45 jours avant l'émission des licences provisoires officielles.

Ce succès reflète les efforts de Zoned Properties au cours de la dernière décennie pour construire une réputation nationale et établir un réseau avec les principaux opérateurs de dispensaires de cannabis. L'entreprise collabore également avec des opérateurs du Kentucky et du Maryland, anticipant d'autres opportunités pour l'extension du portefeuille. Ces victoires récentes soulignent la proposition de valeur de Zoned Properties dans l'acquisition de biens immobiliers à valeur ajoutée avec des opportunités de retour sur investissement intéressantes dans l'industrie émergente du cannabis.

Zoned Properties (OTCQB:ZDPY) kündigt Pläne zur Erweiterung seines Portfolios an, nachdem fünf neue Immobilien in Ohio gesichert wurden, im Anschluss an die Vergabe neuer Lizenzen für den Freizeitgebrauch von Cannabis im Bundesstaat. Das Unternehmen hat strategisch Standorte in ganz Ohio ausgesucht und Immobilien an Schlüsselstandorten für multi-staatliche Betreiber in großen Ballungsgebieten gesichert. Diese Immobilien haben eine vorläufige Genehmigung vom Staat erhalten, die bevorstehenden 45-tägigen Überprüfungsfrist vor der Ausstellung der offiziellen vorläufigen Lizenzen ausstehend ist.

Dieser Erfolg spiegelt die über ein Jahrzehnt dauernden Bemühungen von Zoned Properties wider, einen nationalen Ruf aufzubauen und ein Netzwerk mit führenden Cannabis-Apothekenbetreibern zu knüpfen. Das Unternehmen kooperiert auch mit Betreibern in Kentucky und Maryland und erwartet weitere Möglichkeiten zur Portfoliosteigerung. Diese jüngsten Erfolge heben das Wertangebot von Zoned Properties bei der Akquisition von wertsteigernden Immobilien mit überzeugenden Investitionsrenditen in der aufstrebenden Cannabis-Industrie hervor.

  • Secured five new properties in Ohio with preliminary approval for adult-use cannabis licenses
  • Partnerships with tier-one multi-state operators in major metropolitan areas
  • Expansion of portfolio into new states (Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland)
  • Strategic positioning for long-term leases with strong cap rates expected post-closing
  • None.
  • Five Properties Secured with Multi-state Operators in Metro Areas

  • Long-Term Leases with Strong Cap Rates Expected Post Closing

SCOTTSDALE, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / Zoned Properties®, Inc. ("Zoned Properties" or the "Company") (OTCQB:ZDPY), a technology-driven property investment company for emerging and highly regulated industries, including legalized cannabis, is thrilled to announce its plans for continued expansion with five new properties secured in Ohio, alongside selected tenants who have been initially awarded new adult-use licenses in the state. Existing medical license holders in Ohio are to be awarded at least one new adult-use location, with some cultivators receiving up to three additional locations.

Within the new adult-use marketplace and awarding of licenses, the State of Ohio conducted a lottery to determine a draft order for Phase I site selection. The first pick could submit a location anywhere in the State, with subsequent picks required to be outside a one-mile radius from the previous selection. The Zoned Properties deal-making team strategically sourced and secured sites across Ohio in key market locations and secured control over these properties to market them to applicant operators. Five of these properties have received preliminary approval by the State of Ohio, featuring tier-one multi-state operators located in major metropolitan areas. The process now enters a 45-day period during which the State looks at additional information regarding the applicants and locations before officially issuing provisional licenses, allowing operators to move forward with development.

This milestone reflects Zoned Properties' decade-long efforts to build a national reputation and network with leading cannabis dispensary operators. The Company is now working with Tier 1 and Tier 2 multi-state operators as a trusted partner to supply real estate for new-state license applications and multi-state expansion strategies.

In addition to Ohio, Zoned Properties is also collaborating with Tier 1 and Tier 2 operators in Kentucky and Maryland, expecting these engagements to provide further opportunities for scaling the portfolio. These recent site location and licensing wins highlight Zoned Properties' value proposition, and the Company's ecosystem of fostering deal flow with top-tier cannabis operators, enabling Zoned Properties to acquire value-add real estate with compelling investment return opportunities.

Management Commentary:

Bryan McLaren, CEO of Zoned Properties, stated, "We are excited to see our strategic efforts bearing fruit as we look to thoughtfully expand our direct-to-consumer real estate portfolio. The trust our clients and prospective tenants place in us to secure premium sites for winning licenses underscores our commitment to supporting the growth of the cannabis industry. We look forward to continuing this momentum and expanding our real estate portfolio with best-in-class operators."

About Zoned Properties, Inc. (OTCQB:ZDPY):

Zoned Properties Inc. ("Zoned Properties" or the "Company") (OTCQB:ZDPY) is a technology-driven property investment company focused on acquiring value-add real estate within the regulated cannabis industry in the United States. The Company aspires to innovate within the real estate development sector, focusing on direct-to-consumer real estate that is leased to the best-in-class cannabis retailers.

Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Zoned Properties is redefining the approach to commercial real estate investment through its standardized investment process backed by its proprietary property technology. Zoned Properties has developed a national ecosystem of real estate services to support its real estate development model, including a commercial real estate brokerage and a real estate advisory practice. With a decade of national experience and a team of experts devoted to the emerging cannabis industry, Zoned Properties is addressing the specific needs of a modern market in highly regulated industries. The Company targets commercial properties that face unique zoning or development challenges, identifies solutions that can potentially have a major impact on their commercial value, and then works to acquire the properties while securing long-term, absolute-net leases.

Zoned Properties targets commercial properties that can be acquired and rezoned for specific purposes, including the regulated and legalized cannabis industry. It does not grow, harvest, sell or distribute cannabis or any substances regulated under United States law such as the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, as amended (the "CSA"). Zoned Properties corporate headquarters are located at 8360 E. Raintree Dr., Suite 230, Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information, call 877-360-8839 or visit


Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "potential," "continue" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements include risks and uncertainties, and there are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors, risks and uncertainties are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors should not place any undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects the Company's current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

Investor Relations

Zoned Properties, Inc.
Bryan McLaren
Tel (877) 360-8839

SOURCE: Zoned Properties, Inc.

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What is Zoned Properties' expansion plan in Ohio for ZDPY stock?

Zoned Properties (ZDPY) has secured five new properties in Ohio, partnering with multi-state operators who have been awarded new adult-use cannabis licenses. These properties are located in major metropolitan areas and have received preliminary approval from the state.

How many new properties has Zoned Properties (ZDPY) secured in Ohio as of July 2024?

As of July 2024, Zoned Properties (ZDPY) has secured five new properties in Ohio that have received preliminary approval for adult-use cannabis licenses.

What is the significance of Zoned Properties' (ZDPY) recent Ohio property acquisitions?

The Ohio property acquisitions represent a significant expansion of Zoned Properties' (ZDPY) portfolio, showcasing their ability to secure strategic locations for top-tier cannabis operators and potentially leading to long-term leases with strong cap rates.

In which other states is Zoned Properties (ZDPY) expanding its operations as of July 2024?

In addition to Ohio, Zoned Properties (ZDPY) is collaborating with operators in Kentucky and Maryland as of July 2024, expecting these engagements to provide further opportunities for scaling their portfolio.



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Real Estate Services
Real Estate
United States of America