Dentsply Sirona presents Primescan® 2 powered by DS Core: The first cloud-native intraoral scanning solution

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Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) has introduced Primescan 2, a cloud-native intraoral scanning solution powered by DS Core. This wireless scanner can operate on any internet-connected device, offering improved workflow efficiency and extended treatment capabilities compared to previous models. Key benefits include:

- Hardware-independence: Works on any device with an internet browser
- Versatility: Wireless and portable
- Simple handling: Sleeker design with narrower tip
- Fast workflow: Full arch scan in less than 1 minute
- Cloud storage: Reduces need for additional scan storage costs
- Always up-to-date: Automatic software updates via DS Core

Primescan 2 aims to enhance patient experience, support practice growth, and deliver simplicity, efficiency, and versatility to dental professionals.

Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) ha presentato Primescan 2, una soluzione di scansione intraorale cloud-nativa supportata da DS Core. Questo scanner wireless può operare su qualsiasi dispositivo connesso a internet, offrendo una maggiore efficienza nei flussi di lavoro e capacità di trattamento ampliate rispetto ai modelli precedenti. I principali vantaggi includono:

- Indipendenza dall'hardware: Funziona su qualsiasi dispositivo con un browser internet
- Versatilità: Wireless e portatile
- Maneggevolezza semplice: Design più elegante con punta più sottile
- Flusso di lavoro veloce: Scansione di un'arcata completa in meno di 1 minuto
- Archiviazione cloud: Riduce la necessità di costi aggiuntivi per l'archiviazione delle scansioni
- Sempre aggiornato: Aggiornamenti software automatici tramite DS Core

Primescan 2 mira a migliorare l'esperienza del paziente, supportare la crescita della pratica e offrire semplicità, efficienza e versatilità ai professionisti del dentale.

Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) ha presentado Primescan 2, una solución de escaneo intraoral nativa en la nube impulsada por DS Core. Este escáner inalámbrico puede operar en cualquier dispositivo conectado a internet, ofreciendo una mejor eficiencia en el flujo de trabajo y capacidades de tratamiento ampliadas en comparación con modelos anteriores. Los principales beneficios incluyen:

- Independencia de hardware: Funciona en cualquier dispositivo con un navegador de internet
- Versatilidad: Inalámbrico y portátil
- Manejo sencillo: Diseño más elegante con punta más estrecha
- Flujo de trabajo rápido: Escaneo de arco completo en menos de 1 minuto
- Almacenamiento en la nube: Reduce la necesidad de costos adicionales de almacenamiento de escaneo
- Siempre actualizado: Actualizaciones automáticas de software a través de DS Core

Primescan 2 tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia del paciente, apoyar el crecimiento de la práctica y proporcionar simplicidad, eficiencia y versatilidad a los profesionales dentales.

Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY)는 DS Core에서 지원하는 클라우드 네이티브 구강 내 스캔 솔루션인 Primescan 2를 출시했습니다. 이 무선 스캐너는 인터넷에 연결된 모든 장치에서 작동할 수 있으며, 이전 모델에 비해 작업 흐름 효율성과 치료 범위를 개선합니다. 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

- 하드웨어 독립성: 인터넷 브라우저가 있는 모든 장치에서 작동
- 다용성: 무선 및 휴대 가능
- 간단한 조작: 더 날씬한 디자인과 더 좁은 팁
- 빠른 작업 흐름: 1분 이내에 전체 아치 스캔
- 클라우드 저장소: 추가 스캔 저장 비용 감소
- 항상 최신 상태: DS Core를 통한 자동 소프트웨어 업데이트

Primescan 2는 환자 경험을 향상하고, 진료 성장 지원 및 치과 전문가에게 단순성, 효율성, 다용성을 제공합니다.

Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) a introduit Primescan 2, une solution de scan intraoral native dans le cloud propulsée par DS Core. Ce scanner sans fil peut fonctionner sur tout dispositif connecté à Internet, offrant une meilleure efficacité de workflow et des capacités de traitement étendues par rapport aux modèles précédents. Les avantages clés comprennent :

- Indépendance matérielle : Fonctionne sur tout appareil avec un navigateur Internet
- Polyvalence : Sans fil et portable
- Manipulation simple : Design plus épuré avec une pointe plus étroite
- Flux de travail rapide : Scan d'arcade complet en moins d'une minute
- Stockage dans le cloud : Réduit la nécessité de coûts de stockage supplémentaires pour les scans
- Toujours à jour : Mises à jour logicielles automatiques via DS Core

Primescan 2 vise à améliorer l'expérience patient, soutenir la croissance de la pratique et offrir simplicité, efficacité et polyvalence aux professionnels dentaires.

Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) hat Primescan 2 eingeführt, eine cloud-native intraorale Scanning-Lösung, die von DS Core unterstützt wird. Dieser kabellose Scanner kann auf jedem internetfähigen Gerät betrieben werden und bietet im Vergleich zu früheren Modellen eine verbesserte Effizienz im Workflow und erweiterte Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Die wichtigsten Vorteile sind:

- Hardware-Unabhängigkeit: Funktioniert auf jedem Gerät mit einem Internetbrowser
- Vielseitigkeit: Kabellos und tragbar
- Einfache Handhabung: Schlankeres Design mit schmalerem Tip
- Schneller Workflow: Voller Bogen-Scan in weniger als 1 Minute
- Cloud-Speicherung: Reduziert die Notwendigkeit zusätzlicher Speicherkosten für Scans
- Immer aktuell: Automatische Software-Updates über DS Core

Primescan 2 zielt darauf ab, das Patientenerlebnis zu verbessern, das Wachstum der Praxis zu unterstützen und Zahnarzt-Profis Einfachheit, Effizienz und Vielseitigkeit zu bieten.

  • Introduction of Primescan 2, a cloud-native intraoral scanning solution
  • Improved workflow efficiency and extended treatment capabilities compared to previous models
  • Hardware-independence, allowing operation on any internet-connected device
  • Potential for practice growth and increased patient services
  • Enhanced patient communication and treatment acceptance tools
  • None.

Dentsply Sirona's launch of Primescan® 2 marks a significant advancement in digital dentistry. This cloud-native intraoral scanner offers increased flexibility and efficiency for dental practices. Key benefits include:

  • Hardware independence, allowing operation on any internet-connected device
  • Wireless capability, enhancing mobility within practices
  • Improved design for easier access to difficult areas
  • Faster workflow with full arch scans in under 1 minute

The cloud integration via DS Core platform streamlines data storage and sharing, potentially reducing IT costs for practices. However, reliance on internet connectivity could be a concern in areas with unstable connections. Overall, Primescan® 2 positions Dentsply Sirona at the forefront of digital dental technology, potentially driving market share growth in the competitive dental equipment sector.

The introduction of Primescan® 2 could positively impact Dentsply Sirona's financial performance. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for increased revenue from new product sales and upgrades
  • Recurring revenue opportunities through cloud service subscriptions
  • Possible margin expansion due to reduced hardware costs
  • Enhanced competitive position in the digital dentistry market

However, the financial success will depend on market adoption rates and the company's ability to monetize cloud services effectively. Investors should monitor sales growth in the coming quarters to gauge the product's market reception. While the innovation is promising, it's important to consider potential challenges such as cybersecurity risks and the need for significant marketing investments to drive adoption.

Primescan® 2 offers significant benefits for dental practices, potentially transforming their operations:

  • Increased flexibility in patient care locations
  • Improved workflow efficiency, potentially leading to higher patient throughput
  • Enhanced communication tools for better patient engagement
  • Opportunities for practice growth through expanded services

The cloud-native approach could reduce IT maintenance costs and simplify software updates. However, practices must consider data security and privacy implications of cloud storage. Training costs and potential resistance to change from staff could be initial hurdles. Overall, Primescan® 2 aligns with the trend towards digital transformation in dentistry, offering practices a competitive edge in patient care and operational efficiency.

Dentsply Sirona's next-generation intraoral scanner opens a new era of digital patient care, allowing scanning directly to the cloud on any internet-connected device.

Cloud-native, wireless, and highly versatile — this is Primescan 2. Building upon the proven1 scanning technology of Primescan and with the ability to scan directly to the cloud on any internet-connected device, Primescan 2 can help practices expand their treatment offerings, save time in daily workflows, and deliver enhanced care and comfort to their patients.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dentsply Sirona (Nasdaq: XRAY) continues to pave the way for the future of digital dentistry with the introduction of a new, versatile, and innovative intraoral scanner: Primescan 2. Powered by the DS Core cloud platform2, the new wireless scanner is cloud-native, meaning it can scan on any internet-connected mobile or desktop device— without needing a dedicated computer. With improved workflow efficiency and extended treatment capabilities3, when compared to Primescan AC and Primescan Connect, Primescan 2 allows practices to expand the services they offer to patients and grow their business. Meanwhile, improved communication and diagnostic tools help dental professionals deliver a high standard of care and comfort.

Primescan 2 benefits for dental practices 

  • Hardware-independence: Cloud-native solution operating on any device with an internet browser and enabled DS Core features.
  • Versatility: Wireless and easy to move. With Primescan 2, scan any patient, anytime, anywhere.
  • Simple handling: Sleek and well-balanced design with a narrower tip, allowing for easier access to molars or distal surfaces.
  • Fast workflow: A full arch scan can be taken in less than 1 minute while delivering excellent accuracy.
  • Ease of delegation: Easy to delegate the scanning work to other dental professionals in the practice team. During treatment, only the affected teeth have to be rescanned.
  • Always up to date: DS Core always runs on the latest version, eliminating the need for manual software updates.
  • Primary storage in the cloud: Reduces the need for additional scan storage costs in the practice.
  • Reliable hygiene: Comprehensive hygiene concept with closed design around the field of view, convenient single-use sleeves, and optional multi-use steel sleeve with sapphire glass (anticipated launch in Q4).

"Primescan 2 is more than just an intraoral scanner— it provides new momentum for dental practices navigating today's rapidly evolving landscape. Designed with the future in mind, Primescan 2 is transformative in its field, empowering dental professionals to confidently meet the demands of their patients by delivering simplicity, efficiency, and versatility," said Simon Campion, President & CEO at Dentsply Sirona. "This solution not only enhances the patient experience but also supports practice growth. With Primescan 2, we enable our users to stay ahead of the curve, thriving in a dynamic environment while focusing on what truly matters—providing exceptional patient care."

Delivering versatility and simplicity

Primescan 2 is based on the patented scanning technology of Primescan — combining the speed, accuracy, and ease of use of the original scanner with new cloud-native capabilities made possible through direct integration with DS Core. As a cloud-native intraoral scanner, Primescan 2 allows dental professionals to scan anytime, anywhere — including visits to hospitals, partner practices, or labs — using any laptop, computer, tablet, or other internet-connected device at hand.

The scan data is automatically processed and stored on DS Core, meaning that patient consultations, lab ordering, and treatment planning can take place independently on any internet-connected device available. The scanning workflow on DS Core is intuitive and simple to use, allowing for easy delegation to dental professionals within the practice team so they can advance together with confidence in this new era of digital patient care. The scanning device itself is only needed for the scan itself, so the device is immediately ready to be used on the next patient after the scan is complete. There is no need for software updates, as these are ready for use with every login to DS Core, and data can be shared with partners, labs, or even patients via DS Core.

"Primescan 2 is a lot more than a wireless scanner, it's all I need to scan every patient," explained Dr. Marko Ahonen, dentist and beta-tester from Hämeenlinna, Finland. "Not only can I use it anywhere in my practice without being tied to a specific computer, but I can also confidently apply it to a wide range of treatments, from basic restorative cases to more complex interventions and specialized procedures."

Opportunities for practice growth and high case acceptance

The new intraoral scanner is an excellent way to start a broad range of treatments and reliably delivers highly accurate scan data for great patient outcomes. Primescan 2 creates excellent conditions for patient communication and treatment acceptance, especially for more complex cases like implant treatments. DS Core's Communication Canvas allows the oral situation and treatment proposal to be clearly displayed side-by-side and explained using all necessary files (scan, X-ray, intraoral images).

With the use of the SureSmile™ Simulator, dentists can preview the potential new smile of a patient in just minutes to visually demonstrate the scope of treatment, fostering confident treatment decisions.4

And there are even more possibilities for practices to expand patient services and help grow their business with Primescan 2. It can be an excellent starting point for in-house fabrication using the CEREC workflow or with a 3D printer such as Primeprint Solution. Scanning, design, and fabrication are all decoupled from each other to offer great flexibility in practice workflows.

Enhanced patient care and thorough hygiene

The size and outer shape of the scanner tip have been redesigned with Primescan 2 making intraoral scanning even more comfortable for patients — helping dental professionals easily scan molars and hard-to-reach distal surfaces.

Intraoral scanners must meet the highest hygiene standards. While Primescan already fulfills these, Primescan 2 comes with single-use closed sleeves for a high-level of ease of use, scan performance and hygiene, a multi-use steel closed sleeve5 will be available optionally. Primescan 2 also has a tapping sensor for hygienic and ergonomic usage. Users can start and end the scanning process, change catalogs, and switch from 3D to 2D images with just a tap of the finger.

"With Primescan 2, we open a new era of digital patient care," said Max Milz, Group Vice President, Connected Technology Solutions at Dentsply Sirona. "Celebrating a milestone in digital dentistry, our latest innovation is the world's first cloud-native intraoral scanning solution. As we strive for a future centered around DS Core, this innovative technology serves as a testament to our commitment to fostering the digital universe of dentistry. By empowering dental professionals to enhance their skills with confidence, we're driving transformative change for a healthy future."

For more information about Primescan 2 visit:

Primescan 2 at Dentsply Sirona World Las Vegas

Primescan 2 will be available for hands-on experiences at DS World (Caesars Forum, Las Vegas | September 26 – 28).

DS Worlds bring dental professionals together for multiple days of high-quality clinical education, engaging expert speakers, enriching networking, and the opportunity to experience first-hand innovations in dentistry. Focused on supporting dental professionals to grow their knowledge, practice and connections, these events are a window into the future of digital dentistry.

More information on speakers, programs and registration can be found here:
DS World Las Vegas 

Due to the different approval and registration times, not all technologies and products are immediately available in all countries.


are available for Download on the website.

Registered brands, trade names and logos are used. Even in particular cases, when they appear without a TM or ®, all corresponding legal rules and provisions apply. All rights are retained by Dentsply Sirona. Clinicians have been compensated for use of their experiences and testimonials.

Press Contact

Marion Par-Weixlberger | Vice President Public Relations & Corporate Communications
Sirona Straße 1 | 5071 Wals bei Salzburg, Austria | T +43 (0) 662 2450-588 | F +43 (0) 662 2450-540 |

Edelman GmbH 
Schöneberger Straße 15 | 10963 Berlin, Germany | T +49 (0) 173 781 2582 |

About Dentsply Sirona

Dentsply Sirona is the world's largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies, with over a century of innovation and service to the dental industry and patients worldwide. Dentsply Sirona develops, manufactures, and markets comprehensive solutions offering including dental and oral health products as well as other consumable medical devices under a strong portfolio of world class brands.

Dentsply Sirona's products provide innovative, high-quality and effective solutions to advance patient care and deliver better and safer dental care.

Dentsply Sirona's headquarter is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The company's shares are listed in the United States on NASDAQ under the symbol XRAY.

Visit for more information about Dentsply Sirona and its products.

1 Clinical Studies available in the download section of Dentsply Sirona's Primescan site
2 To operate Primescan 2 a paid DS Core® subscription is required.
3 Unless stated otherwise, all statements in this press release refer to a comparison of Dentsply Sirona products.
4 The result displayed via the simulator is a simulation and not a treatment plan. The actual treatment outcome may differ substantially. This may depend on the patient's compliance with the treatment plan determined by the dentist or the patient's individual dental condition, among other things.
5 Anticipated launch in Q4 2024


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What is Primescan 2 and how does it differ from previous Dentsply Sirona (XRAY) scanners?

Primescan 2 is a cloud-native intraoral scanning solution by Dentsply Sirona (XRAY). It differs from previous scanners by being wireless, hardware-independent, and able to operate on any internet-connected device, offering improved workflow efficiency and extended treatment capabilities.

How does Primescan 2 benefit dental practices using Dentsply Sirona (XRAY) products?

Primescan 2 benefits dental practices by offering hardware-independence, versatility, simple handling, fast workflow, ease of delegation, automatic updates, and primary cloud storage. It allows practices to expand services, improve communication, and potentially grow their business.

When will Dentsply Sirona (XRAY) release Primescan 2 and where can it be experienced?

The release date for Primescan 2 is not specified in the press release. However, it will be available for hands-on experiences at DS World in Las Vegas from September 26-28, 2024.

How does Primescan 2 integrate with Dentsply Sirona's (XRAY) DS Core platform?

Primescan 2 is powered by the DS Core cloud platform, allowing for direct integration. Scan data is automatically processed and stored on DS Core, enabling patient consultations, lab ordering, and treatment planning on any internet-connected device.



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