The Summer of International Spotlight - Daniel F.

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Taco Bell International, with over 1,100 restaurants in 31 countries outside the US, is launching "The Summer of International" campaign to showcase its global expansion and employee experiences. Daniel F., Director of Technology for Taco Bell International, is featured as an example of the company's global reach and employee growth opportunities. Daniel's journey includes working on consumer experiences and living in Singapore for a year before taking on his current role, which involves traveling worldwide to support the brand's technological growth.

This initiative highlights Taco Bell's commitment to cultural relevance, innovation, and global brand building. The campaign will share personal stories, international adventures, and career growth experiences of Taco Bell's international team members, demonstrating the company's "Restless Creativity" spirit in expanding its global presence.

Taco Bell International, con oltre 1.100 ristoranti in 31 paesi al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, lancia la campagna "L'estate Internazionale" per mettere in luce la sua espansione globale e le esperienze dei dipendenti. Daniel F., Direttore Tecnologico di Taco Bell International, è presentato come esempio della portata globale dell'azienda e delle opportunità di crescita per i dipendenti. Il percorso di Daniel include esperienze nella gestione dei consumatori e un anno di vita a Singapore prima di assumere il suo attuale ruolo, che prevede viaggi in tutto il mondo per supportare la crescita tecnologica del marchio.

Questa iniziativa evidenzia l'impegno di Taco Bell verso rilevanza culturale, innovazione e costruzione del marchio a livello globale. La campagna condividerà storie personali, avventure internazionali e esperienze di crescita professionale dei membri del team internazionale di Taco Bell, dimostrando lo spirito di "Creatività Instancabile" dell'azienda nella sua espansione globale.

Taco Bell Internacional, con más de 1,100 restaurantes en 31 países fuera de EE.UU., está lanzando la campaña "El Verano Internacional" para mostrar su expansión global y las experiencias de los empleados. Daniel F., Director de Tecnología de Taco Bell Internacional, es destacado como un ejemplo del alcance global de la empresa y las oportunidades de crecimiento para los empleados. El recorrido de Daniel incluye trabajar en experiencias de consumo y vivir en Singapur durante un año antes de asumir su rol actual, que implica viajar por todo el mundo para apoyar el crecimiento tecnológico de la marca.

Esta iniciativa resalta el compromiso de Taco Bell con la relevancia cultural, la innovación y la construcción de marca a nivel global. La campaña compartirá historias personales, aventuras internacionales y experiencias de crecimiento profesional de los miembros del equipo internacional de Taco Bell, demostrando el espíritu de "Creatividad Incesante" de la empresa en su expansión global.

타코벨 인터내셔널은 미국 외 31개국에 1,100개 이상의 레스토랑을 보유하고 있으며, 글로벌 확장과 직원 경험을 선보이기 위해 "인터내셔널 서머 캠페인"을 시작합니다. 다니엘 F., 타코벨 인터내셔널의 기술 디렉터는 회사의 글로벌 영향력과 직원 성장 기회의 사례로 소개됩니다. 다니엘의 여정에는 소비자 경험 작업 및 싱가포르에서 1년간 거주한 후 현재의 역할을 수행하게 된 과정이 포함되며, 이 역할은 브랜드 기술 성장을 지원하기 위해 전 세계를 여행하는 것을 포함합니다.

이 이니셔티브는 타코벨의 문화적 관련성, 혁신 및 글로벌 브랜드 구축에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. 캠페인은 타코벨 국제 팀원들의 개인적인 이야기, 국제적인 모험, 직업 성장 경험을 공유하여 회사의 글로벌 존재 확장에 대한 "끊임없는 창의성" 정신을 보여줄 것입니다.

Taco Bell International, avec plus de 1.100 restaurants dans 31 pays en dehors des États-Unis, lance la campagne "L'été International" afin de mettre en avant son expansion mondiale et les expériences de ses employés. Daniel F., Directeur de la Technologie pour Taco Bell International, est présenté comme un exemple de la portée mondiale de l'entreprise et des opportunités de croissance pour les employés. Le parcours de Daniel inclut des travaux sur les expériences des consommateurs et une année de vie à Singapour avant de prendre son rôle actuel, qui implique des voyages à travers le monde pour soutenir la croissance technologique de la marque.

Cette initiative met en lumière l'engagement de Taco Bell envers la pertinence culturelle, l'innovation et la construction d'une marque mondiale. La campagne partagera des histoires personnelles, des aventures internationales et des expériences de croissance professionnelle des membres de l'équipe internationale de Taco Bell, démontrant l'esprit de "Créativité Inlassable" de l'entreprise dans l'expansion de sa présence mondiale.

Taco Bell International, mit über 1.100 Restaurants in 31 Ländern außerhalb der USA, startet die Kampagne "Der Internationale Sommer", um seine globale Expansion und die Mitarbeitererfahrungen zu präsentieren. Daniel F., Technologiedirektor von Taco Bell International, wird als Beispiel für die globale Reichweite des Unternehmens und die Wachstumschancen für Mitarbeiter vorgestellt. Daniels Werdegang umfasst die Arbeit an Kunden-Erlebnissen und das Leben in Singapur für ein Jahr, bevor er seine jetzige Rolle übernahm, die Reisen weltweit zur Unterstützung des technologischen Wachstums der Marke beinhaltet.

Diese Initiative unterstreicht das Engagement von Taco Bell für Kulturrelevanz, Innovation und den Aufbau einer globalen Marke. Die Kampagne wird persönliche Geschichten, internationale Abenteuer und berufliche Wachstums-Erfahrungen der internationalen Teammitglieder von Taco Bell teilen und so den "Ruhelosen Kreativität" Geist des Unternehmens bei der Expansion seiner globalen Präsenz demonstrieren.

  • Taco Bell's international presence spans 31 countries with over 1,100 restaurants
  • The company is focusing on global expansion and cultural relevance in new markets
  • Taco Bell offers international career growth opportunities for employees
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 15, 2024 / Yum! Brands

Daniel F. (Director, Technology)

Taco Bell Blog

Taco Bell International is home to over 1,100 restaurants in 31 countries outside the US. From building the brand in new markets, to disrupting the food industry with culturally relevant innovations, our international teams embody the Restless Creativity spirit in their efforts of taking the Taco Bell magic worldwide. As we head into what we're calling "The Summer of International", we'll be sharing their personal journeys, exciting adventures overseas, and career growth stories that have quite literally taken them across the globe.

Daniel first got his start at The Bell a few years ago working on consumer experiences, which even led to him living in Singapore for about a year! Now, he leads Technology for Taco Bell International traveling across the world, experiencing new cultures and seeing our brand grow in fruitful ways. Get to know more about him and his career below.

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SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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How many Taco Bell restaurants are there internationally?

Taco Bell International has over 1,100 restaurants in 31 countries outside the United States.

What is Taco Bell's 'Summer of International' campaign about?

The 'Summer of International' campaign showcases Taco Bell's global expansion, employee experiences, and career growth stories from its international teams.

Who is Daniel F. and what is his role at Taco Bell International?

Daniel F. is the Director of Technology for Taco Bell International. He leads technology initiatives and travels worldwide to support the brand's technological growth.

How does Taco Bell approach its international expansion?

Taco Bell focuses on building its brand in new markets, creating culturally relevant innovations, and embodying a 'Restless Creativity' spirit in its global expansion efforts.

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