Pizza Hut has released its second annual Pizza Trends Report, revealing fascinating insights about America's pizza consumption habits and 2025 industry forecasts. The report shows Americans collectively consume about 95 billion pizza slices annually, equivalent to 240,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Key findings include:
- 32% of people predict increased pizza consumption in 2025
- Kansas leads nationwide consumption with 9.4 slices per month
- 46% prefer boneless wings over bone-in (43%)
- 59% consider pizza and wings the ultimate pairing
- Ranch is the most popular dipping sauce (38%)
The report also settles debates showing that most people eat pizza 'tip first' rather than folded, and 44% consider eating pizza with a fork a 'food crime.' Regarding trends, thin crust remains most popular (29%), followed by stuffed crust (24%). There's growing interest in global flavors, with 37% wanting to try Mexican-inspired pizza and 21% interested in Greek-inspired options. Pizza Hut is currently offering a Stuffed Crust Pizza & Wings Bundle for $19.99 through April 7, 2025.
Pizza Hut ha pubblicato il suo secondo rapporto annuale sulle tendenze della pizza, rivelando intuizioni affascinanti sulle abitudini di consumo della pizza negli Stati Uniti e sulle previsioni per il settore nel 2025. Il rapporto mostra che gli americani consumano collettivamente circa 95 miliardi di fette di pizza ogni anno, equivalenti a 240.000 piscine olimpioniche. Tra i risultati chiave vi sono:
- Il 32% delle persone prevede un aumento del consumo di pizza nel 2025
- Il Kansas guida il consumo nazionale con 9,4 fette al mese
- Il 46% preferisce ali senza osso rispetto a quelle con osso (43%)
- Il 59% considera pizza e ali come abbinamento perfetto
- Il ranch è la salsa da intingere più popolare (38%)
Il rapporto risolve anche dibattiti mostrando che la maggior parte delle persone mangia la pizza 'punta prima' piuttosto che piegata, e il 44% considera mangiare la pizza con una forchetta un 'crimine alimentare.' Per quanto riguarda le tendenze, la crosta sottile rimane la più popolare (29%), seguita dalla crosta ripiena (24%). C'è un crescente interesse per i sapori globali, con il 37% desideroso di provare la pizza ispirata alla cucina messicana e il 21% interessato a opzioni ispirate alla cucina greca. Pizza Hut sta attualmente offrendo un pacchetto di Pizza con Crosta Ripiena e Ali per $19.99 fino al 7 aprile 2025.
Pizza Hut ha lanzado su segundo informe anual sobre tendencias de pizza, revelando fascinantes percepciones sobre los hábitos de consumo de pizza en Estados Unidos y las previsiones del sector para 2025. El informe muestra que los estadounidenses consumen colectivamente aproximadamente 95 mil millones de rebanadas de pizza al año, equivalentes a 240,000 piscinas olímpicas. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- El 32% de las personas pronostica un aumento en el consumo de pizza en 2025
- Kansas lidera el consumo nacional con 9.4 rebanadas al mes
- El 46% prefiere alitas deshuesadas sobre las alitas con hueso (43%)
- El 59% considera que la pizza y las alitas son la combinación perfecta
- El ranch es la salsa para mojar más popular (38%)
El informe también resuelve debates mostrando que la mayoría de las personas comen pizza 'con la punta primero' en lugar de doblada, y el 44% considera que comer pizza con un tenedor es un 'crimen alimenticio.' En cuanto a las tendencias, la masa delgada sigue siendo la más popular (29%), seguida de la masa rellena (24%). Hay un creciente interés en sabores globales, con un 37% deseoso de probar pizza inspirada en la cocina mexicana y un 21% interesado en opciones inspiradas en la cocina griega. Pizza Hut está ofreciendo actualmente un paquete de Pizza con Masa Rellena y Alitas por $19.99 hasta el 7 de abril de 2025.
피자헛이 두 번째 연례 피자 트렌드 보고서를 발표했으며, 이는 미국의 피자 소비 습관과 2025년도 업계 전망에 대한 흥미로운 통찰을 제공합니다. 이 보고서는 미국인들이 매년 약 950억 조각의 피자를 소비하며 이는 240,000개의 올림픽 수영장에 해당한다는 것을 보여줍니다. 주요 발견사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 32%가 2025년에 피자 소비 증가를 예측
- 캔자스주가 전국 소비에서 월 평균 9.4조각으로 선두
- 46%가 뼈 없는 날개를 뼈가 있는 것보다 선호 (43%)
- 59%가 피자와 날개를 최고의 조합으로 여기며
- 랜치 소스가 가장 인기 있는 소스 (38%)
이 보고서는 대부분의 사람들이 피자를 '끝 부분부터' 먹는다는 것을 보여주며, 44%는 포크로 피자를 먹는 것을 '음식 범죄'로 간주합니다. 트렌드는 얇은 크ust가 가장 인기 있으며 (29%), 그 다음이 속이 꽉찬 크ust (24%)입니다. 전 세계적인 맛에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 37%는 멕시코 스타일의 피자를 시도하고 싶어하고, 21%는 그리스 스타일의 옵션에 관심이 있습니다. 피자헛은 현재 2025년 4월 7일까지 $19.99에 속이 꽉 찬 크ust 피자와 날개 묶음을 제공하고 있습니다.
Pizza Hut a publié son deuxième rapport annuel sur les tendances de la pizza, révélant des aperçus fascinants sur les habitudes de consommation de pizza en Amérique et les prévisions du secteur pour 2025. Le rapport montre que les Américains consomment collectivement environ 95 milliards de tranches de pizza par an, ce qui équivaut à 240 000 piscines olympiques. Les résultats clés incluent :
- 32% des personnes prédisent une augmentation de la consommation de pizza en 2025
- Le Kansas est en tête de la consommation nationale avec 9,4 tranches par mois
- 46% préfèrent les ailes sans os plutôt que celles avec os (43%)
- 59% considèrent que la pizza et les ailes sont le duo parfait
- Le ranch est la sauce la plus populaire pour tremper (38%)
Le rapport règle également les débats en montrant que la plupart des gens mangent leur pizza 'par la pointe' plutôt que pliée, et 44% estiment qu'utiliser une fourchette pour manger de la pizza est un 'crime alimentaire.' En ce qui concerne les tendances, la croûte fine demeure la plus populaire (29%), suivie de la croûte farcie (24%). L'intérêt pour les saveurs mondiales est en hausse, avec 37% souhaitant essayer de la pizza inspirée de la cuisine mexicaine et 21% intéressés par des options inspirées de la cuisine grecque. Pizza Hut propose actuellement un forfait Pizza avec croûte farcie et ailes pour 19,99 $ jusqu'au 7 avril 2025.
Pizza Hut hat seinen zweiten jährlichen Pizza-Trends-Bericht veröffentlicht, der faszinierende Einblicke in die Pizza-Konsumgewohnheiten der Amerikaner und die Branchenausblicke für 2025 bietet. Der Bericht zeigt, dass Amerikaner jährlich insgesamt etwa 95 Milliarden Pizzastücke konsumieren, was 240.000 olympischen Schwimmbecken entspricht. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:
- 32% der Menschen prognostizieren einen Anstieg des Pizza-Konsums im Jahr 2025
- Kansas führt den landesweiten Verbrauch mit 9,4 Stücken pro Monat an
- 46% bevorzugen boneless Wings gegenüber bone-in (43%)
- 59% halten Pizza und Wings für die perfekte Kombination
- Ranch ist die beliebteste Dip-Sauce (38%)
Der Bericht schließt auch Debatten ab und zeigt, dass die meisten Menschen Pizza 'spitz zuerst' essen und 44% das Essen von Pizza mit einer Gabel als 'Lebensmittelverbrechen' betrachten. In Bezug auf Trends bleibt der dünne Boden am beliebtesten (29%), gefolgt von gefülltem Boden (24%). Es gibt zunehmendes Interesse an globalen Aromen, wobei 37% mexikanisch inspirierte Pizza probieren möchten und 21% an griechisch inspirierten Optionen interessiert sind. Pizza Hut bietet derzeit ein Bundle aus gefüllter Kruste und Wings für 19,99 $ bis zum 7. April 2025 an.
- None.
- None.
- The
U.S. eats the equivalent to 240,000 Olympic sized swimming pools in pizza slices a year - Sorry
New York , the debate of how to eat a slice of pizza has been resolved, nearly half of people say the proper way is "tip first", not folded.44% of people even say eating pizza with a fork is a food crime 28% of people would give up alcohol for a year if they could have free pizza every day- With a trend of global flavors,
37% of Americans say they'd like to try Mexican-inspired pizza or Greek-inspired pizza (21% ) - Ranch reigns supreme as most popular dipping sauce, and
Kentucky is the state that dips pizza the most - After much debate, boneless wings win out against bone-in wings as the top preference
59% agree pizza and wings are the ultimate pairing. Enjoy the pairing at Pizza Hut now in new Stuffed Crust Pizza & Wings Bundle for$19.99
Since 1958, Pizza Hut has been at the forefront of culinary innovation and a leading pizza destination that takes pride in combining traditional culinary craftsmanship while staying on the pulse with innovation catering to the ever-evolving tastes of modern-day pizza lovers. With an expert culinary team sharing a deep understanding of pizza culture and a passion for innovation, Pizza Hut is dedicated to perfecting every aspect of the pizza experience. Pizza Hut and its culinary experts predict 2025 will be a year of more pizza (
"The Pizza Hut brand is built on a strong heritage of innovating the pizza experience, from the Original Pan® Pizza introduced in 1983 to Original Stuffed Crust® in 1995, and innovation continues to be at the core of everything we do," said Rachel Antalek, Pizza Hut's Chief Food Innovation Officer. "We continue to see a growing trend and demand for unique flavors and modern, bold toppings. We are also seeing customers gravitating towards pairings or pizza-centric accoutrements that complement their orders, whether it be dipping sauces or sides like wings."
The Love of Pizza Across the
- The average person eats 288 slices of pizza per year. That's roughly 480 gallons per person, meaning the nation collectively eats 95,040,000,000 slices of pizza in a year – equivalent to 240,000 Olympic sized swimming pools.
- What's more, this year
32% predict they'll eat more pizza than they did in 2024. Kansas leads the way when it comes consumption of pizza slices per month, on average, withKansas reporting they eat an average of 9.4 slices a month. Next states consuming the most slices areNorth Dakota (9.9),South Dakota (9.4),West Virginia (9.3) andWisconsin (9.3).
The Ultimate Pairing: Pizza and Wings
- Bone in or boneless? The new research looked at the age-old chicken wing debate.
46% prefer boneless wings, while43% prefer bone-in. Twelve percent simply have no preference.Delaware (53% ),Maryland (53% ) andNorth Carolina (54% ) are the states who vote bone-in whileKansas (64% ),Maine (60% ) andMontana (62% ) prefer boneless.
- Over half of Americans (
59% ) agree pizza and wings are the ultimate pairing, with52% believing ordering wings with pizza makes the overall experience better. 71% say they order chicken wings with their pizza, at least on occasion. The three states who are most likely to "always" order pizza with wings areCalifornia (17% ),Delaware (16% ) andMissouri (14% ).- When it comes to the specific tastes of the beloved pizza and wing pairing,
45% said they prefer their wings be a different flavor profile than their pizza.- Many respondents shared their favorite pizza and wing flavor profiles with combinations ranging from 1. pepperoni pizza with honey wings, 2. veggie pizza with spicy wings, 3. onion and mushroom pizza with sweet and sour wings, 4. meat lover's pizza with Old Bay seasoned wings, and 5. Hawaiian pizza with BBQ wings.
Right now, you can enjoy the fan-favorite pairing with the new Stuffed Crust Pizza & Wings Bundle at Pizza Hut, offering the ultimate combination of flavor and value. Available now through April 7, 2025, the Stuffed Crust Pizza & Wings Bundle includes one large 1-topping Stuffed Crust pizza, 16 Boneless Wings (choice of 2 flavors), and 2 dips priced at a total of
To Dip or Not to Dip?
- Dipping sauces are loved by pizza fans to add an extra burst of flavor. Over half (
58% ) of respondents claim they dip their pizza into sauces, at least on occasion. Kentucky is the state that dips their pizza in dipping sauce the most. The other dippiest states includeIdaho (28% ),Mississippi (27% ),New Mexico (27% ),Oklahoma (28% ) andTennessee (28% ).- Ranch (
38% ) reigns supreme as the most popular sauce consumers polled are most likely to dip their pizza into. - Respondents also said they would likely use garlic sauce (
27% ), marinara sauce (23% ), blue cheese dressing (8% ) or buffalo sauce (8% ) as preferred dips for their pizza.
Toppings, Crusts & Flavors
- 2025 emerges as another year of bold flavors and modern toppings that push the boundaries of traditional pizza.
- When looking at on-trend and unique pizza toppings, mushrooms (
57% ) were ranked most popular. Garlic (41% ), pineapple (38% ), anchovies (8% ), pickles (8% ), cherries (2% ) followed as other unique toppings ranked by pizza lovers. - The experts at Pizza Hut predict thin crust continues to grow in popularity and consistent with Pizza Hut's 2024 survey findings, thin crust remains the most popular type of pizza crust (
29% ) followed by stuffed crust (24% ) and hand-tossed crust (23% ). - When it comes to eating a stuffed-crust pizza, many shared what stuffing they'd like to try: unique cheeses (
47% ), meat (34% ), garlic (31% ), ranch (19% ) and jalapeños (18% ). New York topped the charts as the most popular pizza style again, with29% claiming New York Style pizza is the best, followed by Chicago Deep Dish (22% ), Sicilian Style (8% ) and Detroit Style (4% ).- As customers look to experience global flavors,
37% of Americans report that they'd most like to try a Mexican-inspired (37% ) or Greek-inspired pizza (21% ). They would also like to try French (12% ), Korean (11% ) and Thai (10% ).
Pizza Consumption Habits & Behaviors
- Pizza Hut looked to settle the great debate over how to eat a slice of pizza. Sorry
New York , the debate of how to eat a slice of pizza has been resolved, with nearly half of people saying the proper way is "tip first", not folded. - Plus,
44% of people say eating pizza with a fork is a food crime - Cold pizza, anyone? Over half (
57% ) of the survey respondents said they like eating cold pizza as a leftover the next day. - Consistent with 2024, Friday is the most popular day (
43% ) to eat pizza. Saturday (23% ) and Wednesday (11% ) follow as the next most popular days of the week.
Pizza Fun Facts
- Pizza > social media. Eighteen percent of people would give up social media for a year if they could have free pizza every day.
- Others would give up alcohol (
28% ), coffee (20% ), and sweets (14% ). - Many pizza lovers shared which celebrity they would most want to grab a slice of pizza with. At the top was Morgan Freeman (
9% ). Other celebrities they want to grab a slice with include Taylor Swift (7% ), Paul McCartney (7% ), Joe Rogan (6% ) and George Clooney (5% ).
Survey Methodology
This online survey of 5,000 American adults, split evenly by state, was commissioned by Pizza Hut and conducted by market research company Talker Research, in accordance with the Market Research Society's code of conduct. Data was collected from Dec. 19 to Dec. 30, 2024. This survey was overseen by Talker Research, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).
About Pizza Hut®
Pizza Hut, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), was founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas and since then has earned a reputation as a trailblazer in innovation with the creation of icons like Original® Pan and Original® Stuffed Crust pizzas. In 1994, Pizza Hut pizza was the very first online food order. Today, Pizza Hut continues leading the way in the digital and technology space with over half of transactions worldwide coming from digital orders. Pizza Hut is committed to providing an easy pizza experience – from order to delivery – and has Hut Rewards®, the Pizza Hut loyalty program that offers points for every dollar spent on food any way you order. Hut Rewards is open to
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