Earth Day 2024: How KFC is Championing Sustainability

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KFC, owned by Yum! Brands, is championing sustainability by reducing plastic usage, increasing recycling rates, investing in circularity, and collaborating globally. They aim to have all plastic-based packaging made from recoverable or reusable materials by 2025. KFC is part of the NextGen Consortium to address single-use foodservice packaging waste. They have introduced Green Line Furniture made from recycled materials. Collaboration within the company helps drive efficiency and scale in packaging solutions.
KFC, di proprietà di Yum! Brands, sta promuovendo la sostenibilità riducendo l'uso della plastica, aumentando i tassi di riciclaggio, investendo nella circolarità e collaborando a livello globale. L'obiettivo è quello di rendere tutta la confezione basata su plastica recuperabile o riutilizzabile entro il 2025. KFC fa parte del NextGen Consortium per affrontare il problema dei rifiuti degli imballaggi monouso nel settore della ristorazione. Hanno introdotto mobili della linea Green realizzati con materiali riciclati. La collaborazione all'interno dell'azienda contribuisce a migliorare l'efficienza e l'ampiezza delle soluzioni di imballaggio.
KFC, propiedad de Yum! Brands, está impulsando la sostenibilidad al reducir el uso de plásticos, aumentar las tasas de reciclaje, invertir en circularidad y colaborar a nivel global. Su meta es que todo el empaque basado en plástico sea recuperable o reutilizable para 2025. KFC forma parte del NextGen Consortium para abordar los desechos de empaques de un solo uso en servicios alimentarios. Han introducido Muebles de Línea Verde hechos de materiales reciclados. La colaboración dentro de la empresa ayuda a impulsar la eficiencia y la escala en las soluciones de empaque.
Yum! Brands 소유의 KFC는 플라스틱 사용을 줄이고, 재활용률을 높이고, 순환성에 투자하며 전 세계적으로 협력하여 지속 가능성을 추구하고 있습니다. 그들은 2025년까지 모든 플라스틱 기반 포장이 회수 가능하거나 재사용 가능한 재료로 만들어지기를 목표로 하고 있습니다. KFC는 일회용 식품 서비스 포장 폐기물을 다루기 위해 NextGen 컨소시엄의 일원입니다. 재활용 재료로 만들어진 그린 라인 가구를 도입했습니다. 회사 내의 협력은 포장 솔루션의 효율성과 규모를 증진하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
KFC, détenu par Yum! Brands, championne la durabilité en réduisant l'utilisation du plastique, augmentant les taux de recyclage, investissant dans la circularité et collaborant à l'échelle mondiale. Ils visent à ce que tous les emballages à base de plastique soient fabriqués à partir de matériaux récupérables ou réutilisables d'ici 2025. KFC fait partie du Consortium NextGen pour aborder les déchets d'emballages alimentaires à usage unique. Ils ont introduit des meubles Green Line fabriqués à partir de matériaux recyclés. La collaboration au sein de l'entreprise aide à conduire l'efficience et l'échelle dans les solutions d'emballage.
KFC, im Besitz von Yum! Brands, fördert Nachhaltigkeit, indem es den Kunststoffverbrauch reduziert, die Recyclingquoten erhöht, in Kreislaufwirtschaft investiert und global zusammenarbeitet. Sie zielen darauf ab, bis 2025 alle auf Kunststoff basierenden Verpackungen aus wiederverwertbaren oder wiederverwendbaren Materialien herzustellen. KFC ist Teil des NextGen Consortiums, das sich mit dem Abfall von Einwegverpackungen im Lebensmittelservice befasst. Sie haben Green Line Möbel aus recycelten Materialien eingeführt. Die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb des Unternehmens fördert Effizienz und Maßstab in den Verpackungslösungen.
  • None.
  • None.


As the proud owners of one of the most iconic pieces of packaging in the world - our bucket - there's no question on where we stand in Planet vs Plastics. For Earth Day, we're sharing 4 ways KFC is showing up for Team Planet.

Recovering and reducing plastic - From exploring plant-based plastics with KFC India and reducing single-use plastic with KFC South Africa, we're well on our way to reaching our goal for all plastic-based, consumer-facing packaging to be made from recoverable or reusable materials by 2025.

Reducing waste - KFC UK & Ireland are piloting a new front-of-house bin that educates consumers on sorting waste vs. recoverable materials and has increased the average recycling rate from 17% to 30%. We also know we can't do this work alone, which is why Yum! Brands is a supporting partner of the NextGen Consortium which aims to address single-use foodservice packaging waste by advancing design, commercialization and recovery of packaging alternatives.

Investing in circularity - We're globally rolling out Green Line Furniture, a new collection of sustainable, highly durable furnishings made from recycled materials that is also modular, which means only the parts that are worn down need to be replaced during renovations vs. discarding the whole thing.

Collaborating to build trust and impact - Throughout the year, KFC leaders, franchisees and suppliers gather to share best practices and break through barriers. We know this type of collaboration helps us turn local solutions into global ones and identify opportunities to drive both efficiency and scale of our packaging portfolio.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Yum! Brands

SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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What is KFC doing for Earth Day 2024?

KFC is championing sustainability by reducing plastic usage, increasing recycling rates, investing in circularity, and collaborating globally.

What is the goal of KFC regarding plastic-based packaging?

KFC aims to have all plastic-based, consumer-facing packaging made from recoverable or reusable materials by 2025.

What initiative is KFC part of to address packaging waste?

KFC is part of the NextGen Consortium, which aims to address single-use foodservice packaging waste.

What is Green Line Furniture introduced by KFC?

Green Line Furniture is a collection of sustainable, highly durable furnishings made from recycled materials.

How does KFC increase recycling rates in the UK & Ireland?

KFC piloted a new front-of-house bin that educates consumers on sorting waste vs. recoverable materials, increasing the average recycling rate from 17% to 30%.

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