U. S. Steel Earns World’s First Ever Certification for ResponsibleSteel™ Certified Steel at its Big River Steel Operation

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U. S. Steel's Big River Steel facility in Osceola, Arkansas, has become the world's first to achieve ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel status. This certification, following its 2022 ResponsibleSteel Site Certification, demonstrates U. S. Steel's commitment to sustainability and responsible practices across its supply chain. The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard includes 13 principles with over 500 criteria for responsible steel sourcing and production.

The certification process evaluates environmental, social, and governance requirements, focusing on responsible sourcing of input materials and site-level decarbonization. U. S. Steel has achieved Progress Level 1 certification, showcasing its integrated approach to sustainability. This achievement provides customers with assurance of sustainably sourced and manufactured steel, setting a new benchmark for the global steel industry.

Lo stabilimento Big River Steel di U. S. Steel a Osceola, Arkansas, è diventato il primo al mondo a ottenere la certificazione ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel. Questa certificazione, che segue la certificazione ResponsibleSteel Site del 2022, dimostra l'impegno di U. S. Steel per la sostenibilità e le pratiche responsabili lungo tutta la catena di approvvigionamento. Lo Standard Internazionale di Produzione ResponsibleSteel include 13 principi con oltre 500 criteri per un approvvigionamento e una produzione di acciaio responsabili.

Il processo di certificazione valuta i requisiti ambientali, sociali e di governance, concentrandosi sull'approvvigionamento responsabile dei materiali e sulla decarbonizzazione a livello del sito. U. S. Steel ha ottenuto la certificazione di Progress Level 1, dimostrando il suo approccio integrato alla sostenibilità. Questo risultato offre ai clienti la garanzia di acciaio prodotto e approvvigionato in modo sostenibile, stabilendo un nuovo standard per l'industria dell'acciaio globale.

La instalación Big River Steel de U. S. Steel en Osceola, Arkansas, se ha convertido en la primera del mundo en obtener la certificación ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel. Esta certificación, que sigue a la certificación de sitio ResponsibleSteel de 2022, demuestra el compromiso de U. S. Steel con la sostenibilidad y las prácticas responsables en toda su cadena de suministro. El Estándar Internacional de Producción ResponsibleSteel incluye 13 principios con más de 500 criterios para la obtención y producción de acero responsable.

El proceso de certificación evalúa los requisitos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza, centrándose en la obtención responsable de materiales y la descarbonización a nivel del sitio. U. S. Steel ha logrado la certificación de Nivel de Progreso 1, mostrando su enfoque integrado hacia la sostenibilidad. Este logro proporciona a los clientes la garantía de acero obtenido y fabricado de manera sostenible, estableciendo un nuevo referente para la industria del acero a nivel global.

미국 스틸(U. S. Steel)의 빅 리버 스틸(Big River Steel) 시설이 아칸소 주 오시콜라에서 세계 최초로 ResponsibleSteel 인증을 받은 스틸 생산 시설이 되었습니다. 이 인증은 2022년 ResponsibleSteel 사이트 인증에 이어져, 공급망 전반에 걸친 지속 가능성과 책임 있는 관행에 대한 U. S. Steel의 헌신을 보여줍니다. ResponsibleSteel 국제 생산 기준에는 책임 있는 강철 조달 및 생산을 위한 500개 이상의 기준이 포함된 13개 원칙이 있습니다.

인증 과정은 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스 요구 사항을 평가하며, 재료의 책임 있는 조달과 현장 수준의 탈탄소화에 중점을 두고 있습니다. U. S. Steel은 진행 수준 1 인증을 획득하여 지속 가능성에 대한 통합된 접근 방식을 보여주었습니다. 이 성과는 고객에게 지속 가능하게 조달되고 제조된 강철에 대한 확신을 제공하여 글로벌 강철 산업의 새로운 기준을 설정합니다.

L'installation Big River Steel de U. S. Steel à Osceola, Arkansas, est devenue la première au monde à obtenir le statut de certification ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel. Cette certification, qui suit la certification de site ResponsibleSteel de 2022, démontre l'engagement de U. S. Steel envers la durabilité et des pratiques responsables tout au long de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement. La norme de production internationale ResponsibleSteel comprend 13 principes avec plus de 500 critères pour un approvisionnement et une production d'acier responsables.

Le processus de certification évalue les exigences environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance, en se concentrant sur un approvisionnement responsable des matériaux et la décarbonisation au niveau du site. U. S. Steel a obtenu la certification de niveau de progrès 1, mettant en avant son approche intégrée de la durabilité. Cette réalisation offre aux clients l'assurance d'un acier provenant d'une source durable et fabriqué, établissant ainsi une nouvelle référence pour l'industrie mondiale de l'acier.

Die Big River Steel-Anlage von U. S. Steel in Osceola, Arkansas, ist die weltweit erste Anlage, die den Status ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel erreicht hat. Diese Zertifizierung, die auf die ResponsibleSteel Standortzertifizierung von 2022 folgt, zeigt das Engagement von U. S. Steel für Nachhaltigkeit und verantwortungsvolle Praktiken in seiner gesamten Lieferkette. Der ResponsibleSteel Internationale Produktionsstandard umfasst 13 Prinzipien mit über 500 Kriterien für verantwortungsvolle Stahleinkäufe und -produktion.

Der Zertifizierungsprozess bewertet Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Anforderungen, wobei der verantwortungsvolle Einkauf von Rohstoffen und die Dekarbonisierung auf Standortebene im Fokus stehen. U. S. Steel hat die Zertifizierung „Fortschrittsstufe 1“ erreicht, was den integrierten Ansatz des Unternehmens zur Nachhaltigkeit unterstreicht. Diese Auszeichnung bietet Kunden die Gewissheit über nachhaltig beschafften und hergestellten Stahl und setzt einen neuen Maßstab für die globale Stahlindustrie.

  • First steel company globally to achieve ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel status
  • Demonstrates commitment to sustainability and responsible practices across the supply chain
  • Provides customers with assurance of sustainably sourced and manufactured steel
  • Sets a new benchmark for the global steel industry in sustainability
  • None.


U. S. Steel's achievement of the world's first ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel at its Big River Steel operation is a significant milestone for the company and the steel industry. This certification demonstrates U. S. Steel's commitment to sustainability and responsible practices across its supply chain.

The certification process involves meeting over 500 criteria across 13 principles, covering environmental, social and governance aspects. This comprehensive approach sets a new benchmark for sustainable steel manufacturing globally. For investors, this certification could potentially:

  • Enhance U. S. Steel's reputation and brand value
  • Attract environmentally conscious customers and potentially command premium pricing
  • Improve the company's ESG ratings, which could attract more ESG-focused investors
  • Potentially lead to cost savings through more efficient and responsible practices

While the immediate financial impact may not be quantifiable, this certification positions U. S. Steel favorably in an increasingly ESG-focused market. It could provide a competitive edge, especially as more customers and industries prioritize sustainably sourced materials.

The ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel certification for U. S. Steel's Big River facility marks a significant step forward in the steel industry's sustainability efforts. This certification goes beyond site-level approval, encompassing the entire steel production process and supply chain.

Key aspects of this certification include:

  • Responsible sourcing of input materials
  • Site-level decarbonization progress
  • Transparency across the steel supply chain
  • A four-level progress system guiding companies towards full supply chain transparency and near-zero emissions

U. S. Steel's achievement of Progress Level 1 indicates a strong start, but also highlights the long journey ahead towards full sustainability. The company's integrated approach, utilizing its own iron ore and pig iron production facilities, demonstrates a commitment to reducing transportation emissions and improving supply chain control.

For investors, this certification signals U. S. Steel's proactive stance on sustainability, potentially mitigating future regulatory risks and positioning the company favorably in a market increasingly driven by ESG considerations.

U. S. Steel’s Big River Steel, located in Osceola, Arkansas, passed a rigorous set of standards in environmental, social, and governance categories that raise the bar for sustainability across the steel supply chain.

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) today announced it is the first steel company in the world to qualify to sell its products as ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel at its Big River facility in Osceola, Arkansas. Big River received the first ResponsibleSteel Site Certification in North America in 2022 and is once again at the forefront of innovation by achieving certification for sustainably sourced and manufactured steel.

ResponsibleSteel is the industry’s leading global multi-stakeholder standards body, enabling certification at the site level - and now for the first-time - steel certification. By meeting the standard for Certified Steel, U. S. Steel’s Big River facility demonstrates its continued commitment to advancing industry sustainability while delivering profitable solutions for stakeholders and benefits for the planet.

“This is an extraordinary accomplishment,” said U. S. Steel President and CEO David B. Burritt. “The rigorous requirements needed for ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel represent a new gold standard for responsible steel manufacturing on a global scale. This certification gives customers and stakeholders confidence that Big River is on the path to near zero and demonstrates that we are using responsible practices across our supply chain. Being the first steel company in the world to achieve ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel demonstrates our strong resolve to build a more sustainable steel industry in the United States and across the world.”

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard incorporates environmental, social and governance requirements across its thirteen Principles, which include over 500 criteria for the responsible sourcing and production of steel. Certified Steel requires both Site Certification and additional conformance with two key components: progress on the responsible sourcing of input materials and site-level decarbonization. ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel provides steel buyers with a consistent assessment of the site’s material sourcing and decarbonization progress.

By offering Certified Steel, U. S. Steel is demonstrating leadership in enabling steel producers, and suppliers, to assess their sustainability progress through a comprehensive, credible global benchmark. The Standard is constructed not only to encourage decarbonization progress at the site, but also to drive responsible sourcing and a rigorous supply chain ESG analysis. It fosters tracking and transparency across the steel supply chain from input materials to the product, ensuring that ESG initiatives are integrated at every stage. With four Progress Levels outlined, companies are guided in improving responsible sourcing and decarbonization until full supply chain transparency and near zero are achieved. U. S. Steel has achieved certification at Progress Level 1 continuing a steadfast commitment to an integrated approach to sustainability.

“ResponsibleSteel employs a comprehensive approach to its certification standards, and that is evident in the work we do here at Big River Steel,” noted Dan Brown, Senior Vice President of Advanced Technology Steelmaking for U. S. Steel and Chief Operating Officer of Big River Steel Works. “Our transparency around decarbonization and collaborative approach with our suppliers and community all play a role in what it means to have truly ‘sustainable’ steel products for our customers.”

U. S. Steel’s Big River achieved Certified Steel by demonstrating how sustainability permeates throughout the company’s operations. For example, it is more sustainable to obtain the input materials closest to the facility with a known supply chain source. Iron ore pellets are mined and produced at U. S. Steel’s Minnesota Ore Operations, which serve as raw materials for pig iron production at U. S. Steel’s Gary Works in northwest Indiana, which then becomes a key input in the steelmaking process at U. S. Steel’s Big River.

“ResponsibleSteel congratulates U. S. Steel on this significant accomplishment – the first-of-a-kind across the global industry. This certification demonstrates the company’s strong ongoing commitment to transparency, credibility, and responsibility, as they make progress in their decarbonization plans. Today this news sends a clear message to the market: progress towards responsible ‘green steel’ is being achieved and can be most credibly benchmarked. For those buyers looking to cut through the confusion of environmental claims, look no further,” remarks Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel’s CEO. “We look forward to U. S. Steel’s ongoing progress and leadership in the market for credible sustainable steel products.”

Achieving Certified Steel will ensure customers have responsibly sourced and produced steel right here in the USA. Together with ResponsibleSteel, U. S. Steel is creating a more sustainable industry and future for generations to come.

About U. S. Steel

Founded in 1901, United States Steel Corporation is a leading steel producer. With an unwavering focus on safety, the Company’s customer-centric Best for All® strategy is advancing a more secure, sustainable future for U. S. Steel and its stakeholders. With a renewed emphasis on innovation, U. S. Steel serves the automotive, construction, appliance, energy, containers, and packaging industries with high value-added steel products such as U. S. Steel’s proprietary XG3™ advanced high-strength steel. The Company also maintains competitively advantaged iron ore production and has an annual raw steelmaking capability of 22.4 million net tons. U. S. Steel is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with world-class operations across the United States and in Central Europe. For more information, please visit

About ResponsibleSteel

ResponsibleSteel is a global multistakeholder standards and certification initiative for the steel industry. Its mission is to be a driving force in the socially and environmentally responsible production of net-zero steel, globally.

ResponsibleSteel’s members include some of the leading players in the industry working together to minimise the impact of steel manufacturing on people and the planet. Businesses from every part of the steel value chain, civil society groups, and other organisations are welcome to join. ResponsibleSteel’s underlying purpose is to maximise steel’s contribution to a sustainable world by:

  • Providing a multi-stakeholder forum to build trust and achieve consensus;
  • Developing standards, certification and related tools;
  • Driving positive change through the recognition and use of responsible steel.

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard is designed to support the responsible sourcing and production of steel. It covers a range of sustainability issues including emissions, pollution, responsible sourcing, human rights, labour standards, and more. For more information about ResponsibleSteel please visit

Savannah Hayes

T – +44 7588 785909

E –

Source: United States Steel Corporation


What certification did U. S. Steel (X) receive for its Big River Steel facility?

U. S. Steel's Big River Steel facility in Osceola, Arkansas, received the world's first ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel status, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and responsible practices across the supply chain.

What does the ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel status mean for U. S. Steel (X)?

The ResponsibleSteel Certified Steel status means U. S. Steel has met rigorous standards in environmental, social, and governance categories, raising the bar for sustainability across the steel supply chain and providing customers with assurance of responsibly sourced and produced steel.

How many criteria does the ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard include?

The ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard includes 13 principles with over 500 criteria for responsible steel sourcing and production.

What level of certification did U. S. Steel (X) achieve in the ResponsibleSteel program?

U. S. Steel achieved Progress Level 1 certification in the ResponsibleSteel program, demonstrating its integrated approach to sustainability.

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