XPEL Reports Revenue of $107.5 million in Fourth Quarter 2024
XPEL reported Q4 2024 financial results with revenue increasing 1.9% to $107.5 million. Excluding China impacts, revenue grew 10.5%. The company achieved a gross margin of 40.6%, while experiencing a foreign exchange loss of $1.2 million due to USD strengthening.
Q4 net income decreased 25.7% to $8.9 million ($0.32 per share) compared to $12.0 million ($0.43 per share) in Q4 2023. EBITDA declined 19.3% to $14.3 million. For full-year 2024, revenue grew 6.1% to $420.4 million with net income of $45.5 million ($1.65 per share).
Notable performance metrics include: US revenue up 6.2%, window film revenue increased 32.9%, and total installation revenue grew 16.1%. The company projects Q1 2025 revenue of $97-99 million and has implemented a workforce reduction expected to save $2 million annually.
XPEL ha riportato i risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre 2024, con un aumento del fatturato dell'1,9% a $107,5 milioni. Escludendo gli impatti dalla Cina, il fatturato è cresciuto del 10,5%. L'azienda ha raggiunto un margine lordo del 40,6%, mentre ha subito una perdita da cambio di $1,2 milioni a causa del rafforzamento del dollaro USA.
Il reddito netto del quarto trimestre è diminuito del 25,7% a $8,9 milioni ($0,32 per azione) rispetto ai $12,0 milioni ($0,43 per azione) del quarto trimestre 2023. L'EBITDA è calato del 19,3% a $14,3 milioni. Per l'intero anno 2024, il fatturato è aumentato del 6,1% a $420,4 milioni con un reddito netto di $45,5 milioni ($1,65 per azione).
I principali indicatori di performance includono: fatturato USA in aumento del 6,2%, fatturato da pellicole per finestre aumentato del 32,9% e fatturato totale da installazione cresciuto del 16,1%. L'azienda prevede un fatturato per il primo trimestre 2025 di $97-99 milioni e ha implementato una riduzione della forza lavoro che dovrebbe portare a un risparmio annuale di $2 milioni.
XPEL reportó los resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre de 2024, con un aumento del 1.9% en los ingresos, alcanzando $107.5 millones. Excluyendo los impactos de China, los ingresos crecieron un 10.5%. La compañía logró un margen bruto del 40.6%, mientras experimentaba una pérdida por tipo de cambio de $1.2 millones debido al fortalecimiento del USD.
El ingreso neto del cuarto trimestre disminuyó un 25.7% a $8.9 millones ($0.32 por acción) en comparación con $12.0 millones ($0.43 por acción) en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. El EBITDA cayó un 19.3% a $14.3 millones. Para el año completo 2024, los ingresos crecieron un 6.1% a $420.4 millones con un ingreso neto de $45.5 millones ($1.65 por acción).
Los métricas de rendimiento notables incluyen: ingresos en EE. UU. aumentaron un 6.2%, ingresos por películas para ventanas aumentaron un 32.9%, y los ingresos totales por instalación crecieron un 16.1%. La compañía proyecta ingresos para el primer trimestre de 2025 de $97-99 millones y ha implementado una reducción de la fuerza laboral que se espera ahorre $2 millones anualmente.
XPEL은 2024년 4분기 재무 결과를 발표했으며, 매출이 1.9% 증가하여 $107.5 백만에 달했습니다. 중국의 영향을 제외하면 매출은 10.5% 성장했습니다. 회사는 40.6%의 총 마진을 달성했으며, USD 강세로 인해 $1.2 백만의 외환 손실을 경험했습니다.
4분기 순이익은 25.7% 감소하여 $8.9 백만 ($0.32 주당)으로, 2023년 4분기의 $12.0 백만 ($0.43 주당)과 비교됩니다. EBITDA는 19.3% 감소하여 $14.3 백만이 되었습니다. 2024년 전체 연도에 대해, 매출은 6.1% 증가하여 $420.4 백만에 도달했으며, 순이익은 $45.5 백만 ($1.65 주당)입니다.
주요 성과 지표로는: 미국 매출이 6.2% 증가하고, 창문 필름 매출이 32.9% 증가했으며, 총 설치 매출이 16.1% 성장했습니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기 매출을 $97-99 백만으로 예상하고 있으며, 연간 $2 백만을 절감할 것으로 예상되는 인력 감축을 시행했습니다.
XPEL a annoncé ses résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre 2024, avec une augmentation du chiffre d'affaires de 1,9% à 107,5 millions USD. En excluant les impacts de la Chine, le chiffre d'affaires a augmenté de 10,5%. L'entreprise a atteint une marge brute de 40,6%, tout en subissant une perte de change de 1,2 million USD en raison du renforcement du dollar américain.
Le bénéfice net du quatrième trimestre a diminué de 25,7% à 8,9 millions USD (0,32 USD par action) par rapport à 12,0 millions USD (0,43 USD par action) au quatrième trimestre 2023. L'EBITDA a baissé de 19,3% à 14,3 millions USD. Pour l'année entière 2024, le chiffre d'affaires a augmenté de 6,1% à 420,4 millions USD avec un bénéfice net de 45,5 millions USD (1,65 USD par action).
Les indicateurs de performance notables incluent : chiffre d'affaires aux États-Unis en hausse de 6,2%, chiffre d'affaires des films pour fenêtres en augmentation de 32,9% et chiffre d'affaires total des installations en hausse de 16,1%. L'entreprise prévoit un chiffre d'affaires pour le premier trimestre 2025 de 97 à 99 millions USD et a mis en œuvre une réduction de personnel qui devrait permettre d'économiser 2 millions USD par an.
XPEL hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht, mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 1,9% auf 107,5 Millionen USD. Ohne die Auswirkungen aus China wuchs der Umsatz um 10,5%. Das Unternehmen erzielte eine Bruttomarge von 40,6%, hatte jedoch aufgrund der Stärkung des USD einen Währungsverlust von 1,2 Millionen USD.
Der Nettogewinn im vierten Quartal sank um 25,7% auf 8,9 Millionen USD (0,32 USD pro Aktie) im Vergleich zu 12,0 Millionen USD (0,43 USD pro Aktie) im vierten Quartal 2023. Das EBITDA fiel um 19,3% auf 14,3 Millionen USD. Für das gesamte Jahr 2024 wuchs der Umsatz um 6,1% auf 420,4 Millionen USD mit einem Nettogewinn von 45,5 Millionen USD (1,65 USD pro Aktie).
Bemerkenswerte Leistungskennzahlen umfassen: US-Umsatz um 6,2% gestiegen, Umsatz aus Fensterfolien um 32,9% gestiegen und der Gesamtumsatz aus Installationen um 16,1% gewachsen. Das Unternehmen prognostiziert für das erste Quartal 2025 einen Umsatz von 97-99 Millionen USD und hat eine Reduzierung der Belegschaft umgesetzt, die voraussichtlich jährliche Einsparungen von 2 Millionen USD bringen wird.
- Revenue grew 10.5% excluding China impacts
- Window film revenue surged 32.9% YoY
- Gross margin improved to 40.6% from 38.8% YoY
- US revenue increased 6.2%
- Installation revenue grew 16.1%
- $2M annual cost savings expected from workforce reduction
- Overall revenue growth to 1.9% in Q4
- Net income declined 25.7% to $8.9M
- EBITDA decreased 19.3% to $14.3M
- $1.2M foreign exchange loss incurred
- Operating expenses increased 17.4%
XPEL's Q4 2024 results present a tale of geographical divergence and margin improvement amid profitability challenges. While overall revenue grew modestly at
The window film segment emerged as a standout performer with
Despite these positive trends, profitability metrics declined substantially. EBITDA fell
The recently announced workforce reduction targeting
Fourth Quarter 2024 Overview:
Revenue increased
1.9% to in the fourth quarter of 2024. Excluding$107.5 million China impacts, revenue increased10.5% in the fourth quarter 2024.
Gross margin of
40.6% in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Foreign exchange loss (“FX Loss”) of
incurred in the fourth quarter 2024 due to the strengthening of the US dollar.$1.2 million
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) decreased
19.3% to , or$14.3 million 13.3% of revenue, compared to , or$17.7 million 16.7% of revenue in the fourth quarter of 2023. Normalizing for the FX impact, EBITDA would have decreased9.0% and EBITDA margin would have been14.3% . 2
Net income decreased
25.7% to , or$8.9 million per basic and diluted share, versus net income of$0.32 , or$12.0 million per basic and diluted share in the fourth quarter of 2023. Normalizing for the FX impact, net income would have decreased$0.43 13.8% and EPS would have been per share.$0.35
Year End 2024 Overview:
Revenue increased
6.1% to compared to prior year.$420.4 million
Gross margin of
42.2% in 2024.
Net income of
, or$45.5 million per basic and diluted share, versus net income of$1.65 , or$52.8 million per basic and diluted share in 2023.$1.91
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) of
, or$69.5 million 16.5% of revenue, compared to , or$76.9 million 19.4% of revenue in 2023.2
Ryan Pape, President and Chief Executive Officer of XPEL, commented, “We saw solid top line performance in the fourth quarter and made great progress in many of our key initiatives during the year including increasing our focus on dealerships, refining our go-to-market strategy in
Financial Highlights for the Fourth Quarter 2024:
Summary consolidated financial information for the fourth quarter 2024 and 2023 (unaudited, dollars in thousands):
Three Months Ended December 31, |
% Change |
2024 |
% of Total Revenue |
2023 |
% of Total Revenue |
2024 vs. 2023 |
Total revenue |
$ |
107,527 |
100.0 |
% |
$ |
105,538 |
100.0 |
% |
1.9 |
% |
Gross margin |
43,703 |
40.6 |
% |
40,932 |
38.8 |
% |
6.8 |
% |
Operating Expenses |
31,358 |
29.2 |
% |
26,708 |
25.3 |
% |
17.4 |
% |
Net income |
8,898 |
8.3 |
% |
11,970 |
11.3 |
% |
(25.7 |
)% |
14,250 |
13.3 |
% |
17,654 |
16.7 |
% |
(19.3 |
)% |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
$ |
6,327 |
n/a |
$ |
(1,117 |
) |
n/a |
n/a |
Geographical Revenue Summary
Three Months Ended December 31, |
% Change |
% of Total Revenue |
2024 |
2023 |
Inc (Dec) |
2024 |
2023 |
$ |
59,054 |
$ |
55,611 |
6.2 |
% |
54.9 |
% |
52.7 |
% |
13,370 |
11,592 |
15.3 |
% |
12.4 |
% |
11.0 |
% |
9,238 |
16,584 |
(44.3 |
)% |
8.6 |
% |
15.7 |
% |
Continental |
8,935 |
8,529 |
4.8 |
% |
8.3 |
% |
8.1 |
% |
3,881 |
3,218 |
20.6 |
% |
3.6 |
% |
3.0 |
% |
5,656 |
4,958 |
14.1 |
% |
5.3 |
% |
4.7 |
% |
4,646 |
2,751 |
68.9 |
% |
4.3 |
% |
2.6 |
% |
2,747 |
2,120 |
29.6 |
% |
2.6 |
% |
2.0 |
% |
Other |
— |
175 |
(100.0 |
)% |
0.0 |
% |
0.2 |
% |
Total |
$ |
107,527 |
$ |
105,538 |
1.9 |
% |
100.0 |
% |
100.0 |
% |
Overall Revenue
Total revenue grew
1.9% compared to fourth quarter 2023 (“YoY”). ExcludingChina impacts, total revenue increased10.5% YoY.
US revenue increased
6.2% YoY.
All other revenue (excluding US and
China ) grew17.7% YoY.
Product and Service Revenue
Total product revenue was flat YoY. Excluding
China impacts, total product revenue increased10.9% YoY.
Total window film revenue increased
32.9% YoY and represented17.2% of total revenue.
Total service revenue increased
9.4% YoY.
Total installation revenue (labor and product combined) grew
16.1% YoY. Organic total installation revenue grew8.0% YoY.
Adjusted product revenue (combining cutbank credits revenue and product revenue) declined
1.0% YoY. ExcludingChina , adjusted product revenue grew9.3% YoY.
Other Financial Information
Gross margin percentage was
40.6% and38.8% in the fourth quarter of 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Total operating expenses increased
17.4% YoY.
Sales and marketing expenses increased
24.6% YoY and represented10.7% of revenue.
General and administrative expenses increased
13.6% YoY and represented18.5% of revenue.
Net income decreased
25.7% YoY.
EBITDA decreased
19.3% YoY2.
Cash Flows from Operations
Cash flows provided by operations were
in the fourth quarter 2024.$6.3 million
2025 First Quarter Outlook
The Company expects first quarter 2025 revenue of approximately
-$97 .$99 million
The Company recently completed a workforce reduction that is expected to yield approximately
in annual run rate savings.$2 million
Please see the information under “Forward-looking Statements” below regarding certain cautionary statements relating to our 2025 First Quarter Outlook.
Conference Call Information
The Company will host a conference call and webcast today, February 26, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the Company’s fourth quarter and annual 2024 results.
To access the live webcast, please visit the XPEL, Inc. website at www.xpel.com/events-presentations.
To participate in the call by phone, dial (877) 545-0523 approximately five minutes prior to the scheduled start time. International callers please dial (973) 528-0016. Callers should use access code: 186072.
A replay of the teleconference will be available until March 28, 2025 and may be accessed by dialing (877) 481-4010. International callers may dial (919) 882-2331. Callers should use conference ID: 51876.
About XPEL, Inc.
XPEL is a leading provider of protective films and coatings, including automotive paint protection film, surface protection film, automotive and architectural window films, and ceramic coatings. With a global footprint, a network of trained installers and proprietary DAP software, XPEL is dedicated to exceeding customer expectations by providing high-quality products, leading customer service, expert technical support and world-class training. XPEL, Inc. is publicly traded on Nasdaq under the symbol “XPEL”.
1 The results summarized above for 2024 are preliminary and unaudited. As the Company completes its quarter-end financial close processes and finalizes its financial statements for the fourth quarter and year end of 2024, it is possible that the Company may identify items that require it to make adjustments to the preliminary information set forth above, and those adjustments could be material. Full year end 2024 financial information will be included in the filing of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission which is anticipated on or prior to February 28, 2025.
2 See “Non-GAAP Financial Measure” and “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measure” below.
Forward-looking Statements
This release includes forward-looking statements (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) regarding XPEL, Inc. and its business, which may include, but is not limited to, anticipated use of proceeds from capital transactions, expansion into new markets, execution of the company's growth strategy and outlook. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “plans,” “is expected,” “expects,” “scheduled,” “intends,” “contemplates,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “proposes” or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results “may,” “could,” “would,” “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. Such statements are based on the current expectations and assumptions of the management of XPEL. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors relate to, among others: competition, a prolonged or material contraction in automotive sales and production volumes, disruption in our supply chain, technology that could render our products obsolete, changes in the way vehicles are sold, damage to our brand and reputation, cyber events and other legal and regulatory developments. There are several risks, uncertainties, and other important factors, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, that could cause its actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, including those described in the “Risk Factors” section of Annual Report on Form 10-K. Although XPEL has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and XPEL undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Non-GAAP Financial Measure
To aid in the understanding of XPEL's ongoing business performance, XPEL uses EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure. EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) plus interest expense, net, plus income tax expense plus depreciation and amortization expense. EBITDA should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. It is not a measurement of XPEL's financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to revenue or net income, as applicable, or any other performance measures derived in accordance with GAAP and may not be comparable to other similarly title measures. For a full reconciliation of EBITDA to comparable GAAP measure, refer to the reconciliation titled “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measure.”
XPEL, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) (In thousands except per share data) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Year Ended December 31, |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue |
Product revenue |
$ |
81,847 |
$ |
82,067 |
$ |
318,849 |
$ |
311,406 |
Service revenue |
25,680 |
23,471 |
101,551 |
84,887 |
Total revenue |
107,527 |
105,538 |
420,400 |
396,293 |
Cost of Sales |
Cost of product sales |
52,415 |
54,395 |
199,791 |
198,008 |
Cost of service |
11,409 |
10,211 |
43,249 |
35,871 |
Total cost of sales |
63,824 |
64,606 |
243,040 |
233,879 |
Gross Margin |
43,703 |
40,932 |
177,360 |
162,414 |
Operating Expenses |
Sales and marketing |
11,509 |
9,234 |
42,817 |
31,788 |
General and administrative |
19,849 |
17,474 |
75,396 |
63,654 |
Total operating expenses |
31,358 |
26,708 |
118,213 |
95,442 |
Operating Income |
12,345 |
14,224 |
59,147 |
66,972 |
Interest expense |
34 |
301 |
996 |
1,248 |
Foreign currency exchange loss (gain) |
1,157 |
(726 |
) |
1,373 |
(307 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
11,154 |
14,649 |
56,778 |
66,031 |
Income tax expense |
2,256 |
2,679 |
11,289 |
13,231 |
Net income |
$ |
8,898 |
$ |
11,970 |
$ |
45,489 |
$ |
52,800 |
Earnings per share |
Basic |
$ |
0.32 |
$ |
0.43 |
$ |
1.65 |
$ |
1.91 |
Diluted |
$ |
0.32 |
$ |
0.43 |
$ |
1.65 |
$ |
1.91 |
Weighted Average Number of Common Shares |
Basic |
27,649 |
27,629 |
27,639 |
27,622 |
Diluted |
27,656 |
27,633 |
27,643 |
27,634 |
XPEL, Inc. Consolidated Balance Sheets (In thousands except share and per share data) |
(Unaudited) 12/31/2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Assets |
Current |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
22,087 |
$ |
11,609 |
Accounts receivable, net |
29,146 |
24,111 |
Inventory, net |
110,904 |
106,509 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
5,314 |
3,529 |
Income tax receivable |
893 |
696 |
Total current assets |
168,344 |
146,454 |
Property and equipment, net |
17,735 |
16,980 |
Right-of-use lease assets |
19,490 |
15,459 |
Intangible assets, net |
34,562 |
34,905 |
Other non-current assets |
1,350 |
782 |
Goodwill |
44,126 |
37,461 |
Total assets |
$ |
285,607 |
$ |
252,041 |
Liabilities |
Current |
Current portion of notes payable |
$ |
63 |
$ |
62 |
Current portion of lease liabilities |
4,666 |
3,966 |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
36,789 |
32,444 |
Total current liabilities |
41,518 |
36,472 |
Deferred tax liability, net |
469 |
2,658 |
Other long-term liabilities |
1,810 |
890 |
Borrowings on line of credit |
— |
19,000 |
Non-current portion of lease liabilities |
16,126 |
12,715 |
Non-current portion of notes payable |
229 |
317 |
Total liabilities |
60,152 |
72,052 |
Stockholders’ equity |
Preferred stock, |
— |
— |
Common stock, |
28 |
28 |
Additional paid-in-capital |
15,550 |
12,546 |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(4,236 |
) |
(1,209 |
) |
Retained earnings |
214,113 |
168,624 |
Total stockholders’ equity |
225,455 |
179,989 |
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
$ |
285,607 |
$ |
252,041 |
XPEL, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) (In thousands) |
Three Months ended December 31, |
Year Ended December 31, |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Net income |
$ |
8,898 |
$ |
11,970 |
$ |
45,489 |
$ |
52,800 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment |
1,512 |
1,305 |
5,820 |
4,534 |
Amortization of intangible assets |
1,550 |
1,399 |
5,877 |
5,059 |
Gain on sale of property and equipment |
(14 |
) |
(2 |
) |
(49 |
) |
(13 |
) |
Stock compensation |
868 |
496 |
3,197 |
1,640 |
Provision for credit losses |
111 |
27 |
390 |
243 |
Deferred income tax |
(1,367 |
) |
(77 |
) |
(2,781 |
) |
(921 |
) |
Changes in assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable, net |
(129 |
) |
2,483 |
(5,604 |
) |
(7,000 |
) |
Inventory, net |
(9,959 |
) |
(13,260 |
) |
(4,785 |
) |
(24,843 |
) |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
631 |
7,892 |
(2,154 |
) |
604 |
Income tax receivable or payable |
(637 |
) |
(1,517 |
) |
(267 |
) |
(1,197 |
) |
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities |
4,863 |
(11,833 |
) |
2,691 |
6,478 |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
6,327 |
(1,117 |
) |
47,824 |
37,384 |
Cash flows used in investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(1,628 |
) |
(1,615 |
) |
(6,713 |
) |
(6,356 |
) |
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment |
— |
9 |
40 |
29 |
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired, payment holdbacks, and notes payable |
(3,335 |
) |
(14,038 |
) |
(9,855 |
) |
(18,735 |
) |
Development or purchase of intangible assets |
(455 |
) |
(493 |
) |
(1,876 |
) |
(1,291 |
) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(5,418 |
) |
(16,137 |
) |
(18,404 |
) |
(26,353 |
) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Net borrowings (payments) on revolving credit agreements |
— |
19,000 |
(19,000 |
) |
(7,000 |
) |
Restricted stock withholding taxes paid in lieu of issued shares |
(18 |
) |
— |
(193 |
) |
(167 |
) |
Repayments of notes payable |
(16 |
) |
(15 |
) |
(60 |
) |
(92 |
) |
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities |
(34 |
) |
18,985 |
(19,253 |
) |
(7,259 |
) |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents |
875 |
1,731 |
10,167 |
3,772 |
Foreign exchange impact on cash and cash equivalents |
226 |
(496 |
) |
311 |
(219 |
) |
Increase in cash and cash equivalents during the period |
1,101 |
1,235 |
10,478 |
3,553 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |
20,986 |
10,374 |
11,609 |
8,056 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |
$ |
22,087 |
$ |
11,609 |
$ |
22,087 |
$ |
11,609 |
Supplemental schedule of non-cash activities |
Contingent consideration |
$ |
1,600 |
$ |
— |
$ |
1,600 |
$ |
— |
Non-cash lease financing |
$ |
2,491 |
$ |
2,384 |
$ |
8,701 |
$ |
4,231 |
Issuance of common stock for vested restricted stock units |
$ |
210 |
$ |
327 |
$ |
1,110 |
$ |
1,038 |
Supplemental cash flow information |
Cash paid for income taxes |
$ |
3,361 |
$ |
4,149 |
$ |
13,617 |
$ |
15,293 |
Cash paid for interest |
$ |
31 |
$ |
240 |
$ |
1,026 |
$ |
1,240 |
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measure
EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) plus interest expense, net, plus income tax expense plus depreciation expense and amortization expense. EBITDA should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. It is not a measurement of our financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as alternatives to revenue or net income, as applicable, or any other performance measures derived in accordance with GAAP and may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other businesses. EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our operating results as reported under GAAP.
EBITDA does not reflect the impact of certain cash charges resulting from matters we consider not to be indicative of ongoing operations and other companies in our industry may calculate EBITDA differently than we do, limiting its usefulness as a comparative measure.
EBITDA Reconciliation (in thousands) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Year Ended December 31, |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net Income |
$ |
8,898 |
$ |
11,970 |
$ |
45,489 |
$ |
52,800 |
Interest |
34 |
301 |
996 |
1,248 |
Taxes |
2,256 |
2,679 |
11,289 |
13,231 |
Depreciation |
1,512 |
1,305 |
5,820 |
4,534 |
Amortization |
1,550 |
1,399 |
5,877 |
5,059 |
$ |
14,250 |
$ |
17,654 |
$ |
69,471 |
$ |
76,872 |
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250226143725/en/
For more information, contact:
Investor Relations:
John Nesbett/Jennifer Belodeau
IMS Investor Relations
Phone: (203) 972-9200
Email: xpel@imsinvestorrelations.com
Source: XPEL, Inc.
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