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XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has signed a Letter of Intent to acquire Mcap Media, Inc., enhancing its service offerings in multimedia communications and digital solutions for microcap companies. Mcap Media has reported $1.2 million in revenue growth between February 2021 and February 2022. The merger aims to create a comprehensive communications platform, given the growing scale and potential investment in R&D for technology innovation. This acquisition reinforces XCPL's commitment to innovative marketing solutions for its clients.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has appointed Howard Kennedy Jr., known as “History,” as VP of Consumer Innovation. With a background in the entertainment industry, History aims to leverage his extensive network and experience to identify growth opportunities for XCPL. He will lead collaboration with current and potential partners, strategizing innovative approaches for the company. CEO Tim Matthews expressed confidence in History's unique capability to position XCPL as a market trendsetter.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) announced the signing of a Joint Venture Agreement with Securetsys LLC to establish 'Mindshare Entertainment Africa.' This venture aims to create, distribute, and market products in the Metaverse, NFTs, and music across East Africa, targeting a consumer base of 150 million. The partnership seeks to leverage the growing NFT market, particularly in Uganda and Kenya, amidst rising interest in NFTs in Nigeria, where 13.7% of internet users currently own one. The company's long-term goal includes expanding to over 1 billion consumers across Africa.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has announced an authorized share reduction, bringing the total number of authorized shares to 750 million. The company successfully returned 2 million shares to the treasury, a decision aimed at combating stock manipulation and enhancing shareholder value. CEO Tim Matthews emphasized the company's focus on growth opportunities in various sectors, with future details set to be shared with shareholders.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) issued a letter from CEO Tim Matthews addressing shareholder concerns about dilution and fundraising strategies. Matthews clarified that raising capital is essential for growth, acquisitions, and working capital, and emphasized that they do not plan to issue 200,000,000 shares. The company is focusing on acquisitions like Centiment Capital, the launch of MantisPrime, and managing operational costs to create a positive return on investment. The letter reflects a commitment to increase shareholder value despite short-term challenges.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has announced the acquisition of Centiment Capital, focusing on its Crypto Trading Platform MantisPrime. This platform features an innovative emotional search engine (EiQ) that uses AI to predict market movements by analyzing public sentiment. The integration of machine learning with automated trading is expected to generate significant revenue. MantisPrime will serve as the trading arm of XCPCNL, providing advanced trading algorithms for cryptocurrencies and equities, anticipating substantial commercial benefits.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has partnered with Green Star Products Inc. (OTC Pink: GSPI) to launch a Strategic Sales and Marketing Program focused on GSPI's Viro Spectrum Shield and Montana Biotic brands. This initiative aims to enhance brand positioning and evaluate potential merger opportunities. The program will span 3-4 months and includes developing a new brand platform, market strategies, and communication materials. The partnership is projected to generate seven figures in revenue, enhancing market presence and consumer engagement for both brands.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) announced a letter of intent to acquire Centiment Capital Holdings, valued at $34 million. Centiment is a for-profit, neurotech-enabled company that focuses on anti-bias-driven machine learning. CEO Tim Matthews emphasized the potential for enhanced shareholder value and revenue diversification through this acquisition. Centiment offers consulting in artificial intelligence and neuroscience, targeting emotional search and data management services. This strategic move is set to bolster XCPL's existing portfolio and capitalize on emerging revenue models.
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTC Pink: XCPL) has announced the establishment of an advisory board aimed at enhancing its growth potential in the consumer products sector. The advisory board will comprise recognized experts across Marketing, Entertainment, and Technology, intended to guide XCPL in product development and consumer engagement strategies. CEO Tim Matthews expressed enthusiasm about collaborating with top-tier professionals to elevate the company. This initiative aligns with XCPL's mission to innovate and differentiate its offerings in a competitive marketplace.
XCPCNL Business Services invites investors to its interactive presentation at the Emerging Growth Conference on February 16, 2022. The event, set for 10:00 AM Eastern Time, will feature CEO Tim Matthews, who will present for 30 minutes and take questions from attendees. This conference allows existing shareholders and the investment community to engage directly with the company. An archived webcast will be available for those unable to attend live, ensuring all interested parties can access the information shared.