ExxonMobil Secures Largest CO2 Offshore Storage Site in the U.S.

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ExxonMobil has secured the largest offshore carbon dioxide (CO2) storage lease in the U.S., covering over 271,000 acres in Texas state waters. This agreement with the Texas General Land Office (GLO) complements ExxonMobil's onshore CO2 storage portfolio and strengthens the U.S. Gulf Coast's position as a carbon capture and storage (CCS) leader.

The lease will directly benefit the Texas Permanent School Fund, enhancing education for Texas children while reducing emissions and promoting community development. ExxonMobil, which operates the largest CO2 pipeline network in the U.S., is well-positioned to leverage its infrastructure and storage space to deliver an end-to-end CCS solution.

This move aligns with ExxonMobil's commitment to CCS and its growing roster of customers ready to deploy the technology, driving substantial emissions reductions along the Gulf Coast.

ExxonMobil ha ottenuto il più grande contratto per lo stoccaggio offshore di anidride carbonica (CO2) negli Stati Uniti, coprendo oltre 271.000 acri nelle acque statali del Texas. Questo accordo con il Texas General Land Office (GLO) integra il portafoglio di stoccaggio di CO2 onshore di ExxonMobil e rafforza la posizione della costa del Golfo degli Stati Uniti come leader nella cattura e nello stoccaggio del carbonio (CCS).

Il contratto porterà benefici diretti al Texas Permanent School Fund, migliorando l'istruzione per i bambini del Texas, mentre riduce le emissioni e promuove lo sviluppo della comunità. ExxonMobil, che gestisce la più grande rete di oleodotti di CO2 negli Stati Uniti, è ben posizionata per sfruttare la sua infrastruttura e lo spazio di stoccaggio per fornire una soluzione CCS completa.

Questa mossa è in linea con l'impegno di ExxonMobil per la CCS e il suo crescente numero di clienti pronti a implementare la tecnologia, guidando sostanziali riduzioni delle emissioni lungo la costa del Golfo.

ExxonMobil ha asegurado el mayor contrato de almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono (CO2) en alta mar en EE.UU., cubriendo más de 271,000 acres en las aguas estatales de Texas. Este acuerdo con la Oficina General de Tierras de Texas (GLO) complementa el portafolio de almacenamiento de CO2 en tierra de ExxonMobil y refuerza la posición de la costa del Golfo de EE.UU. como líder en captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS).

El contrato beneficiará directamente al Fondo Escolar Permanente de Texas, mejorando la educación para los niños de Texas, mientras reduce las emisiones y promueve el desarrollo comunitario. ExxonMobil, que opera la red de tuberías de CO2 más grande de EE.UU., está en una buena posición para aprovechar su infraestructura y espacio de almacenamiento para ofrecer una solución CCS integral.

Este movimiento se alinea con el compromiso de ExxonMobil con la CCS y su creciente lista de clientes listos para implementar la tecnología, impulsando reducciones sustanciales de emisiones a lo largo de la costa del Golfo.

엑손모빌은 미국에서 가장 큰 해양 이산화탄소(CO2) 저장 임대 계약을 확보했습니다. 텍사스 주수역에서 271,000 에이커 이상을 커버합니다. 텍사스 일반 토지 사무소(GLO)와의 이 계약은 엑손모빌의 육상의 CO2 저장 포트폴리오를 보완하며 미국 멕시코만 지역의 탄소 포집 및 저장(CCS) 리더십을 강화합니다.

이 임대는 텍사스 영구 학교 기금에 직접적인 이익을 제공합니다. 텍사스 어린이의 교육 향상, 배출가스 감소 및 지역 사회 발전을 촉진합니다. 엑손모빌은 미국에서 가장 큰 CO2 파이프라인 네트워크를 운영하며, 자신의 인프라와 저장 공간을 활용하여 포괄적인 CCS 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 좋은 위치에 있습니다.

이 조치는 엑손모빌의 CCS에 대한 약속과 기술을 배포할 준비가 된 고객의 증가하는 목록과 일치하며, 멕시코만 지역에서 상당한 배출가스 감소를 이끌고 있습니다.

ExxonMobil a obtenu le plus grand contrat de stockage de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) en mer aux États-Unis, couvrant plus de 271 000 acres dans les eaux de l'État du Texas. Cet accord avec le Bureau des terres publiques du Texas (GLO) complète le portefeuille de stockage de CO2 à terre d'ExxonMobil et renforce la position de la côte du Golfe des États-Unis en tant que leader en matière de capture et de stockage du carbone (CCS).

Le contrat bénéficiera directement au Fonds permanent des écoles du Texas, améliorant l'éducation des enfants du Texas tout en réduisant les émissions et en favorisant le développement communautaire. ExxonMobil, qui exploite le plus grand réseau de pipelines de CO2 aux États-Unis, est bien positionnée pour tirer parti de son infrastructure et de son espace de stockage afin de fournir une solution CCS complète.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans l'engagement d'ExxonMobil en faveur de la CCS et de sa liste croissante de clients prêts à déployer la technologie, entraînant d'importantes réductions des émissions le long de la côte du Golfe.

ExxonMobil hat das größte Offshore-Vertrag zur Speicherung von Kohlendioxid (CO2) in den USA gesichert, das über 271.000 Morgen in den staatlichen Gewässern von Texas abdeckt. Diese Vereinbarung mit dem Texas General Land Office (GLO) ergänzt das Onshore-CO2-Speicherportfolio von ExxonMobil und stärkt die Position der US-Golfküste als führender Anbieter von Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS).

Der Vertrag wird direkt dem Texas Permanent School Fund zugutekommen, die Bildung für die Kinder in Texas verbessern, während er die Emissionen reduziert und die Gemeinschaftsentwicklung fördert. ExxonMobil, das das größte CO2-Pipeline-Netzwerk in den USA betreibt, ist gut positioniert, um seine Infrastruktur und Lagerkapazitäten zu nutzen, um eine umfassende CCS-Lösung anzubieten.

Dieser Schritt steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement von ExxonMobil für CCS und der wachsenden Liste von Kunden, die bereit sind, die Technologie einzusetzen, und führt zu erheblichen Emissionsreduzierungen an der Golfküste.

  • Secured largest offshore CO2 storage lease in the U.S. (271,000+ acres)
  • Strengthens ExxonMobil's position as a CCS leader in the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • Agreement benefits Texas Permanent School Fund, enhancing education
  • Leverages existing CO2 pipeline network for end-to-end CCS solutions
  • Growing customer base ready to deploy CCS technology
  • None.


ExxonMobil's acquisition of the largest offshore CO2 storage site in the U.S. is a significant move in the company's carbon capture and storage (CCS) strategy. This 271,000-acre lease in Texas state waters substantially expands ExxonMobil's CCS capabilities, positioning it as a leader in the emerging carbon management industry.

The deal has multiple positive implications:

  • Strengthens ExxonMobil's position in the growing CCS market
  • Aligns with increasing demand for emissions reduction solutions
  • Leverages existing Gulf Coast infrastructure
  • Provides revenue for the Texas Permanent School Fund

However, investors should note that while this move enhances ExxonMobil's green credentials, the financial impact may take time to materialize as CCS technology is still developing. The company's ability to monetize this asset will depend on future carbon pricing and regulatory environments.

This deal represents a significant step in the development of carbon capture and storage infrastructure in the United States. The 271,000-acre offshore site has the potential to store substantial amounts of CO2, which is important for meeting climate goals. However, several factors warrant consideration:

  • Regulatory framework: The success of CCS projects heavily depends on supportive policies and incentives.
  • Technology scalability: Large-scale implementation of CCS technology remains challenging and costly.
  • Public perception: Offshore CO2 storage may face scrutiny over long-term environmental impacts.

While this lease demonstrates ExxonMobil's commitment to emissions reduction, the actual impact on climate change mitigation will depend on the scale and efficiency of CO2 capture and transportation systems feeding into this storage site.

  • ExxonMobil has secured access to over 271,000-acres in Texas state waters; ideal for CO2 storage
  • Agreement will directly benefit the Texas Permanent School Fund
  • Latest example of ExxonMobil’s leadership in building a carbon capture industry in the U.S.

SPRING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM) has executed the largest offshore carbon dioxide (CO2) storage lease in the U.S. with the Texas General Land Office (GLO). The over 271,000-acre site complements the onshore CO2 storage portfolio ExxonMobil is developing, and further solidifies the U.S. Gulf Coast as a carbon capture and storage (CCS) leader.

“This is yet another sign of our commitment to CCS and the strides we’ve been able to make,” said Dan Ammann, president of ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions. “With our growing roster of customers ready to deploy CCS, we’ll be driving substantial emissions reductions along the Gulf Coast through a comprehensive solution that includes capture, transportation, and storage—capabilities that make us a clear leader.”

The terms of the agreement will directly benefit the Texas Permanent School Fund. This will enhance education for Texas children, while also reducing emissions and promoting community development in nearby areas.

“As the steward of 13 million acres of energy-rich state land, I am proud to partner with ExxonMobil in utilizing state land for innovative solutions that can help ensure future energy production. Energy independence is vital to ensuring our state and country remain economic leaders around the globe,” said Commissioner Buckingham. “As a mom, I have long said that educating our children is the most important thing we do, and I am thrilled that the revenue from this lease will go toward benefiting our great state along with our Texas school children.”

Offshore acreage provides much-needed storage space for CO2 emissions with the Gulf of Mexico’s vast potential playing a key role in meeting society’s net-zero goals. ExxonMobil operates the largest CO2 pipeline network in the U.S. and is well-positioned to leverage its extensive infrastructure and storage space to deliver an end-to-end solution.

About ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil, one of the largest publicly traded international energy and petrochemical companies, creates solutions that improve quality of life and meet society’s evolving needs.

The corporation’s primary businesses - Upstream, Product Solutions and Low Carbon Solutions – provide products that enable modern life, including energy, chemicals, lubricants, and lower emissions technologies. ExxonMobil holds an industry-leading portfolio of resources, and is one of the largest integrated fuels, lubricants, and chemical companies in the world. ExxonMobil also owns and operates the largest CO2 pipeline network in the United States. In 2021, ExxonMobil announced Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emission-reduction plans for 2030 for operated assets, compared to 2016 levels. The plans are to achieve a 20-30% reduction in corporate-wide greenhouse gas intensity; a 40-50% reduction in greenhouse gas intensity of upstream operations; a 70-80% reduction in corporate-wide methane intensity; and a 60-70% reduction in corporate-wide flaring intensity.

With advancements in technology and the support of clear and consistent government policies, ExxonMobil aims to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions from its operated assets by 2050. To learn more, visit and ExxonMobil’s Advancing Climate Solutions.

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Cautionary Statement: Statements of future events, investments, or outcomes in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including project plans, timing, capacities, and costs could vary depending on implementation of government frameworks and permitting for carbon capture and storage and other lower-emission technologies; timely completion of construction projects; commercial and consumer interest in lower-emissions opportunities; changes in plans or objectives prior to final funding decisions or project startups; unforeseen technical or operational difficulties; and other market factors including changes in supply and demand and other market factors affecting future prices of oil, gas, and petrochemical products; and other factors discussed in this release and in Item 1A. Risk Factors of ExxonMobil’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and under the heading “Factors Affecting Future Results” available through the Investors page of ExxonMobil’s website at Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this press release and ExxonMobil disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

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Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation


What is the size of ExxonMobil's new offshore CO2 storage lease?

ExxonMobil (XOM) has secured over 271,000 acres in Texas state waters for offshore CO2 storage, making it the largest such lease in the U.S.

How will the Texas Permanent School Fund benefit from ExxonMobil's CO2 storage lease?

The terms of ExxonMobil's (XOM) agreement with the Texas General Land Office will directly benefit the Texas Permanent School Fund, enhancing education for Texas children.

What advantages does ExxonMobil have in implementing CCS solutions?

ExxonMobil (XOM) operates the largest CO2 pipeline network in the U.S., positioning it well to leverage its extensive infrastructure and storage space for end-to-end CCS solutions.

How does this lease contribute to ExxonMobil's CCS strategy?

The 271,000-acre offshore lease complements ExxonMobil's (XOM) onshore CO2 storage portfolio and solidifies the U.S. Gulf Coast as a carbon capture and storage leader, aligning with the company's CCS commitment.

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