XPO Named a 2024 Top Company for Women to Work in Transportation by Women in Trucking
XPO has been named a '2024 Top Company for Women to Work in Transportation' by the Women in Trucking Association for the fourth consecutive year, also securing a spot on WIT's 'Elite 30' list. The company demonstrates its commitment to gender diversity through various initiatives, including competitive compensation, development programs, and a comprehensive pregnancy care policy with paid prenatal leave. XPO celebrates two notable leaders: Tena Fisher, senior service center manager with 26 years of industry experience, and Nicole Neumann, vice president of human resources, both named to WIT's '2024 Top Women to Watch in Transportation' list.
XPO è stata nominata come 'Azienda Top per Donne nel Settore dei Trasporti 2024' dall'Associazione Donne nel Trucking per il quarto anno consecutivo, assicurandosi anche un posto nella lista 'Elite 30' di WIT. L'azienda dimostra il suo impegno per la diversità di genere attraverso vari iniziative, inclusi programmi di compenso competitivi, programmi di sviluppo e una politica completa di assistenza per la gravidanza con congedo prenatale retribuito. XPO celebra due leader eccezionali: Tena Fisher, manager senior del centro servizi con 26 anni di esperienza nel settore, e Nicole Neumann, vicepresidente delle risorse umane, entrambe nominate nella lista 'Donne Top da Osservare nel Settore dei Trasporti 2024' di WIT.
XPO ha sido nombrada como 'Empresa Top para Mujeres en Transporte 2024' por la Asociación de Mujeres en Camiones por cuarto año consecutivo, asegurando también un lugar en la lista 'Elite 30' de WIT. La compañía demuestra su compromiso con la diversidad de género a través de varias iniciativas, incluyendo compensación competitiva, programas de desarrollo y una política integral de cuidado del embarazo con licencia prenatal pagada. XPO celebra a dos líderes notables: Tena Fisher, gerente senior de centro de servicios con 26 años de experiencia en la industria, y Nicole Neumann, vicepresidenta de recursos humanos, ambas nombradas en la lista 'Mujeres Top para Observar en Transporte 2024' de WIT.
XPO는 여성 트럭 운송 협회(Women in Trucking Association)로부터 '2024년 여성들이 근무하기 좋은 운송 회사'로 4년 연속 선정되었으며, WIT의 '엘리트 30' 목록에도 이름을 올렸습니다. 이 회사는 경쟁력 있는 보상, 개발 프로그램, 유급 출산 휴가를 포함한 종합적인 임신 관리 정책 등 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 성별 다양성에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다. XPO는 26년의 업계 경험을 가진 서비스 센터의 수석 관리자 테나 피셔(Tena Fisher)와 인사 부사장 니콜 노이만(Nicole Neumann)이라는 두 명의 저명한 리더를 축하하며, 두 사람 모두 WIT의 '2024년 주목해야 할 여성' 목록에 이름을 올렸습니다.
XPO a été nommé 'Meilleure entreprise 2024 pour les femmes dans le transport' par l'Association des femmes dans le camionnage pour la quatrième année consécutive, sécurisant également une place dans la liste des '30 élites' de WIT. L'entreprise démontre son engagement envers la diversité des genres à travers diverses initiatives, y compris des rémunérations compétitives, des programmes de développement et une politique complète de soins de maternité avec congé prénatal rémunéré. XPO célèbre deux dirigeantes remarquables : Tena Fisher, responsable senior d'un centre de services avec 26 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie, et Nicole Neumann, vice-présidente des ressources humaines, toutes deux nommées dans la liste 'Femmes à suivre dans le transport 2024' de WIT.
XPO wurde von der Frauen im Trucking-Vereinigung (Women in Trucking Association) zum 'Top Unternehmen 2024 für Frauen im Transportwesen' ernannt, und das bereits zum vierten Mal in Folge. Außerdem sicherte sich das Unternehmen einen Platz in der 'Elite 30'-Liste von WIT. Das Unternehmen demonstriert sein Engagement für Geschlechtervielfalt durch verschiedene Initiativen, einschließlich wettbewerbsfähiger Vergütung, Entwicklungsprogramme und einer umfassenden Schwangerschaftsbetreuungspolitik mit bezahltem Mutterschaftsurlaub. XPO feiert zwei bemerkenswerte Führungspersönlichkeiten: Tena Fisher, leitende Service-Center-Managerin mit 26 Jahren Branchenerfahrung, und Nicole Neumann, Vizepräsidentin für Personalwesen, die beide in die 'Top Frauen 2024, die man im Transportwesen beobachten sollte'-Liste von WIT aufgenommen wurden.
- Fourth consecutive year recognition as top employer for women in transportation
- Inclusion in WIT's Elite 30 list for gender diversity advancement
- Comprehensive employee benefits including paid prenatal leave
- None.
GREENWICH, Conn., Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPO (NYSE: XPO), a leading provider of freight transportation in North America, has been recognized as a “Top Company for Women to Work in Transportation” by the Women in Trucking Association (WIT) for the fourth consecutive year. In addition, XPO has once again been named to WIT’s “Elite 30” list, which highlights the nation’s most exemplary employers for advancing gender diversity in the transportation industry.
Carolyn Roach, chief human resources officer at XPO, said, “We are proud to be recognized again by WIT for creating an environment that empowers women to succeed and thrive in their careers. We remain dedicated to fostering opportunities that support women in advancing towards their professional goals and are grateful for the exceptional female professionals who make XPO stronger every day.”
XPO’s commitment to gender diversity is evident in the programs and policies it has in place to attract, retain and support women across all functions. XPO offers competitive compensation and a range of development initiatives that enable women to achieve their full potential within the company. These include a field-based management training program that prepares participants for leadership roles and a pregnancy care policy with paid prenatal leave and flexible accommodations. Additionally, XPO is the official transportation sponsor of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day walks, supporting women’s health and encouraging employee volunteerism.
In addition to this recognition, XPO celebrates the achievements of senior service center manager Tena Fisher and vice president of human resources Nicole Neumann, both named to WIT’s 2024 “Top Women to Watch in Transportation” list earlier this year. Fisher, a 26-year veteran of freight transportation, has inspired many women to advance their careers at XPO, starting as a customer service representative and progressing to key leadership roles. Neumann, with over 25 years of HR experience, has been instrumental in developing female talent across the trucking industry, mentoring countless women and advocating for their personal and professional growth throughout her career at XPO.
About XPO
XPO, Inc. (NYSE: XPO) is a leader in asset-based less-than-truckload (LTL) freight transportation in North America. The company’s customer-focused organization efficiently moves 18 billion pounds of freight per year, enabled by its proprietary technology. XPO serves approximately 54,000 customers with 611 locations and 38,000 employees in North America and Europe, with headquarters in Greenwich, Conn., USA. Visit xpo.com for more information, and connect with XPO on LinkedIn, Facebook, X, Instagram and YouTube.
Media Contact
Cole Horton
+1 203-609-6004

What recognition did XPO receive from Women in Trucking Association in 2024?
What benefits does XPO offer to support women employees?