Yum! and Evolve502 Empower Kentucky Students With Tuition-Free College

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Yum! Brands has partnered with Evolve502 through its Unlocking Opportunity Initiative to provide tuition-free education and career readiness opportunities for Kentucky's teens. This collaboration aims to transform lives and create a brighter future for students in the state. The initiative is part of Yum!'s commitment to corporate social responsibility and community development. While specific details about the program's scope, funding, or expected impact are not provided in the press release, the partnership highlights Yum!'s efforts to support education and workforce development in its home state of Kentucky.

Yum! Brands ha collaborato con Evolve502 attraverso la sua Iniziativa Unlocking Opportunity per fornire un'istruzione gratuita e opportunità di preparazione professionale per gli adolescenti del Kentucky. Questa collaborazione mira a trasformare le vite e creare un futuro più luminoso per gli studenti dello stato. L'iniziativa fa parte dell'impegno di Yum! verso la responsabilità sociale d'impresa e lo sviluppo della comunità. Sebbene nel comunicato stampa non siano forniti dettagli specifici sullo scopo del programma, sul finanziamento o sull'impatto atteso, la partnership sottolinea gli sforzi di Yum! per supportare l'istruzione e lo sviluppo della forza lavoro nel suo stato natale, il Kentucky.

Yum! Brands se ha asociado con Evolve502 a través de su Iniciativa Unlocking Opportunity para ofrecer educación gratuita y oportunidades de preparación profesional para los adolescentes de Kentucky. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo transformar vidas y crear un futuro más brillante para los estudiantes en el estado. La iniciativa forma parte del compromiso de Yum! con la responsabilidad social corporativa y el desarrollo comunitario. Aunque el comunicado de prensa no proporciona detalles específicos sobre el alcance del programa, la financiación o el impacto esperado, la asociación destaca los esfuerzos de Yum! para apoyar la educación y el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral en su estado natal, Kentucky.

Yum! Brands는 Evolve502와 협력하여 Unlocking Opportunity Initiative를 통해 켄터키의 청소년들에게 무료 교육 및 경력 준비 기회를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 학생들의 삶을 변화시키고 주에서 더 밝은 미래를 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Yum!의 기업 사회적 책임과 지역 사회 개발에 대한 약속의 일환입니다. 프로그램의 범위, 자금 지원, 예상되는 영향에 대한 구체적인 세부 사항은 보도 자료에 제공되지 않았지만, 이 파트너십은 Yum!이 고향인 켄터키에서 교육과 노동력 개발을 지원하기 위한 노력을 강조합니다.

Yum! Brands s'est associé à Evolve502 à travers son initiative Unlocking Opportunity pour offrir une éducation gratuite et des opportunités de préparation professionnelle pour les adolescents du Kentucky. Cette collaboration vise à transformer des vies et à créer un avenir meilleur pour les étudiants de l'État. L'initiative fait partie de l'engagement de Yum! envers la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et le développement communautaire. Bien que le communiqué de presse ne fournisse pas de détails spécifiques sur la portée du programme, le financement ou l'impact attendu, ce partenariat souligne les efforts de Yum! pour soutenir l'éducation et le développement de la main-d'œuvre dans son État natal, le Kentucky.

Yum! Brands hat sich über die Initiative Unlocking Opportunity mit Evolve502 zusammengetan, um bildungsfreie Bildungs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten für Jugendliche in Kentucky anzubieten. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Leben zu verändern und eine hellere Zukunft für Schüler im Bundesstaat zu schaffen. Die Initiative ist Teil von Yum!s Engagement für soziale Unternehmensverantwortung und Gemeindeentwicklung. Während im Pressebericht keine spezifischen Details zum Umfang, zur Finanzierung oder zur erwarteten Wirkung des Programms erwähnt werden, hebt die Partnerschaft die Bemühungen von Yum! hervor, Bildung und Arbeitskräfteentwicklung in seinem Heimatstaat Kentucky zu unterstützen.

  • Yum! Brands is investing in education and workforce development in Kentucky
  • Partnership with Evolve502 may enhance Yum!'s corporate social responsibility profile
  • None.

Yum! Brands

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 26, 2024 / Yum!'s Unlocking Opportunity Initiative has partnered with Evolve502 to provide tuition-free education and career readiness opportunities for Kentucky's teens. Watch the video to learn more about how Yum! and Evolve502 are transforming lives and paving the way for a brighter future.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Yum! Brands

SOURCE: Yum! Brands

View the original press release on


What is Yum! Brands' Unlocking Opportunity Initiative partnering with Evolve502 for?

Yum! Brands' Unlocking Opportunity Initiative is partnering with Evolve502 to provide tuition-free education and career readiness opportunities for Kentucky's teens.

How is Yum! Brands (YUM) supporting education in Kentucky?

Yum! Brands (YUM) is supporting education in Kentucky by partnering with Evolve502 to offer tuition-free college and career readiness programs for teens in the state.

What is the goal of Yum! Brands' partnership with Evolve502?

The goal of Yum! Brands' partnership with Evolve502 is to transform lives and pave the way for a brighter future for Kentucky students through tuition-free education and career opportunities.

Is Yum! Brands (YUM) offering any educational benefits in Kentucky as of August 2024?

Yes, as of August 2024, Yum! Brands (YUM) is offering educational benefits in Kentucky through its partnership with Evolve502, providing tuition-free college opportunities for teens in the state.

Yum! Brands, Inc.


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