Dentsply Sirona Sustainability Report 2023: Year of continued action leads to strong results and several goals achieved ahead of time

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Dentsply Sirona, the world's largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies, has published its 2023 Sustainability Report. The report showcases strong progress in the company's sustainability strategy 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World', with several goals achieved ahead of the 2025 timeframe.

Key highlights include:

  • 47% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity compared to 2019
  • 29% reduction in water withdrawal intensity compared to 2019
  • Enabled over 5.5 million smiles in 2023, contributing to more than 16.8 million smiles since 2021
  • Achieved total average gender pay parity across the global workforce
  • 54% of global hires in 2023 were diverse
  • Hosted over 9,200 educational courses for customers in over 80 countries
  • Achieved a top decile injury and illness prevention rate of 0.17

The company remains committed to its goal of Net Zero in Scope 1-3 carbon emissions by 2050 and continues to drive sustainable change within the dental industry through partnerships and initiatives.

Dentsply Sirona, il più grande produttore mondiale di prodotti e tecnologie dentali professionali, ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023. Il rapporto mette in evidenza i significativi progressi nella strategia di sostenibilità dell'azienda 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World', con diversi obiettivi raggiunti prima della scadenza prevista del 2025.

I principali punti salienti includono:

  • Riduzione del 47% dell'intensità delle emissioni GHG Scope 1 e 2 rispetto al 2019
  • Riduzione del 29% dell'intensità del prelievo d'acqua rispetto al 2019
  • Abilitati oltre 5,5 milioni di sorrisi nel 2023, contribuendo a più di 16,8 milioni di sorrisi dal 2021
  • Raggiunta la parità salariale media di genere in tutta la forza lavoro globale
  • Il 54% delle assunzioni globali nel 2023 è stato rappresentato da diverse etnie
  • Organizzati oltre 9.200 corsi educativi per clienti in oltre 80 paesi
  • Raggiunto un tasso di prevenzione delle infortuni e delle malattie tra i migliori decili, pari a 0,17

L'azienda rimane impegnata nel suo obiettivo di Zero Emissioni nette per le emissioni di carbonio Scope 1-3 entro il 2050 e continua a promuovere cambiamenti sostenibili all'interno dell'industria dentale attraverso partnership e iniziative.

Dentsply Sirona, el mayor fabricante mundial de productos y tecnologías dentales profesionales, ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023. El informe destaca el sólido progreso en la estrategia de sostenibilidad de la empresa 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World', con varios objetivos alcanzados antes de la fecha límite de 2025.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Reducción del 47% en la intensidad de emisiones de GHG de Alcance 1 y 2 en comparación con 2019
  • Reducción del 29% en la intensidad de extracción de agua en comparación con 2019
  • Se habilitaron más de 5,5 millones de sonrisas en 2023, contribuyendo a más de 16,8 millones de sonrisas desde 2021
  • Se logró la paridad salarial de género promedio en toda la fuerza laboral global
  • El 54% de las contrataciones globales en 2023 fueron diversas
  • Se han realizado más de 9,200 cursos educativos para clientes en más de 80 países
  • Se alcanzó una tasa de prevención de lesiones y enfermedades en el décimo percentil más alto de 0.17

La empresa sigue comprometida con su objetivo de Cero Emisiones Netas para las emisiones de carbono de Alcance 1-3 para 2050 y continúa impulsando un cambio sostenible dentro de la industria dental a través de asociaciones e iniciativas.

Dentsply Sirona는 세계 최대의 전문 치과 제품 및 기술 제조업체로서 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World'라는 회사의 지속 가능성 전략에서의 강력한 성과를 보여주며, 여러 목표가 2025년 기한보다 앞서 달성되었습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 2019년 대비 Scope 1 및 2 온실가스(GHG) 배출 강도 47% 감소
  • 2019년 대비 물 추출 강도 29% 감소
  • 2023년에 550만 개 이상의 미소를 가능하게 했으며, 2021년 이후 1680만 개 이상의 미소에 기여
  • 전 세계 인력의 평균 성별 임금 격차 해소
  • 2023년 글로벌 채용의 54%가 다양성 확보
  • 80개국 이상에서 고객을 위한 9200개 이상의 교육 과정을 개최
  • 사고 및 질병 예방률 0.17로 주요 상위 10% 이내 도달

회사는 2050년까지 Scope 1-3 탄소 배출 제로(Net Zero) 목표에 전념하고 있으며, 파트너십 및 이니셔티브를 통해 치과 산업 내 지속 가능한 변화를 추진하고 있습니다.

Dentsply Sirona, le plus grand fabricant mondial de produits et technologies dentaires professionnels, a publié son Rapport sur la Durabilité 2023. Le rapport met en avant les avancées significatives dans la stratégie de durabilité de l'entreprise 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World', avec plusieurs objectifs atteints avant l'échéance de 2025.

Les faits marquants comprennent :

  • Réduction de 47 % de l'intensité des émissions de GES de portée 1 et 2 par rapport à 2019
  • Réduction de 29 % de l'intensité des prélèvements d'eau par rapport à 2019
  • Plus de 5,5 millions de sourires activés en 2023, contribuant à plus de 16,8 millions de sourires depuis 2021
  • Atteinte de l'égalité moyenne des salaires entre les sexes au sein de la main-d'œuvre mondiale
  • 54 % des recrutements mondiaux en 2023 étaient issus de la diversité
  • Plus de 9 200 cours éducatifs pour clients organisés dans plus de 80 pays
  • Atteinte d'un taux de prévention des blessures et des maladies dans le top décile de 0,17

L'entreprise reste engagée envers son objectif d'atteindre des émissions nettes nulles de carbone pour l'ensemble des scopes 1 à 3 d'ici 2050 et continue de faire évoluer des changements durables au sein de l'industrie dentaire à travers des partenariats et des initiatives.

Dentsply Sirona, der größte Hersteller von professionellen zahnmedizinischen Produkten und Technologien weltweit, hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht zeigt starke Fortschritte in der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Unternehmens 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World', wobei mehrere Ziele vor dem Zeitrahmen von 2025 erreicht wurden.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • 47% Reduzierung der Intensität der Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) der Bereiche 1 und 2 im Vergleich zu 2019
  • 29% Reduzierung der Intensität des Wasserentzugs im Vergleich zu 2019
  • Über 5,5 Millionen Lächeln im Jahr 2023 ermöglicht, seit 2021 über 16,8 Millionen Lächeln beigetragen
  • Erreichung der durchschnittlichen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit bei den Gehältern für die globale Belegschaft
  • 54% der weltweiten Einstellungen im Jahr 2023 waren vielfältig
  • Über 9.200 Schulungen für Kunden in mehr als 80 Ländern durchgeführt
  • Erreichung einer Top-Dezil-Verletzungs- und Krankheitspräventionsrate von 0,17

Das Unternehmen bleibt seinem Ziel, bis 2050 Netto-Null-Emissionen für die Treibhausgasemissionen in den Bereichen 1-3 zu erreichen, verpflichtet und treibt weiterhin nachhaltige Veränderungen in der Zahnmedizin durch Partnerschaften und Initiativen voran.

  • None.
  • None.

Since the launch of its sustainability strategy "BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World" in 2021, Dentsply Sirona has worked diligently to advance sustainability within the company as well as throughout the industry. Dentsply Sirona's latest sustainability report is renewed evidence of the great dedication the company and its employees bring to the table every day.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dentsply Sirona, the world's largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies and a leading provider of continence care solutions, published its 2023 Sustainability Report over the past weekend during DS World Las Vegas. This annual clinical education event for dental professionals was the perfect platform for unveiling the company's sustainability achievements and commitments, allowing attendees to engage with Dentsply Sirona's vision for a more sustainable future.

The report shows strong overall progress against its goals for the fourth year in a row as well as several goals met ahead of their 2025 timeframe. Guided by its sustainability strategy "BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World", Dentsply Sirona has achieved positive impact along its three pillars: Healthy Planet (environmental goals), Healthy Smiles (social goals) and Healthy Business (governance goals).

Highlights from the 2023 Sustainability Report include but are not limited to:

  • Significant reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 47% compared with the baseline measurement from 2019.1 Goal achieved ahead of original 2025 timeframe, exceeding the original 15% reduction target.
  • Reduction of water withdrawal intensity by 29% compared with the baseline measurement from 2019. Goal achieved ahead of original 2025 timeframe, exceeding the original 15% reduction target.
  • We continue to progress towards our Net Zero in Scope 1 -3 carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Continued to drive sustainable change within the dental industry and beyond through strong partnerships, the sharing of knowledge, donations of funds, products and time. Examples of engagement include the long-standing partnership with Smile Train, the world's largest cleft-focused organization, and support for FDI World Dental Federation's initiatives World Oral Health Day and Sustainability in Dentistry.
  • Enabled and empowered over 5.5 million smiles2 from across our communities, dental professionals, and employees, contributing to more than 16.8 million smiles since 2021 and on track to enable 25 million smiles by 2025.
  • Completed global gender pay parity analysis and based on data from the first half of 2024, the company has achieved total average gender pay parity across our global workforce, ahead of the 2025 target.
  • 54% of global hires in 2023 were diverse3 and the global gender parity was 44%.
  • More than 10,300 employee registrations to diversity, equity and inclusion trainings and awareness programs.
  • Hosted more than 9,200 educational courses for customers in over 80 countries in 2023, including the Sustainability Educational Course – an increase of over 2,000 courses compared to 2022.4
  • Continued to place the utmost importance on a safe working environment, reducing even further the number of recordable incidents at Dentsply Sirona. A top decile injury and illness prevention rate of 0.17 was achieved in 2023, surpassing the original goal of 0.27 by 2025.5  

"We are very pleased with the progress we have made since 2021 and especially the strong results we achieved over the course of the last year", said Tony Johnson, SVP, Chief Supply Chain Officer and Executive Sponsor for ESG at Dentsply Sirona. "This continued success motivates us to put even more fervour into reducing our environmental footprint, improving oral health and continence care globally, creating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful culture as well as establishing processes that ensure integrity, transparency, and responsibility at all levels of our business."

"The strong outcomes of the past year are evidence of our steadfast commitment to sustainability. 2023 was a year of action, where we continued to transform oral health and continence care services through innovative products and solutions. Everyone at Dentsply Sirona has pulled together and ensured that we were able to 'Win as One', driving sustainability and innovation, while protecting our business, our customers and their patients," said Simon Campion, President and CEO at Dentsply Sirona. "I am proud of what we have achieved together and confident that we will continue to make great strides for sustainability, as we continue to go BEYOND, improving lives worldwide and contributing to a healthy future for our planet."

The 2023 Dentsply Sirona Sustainability Report
is available for Download on the website.

For more information on Dentsply Sirona's sustainability strategy BEYOND, visit

are available for Download on the website.

Press Contact

Marion Par-Weixlberger | Vice President Public Relations & Corporate Communications
Sirona Straße 1 | 5071 Wals bei Salzburg, Austria | T  +43 (0) 662 2450-588 | F  +43 (0) 662 2450-540 |

Edelman GmbH
Schöneberger Straße 15 | 10963 Berlin, Germany | T +49 (0) 173 781 2582 |

About Dentsply Sirona

Dentsply Sirona is the world's largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies, with over a century of innovation and service to the dental industry and patients worldwide. Dentsply Sirona develops, manufactures, and markets a comprehensive solutions offering including dental and oral health products as well as other consumable medical devices under a strong portfolio of world class brands.

Dentsply Sirona's products provide innovative, high-quality and effective solutions to advance patient care and deliver better and safer dental care.

Dentsply Sirona's headquarters is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The company's shares are listed in the United States on Nasdaq under the symbol XRAY.

Visit for more information about Dentsply Sirona and its products.

1 We calculate Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by dividing the total level of emissions by net sales.
2 This figure is comprised of our community oral healthcare delivery initiatives and donations; Clinical Education programs and educational events for dental professionals (for example, DS World); inclusion, empowerment and benefit programs offered to employees; and product solutions that restore smiles – primarily through single treatment (for example, CEREC). We ensure we do not double count year-over-year figures from our internal programs, and we work with partners to calculate external figures for our community programs. There are some instances when we have to use estimated figures due to data privacy reasons or internal data has not been externally assured.
3 All global employees who self-identify as female, or people of color in the U.S.
4 Includes training courses to dental professionals through in-person, online, and hybrid formats; excludes courses provided by Wellspect.
5 Top decile based on American Chemistry Council medium sized member company total recordable injury rates.

Registered brands, trade names and logos are used. Even in particular cases, when they appear without a TM or ®, all corresponding legal rules and provisions apply. All rights are retained by Dentsply Sirona. Clinicians may have been compensated for use of their experiences and testimonials.

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What were Dentsply Sirona's (XRAY) key sustainability achievements in 2023?

Dentsply Sirona achieved a 47% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity, a 29% reduction in water withdrawal intensity, enabled over 5.5 million smiles, achieved gender pay parity, and reached a top decile injury prevention rate of 0.17.

How many educational courses did Dentsply Sirona (XRAY) host for customers in 2023?

Dentsply Sirona hosted more than 9,200 educational courses for customers in over 80 countries in 2023, including a Sustainability Educational Course. This represents an increase of over 2,000 courses compared to 2022.

What is Dentsply Sirona's (XRAY) progress towards its 'smiles' goal by 2025?

Dentsply Sirona enabled over 5.5 million smiles in 2023, contributing to more than 16.8 million smiles since 2021. The company is on track to achieve its goal of enabling 25 million smiles by 2025.

What percentage of Dentsply Sirona's (XRAY) global hires were diverse in 2023?

54% of Dentsply Sirona's global hires in 2023 were diverse, and the global gender parity was 44%.

When did Dentsply Sirona (XRAY) launch its 'BEYOND' sustainability strategy?

Dentsply Sirona launched its sustainability strategy 'BEYOND: Taking Action for a Brighter World' in 2021.



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