Pizza Hut Vietnam's Pizza Boxes Are Carrying Out the Mission of Sustainable Forest Development

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Pizza Hut Vietnam, operated by Jardine Restaurant Group of Vietnam (JRGVN), has launched an eco-friendly hexagonal pizza box design using FSC-certified paper. This initiative has reduced plastic waste by over 6,000 kg annually. Other Pizza Hut packaging, including takeaway cups and salad boxes, also uses FSC-certified paper, contributing to forest conservation.

The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification ensures sustainable forest management, balancing environmental protection, social benefits, and economic viability. By using FSC-certified packaging, Pizza Hut is effectively using natural resources, reducing over-exploitation of forests, and maintaining forest ecosystem balance. This practice also indirectly supports forest workers' livelihoods and prevents illegal logging.

JRGVN is committed to transparency and sustainable practices across all business operations, demonstrating dedication to customers and the environment.

Pizza Hut Vietnam, gestita dal Jardine Restaurant Group del Vietnam (JRGVN), ha lanciato un design di scatola per pizza esagonale ecologica utilizzando carta certificata FSC. Questa iniziativa ha ridotto i rifiuti di plastica di oltre 6.000 kg all'anno. Anche altri imballaggi di Pizza Hut, comprese le tazze da asporto e le scatole per insalate, utilizzano carta certificata FSC, contribuendo alla conservazione delle foreste.

La certificazione FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) garantisce una gestione sostenibile delle foreste, bilanciando la protezione ambientale, i benefici sociali e la fattibilità economica. Utilizzando imballaggi certificati FSC, Pizza Hut sta utilizzando efficacemente le risorse naturali, riducendo l'over-exploitation delle foreste e mantenendo l'equilibrio degli ecosistemi forestali. Questa pratica sostiene anche indirettamente i mezzi di sussistenza dei lavoratori forestali e previene il disboscamento illegale.

JRGVN è impegnata nella trasparenza e nelle pratiche sostenibili in tutte le operazioni commerciali, dimostrando dedizione ai clienti e all'ambiente.

Pizza Hut Vietnam, operado por Jardine Restaurant Group de Vietnam (JRGVN), ha lanzado un diseño de caja de pizza hexagonal ecológico utilizando papel certificado por FSC. Esta iniciativa ha reducido los residuos plásticos en más de 6.000 kg anuales. Otros envases de Pizza Hut, incluidos vasos para llevar y cajas de ensalada, también utilizan papel certificado por FSC, contribuyendo a la conservación de los bosques.

La certificación FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) asegura la gestión sostenible de los bosques, equilibrando la protección ambiental, los beneficios sociales y la viabilidad económica. Al utilizar envases certificados por FSC, Pizza Hut está utilizando efectivamente los recursos naturales, reduciendo la sobreexplotación de los bosques y manteniendo el equilibrio de los ecosistemas forestales. Esta práctica también apoya indirectamente los medios de vida de los trabajadores forestales y previene la tala ilegal.

JRGVN se compromete a la transparencia y prácticas sostenibles en todas sus operaciones comerciales, demostrando dedicación a los clientes y al medio ambiente.

피자헛 베트남은 베트남의 Jardine Restaurant Group(JRGVN)에 의해 운영되며, 육각형 피자 박스 디자인을 친환경적으로 출시하였습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 연간 6,000kg 이상의 플라스틱 waste를 감소시켰습니다. 피자헛의 다른 포장재, 즉 테이크아웃 컵과 샐러드 박스 또한 FSC 인증 받은 종이를 사용하여 산림 보존에 기여하고 있습니다.

FSC(산림 관리 협의회) 인증은 환경 보호, 사회적 혜택 및 경제적 지속 가능성을 균형있게 제공하는 지속 가능한 산림 관리를 보장합니다. FSC 인증 포장을 사용함으로써, 피자헛은 자연 자원을 효과적으로 사용하고 있습니다, 과도한 산림 사용을 줄이며 산림 생태계의 균형을 유지하고 있습니다. 이러한 실천은 산림 노동자의 생계를 간접적으로 지원하고 불법 벌목을 방지합니다.

JRGVN은 모든 비즈니스 운영에서 투명성과 지속 가능한 관행에 헌신하고 있으며, 고객과 환경에 대한 헌신을 보이고 있습니다.

Pizza Hut Vietnam, géré par le Jardine Restaurant Group du Vietnam (JRGVN), a lancé un design de boîte à pizza hexagonale respectueux de l'environnement en utilisant du papier certifié FSC. Cette initiative a réduit les déchets plastiques de plus de 6 000 kg par an. D'autres emballages de Pizza Hut, y compris des gobelets à emporter et des boîtes à salade, utilisent également du papier certifié FSC, contribuant ainsi à la préservation des forêts.

La certification FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) garantit une gestion forestière durable, équilibrant la protection de l'environnement, les bénéfices sociaux et la viabilité économique. En utilisant des emballages certifiés FSC, Pizza Hut utilise efficacement les ressources naturelles, réduisant la surexploitation des forêts et maintenant l'équilibre des écosystèmes forestiers. Cette pratique soutient également indirectement les moyens de subsistance des travailleurs forestiers et prévient la déforestation illégale.

JRGVN s'engage à la transparence et aux pratiques durables dans toutes ses opérations commerciales, démontrant ainsi son dévouement envers les clients et l'environnement.

Pizza Hut Vietnam, betrieben von der Jardine Restaurant Group Vietnam (JRGVN), hat ein umweltfreundliches Design für eine hexagonale Pizzaschachtel vorgestellt, das FSC-zertifiziertes Papier verwendet. Diese Initiative hat den Plastikmüll jährlich um über 6.000 kg reduziert. Auch andere Verpackungen von Pizza Hut, einschließlich Takeaway-Bechern und Salatschalen, nutzen FSC-zertifiziertes Papier, was zur Waldschutz beiträgt.

Die FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Zertifizierung gewährleistet eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und balanciert Umweltschutz, soziale Vorteile und wirtschaftliche Tragfähigkeit. Durch die Verwendung von FSC-zertifizierten Verpackungen nutzt Pizza Hut nachhaltig natürliche Ressourcen, verringert die Übernutzung der Wälder und erhält das Gleichgewicht des Waldökosystems. Diese Praxis unterstützt auch indirekt die Lebensgrundlagen der Waldarbeiter und verhindert illegale Abholzung.

JRGVN verpflichtet sich zu Transparenz und nachhaltigen Praktiken in allen Geschäftstätigkeiten und zeigt damit Engagement gegenüber Kunden und Umwelt.

  • Reduced plastic waste by over 6,000 kg annually with new hexagonal pizza box design
  • Use of FSC-certified paper for packaging, contributing to forest conservation
  • Commitment to transparency and sustainable practices across business operations
  • None.

Yum! Brands

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / Kudos to Jardine Restaurant Group of Vietnam (JRGVN) for launching their eco-friendly hexagonal pizza box design, using sustainably sourced packaging made from FSC-certified paper. One pizza box at a time, they're helping to protect the forests.

Read their post below:

Each of our pizza boxes also carries out the mission of sustainable forest development.

Besides the new hexagonal pizza box design, which reduced plastic waste by over 6,000 kg annually, other Pizza Hut packaging, such as takeaway cups and salad boxes, also contributes to forest conservation through FSC-certified paper.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, a voluntary standard for forest management organizations and wood product manufacturers, upholds stringent criteria for sustainable development. It balances environmental protection, social benefits for stakeholders (including manufacturers, businesses, communities, and residents), and economic viability.

Complying with FSC certification means that Pizza Hut uses natural resources effectively, reduces over-exploitation of forests, and ensures the balance of the forest ecosystem in the process of exploiting raw materials to produce paper boxes. Regarding society, this practice indirectly provides a planned livelihood for forest workers and prevents illegal logging. Therefore, while holding a pizza box in your hand, you are joining us in protecting the forests.

Small actions can have a significant impact. Jardine Restaurant Group Vietnam is committed to transparency and sustainable practices across all business operations, demonstrating our dedication to customers and environment.

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SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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What sustainable initiative has Pizza Hut Vietnam (YUM) launched recently?

Pizza Hut Vietnam has launched an eco-friendly hexagonal pizza box design using FSC-certified paper, which has reduced plastic waste by over 6,000 kg annually.

How does Pizza Hut Vietnam's (YUM) new packaging contribute to forest conservation?

Pizza Hut Vietnam's new packaging, including pizza boxes, takeaway cups, and salad boxes, uses FSC-certified paper, which ensures sustainable forest management and reduces over-exploitation of forests.

What environmental impact has Pizza Hut Vietnam's (YUM) new pizza box design achieved?

The new hexagonal pizza box design has reduced plastic waste by over 6,000 kg annually, contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

How does Pizza Hut Vietnam's (YUM) use of FSC-certified packaging benefit society?

The use of FSC-certified packaging indirectly provides a planned livelihood for forest workers and helps prevent illegal logging, supporting sustainable forest management practices.

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