MingZhu Logistics Expects to Move Forward with Alternative Options After Mutually Agreeing with Oxylus Global to Terminate Proposed Acquisition
MingZhu Logistics Holdings (Nasdaq: YGMZ) and Oxylus Global Inc have mutually agreed to terminate their proposed acquisition announced on May 31, 2024. The decision was made due to uncertainties around securing required regulatory approvals in a timely manner. As a result, the agreement will be terminated with no further liabilities, damages, or obligations between the parties. MingZhu Logistics has stated that it plans to pursue alternative options as part of its ongoing strategy for business diversification and growth acceleration. This development marks a significant shift in MingZhu's expansion plans and may impact its future business trajectory.
MingZhu Logistics Holdings (Nasdaq: YGMZ) e Oxylus Global Inc hanno deciso di comune accordo di terminare la loro proposta di acquisizione annunciata il 31 maggio 2024. La decisione è stata presa a causa di incertezze riguardanti l'ottenimento delle necessarie approvazioni regolatorie in tempi utili. Di conseguenza, l'accordo verrà annullato senza ulteriori responsabilità, danni o obbligazioni tra le parti. MingZhu Logistics ha dichiarato che intende perseguire opzioni alternative come parte della sua strategia continuativa per diversificazione aziendale e accelerazione della crescita. Questo sviluppo segna una svolta significativa nei piani di espansione di MingZhu e potrebbe influenzare la sua traiettoria aziendale futura.
MingZhu Logistics Holdings (Nasdaq: YGMZ) y Oxylus Global Inc han acordado mutuamente cancelar su propuesta de adquisición anunciada el 31 de mayo de 2024. La decisión se tomó debido a incertidumbres en torno a la obtención de las aprobaciones regulatorias necesarias de manera oportuna. Como resultado, el acuerdo se cancelará sin futuras responsabilidades, daños u obligaciones entre las partes. MingZhu Logistics ha declarado que planea buscar opciones alternativas como parte de su estrategia continua para diversificación empresarial y aceleración del crecimiento. Este desarrollo marca un cambio significativo en los planes de expansión de MingZhu y puede afectar su trayectoria empresarial futura.
밍주 물류 홀딩스(Nasdaq: YGMZ)와 옥실루스 글로벌 주식회사는 2024년 5월 31일에 발표된 인수 제안을 상호 합의로 종료하기로 했다. 이 결정은 필요한 규제 승인 확보에 대한 불확실성 때문에 내려졌다. 결과적으로, 계약은 양측 간에 추가적인 책임, 손해 또는 의무가 없는 상태로 종료될 것이다. 밍주 물류는 사업 다각화 및 성장 가속화를 위한 지속적인 전략의 일환으로 대체 옵션을 모색할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 이번 개발은 밍주의 확장 계획에 있어 중대한 전환점을 나타내며, 향후 사업 궤적에 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
MingZhu Logistics Holdings (Nasdaq: YGMZ) et Oxylus Global Inc ont mutuellement convenu de mettre fin à leur proposition d'acquisition annoncée le 31 mai 2024. Cette décision a été prise en raison de l'incertitude quant à l'obtention des approbations réglementaires nécessaires dans les délais. En conséquence, l'accord sera annulé sans autres responsabilités, dommages ou obligations entre les parties. MingZhu Logistics a déclaré qu'elle prévoit de rechercher des options alternatives dans le cadre de sa stratégie continue pour la diversification des activités et l'accélération de la croissance. Ce développement marque un changement significatif dans les plans d'expansion de MingZhu et pourrait avoir un impact sur sa trajectoire commerciale future.
MingZhu Logistics Holdings (Nasdaq: YGMZ) und Oxylus Global Inc haben einvernehmlich beschlossen, ihre am 31. Mai 2024 angekündigte Übernahme aufzugeben. Diese Entscheidung wurde aufgrund von Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich der rechtzeitigen Sicherung der erforderlichen Genehmigungen getroffen. Infolgedessen wird die Vereinbarung ohne weitere Verbindlichkeiten, Schäden oder Verpflichtungen zwischen den Parteien aufgehoben. MingZhu Logistics hat erklärt, dass es alternative Optionen verfolgen möchte als Teil seiner fortlaufenden Strategie zur Geschäftsdifferenzierung und Wachstumsbeschleunigung. Diese Entwicklung markiert einen signifikanten Wandel in den Expansionsplänen von MingZhu und könnte die zukünftige Geschäftsentwicklung beeinflussen.
- MingZhu Logistics plans to pursue alternative options for business growth
- The company maintains its strategy for business diversification and growth acceleration
- No financial liabilities or damages incurred from the termination of the agreement
- Failure to complete the proposed acquisition with Oxylus Global
- Potential delay in MingZhu's expansion plans due to terminated acquisition
- Uncertainty regarding the company's next strategic move for growth
MingZhu Logistics Holdings noted it expects to now move forward with alternative options as part of its continued aggressive business diversification and growth acceleration strategy.
About MingZhu Logistics Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: YGMZ)
Established in 2002 and headquartered in
Forward-Looking Statements
The statements in this press release regarding the Company's future expectations, plans and prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding plans, goals, objectives, strategies, future events, expected performance, assumptions and any other statements of fact that have not occurred. Any statements that contain the words "may", "will", "want", "should", "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "calculate" or similar statements that are not factual in nature are to be considered forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from historical results or from those expressed in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, the Company's strategic objectives, the Company's future plans, market demand and user acceptance of the Company's products or services, technological advances, economic trends, the growth of the trucking services market in
SOURCE MingZhu Logistics Holdings Limited