KFC Marks World Refugee Day With Expanded Commitments To Help Refugees in Our Communities Thrive

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KFC has significantly expanded its commitment to support refugees through employment and community integration initiatives. Key highlights include:

1. Increased hiring goal from 300 to over 2,500 refugees by 2026 in the Pan-European region.

2. Successfully welcomed 885+ refugees to KFC teams across Europe within the first year.

3. Expanded support beyond employment, partnering with local NGOs to provide mentorship and cultural inclusion assistance.

4. KFC teams in 14+ countries are actively working to make communities more welcoming for refugee team members, customers, and neighbors.

This initiative demonstrates KFC's commitment to social responsibility and creating inclusive work environments for refugees in their new communities.

KFC ha ampliato significativamente il suo impegno a supportare i rifugiati attraverso iniziative di impiego e integrazione nella comunità. Punti salienti:

1. Obiettivo di assunzione aumentato da 300 a oltre 2.500 rifugiati entro il 2026 nella regione paneuropea.

2. Accoglienza di oltre 885 rifugiati nei team KFC in tutta Europa nel primo anno.

3. Supporto ampliato oltre l'occupazione, collaborando con ONG locali per fornire tutoraggio e assistenza all'inclusione culturale.

4. I team KFC in oltre 14 paesi stanno lavorando attivamente per rendere le comunità più accoglienti per i membri del team rifugiati, i clienti e i vicini.

Questa iniziativa dimostra l'impegno di KFC nella responsabilità sociale e nella creazione di ambienti di lavoro inclusivi per i rifugiati nelle loro nuove comunità.

KFC ha ampliado significativamente su compromiso de apoyar a los refugiados a través de iniciativas de empleo e integración comunitaria. Puntos destacados:

1. Objetivo de contratación incrementado de 300 a más de 2,500 refugiados para 2026 en la región paneuropea.

2. Más de 885 refugiados han sido acogidos en los equipos de KFC en toda Europa en el primer año.

3. Apoyo expandido más allá del empleo, colaborando con ONG locales para proporcionar mentoría y asistencia para la inclusión cultural.

4. Los equipos de KFC en más de 14 países trabajan activamente para hacer las comunidades más acogedoras para los miembros del equipo refugiados, clientes y vecinos.

Esta iniciativa demuestra el compromiso de KFC con la responsabilidad social y la creación de entornos laborales inclusivos para los refugiados en sus nuevas comunidades.

KFC는 고용 및 지역 사회 통합 이니셔티브를 통해 난민 지원에 대한 약속을 대폭 확장했습니다. 주요 내용:

1. 범유럽 지역에서 2026년까지 300명에서 2,500명 이상의 난민을 고용하는 목표를 증가시켰습니다.

2. 첫 해 동안 유럽 전역의 KFC 팀에 885명 이상의 난민을 성공적으로 환영했습니다.

3. 고용을 넘어 지역 NGO와 협력하여 멘토십 및 문화 통합 지원을 제공합니다.

4. 14개국 이상의 KFC 팀이 난민 팀원, 고객 및 이웃을 위해 지역 사회를 보다 환영하는 공간으로 만들기 위해 적극적으로 노력하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 KFC가 사회적 책임과 난민을 위한 포용적 근무 환경을 조성하는 데 전념하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

KFC a considérablement élargi son engagement à soutenir les réfugiés par le biais d'initiatives d'emploi et d'intégration communautaire. Points clés :

1. L'objectif d'embauche a été augmenté de 300 à plus de 2 500 réfugiés d'ici 2026 dans la région paneuropéenne.

2. Plus de 885 réfugiés ont été accueillis avec succès dans les équipes KFC à travers l'Europe lors de la première année.

3. Le soutien a été élargi au-delà de l'emploi, en s'associant à des ONG locales pour fournir du mentorat et une assistance à l'inclusion culturelle.

4. Les équipes KFC dans plus de 14 pays travaillent activement à rendre les communautés plus accueillantes pour les membres de l'équipe réfugiés, les clients et les voisins.

Cette initiative démontre l'engagement de KFC en matière de responsabilité sociale et de création d'environnements de travail inclusifs pour les réfugiés dans leurs nouvelles communautés.

KFC hat sein Engagement zur Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen durch Beschäftigungs- und Integrationsinitiativen erheblich ausgeweitet. Wichtige Punkte:

1. Das Einstellungsziel wurde von 300 auf über 2.500 Flüchtlinge bis 2026 in der paneuropäischen Region erhöht.

2. Im ersten Jahr wurden über 885 Flüchtlinge erfolgreich in die KFC-Teams in ganz Europa aufgenommen.

3. Die Unterstützung wurde über die Beschäftigung hinaus erweitert, indem lokale NGOs zur Bereitstellung von Mentoring und kultureller Inklusion eingebunden wurden.

4. KFC-Teams in über 14 Ländern arbeiten aktiv daran, die Gemeinden für Flüchtlingsmitglieder, Kunden und Nachbarn einladender zu gestalten.

Diese Initiative zeigt das Engagement von KFC für soziale Verantwortung und die Schaffung integrativer Arbeitsumgebungen für Flüchtlinge in ihren neuen Gemeinden.

  • Increased refugee hiring goal by 8x, from 300 to over 2,500 by 2026
  • Successfully hired 885+ refugees across Europe in the first year
  • Expanded support to include mentorship and cultural inclusion assistance
  • Implemented refugee support initiatives in 14+ countries
  • None.


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2024 / Over the past year, KFC has focused on how we can stand Refugees through our social purpose efforts around the world. Twelve months later, we've learned a lot!

Here are a few nuggets of progress from along the way:

In June of 2023, KFC announced a global partnership with Tent Partnership for Refugees and a commitment to hire and train 300 refugees over three years across our restaurants in the Pan-European region.

With the incredible support of our franchise partners and restaurant teams, we quickly realized we could do more.

Our KFC Europe team expanded our commitment to support more than 2,500 refugees by 2026. You read that right - increasing the initial goal by 8x! One year later, we've made progress, welcoming more than 885+ refugees to KFC teams across Europe.

And it doesn't stop there. We know that a job isn't the only support a refugee needs when adjusting to their new home. So, we're working alongside local NGOs to increase access to mentorship, cultural inclusion, and wrap around support.

In all, KFC teams in 14+ countries are making our communities more welcoming for refugee team members, customers, and neighbors.

We're proud of the part we play to help refugees in our communities thrive, and we're excited for what the next year holds as we continue unlocking opportunities in our restaurants and beyond.

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Spokesperson: Yum! Brands

SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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How many refugees has KFC committed to hire and train by 2026?

KFC has committed to hire and train over 2,500 refugees by 2026 across their restaurants in the Pan-European region, significantly increasing their initial goal of 300.

How many refugees has KFC hired so far in Europe?

As of July 2024, KFC has welcomed more than 885 refugees to their teams across Europe.

What additional support is KFC providing to refugees beyond employment?

KFC is working with local NGOs to provide refugees with mentorship, cultural inclusion support, and other wrap-around services to help them adjust to their new homes.

In how many countries is KFC implementing refugee support initiatives?

KFC teams in more than 14 countries are actively working to make their communities more welcoming for refugee team members, customers, and neighbors.

Yum! Brands, Inc.


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