Since 1992, Yum! Brands Has Donated 215 Million-Plus Lbs. of Food to Those in Need

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Yum! Brands, parent company of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and The Habit Burger Grill, has donated over 215 million pounds of food to more than 5,000 charity partners in 25+ countries since 1992. This initiative, known as Harvest, was started by Pizza Hut and is run by Food Donation Connection (FDC). The program not only feeds those in need but also reduces landfill waste and carbon emissions.

Key highlights include:

  • KFC's 25th anniversary with Harvest in the US
  • KFC UK's partnership with Fareshare, providing 1 million meals in 3 years
  • Positive impact on employee retention and community engagement
  • Goal to double food donations from test kitchens in 2024

Yum! Brands aims to continue leading in the food donation space, addressing hunger issues and climate change while providing purpose to team members.

Yum! Brands, la società madre di KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut e The Habit Burger Grill, ha donato oltre 215 milioni di sterline di cibo a più di 5.000 partner beneficiari in oltre 25 paesi dal 1992. Questa iniziativa, conosciuta come Harvest, è stata avviata da Pizza Hut ed è gestita da Food Donation Connection (FDC). Il programma non solo nutre chi è in difficoltà, ma riduce anche i rifiuti in discarica e le emissioni di carbonio.

I principali punti salienti includono:

  • Il 25° anniversario di KFC con Harvest negli Stati Uniti
  • La partnership di KFC UK con Fareshare, che ha fornito 1 milione di pasti in 3 anni
  • Impatto positivo sulla retention dei dipendenti e sull'impegno della comunità
  • Obiettivo di raddoppiare le donazioni di cibo dai laboratori di prova nel 2024

Yum! Brands mira a continuare a essere un leader nel settore delle donazioni di cibo, affrontando i problemi della fame e del cambiamento climatico mentre fornisce un senso di scopo ai membri del team.

Yum! Brands, empresa matriz de KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut y The Habit Burger Grill, ha donado más de 215 millones de libras de comida a más de 5,000 socios benéficos en más de 25 países desde 1992. Esta iniciativa, conocida como Harvest, fue iniciada por Pizza Hut y está gestionada por Food Donation Connection (FDC). El programa no solo alimenta a quienes lo necesitan, sino que también reduce los desechos en vertederos y las emisiones de carbono.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • El 25 aniversario de KFC con Harvest en EE. UU.
  • La asociación de KFC UK con Fareshare, que ha proporcionado 1 millón de comidas en 3 años
  • Impacto positivo en la retención de empleados y la participación comunitaria
  • Objetivo de duplicar las donaciones de comida de las cocinas de prueba en 2024

Yum! Brands pretende seguir liderando en el ámbito de la donación de alimentos, abordando problemas de hambre y cambio climático mientras proporciona un propósito a los miembros del equipo.

Yum! Brands, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut 및 The Habit Burger Grill의 모기업은 1992년 이후로 25개국 이상에 걸쳐 5,000개 이상의 자선 파트너에게 2억 1500만 파운드 이상의 식품을 기부했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Harvest로 알려져 있으며 Pizza Hut에서 시작되었고 Food Donation Connection (FDC)가 운영하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 식량을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 매립 폐기물과 탄소 배출을 줄입니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 미국에서 Harvest와 함께하는 KFC의 25주년
  • KFC UK와 Fareshare의 파트너십으로 3년 동안 100만 끼니 제공
  • 직원 유지 및 지역 사회 참여에 긍정적인 영향
  • 2024년 테스트 주방에서의 식품 기부를 두 배로 늘릴 목표

Yum! Brands는 팀원들에게 의의를 제공하면서 기부 식품 분야에서 계속해서 선도할 계획입니다. 기아 문제와 기후 변화에 대처합니다.

Yum! Brands, la société mère de KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut et The Habit Burger Grill, a fait don de plus de 215 millions de livres de nourriture à plus de 5 000 partenaires caritatifs dans plus de 25 pays depuis 1992. Cette initiative, connue sous le nom de Harvest, a été lancée par Pizza Hut et est gérée par Food Donation Connection (FDC). Le programme non seulement nourrit les personnes dans le besoin, mais réduit également les déchets en décharge et les émissions de carbone.

Les points forts incluent :

  • 25e anniversaire de KFC avec Harvest aux États-Unis
  • Partenariat de KFC UK avec Fareshare, fournissant 1 million de repas en 3 ans
  • Impact positif sur la fidélisation des employés et l'engagement communautaire
  • Objectif de doubler les dons de nourriture des cuisines de test en 2024

Yum! Brands vise à continuer de diriger dans le domaine des dons alimentaires, en abordant les problèmes de faim et de changement climatique tout en offrant un sens à ses membres d'équipe.

Yum! Brands, das Mutterunternehmen von KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut und The Habit Burger Grill, hat seit 1992 über 215 Millionen Pfund Lebensmittel an mehr als 5.000 Wohltätigkeitspartner in über 25 Ländern gespendet. Diese Initiative, bekannt als Harvest, wurde von Pizza Hut ins Leben gerufen und wird von Food Donation Connection (FDC) betrieben. Das Programm ernährt nicht nur Bedürftige, sondern reduziert auch Deponieabfälle und Kohlenstoffemissionen.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • 25. Jubiläum von KFC mit Harvest in den USA
  • Partnerschaft von KFC UK mit Fareshare, die in 3 Jahren 1 Million Mahlzeiten bereitgestellt hat
  • Positive Auswirkungen auf die Mitarbeiterbindung und das gesellschaftliche Engagement
  • Ziel, die Lebensmittelspenden aus Testküchen im Jahr 2024 zu verdoppeln

Yum! Brands zielt darauf ab, weiterhin eine Führungsrolle im Bereich der Lebensmittelspenden zu übernehmen und dabei Hungerprobleme und den Klimawandel anzugehen, während sie den Teammitgliedern einen Sinn gibt.

  • Donated over 215 million pounds of food to charity partners since 1992
  • Presence in 25+ countries with more than 5,000 charity partners
  • Reduced landfill waste equivalent to 19 million trash bags
  • KFC UK provided 1 million meals through Fareshare in 3 years
  • Improved employee retention through community engagement initiatives
  • Goal to double food donations from test kitchens in 2024
  • None.

Pizza Hut was the first U.S. chain to donate meals on a national level, and now, its parent company Yum! Brands is using those years of experience to ensure its surplus food lands on plates, not in landfills.

Yum! Brands

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / Somewhere in Poland, a notification pushes from the brand's app. The customer who ordered the large Stuffed Crust pepperoni pizza wants thin crust instead. At a KFC in Brazil, it's the end of the lunch rush hour, and some Original Recipe chicken has gone unsold. Situations like these occur across restaurants around the world.

This surplus food presents an opportunity for Yum! Brands. As the world's largest restaurant business and parent company of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and The Habit Burger Grill, Yum! and its brands' franchisees are uniquely positioned to donate unused product to food banks and charities on a global scale. This not only feeds those in need but also keeps food out of landfills, curbing carbon emissions.

"We're helping to solve hunger issues in various markets and impact climate change. It's rewarding work," Maria Echeverri, KFC Latin America and Caribbean food donation lead, said. "And we're proud of the progress we've made. Since Yum! created Harvest in 1992, the company has donated over 215 million lbs. of food to more than 5,000 charity partners in 25-plus countries, which is the equivalent of removing over 19 million trash bags from landfills. But we still know there is more work to be done."

Harvest, which Echeverri mentioned, is run by Food Donation Connection (FDC). It started in 1992 and was, at the time, the only such program in the United States, making Pizza Hut the first national chain to donate its surplus food. Bill Reighard, a former Pizza Hut/PepsiCo executive who left the company, founded FDC, and the company now partners with other restaurant chains. Among them is KFC, which began its Harvest program in the United States in 1999, marking 2024 as the partnership's 25th anniversary.

Harvest also works as a retention tool. In Trinidad and Tobago, one of KFC's most frequented markets, franchisee Roger Rambharose, vice president of Prestige Holdings Limited, saw the program as an opportunity to connect with his Generation Z team members, who were looking for a sense of purpose in their work. So, his team identified seven local charities and mapped out a weekly collection process. They bought a freezer truck to transport the surplus food in the hot Caribbean weather and branded the vehicle with Harvest messaging to visually alert the community of the program. It's been so successful, Rambharose has seen an immediate increase in team member retention (watch him talk about it in the video above).

Another success story is in the U.K. where KFC and its franchisees donates its surplus food through the biggest food redistribution program in the country, Fareshare. Since partnering with them in 2021, its food donation has grown by two-thirds, providing 1 million meals over the past three years and targeting 2 million meals by the end of 2024.

"About half of our restaurants are currently donating their surplus chicken," Louise Norris, KFC Foundation manager in the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKI), said. "We work every day to increase that amount and have done some pretty fun activations, like a community kitchen in which influencers created recipes using leftover KFC chicken. We want to show our customers that they, too, can put food on plates, not landfills."

Even Yum!'s test kitchens send unused product to those in need. Taco Bell donates surplus food from its Irvine, California, corporate office and its distribution centers. In Plano, Texas, Jennifer Gilara, who was once a Pizza Hut general manager before running its test kitchen, donated 6,000 lbs. of food to a local homeless shelter in 2023. She has a goal of doubling that this year.

"As the world's largest restaurant company, we can make a big impact and lead in the food donation space," Gilara said. "I'm so grateful that we've found a solution that has the potential to work in every one of our markets to feed those in our communities."

Whether it's Harvest through FDC, food donation through FareShare or another organization, or a direct donation, Yum! Brands will continue to feed those in need, curb greenhouse gas emissions and provide a sense of purpose to team members.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Yum! Brands

SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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How much food has Yum! Brands (YUM) donated since 1992?

Yum! Brands (YUM) has donated over 215 million pounds of food to more than 5,000 charity partners in 25+ countries since 1992 through its Harvest program.

What is the Harvest program by Yum! Brands (YUM)?

Harvest is Yum! Brands' (YUM) food donation program, started by Pizza Hut in 1992 and run by Food Donation Connection (FDC). It aims to donate surplus food to those in need while reducing landfill waste and carbon emissions.

How many meals has KFC UK provided through Fareshare?

KFC UK has provided 1 million meals over the past three years through its partnership with Fareshare, the biggest food redistribution program in the country. They aim to reach 2 million meals by the end of 2024.

When did KFC start its Harvest program in the United States?

KFC began its Harvest program in the United States in 1999, marking 2024 as the partnership's 25th anniversary.

Yum! Brands, Inc.


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