CLEAR, an Official TSA PreCheck® Enrollment Provider, Expands Enrollment and Renewal Options by Opening New Simon® Mall Locations
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU) announces expansion of its TSA PreCheck® enrollment services with new locations at four Simon® malls across the United States. The new enrollment centers are located at Sawgrass Mills (Sunrise, Florida), The Florida Mall (Orlando), The Galleria (Houston), and Lenox Square (Atlanta), marking CLEAR's first non-airport locations in these areas.
These additions complement CLEAR's existing network of 56 airport-based enrollment locations and select Staples stores nationwide. The expansion aims to provide more convenient access for travelers to enroll or renew their TSA PreCheck memberships throughout 2025. Operating hours vary by location, with most centers open daily from 11 AM to 7 PM ET.
TSA PreCheck members enjoy expedited security screening, with 99% of members waiting less than 10 minutes at airport checkpoints nationwide. Benefits include keeping shoes, belts, and light jackets on, plus laptops and compliant liquids in carry-on bags during screening.
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU) annuncia l'espansione dei suoi servizi di registrazione TSA PreCheck® con nuove sedi in quattro centri commerciali Simon® negli Stati Uniti. I nuovi centri di registrazione si trovano a Sawgrass Mills (Sunrise, Florida), The Florida Mall (Orlando), The Galleria (Houston) e Lenox Square (Atlanta), segnando le prime sedi di CLEAR al di fuori degli aeroporti in queste aree.
Queste aggiunte completano la rete esistente di CLEAR di 56 sedi di registrazione basate in aeroporti e alcuni negozi Staples in tutto il paese. L'espansione mira a fornire un accesso più conveniente per i viaggiatori per registrarsi o rinnovare le loro iscrizioni a TSA PreCheck durante il 2025. Gli orari di apertura variano a seconda della posizione, con la maggior parte dei centri aperti tutti i giorni dalle 11:00 alle 19:00 ET.
I membri di TSA PreCheck godono di controlli di sicurezza accelerati, con il 99% dei membri che attende meno di 10 minuti ai controlli di sicurezza degli aeroporti in tutto il paese. I vantaggi includono la possibilità di tenere scarpe, cinture e giacche leggere indossate, oltre a laptop e liquidi conformi nelle borse a mano durante il controllo.
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU) anuncia la expansión de sus servicios de inscripción TSA PreCheck® con nuevas ubicaciones en cuatro centros comerciales Simon® en los Estados Unidos. Los nuevos centros de inscripción se encuentran en Sawgrass Mills (Sunrise, Florida), The Florida Mall (Orlando), The Galleria (Houston) y Lenox Square (Atlanta), marcando las primeras ubicaciones de CLEAR fuera de los aeropuertos en estas áreas.
Estas adiciones complementan la red existente de CLEAR de 56 ubicaciones de inscripción en aeropuertos y algunas tiendas Staples en todo el país. La expansión tiene como objetivo proporcionar un acceso más conveniente para que los viajeros se inscriban o renueven sus membresías de TSA PreCheck a lo largo de 2025. Los horarios de operación varían según la ubicación, con la mayoría de los centros abiertos todos los días de 11 AM a 7 PM ET.
Los miembros de TSA PreCheck disfrutan de un control de seguridad acelerado, con el 99% de los miembros esperando menos de 10 minutos en los puntos de control de seguridad de los aeropuertos en todo el país. Los beneficios incluyen mantener los zapatos, cinturones y chaquetas ligeras puestos, además de laptops y líquidos permitidos en las bolsas de mano durante el control.
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU)는 미국 전역의 네 개의 Simon® 쇼핑몰에 TSA PreCheck® 등록 서비스의 확장을 발표했습니다. 새로운 등록 센터는 Sawgrass Mills (플로리다주 서프라이즈), The Florida Mall (올랜도), The Galleria (휴스턴), Lenox Square (애틀랜타)에 위치해 있으며, 이 지역에서 CLEAR의 첫 비공항 위치입니다.
이 추가는 CLEAR의 기존 56개 공항 기반 등록 위치와 전국의 일부 Staples 매장을 보완합니다. 이 확장은 여행자들이 2025년 동안 TSA PreCheck 멤버십을 등록하거나 갱신할 수 있는 더 편리한 접근을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 운영 시간은 위치에 따라 다르며, 대부분의 센터는 매일 오전 11시부터 오후 7시(ET)까지 운영됩니다.
TSA PreCheck 회원은 보안 검색을 신속하게 받을 수 있으며, 99%의 회원이 전국 공항 보안 검색대에서 10분 미만으로 대기합니다. 이점으로는 신발, 벨트, 가벼운 재킷을 착용한 채로 통과할 수 있으며, 노트북과 규정에 맞는 액체를 휴대 수하물에 넣고 검색을 받을 수 있습니다.
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU) annonce l'expansion de ses services d'inscription TSA PreCheck® avec de nouveaux emplacements dans quatre centres commerciaux Simon® à travers les États-Unis. Les nouveaux centres d'inscription sont situés à Sawgrass Mills (Sunrise, Floride), The Florida Mall (Orlando), The Galleria (Houston) et Lenox Square (Atlanta), marquant les premiers emplacements de CLEAR en dehors des aéroports dans ces régions.
Ces ajouts complètent le réseau existant de CLEAR de 56 emplacements d'inscription basés dans des aéroports et certains magasins Staples à l'échelle nationale. L'expansion vise à offrir un accès plus pratique aux voyageurs pour s'inscrire ou renouveler leurs adhésions TSA PreCheck tout au long de l'année 2025. Les horaires d'ouverture varient selon les emplacements, la plupart des centres étant ouverts tous les jours de 11h00 à 19h00 ET.
Les membres de TSA PreCheck bénéficient d'un contrôle de sécurité accéléré, 99 % des membres attendant moins de 10 minutes aux points de contrôle de sécurité des aéroports à travers le pays. Les avantages incluent la possibilité de garder ses chaussures, ceintures et vestes légères, ainsi que des ordinateurs portables et des liquides conformes dans les bagages à main pendant le contrôle.
CLEAR (NYSE: YOU) kündigt die Erweiterung seiner TSA PreCheck® Anmeldedienste mit neuen Standorten in vier Simon® Einkaufszentren in den Vereinigten Staaten an. Die neuen Anmeldezentren befinden sich in Sawgrass Mills (Sunrise, Florida), The Florida Mall (Orlando), The Galleria (Houston) und Lenox Square (Atlanta) und markieren CLEARs erste Standorte außerhalb von Flughäfen in diesen Regionen.
Diese Ergänzungen erweitern das bestehende Netzwerk von CLEAR mit 56 standortbasierten Anmeldestellen an Flughäfen und ausgewählten Staples-Filialen im ganzen Land. Die Expansion zielt darauf ab, Reisenden einen bequemeren Zugang zur Anmeldung oder Erneuerung ihrer TSA PreCheck-Mitgliedschaften im Jahr 2025 zu bieten. Die Öffnungszeiten variieren je nach Standort, wobei die meisten Zentren täglich von 11:00 bis 19:00 Uhr ET geöffnet sind.
TSA PreCheck-Mitglieder genießen eine beschleunigte Sicherheitskontrolle, wobei 99 % der Mitglieder an den Sicherheitskontrollen der Flughäfen im ganzen Land weniger als 10 Minuten warten. Zu den Vorteilen gehören das Tragen von Schuhen, Gürteln und leichten Jacken sowie das Mitführen von Laptops und zulässigen Flüssigkeiten in Handgepäck während der Kontrolle.
- Expansion into non-airport locations increases accessibility and potential customer base
- Partnership with major mall operator Simon provides premium retail location exposure
- Complementing existing 56 airport locations shows significant network growth
- Extended operating hours (7 days/week in most locations) maximize enrollment opportunities
- initial rollout to only four new locations
- Operating hours may be restricted compared to airport locations
CLEAR's expansion of TSA PreCheck enrollment services to Simon mall locations marks a strategic shift in their distribution strategy. By moving beyond the 56 airport-based enrollment locations to high-traffic retail environments in Florida, Texas, and Georgia, CLEAR is addressing a fundamental business challenge: how to grow their customer acquisition touchpoints without relying solely on airport foot traffic.
This partnership with Simon, a premier retail property REIT, gives CLEAR access to valuable consumer traffic in a non-airport context. The strategic value lies in making TSA PreCheck enrollment more accessible to consumers who might not regularly visit airports but still value the travel benefit. Each enrollment location effectively serves as both a service point and brand awareness hub.
As an authorized TSA PreCheck provider, CLEAR generates revenue from each enrollment and renewal processed through their system. The mall expansion creates additional purchase opportunities in everyday environments where consumers have more time and potentially less stress than airport settings.
While the move represents logical business development aligned with CLEAR's growth strategy of increasing accessibility to travel services, the announcement lacks specific financial projections or enrollment targets. Investors should view this as part of CLEAR's ongoing strategy to diversify revenue streams beyond their core CLEAR Plus airport security product, with the actual financial impact dependent on consumer adoption at these new locations.
New enrollment locations offer convenient option for consumers to enroll or renew in TSA PreCheck
NEW YORK, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CLEAR (NYSE: YOU), an authorized TSA PreCheck® enrollment provider, continues to expand locations outside the airport environment to enroll and renew consumers in the Trusted Traveler program by opening new locations at Sawgrass Mills®, The Florida Mall®, The Galleria™, and Lenox Square®. These locations–in Sunrise; Florida; Orlando, Florida; Houston, Texas; and Atlanta, Georgia–are owned by Simon®, a real estate investment trust engaged in the ownership of premier shopping, dining, entertainment and mixed-use destinations. This marks CLEAR’s first non-airport location in these areas for TSA PreCheck enrollment and renewal services, complementing its 56 airport-based enrollment and renewal locations across the U.S. TSA PreCheck enrollment and renewal services through CLEAR are also available at select Staples stores nationwide.
The launch of these new enrollment locations represents the ongoing expansion of CLEAR’s national TSA PreCheck enrollment footprint. Throughout 2025, CLEAR will continue delivering convenience to consumers by launching additional locations and extended hours of operation for enrollment and renewals.
“TSA PreCheck through CLEAR provides a fast and efficient travel experience,” said CLEAR CEO Caryn Seidman-Becker. “We are committed to making TSA PreCheck enrollment more accessible and convenient for travelers, and we’re excited to bring this service to Sawgrass Mills, The Florida Mall, The Galleria, and Lenox Square. As some of the premier retail destinations in the country, these locations offer an ideal way for travelers to seamlessly enroll or renew TSA PreCheck, helping them move through security faster and with less hassle.”
“We love to enhance the shopper experience with new amenities across our portfolio of retail centers, and bringing TSA PreCheck enrollment, particularly to these tourist destinations, is a perfect fit,” said Chip Harding, Executive Vice President, Simon Media & Experiences at Simon. “We’re thrilled to collaborate with CLEAR to offer our visitors a convenient and efficient way to enroll or renew TSA PreCheck while they shop.”
Hours of operation at Sawgrass Mills and The Florida Mall are Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. ET to 7 p.m. ET; The Galleria will operate Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. ET to 7 p.m. ET and Sunday from noon ET to 6 p.m. ET; and Lenox Square will operate Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET and Sunday from noon ET to 7 p.m. ET.
Look for the TSA PreCheck through CLEAR standing banners and pods.
TSA PreCheck members benefit from the convenience of keeping shoes, belts and light jackets on through the airport security checkpoint, and keeping laptops and 3-1-1 compliant liquids in carry-on bags. Members typically get through security screening much faster, with about
New TSA PreCheck applicants can pre-enroll or find an enrollment location by visiting the authorized CLEAR’s authorized TSA PreCheck website, Most existing TSA PreCheck members can renew directly on the website, regardless of the provider they enrolled with originally.
A list of CLEAR enrollment locations for TSA PreCheck is included below, and on the CLEAR, TSA PreCheck website:
About TSA PreCheck®
TSA PreCheck is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trusted Traveler program that allows enrolled travelers expedited screening through airport security. TSA PreCheck lanes are located at over 200 airports with nearly 90 airlines participating. Since TSA first launched the TSA PreCheck application program as a DHS Trusted Traveler Program for low-risk travelers in December 2013, active membership in the program has grown to more than 20 million members.
CLEAR's mission is to create frictionless experiences. With over 30 million Members and a growing network of partners across the world, CLEAR's identity platform is transforming the way people live, work, and travel. Whether you are traveling, at the stadium, or on your phone, CLEAR connects you to the things that make you, you – making everyday experiences easier, more secure, and friction-free. CLEAR is committed to privacy done right. Members are always in control of their own information, and we never sell Member data. For more information, visit
About Simon
Simon® is a real estate investment trust engaged in the ownership of premier shopping, dining, entertainment and mixed-use destinations and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our properties across North America, Europe and Asia provide community gathering places for millions of people every day and generate billions in annual sales.
Forward-Looking Statements
This release may contain statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that any and such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or results and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results, developments and events may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those described in the Company's filings within the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the sections titled "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10- K. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained herein.
This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.