ERShares XOVR ETF Expands Access to High-Growth Private Companies and Sets a New Standard for Private Equity Valuation in ETFs
ERShares announced developments for its XOVR ETF, the first exchange-traded fund incorporating private equity in its portfolio. The ETF currently holds a 10% position in SpaceX and provides exposure to pre-IPO companies like Klarna.
The fund aims to democratize retail investor access to private companies that are staying private longer, addressing the growing gap between private and public market opportunities. Chief Investment Strategist Eva Ados highlighted how the current IPO landscape limits retail investor participation in significant wealth-creation events.
The ETF employs a structured valuation methodology for private equity holdings, adjusting based on tender offers, IPOs, private transactions, and market movements. Dr. Joel Shulman, ERShares' Founder and CIO, emphasized their commitment to maintaining transparent and consistent valuation practices while providing investors access to high-growth companies before public listings.
ERShares ha annunciato sviluppi per il suo XOVR ETF, il primo fondo negoziato in borsa che incorpora il capitale privato nel suo portafoglio. Attualmente, l'ETF detiene una posizione del 10% in SpaceX e offre esposizione a società pre-IPO come Klarna.
Il fondo mira a democratizzare l'accesso degli investitori al dettaglio a società private che rimangono tali più a lungo, affrontando il divario crescente tra le opportunità di mercato privato e pubblico. La Chief Investment Strategist Eva Ados ha sottolineato come l'attuale panorama IPO limiti la partecipazione degli investitori al dettaglio in eventi significativi di creazione di ricchezza.
L'ETF utilizza una metodologia di valutazione strutturata per le partecipazioni in capitale privato, adeguandosi in base a offerte pubbliche, IPO, transazioni private e movimenti di mercato. Il Dr. Joel Shulman, Fondatore e CIO di ERShares, ha enfatizzato il loro impegno nel mantenere pratiche di valutazione trasparenti e coerenti, offrendo agli investitori accesso a società ad alta crescita prima delle quotazioni pubbliche.
ERShares anunció desarrollos para su XOVR ETF, el primer fondo cotizado en bolsa que incorpora capital privado en su cartera. Actualmente, el ETF tiene una posición del 10% en SpaceX y proporciona exposición a empresas pre-IPO como Klarna.
El fondo tiene como objetivo democratizar el acceso de los inversores minoristas a empresas privadas que permanecen privadas por más tiempo, abordando la creciente brecha entre las oportunidades del mercado privado y público. La Estratega Jefe de Inversiones, Eva Ados, destacó cómo el actual panorama de IPO limita la participación de los inversores minoristas en eventos significativos de creación de riqueza.
El ETF emplea una metodología de valoración estructurada para las participaciones en capital privado, ajustándose en función de ofertas, IPOs, transacciones privadas y movimientos de mercado. El Dr. Joel Shulman, Fundador y CIO de ERShares, enfatizó su compromiso de mantener prácticas de valoración transparentes y consistentes mientras proporciona a los inversores acceso a empresas de alto crecimiento antes de las cotizaciones públicas.
ERShares는 XOVR ETF의 개발을 발표했습니다. 이는 포트폴리오에 사모펀드를 포함한 최초의 상장지수펀드입니다. 현재 ETF는 SpaceX에서 10%의 지분을 보유하고 있으며, Klarna와 같은 IPO 이전 기업에 대한 노출을 제공합니다.
이 펀드는 오랜 시간 동안 비상장 상태를 유지하는 사기업에 대한 소매 투자자의 접근을 민주화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 사적 시장과 공적 시장 기회 간의 증가하는 격차를 해소하고자 합니다. 수석 투자 전략가인 Eva Ados는 현재의 IPO 환경이 소매 투자자의 중요한 부의 창출 이벤트 참여를 제한하고 있다고 강조했습니다.
ETF는 사모펀드 보유에 대해 구조화된 평가 방법론을 사용하며, 공개 제안, IPO, 사적 거래 및 시장 변동에 따라 조정됩니다. ERShares의 설립자이자 CIO인 Dr. Joel Shulman은 투자자에게 상장 전 고성장 기업에 대한 접근을 제공하면서 투명하고 일관된 평가 관행을 유지하겠다는 그들의 약속을 강조했습니다.
ERShares a annoncé des développements pour son XOVR ETF, le premier fonds négocié en bourse incorporant du capital-investissement dans son portefeuille. L'ETF détient actuellement une position de 10 % dans SpaceX et offre une exposition à des entreprises pré-IPO comme Klarna.
Le fonds vise à démocratiser l'accès des investisseurs de détail aux entreprises privées qui restent privées plus longtemps, en abordant le fossé croissant entre les opportunités de marché privé et public. La Chief Investment Strategist Eva Ados a souligné comment le paysage actuel des IPO limite la participation des investisseurs de détail à des événements significatifs de création de richesse.
L'ETF utilise une méthodologie d'évaluation structurée pour les participations en capital-investissement, s'ajustant en fonction des offres publiques, des IPO, des transactions privées et des mouvements de marché. Le Dr Joel Shulman, fondateur et CIO d'ERShares, a souligné leur engagement à maintenir des pratiques d'évaluation transparentes et cohérentes tout en offrant aux investisseurs un accès à des entreprises à forte croissance avant les introductions en bourse.
ERShares hat Entwicklungen für seinen XOVR ETF angekündigt, den ersten börsengehandelten Fonds, der Private Equity in sein Portfolio integriert. Der ETF hält derzeit eine Position von 10% in SpaceX und bietet Zugang zu Pre-IPO-Unternehmen wie Klarna.
Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, den Zugang von Privatanlegern zu privaten Unternehmen, die länger privat bleiben, zu demokratisieren und die wachsende Kluft zwischen den Chancen auf dem privaten und öffentlichen Markt zu schließen. Die Chief Investment Strategist Eva Ados hob hervor, wie die aktuelle IPO-Landschaft die Teilnahme von Privatanlegern an bedeutenden Vermögensschöpfungsereignissen einschränkt.
Der ETF verwendet eine strukturierte Bewertungsmethodik für Private Equity-Beteiligungen, die sich anhand von Angebotsanfragen, IPOs, privaten Transaktionen und Marktbewegungen anpasst. Dr. Joel Shulman, Gründer und CIO von ERShares, betonte ihr Engagement, transparente und konsistente Bewertungspraktiken aufrechtzuerhalten, während sie Investoren den Zugang zu wachstumsstarken Unternehmen vor öffentlichen Notierungen ermöglichen.
- First ETF to provide retail access to private equity investments
- 10% portfolio allocation to high-profile SpaceX holding
- Access to pre-IPO companies like Klarna
- Structured valuation methodology for private holdings
- Valuation risks due to private company holdings
- real-time pricing data for private investments
- Dependency on market-driven price discovery mechanisms
XOVR ETF: Bridging the Gap Between Private and Public Markets
In a recent interview on Fox Business, Eva Ados, Chief Investment Strategist at ERShares, discussed the growing issue of private companies remaining private longer and limiting access for retail investors.
"As the IPO landscape evolves, many high-profile companies, including SpaceX, are delaying their public offerings. This limits access to only accredited and institutional investors, leaving retail investors out of some of the most significant wealth-creation events," said Ados. "Some industry players prefer to keep private equity out of reach for retail investors, reinforcing a system where only institutional and accredited investors can benefit. At ERShares, we believe in democratizing access to these opportunities, ensuring that everyday investors can participate in the growth of tomorrow's industry leaders before they go public."
A New Era of Private-Public Investing with XOVR
Opportunities for investors to access high-potential ventures at IPO valuations of around
"With private companies delaying IPOs, retail investors face increasing barriers to these high-growth opportunities. Our XOVR ETF is designed to bridge this gap, providing investors access to promising companies like SpaceX, along with exposure to companies such as Klarna, before they reach public markets," said Dr. Joel Shulman, Founder and CIO of ERShares.
Enhancing Private Equity Valuation Standards in ETFs
ERShares remains committed to adhering to industry best practices in valuation methodologies for private equity investments held within ETFs. XOVR's pricing framework follows structured, research-backed principles to ensure consistency and transparency in valuation practices.
"Valuing private equity within an ETF requires a rigorous, multi-factor approach that accounts for market-driven price discovery mechanisms," Dr. Shulman explained. "We adjust valuations based on tender offers, IPOs, ERShares' private transactions at new price levels, and significant market movements with volume and activity. Our team continuously monitors these holdings using diverse, verified data sources to ensure our net asset value (NAV) accurately reflects real market dynamics while maintaining compliance with industry valuation standards."
ERShares continues to lead in private market investing and ETF management, providing investors with access to high-growth companies before they go public. Acknowledging the evolving landscape of private market data, the firm remains open to refining its valuation methodologies as more reliable real-time pricing emerges.
The Future of Investing: Expanding Access to Private and Public Markets
As ERShares continues to expand access to pre-IPO investments, with the XOVR ETF, it remains committed to providing investors with exposure to high-growth companies through a disciplined and research-driven investment approach.
"We continue to provide evidence of how this private-public model works," added Dr. Shulman. "Our approach will soon become clear as upcoming IPOs unfold, reinforcing the value of integrating high-growth private firms into a diversified portfolio. The future of investing is no longer just public or private—it is both."
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What percentage of SpaceX does the XOVR ETF currently hold in its portfolio?
How does the XOVR ETF value its private equity holdings?
Which pre-IPO companies are currently included in the XOVR ETF portfolio?