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Pizza Hut has launched 'ResZAmes', an innovative initiative to help job seekers stand out in the competitive New York City job market during the 'September Surge' hiring season. This unique offering prints applicants' resumes directly on Pizza Hut's iconic pizza boxes, which are then delivered with a free medium cheese pizza to corporate headquarters of the applicant's choice.

The campaign aims to bypass the traditional email application process, noting that 75% of emailed resumes are never read. Job seekers can submit their resumes through until September 22, 2024. Pizza Hut will select a number of submissions for this free service, delivering the resume-printed pizza boxes to potential employers in eligible NYC delivery zones.

Pizza Hut ha lanciato 'ResZAmes', un'iniziativa innovativa per aiutare i cercatori di lavoro a distinguersi nel competitivo mercato del lavoro di New York City durante la stagione di assunzioni 'September Surge'. Questa offerta unica stampa i curriculum dei candidati direttamente sulle iconiche scatole di pizza di Pizza Hut, che vengono poi consegnate con una pizza medium al formaggio gratuita presso la sede centrale dell'azienda scelta dal candidato.

La campagna mira a bypassare il tradizionale processo di candidatura via email, sottolineando che il 75% dei curriculum inviati via email non viene mai letto. I cercatori di lavoro possono inviare i loro curriculum attraverso fino al 22 settembre 2024. Pizza Hut selezionerà un numero di candidature per questo servizio gratuito, consegnando le scatole di pizza stampate con i curriculum ai potenziali datori di lavoro nelle zone di consegna idonee di NYC.

Pizza Hut ha lanzado 'ResZAmes', una iniciativa innovadora para ayudar a los buscadores de empleo a destacar en el competitivo mercado laboral de la ciudad de Nueva York durante la temporada de contrataciones 'September Surge'. Esta oferta única imprime los currículos de los solicitantes directamente en las icónicas cajas de pizza de Pizza Hut, que luego se entregan con una pizza mediana de queso gratis a la sede corporativa de la elección del solicitante.

La campaña tiene como objetivo evitar el tradicional proceso de solicitud por correo electrónico, señalando que el 75% de los currículos enviados por correo electrónico nunca son leídos. Los buscadores de empleo pueden enviar sus currículos a través de hasta el 22 de septiembre de 2024. Pizza Hut seleccionará un número de solicitudes para este servicio gratuito, entregando las cajas de pizza impresas con los currículos a posibles empleadores en las zonas de entrega elegibles de NYC.

피자 헛(Pizza Hut)은 'ResZAmes'라는 혁신적인 이니셔티브를 시작했습니다. 이는 구직자들이 'September Surge' 채용 시즌 동안 경쟁이 치열한 뉴욕시 구직 시장에서 두드러지게 만들기 위한 것입니다. 이 독특한 제안은 지원자의 이력서를 피자 헛의 상징적인 피자 박스에 직접 인쇄하며, 이후 지원자가 선택한 기업 본사로 무료 중간 치즈 피자와 함께 배달됩니다.

이 캠페인은 전통적인 이메일 지원 과정을 우회하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이메일로 보낸 이력서의 75%가 읽히지 않는다고 언급합니다. 구직자들은 ResZAmes.com을 통해 2024년 9월 22일까지 이력서를 제출할 수 있습니다. 피자 헛은 이 무료 서비스에 대한 제출서 중 일부를 선택하여 적격 뉴욕시 배달 지역 내 잠재적인 고용주에게 이력서가 인쇄된 피자 박스를 배달할 것입니다.

Pizza Hut a lancé 'ResZAmes', une initiative innovante pour aider les chercheurs d'emploi à se démarquer sur le marché du travail compétitif de New York pendant la saison de recrutement 'September Surge'. Cette offre unique imprime les CV des candidats directement sur les célèbres boîtes à pizza de Pizza Hut, qui sont ensuite livrées avec une pizza au fromage moyenne gratuite au siège de l'entreprise de choix du candidat.

La campagne vise à contourner le processus traditionnel de candidature par e-mail, notant que 75 % des CV envoyés par e-mail ne sont jamais lus. Les chercheurs d'emploi peuvent soumettre leurs CV via jusqu'au 22 septembre 2024. Pizza Hut sélectionnera un certain nombre de candidatures pour ce service gratuit, livrant les boîtes de pizza imprimées avec les CV aux employeurs potentiels dans les zones de livraison éligibles de NYC.

Pizza Hut hat 'ResZAmes' ins Leben gerufen, eine innovative Initiative, um Arbeitssuchenden zu helfen, sich im wettbewerbsintensiven Arbeitsmarkt von New York City während der Einstellungsphase 'September Surge' abzuheben. Dieses einzigartige Angebot druckt die Lebensläufe der Bewerber direkt auf die ikonischen Pizzakartons von Pizza Hut, die anschließend zusammen mit einer kostenlosen mittleren Käsepizza an die Unternehmenszentrale der Wahl des Bewerbers geliefert werden.

Die Kampagne zielt darauf ab, den traditionellen Bewerbungsprozess per E-Mail zu umgehen und weist darauf hin, dass 75 % der per E-Mail gesendeten Lebensläufe nie gelesen werden. Arbeitssuchende können ihre Lebensläufe bis zum 22. September 2024 über einreichen. Pizza Hut wird eine Anzahl von Einsendungen für diesen kostenlosen Dienst auswählen und die mit Lebensläufen bedruckten Pizzakartons an potenzielle Arbeitgeber in den berechtigten Lieferzonen von NYC liefern.

  • Innovative marketing campaign that could increase brand visibility and customer engagement
  • Potential for positive PR and media coverage, enhancing Pizza Hut's brand image
  • Opportunity to capture market share in the competitive NYC food delivery market
  • scope of the campaign (NYC only) may restrict its overall impact on Pizza Hut's business
  • Short-term nature of the promotion (until September 22, 2024) may limit long-term benefits
  • Potential for increased operational costs due to custom pizza box printing and free pizza distribution

Pizza Hut's "ResZAmes" campaign is a clever marketing stunt that leverages the company's core product to generate buzz and brand awareness. While it's unlikely to significantly impact Pizza Hut's bottom line, it demonstrates creative thinking in brand positioning. The campaign taps into the competitive job market narrative, potentially resonating with younger demographics who are often both job seekers and pizza consumers.

From a business perspective, this initiative could lead to increased brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. It also positions Pizza Hut as an innovative and socially conscious brand, which could appeal to both consumers and potential employees. However, the scope (NYC only) and short duration may restrict its overall impact. The real value lies in the PR and social media attention it's likely to generate, potentially leading to increased short-term sales and brand visibility.

While Pizza Hut's "ResZAmes" campaign is creative, it raises some HR concerns. Delivering resumes via pizza boxes to corporate offices might be seen as unprofessional or disruptive by some employers. It could potentially put candidates at a disadvantage if hiring managers view it as gimmicky rather than serious.

Moreover, this approach might inadvertently discriminate against candidates who can't participate due to location restrictions or dietary concerns. From an HR perspective, it's important to maintain equal opportunities in recruitment processes. While the campaign aims to help job seekers stand out, it's important to remember that qualifications and fit should remain the primary focus in hiring decisions, not the method of resume delivery.

Skip the email inbox, Pizza Hut will deliver FREE resume-printed pizza boxes in NYC to capture employer attention during peak 'September Surge' hiring season1

PLANO, Texas, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Pizza Hut is launching 'ResZAmes', a new offering aimed to help professionals stand out in today's competitive job market by delivering their resumes to prospective employers in a way that is sure to turn heads — via Pizza Hut's iconic pizza boxes. 75% of resumes sent are never read*, but an office pizza is hard to ignore. Amid the time of the year coined 'September Surge,' where there is a notable increase in job opportunities across industries at the start of Q4, Pizza Hut is leveraging what it does best — deliver hot, ready-to-eat pizza — to help job seekers grab the attention of employers and deliciously differentiate themselves in a crowded job market.

ResZAmes allows job applicants in the toughest job market, New York City, to stand out like never before by printing applicants' resumes directly on a pizza box and hand-delivering these specially crafted boxes to corporate headquarters of customer's choosing – all for free. Each ResZAme pizza box will arrive with a perfectly warm and deliciously cheesy medium-sized cheese pizza. This piping-hot resume will be almost impossible to ignore.

"We know finding a job can be daunting especially during this key hiring season, so we wanted to lend a hand to our job seeking customers and help them break through the clutter," said Pizza Hut's Chief Marketing Officer, Melissa Friebe. "By combining Pizza Hut's iconic pizza boxes with job seekers' resumes, we are hoping to help resumes drum up the same excitement as office pizza and help the applicant make a lasting impression. Who could possibly ignore a resume when it is delivered as a delicious pizza?"

Here's how ResZAmes works: 

  1. Visit the ResZAmes Website:
  2. Enter Your Zip Code: Customers will input the zip code of the headquarters of their desired future employer
  3. Build Your Resume: Customers whose employer's offices fall into the eligible delivery zones within New York City will be directed to input their resume via the online submission form
  4. Hear from Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut will then review the resume submissions and choose a select number of lucky winners whose resume will be hand delivered via custom Pizza Hut ResZAme pizza box to their desired employers.

Pizza Hut invites professionals to take advantage of this unique opportunity to make their job applications as exciting and memorable as an office pizza lunch.

The Pizza Hut ResZAmes submissions are now open at for a limited time through September 22, 2024. For availability, additional terms and conditions please visit

*According to

About Pizza Hut®
Pizza Hut, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), was founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas and since then has earned a reputation as a trailblazer in innovation with the creation of icons like Original® Pan and Original® Stuffed Crust pizzas. In 1994, Pizza Hut pizza was the very first online food order. Today, Pizza Hut continues leading the way in the digital and technology space with over half of transactions worldwide coming from digital orders. Pizza Hut is committed to providing an easy pizza experience – from order to delivery – and has Hut Rewards®, the Pizza Hut loyalty program that offers points for every dollar spent on food any way you order. Hut Rewards is open to U.S. residents 18+. See applicable terms at A global leader in the pizza category, Pizza Hut operates more than 19,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. Through its enormous presence, Pizza Hut works to unlock opportunity for its team members and communities around the world.

For more information, visit You can remain up to date on what's happening at Pizza Hut by following us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Press Contact

No purchase or payment necessary to enter or win. Open from 12:00:01 am ET 9/17/24 through 11:59:59 pm ET 9/22/24 to legal US residents 18+ only. Limit (1) entry per person. Potential employer's location must be in an eligible NYC zip code. Other restrictions apply. For full details, visit official rules at Our lawyers want you to know that Pizza Hut cannot guarantee that (i) a resume will be delivered to the potential employer, (ii) a candidate will receive an interview, and/or (iii) a candidate will receive a job offer or be hired.

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SOURCE Pizza Hut


What is Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' initiative and how does it work?

Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' is a unique job search initiative that prints applicants' resumes on pizza boxes and delivers them with a free medium cheese pizza to potential employers in New York City. Job seekers can submit their resumes through, and Pizza Hut will select winners for this free service.

When does Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' campaign run until for YUM stock?

Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' campaign runs until September 22, 2024. This -time promotion is part of Pizza Hut's strategy to engage with customers and potentially impact YUM stock through innovative marketing.

How might Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' initiative affect YUM stock?

Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' initiative could potentially affect YUM stock by increasing brand visibility, customer engagement, and media coverage. However, its scope (NYC only) and short-term nature may restrict its overall impact on the stock performance.

What is the 'September Surge' mentioned in Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' campaign for YUM stock?

The 'September Surge' refers to a notable increase in job opportunities across industries at the start of Q4. Pizza Hut's 'ResZAmes' campaign aims to capitalize on this hiring season, potentially boosting brand awareness and impacting YUM stock performance.

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