Xtra Energy Corporation Reports High-Grade Antimony Assay Results from On-Site StockPiles, Paving the Way for U.S.-Based Production

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Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) has reported high-grade antimony assay results from on-site stockpiles at its American Antimony Project near Fallon, Nevada. The assays revealed antimony content ranging from 160 ppm to 31%, with an average grade of 2.73% Sb across 4 tested piles, estimated at 10,000 tons. These results are important for the company's plans to initiate U.S.-based antimony production, a critical mineral used in various industrial applications.

The company estimates the potential value of the antimony in these stockpiles at $5,654,400, based on current market prices. Xtra Energy is accelerating its project timeline, planning further studies, permitting processes, and exploring strategic partnerships. The company aims to become the leading domestic supplier of antimony, contributing to national security and supply chain resilience.

Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) ha riportato risultati di analisi di antimonio di alta qualità dai depositi presenti sul sito del suo Progetto Antimonio Americano vicino a Fallon, Nevada. Le analisi hanno rivelato un contenuto di antimonio compreso tra 160 ppm e 31%, con un grado medio di 2,73% Sb su 4 mucchi testati, stimati in 10.000 tonnellate. Questi risultati sono significativi per i piani dell'azienda di avviare la produzione di antimonio negli Stati Uniti, un minerale critico utilizzato in varie applicazioni industriali.

L'azienda stima il valore potenziale dell'antimonio in questi depositi a $5.654.400, basato sui prezzi di mercato attuali. Xtra Energy sta accelerando la tempistica del progetto, pianificando studi ulteriori, processi di autorizzazione ed esplorando partnership strategiche. L'azienda mira a diventare il principale fornitore nazionale di antimonio, contribuendo alla sicurezza nazionale e alla resilienza della catena di approvvigionamento.

Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) ha reportado resultados de análisis de antimonio de alta calidad de las pilas de material en su Proyecto de Antimonio Americano cerca de Fallon, Nevada. Los análisis revelaron un contenido de antimonio que varía entre 160 ppm y 31%, con una ley promedio de 2.73% Sb en 4 pilas analizadas, estimadas en 10,000 toneladas. Estos resultados son importantes para los planes de la compañía de iniciar la producción de antimonio en Estados Unidos, un mineral crítico utilizado en diversas aplicaciones industriales.

La compañía estima que el valor potencial del antimonio en estas pilas asciende a $5,654,400, basado en los precios actuales del mercado. Xtra Energy está acelerando su cronograma de proyecto, planificando estudios adicionales, procesos de permisos y explorando asociaciones estratégicas. La compañía aspira a convertirse en el principal proveedor nacional de antimonio, contribuyendo a la seguridad nacional y a la resiliencia de la cadena de suministro.

Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT)는 네바다 주 팰론에 위치한 미국 안티모니 프로젝트의 현장 재고에서 고품질 안티모니 분석 결과를 보고했습니다. 분석 결과 안티모니 함량은 160 ppm에서 31%까지 다양하며, 10,000톤에 대해 평균 2.73% Sb의 등급을 나타냈습니다. 이러한 결과는 회사의 미국 내 안티모니 생산 개시 계획에 중요한 의미를 지닙니다. 안티모니는 다양한 산업 응용 분야에 사용되는 중요한 광물입니다.

회사는 현재 시장 가격을 기준으로 이 재고에 포함된 안티모니의 잠재적 가치를 $5,654,400로 추정하고 있습니다. Xtra Energy는 프로젝트 일정을 가속화하고 있으며, 추가 연구 및 허가 절차를 계획하고 전략적 파트너십을 탐색하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 안티모니의 주요 국내 공급자가 되어 국가 안보 및 공급망 회복력에 기여하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) a rapporté des résultats d'analyse d'antimoine de haute qualité provenant des stockages sur site de son Projet Antimoine Américain près de Fallon, Nevada. Les analyses ont révélé une teneur en antimoine allant de 160 ppm à 31%, avec une teneur moyenne de 2,73% Sb sur 4 tas testés, estimés à 10 000 tonnes. Ces résultats sont importants pour les projets de l'entreprise visant à initier la production d'antimoine aux États-Unis, un minéral critique utilisé dans diverses applications industrielles.

L'entreprise estime la valeur potentielle de l'antimoine dans ces stocks à 5 654 400 $, basé sur les prix du marché actuels. Xtra Energy accélère son calendrier de projet, planifiant des études supplémentaires, des processus d'autorisation et explorant des partenariats stratégiques. L'entreprise vise à devenir le principal fournisseur national d'antimoine, contribuant à la sécurité nationale et à la résilience de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) hat hochwertige Antimonanalysenergebnisse von den Lagerbeständen vor Ort in seinem American Antimony Project in der Nähe von Fallon, Nevada, gemeldet. Die Analysen ergaben einen Antimongehalt von 160 ppm bis 31%, mit einem Durchschnittsgehalt von 2,73% Sb über 4 getestete Haufen, geschätzt auf 10.000 Tonnen. Diese Ergebnisse sind wichtig für die Pläne des Unternehmens, die Antimonproduktion in den USA zu starten, einem kritischen Mineral, das in verschiedenen industriellen Anwendungen verwendet wird.

Das Unternehmen schätzt den potenziellen Wert des Antimons in diesen Lagerbeständen auf 5.654.400 $, basierend auf den aktuellen Marktpreisen. Xtra Energy beschleunigt den Projektzeitplan und plant weitere Studien, Genehmigungsverfahren und die Erkundung strategischer Partnerschaften. Das Unternehmen hat das Ziel, der führende heimische Antimonlieferant zu werden und zur nationalen Sicherheit sowie zur Resilienz der Lieferkette beizutragen.

  • High-grade antimony assay results with an average of 2.73% Sb across tested piles
  • Estimated 10,000 tons of stockpiled material with potential value of $5,654,400
  • Positioning as a potential sole domestic supplier of antimony in the U.S.
  • Acceleration of project timeline for U.S.-based antimony production
  • Potential price fluctuations in antimony market affecting projected value
  • Environmental concerns and permitting processes may impact production timeline
  • Variations in antimony grade within stockpiles could affect overall economic viability

AUSTIN, TX / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2024 / Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC Pink:XTPT) is excited to announce the successful assay results from our on-site mill grade stockpiles at the American Antimony Project, located about 57 miles northeast of Fallon, Nevada. The assay results confirm high-grade antimony content, marking a critical step forward in our plans to initiate U.S.-based production of this strategically important mineral.

Figure 1 : Collage of the Tested Piles

Antimony, a critical mineral used in a variety of industrial applications, including flame retardants, alloys, and battery technologies, is increasingly in demand. The assay results revealed a range of 160 ppm Sb to as high as 31% Sb, with an average grade of 2.73% Sb across the 4 tested piles so far, estimated at a tonnage of 10,000 tons. The assay results highlight the economic viability of these piles and reaffirm our commitment to becoming the sole domestic supplier of antimony.

Figure 2 : American Antimony Project Piles Tested vs. Not Tested

Mac J. Shahsavar P. Eng., Chairman stated: "These high-grade assay results are a significant milestone for Xtra Energy. They validate our strategy to leverage existing resources for near-term production. With antimony recognized as a critical mineral by the U.S. government, establishing a domestic source is not only a strategic opportunity for our company but also a contribution to national security and supply chain resilience."

Assay and Tailings Pile Details:

  • Location: The piles are spread across our American Antimony Project site in the Bernice Mining District, which was historically known for antimony mineralization and production during both World Wars.

  • Assay Results: For the test, 24 complete samples were taken from four stockpiles and sent to American Assay Laboratories in Sparks, Nevada, for testing by a third-party lab. The results showed consistent high-grade antimony concentrations, with an average of 2.73% Sb.

Click Here for Lab Reports

  • Production Potential: These findings will guide the next phase of our project, which includes road construction and planning for the start of on-site processing and production. These findings, based solely on mill grade stockpiles, further validate the mines for their economic viability, redevelopment, and further material extraction. We can clean up the multiple piles through remediation and use the funds to redevelop the Bernice Mining District into the leading producer of antimony in the United States.

10,000 tons

Avg. 2.73% Sb

273 tons of antimony

$22,800 per tonne


*Key Variables to Consider, Cost Analysis, and Expected Recoveries:

Price fluctuations in antimony. The antimony grade variations within the pile, taking into account both high-grade and low-grade zones, The concentration's density. The parent rock's density. Rates of milling and smelting recovery.

Strategic Impact:

The positive assay results position Xtra Energy to move forward with plans to develop a U.S.-based antimony production facility, reducing dependency on foreign sources and supporting the domestic economy. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are exploring environmentally responsible concentration, extraction, and processing methods with the Irish Metals subsidiary of Sidney Resources Corp. that align with our corporate values and regulatory requirements.

Next Steps:

In light of these promising results, Xtra Energy is accelerating its project timeline, with upcoming activities including:

  • Further Study: We intend to perform a full sampling and lab program to analyze the economic potential of each stockpile on the project site, which we estimate will number more than twenty separate piles, as well as their estimated tonnage. We must delve further into the environmental concerns in order to develop production facilities and determine the best processing location to begin.

  • Permitting and Approvals: Engaging with local, state, and federal agencies to obtain the necessary permits and approvals for road construction. This will enable us to quickly access and test all piles across the AAP, thereby ensuring rapid production.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Exploring partnerships with local land owners, industry leaders, and government agencies to enhance the project's success and sustainability. Xtra Energy has already begun fielding multiple proposals for financing the project into full redevelopment and production.

Contact & Learn More:

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About Xtra Energy Corporation

Xtra Energy Corp. is an antimony exploration company focused on developing its flagship project "American Antimony", approximately 31 miles northeast of Eastgate, Nevada. Xtra Energy Corp. holds a 100% ownership in 214 lode claims or 4,421 acre antimony project including the historically documented Antimony King Mine and covering all other documented antimony producers of the Bernice Mining District. The Company is seeking to develop this expanding portfolio of potential antimony-rich assets to become a major supplier of antimony-based products.


This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements relate to future events, including our ability to raise capital, or to our future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause materially different results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond our control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects our current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to our operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. We assume no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

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SOURCE: Xtra Energy Corp.

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What were the antimony assay results reported by Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT)?

Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT) reported antimony assay results ranging from 160 ppm to 31% Sb, with an average grade of 2.73% Sb across 4 tested stockpiles at their American Antimony Project.

How much antimony does Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT) estimate in their tested stockpiles?

Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT) estimates approximately 273 tons of antimony in the tested stockpiles, based on 10,000 tons of material with an average grade of 2.73% Sb.

What is the estimated value of the antimony in Xtra Energy Corp.'s (XTPT) stockpiles?

Based on current market prices, Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT) estimates the potential value of the antimony in their tested stockpiles at $5,654,400.

What are Xtra Energy Corp.'s (XTPT) next steps for the American Antimony Project?

Xtra Energy Corp. (XTPT) plans to conduct further studies, obtain necessary permits for road construction, and explore strategic partnerships to advance the American Antimony Project towards production.



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