YY Group Holdings Limited Successfully Regains NASDAQ Compliance

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YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH) has successfully regained compliance with NASDAQ's Minimum Bid Price Rule, maintaining a stock price above $1.00 for over 12 consecutive business days. This achievement marks a significant recovery from a low of $0.71 two months ago, with the stock rising by over 70% to reach a peak of $1.295 and averaging $1.20 for the past two weeks.

The company attributes this success to strong investor support and market confidence in its vision and business model. CEO Mike Fu expressed gratitude for shareholder trust during this important period. Looking ahead, YYGH is focused on driving sustainable growth through technological advancements and market expansion. Recent developments include positive outcomes in the UAE market, with contracts signed with 5-star hotels like Sofitel Al Hamra and DoubleTree by Hilton, as well as expansion into the European market, starting with the United Kingdom.

YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH) ha riconquistato con successo la conformità alle regole sul prezzo minimo delle azioni della NASDAQ, mantenendo un prezzo delle azioni superiore a 1,00 dollari per oltre 12 giorni lavorativi consecutivi. Questo risultato segna una significativa ripresa da un minimo di 0,71 dollari di due mesi fa, con le azioni che sono aumentate di oltre il 70% raggiungendo un picco di 1,295 dollari e una media di 1,20 dollari nelle ultime due settimane.

L'azienda attribuisce questo successo a un forte supporto da parte degli investitori e alla fiducia del mercato nella sua visione e nel suo modello di business. Il CEO Mike Fu ha espresso gratitudine per la fiducia degli azionisti durante questo importante periodo. Guardando al futuro, YYGH è focalizzata sul promuovere una crescita sostenibile attraverso progressi tecnologici e espansione del mercato. Gli sviluppi recenti includono risultati positivi nel mercato degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, con contratti firmati con hotel a 5 stelle come il Sofitel Al Hamra e il DoubleTree by Hilton, nonché l'espansione nel mercato europeo, a partire dal Regno Unito.

YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH) ha recuperado con éxito el cumplimiento con la regla del precio mínimo de oferta de NASDAQ, manteniendo un precio de acción superior a 1.00 dólares durante más de 12 días hábiles consecutivos. Este logro marca una recuperación significativa desde un mínimo de 0.71 dólares hace dos meses, con la acción aumentando más del 70% hasta alcanzar un pico de 1.295 dólares y promediando 1.20 dólares durante las últimas dos semanas.

La compañía atribuye este éxito al fuerte apoyo de los inversores y la confianza del mercado en su visión y modelo de negocio. El CEO Mike Fu expresó su gratitud por la confianza de los accionistas durante este periodo importante. De cara al futuro, YYGH se centra en impulsar un crecimiento sostenible a través de avances tecnológicos y expansión del mercado. Los desarrollos recientes incluyen resultados positivos en el mercado de los EAU, con contratos firmados con hoteles de 5 estrellas como Sofitel Al Hamra y DoubleTree by Hilton, así como la expansión en el mercado europeo, comenzando por el Reino Unido.

YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH)는 NASDAQ의 최소 외상가격 규정을 성공적으로 재준수하여 12일 연속 영업일 동안 주가를 1.00달러 이상으로 유지하고 있습니다. 이 성과는 두 달 전 0.71달러에서의 낮은 가격에서의 중요한 회복을 나타내며, 주가는 70% 이상 상승하여 1.295달러의 정점에 도달하고 최근 2주간 평균 1.20달러를 기록했습니다.

회사는 이 성공을 강력한 투자자 지원과 시장의 비전 및 비즈니스 모델에 대한 신뢰 덕분으로 보고 있습니다. CEO Mike Fu는 이 중요한 시기에 주주들의 신뢰에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. 앞으로 YYGH는 지속 가능한 성장 추진에 집중하고 있으며, 이는 기술 발전과 시장 확장을 통해 이루어질 것입니다. 최근 개발 사항에는 아랍에미리트 시장에서의 긍정적인 결과가 포함되어 있으며, Sofitel Al Hamra 및 DoubleTree by Hilton과 같은 5성급 호텔과 계약을 체결했으며, 유럽 시장으로의 확장이 시작되었습니다.

YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH) a réussi à retrouver le respect de la règle sur le prix minimum des actions de la NASDAQ, maintenant un prix d'action supérieur à 1,00 $ pendant plus de 12 jours de bourse consécutifs. Cette réalisation marque une reprise significative par rapport à un minimum de 0,71 $ il y a deux mois, le cours de l'action ayant augmenté de plus de 70 % pour atteindre un pic de 1,295 $ et une moyenne de 1,20 $ au cours des deux dernières semaines.

L'entreprise attribue ce succès au fort soutien des investisseurs et à la confiance du marché dans sa vision et son modèle commercial. Le PDG Mike Fu a exprimé sa gratitude pour la confiance des actionnaires durant cette période importante. En regardant vers l'avenir, YYGH se concentre sur le développement d'une croissance durable grâce à des avancées technologiques et à l'expansion du marché. Les développements récents incluent des résultats positifs sur le marché des Émirats Arabes Unis, avec des contrats signés avec des hôtels 5 étoiles comme le Sofitel Al Hamra et le DoubleTree by Hilton, ainsi que l'expansion sur le marché européen, en commençant par le Royaume-Uni.

YY Group Holdings (NASDAQ: YYGH) hat erfolgreich die Einhaltung der NASDAQ-Minimum-Aktionspreisregel wiederhergestellt, indem es den Aktienkurs über 1,00 USD für mehr als 12 aufeinanderfolgende Geschäftstage gehalten hat. Dieser Erfolg markiert eine bedeutende Erholung von einem Tiefstand von 0,71 USD vor zwei Monaten, wobei die Aktien um mehr als 70% gestiegen sind und einen Höchststand von 1,295 USD erreicht sowie in den letzten zwei Wochen einen Durchschnitt von 1,20 USD erzielt haben.

Das Unternehmen schreibt diesen Erfolg einer starken Unterstützung von Investoren und dem Vertrauen des Marktes in seine Vision und sein Geschäftsmodell zu. CEO Mike Fu zeigte sich dankbar für das Vertrauen der Aktionäre in dieser wichtigen Zeit. Ausblickend konzentriert sich YYGH darauf, nachhaltiges Wachstum voranzutreiben durch technologische Fortschritte und Markterweiterung. Zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen zählen positive Ergebnisse im VAE-Markt, mit Verträgen, die mit 5-Sterne-Hotels wie Sofitel Al Hamra und DoubleTree by Hilton unterzeichnet wurden, sowie die Expansion in den europäischen Markt, beginnend mit dem Vereinigten Königreich.

  • Stock price increased by over 70% in the past 60 days
  • Regained compliance with NASDAQ's Minimum Bid Price Rule
  • Expanded into UAE market with contracts signed with 5-star hotels
  • Entered European market, starting with the United Kingdom
  • None.


YY Group Holdings 's successful regaining of NASDAQ compliance is a significant positive development for the company. The stock price increase from $0.71 to an average of $1.20 over the past two weeks represents a 70% gain, indicating renewed investor confidence. This compliance not only prevents potential delisting but also enhances the company's credibility in the market.

The expansion into new markets, particularly the UAE and UK, demonstrates YYGH's commitment to growth and diversification. Contracts with high-end hotels like Sofitel Al Hamra and DoubleTree by Hilton suggest potential for increased revenue streams. However, investors should note that while these developments are promising, the company's market cap of $40,277,250 indicates it's still a small-cap stock, which can be subject to higher volatility.

Moving forward, YYGH's focus on technological advancements and market expansion could drive further growth, but it's important to monitor the execution of these strategies and their impact on the company's financials in the coming quarters.

The regaining of NASDAQ compliance by YY Group Holdings is a critical milestone that significantly improves the company's market position. This achievement not only ensures continued listing but also enhances YYGH's attractiveness to institutional investors who often have restrictions on investing in non-compliant stocks.

The company's expansion into the UAE luxury hotel market and entry into the European market via the UK are strategic moves that could diversify revenue streams and reduce geographic risk. These expansions, particularly in the high-end hospitality sector, suggest a focus on quality partnerships that could yield higher margins.

However, investors should consider the broader economic context. The hospitality industry can be cyclical and sensitive to economic downturns. YYGH's success will depend on its ability to navigate potential market fluctuations and capitalize on the recovery of the travel sector post-pandemic. The company's small market cap also means it may be more susceptible to market sentiment shifts, requiring close monitoring of both company-specific news and broader market trends.

SINGAPORE, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YY Group Holding Limited (NASDAQ: YYGH) (“YY Group”, “YYGH”, or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that the company has regained compliance with NASDAQ’s Minimum Bid Price Rule, maintaining a consistent stock price above $1.00 for more than 12 consecutive business days.

This achievement marks a key milestone in YYGH’s continued growth and recovery, after experiencing a low of $0.71 two months ago. The stock has risen by over 70%, to reach a peak at $1.295, averaging at $1.20 for the past 2 weeks, representing a significant improvement over the past 60 days. This growth highlights the market’s renewed confidence in the Company’s vision and the strength of its business model.

Investor Support Key to Recovery

The Company attributes this success to the unwavering support of its investors. In a market characterized by volatility, YYGH’s ability to stabilize and grow its stock price would not have been possible without the trust and confidence of its shareholders. The Company’s leadership recognizes the importance of its investor relationships and is committed to delivering long-term value through strategic initiatives and operational excellence.

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Mike Fu, expressed his gratitude, stating: “We are incredibly grateful for the support of our investors during this crucial time. Their confidence in YY Group’s future has been a vital component of our ability to regain compliance with NASDAQ’s standards. As we look ahead, our commitment to innovation, excellence, and shareholder value remains stronger than ever.”

Looking Ahead

As part of its forward strategy, YYGH is dedicated to driving sustainable growth by leveraging technological advancements and exploring opportunities in new markets. The recent expansions into the UAE have resulted in positive outcomes with contracts signed with 5-star hotels such as Sofitel Al Hamra and DoubleTree by Hilton. Excitedly, the company has also expanded into the European market, with the United Kingdom as its first point of entry.

About YY Holdings Limited:
YY Group Holding Limited is a Singapore-based data and technology-driven company that specializes in creating enterprise intelligent labor matching services and smart cleaning solutions. Rooted in innovation and a commitment to user-centric experiences, YY Circle leverages app-based technology to optimize the labor sourcing market and the Internet of Things to revolutionize the cleaning industry.

For more information on the Company, please log on to

Investor Contact:
Phua Zhi Yong, Chief Financial Officer
YY Group


What was YY Group Holdings 's (YYGH) recent stock price performance?

YYGH's stock price rose by over 70% in the past 60 days, reaching a peak of $1.295 and averaging $1.20 for the past two weeks, up from a low of $0.71 two months ago.

Has YY Group Holdings (YYGH) regained compliance with NASDAQ requirements?

Yes, YYGH has successfully regained compliance with NASDAQ's Minimum Bid Price Rule by maintaining a stock price above $1.00 for over 12 consecutive business days.

What new markets has YY Group Holdings (YYGH) recently expanded into?

YYGH has recently expanded into the UAE market, signing contracts with 5-star hotels, and has also entered the European market, starting with the United Kingdom.

Who is the CEO of YY Group Holdings (YYGH)?

The CEO and Executive Director of YY Group Holdings is Mike Fu.

YY Group Holding Limited


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Personal Services
Consumer Cyclical
United States of America