Wolverine, the 142-year-old boot and clothing company, has announced a partnership with multi-platinum country artist Jordan Davis. The collaboration focuses on celebrating the blue-collar mindset and work ethic, drawing from Davis's family background in skilled trades.
The partnership includes the launch of 'Jordan Davis Picks' collection, available on Wolverine.com and select retailers, featuring Davis's favorite boots, apparel, and accessories. A new custom collection is planned for Fall 2025, along with events supporting the skilled trades community.
Davis's connection to Wolverine stems from his family heritage, watching his father and grandfather wear Wolverine boots while working. The partnership aims to promote skilled trades careers and embody the values of craftsmanship and hard work, whether on jobsites, farms, or stages.
Wolverine, l'azienda di stivali e abbigliamento con 142 anni di storia, ha annunciato una collaborazione con l'artista country multi-platino Jordan Davis. Questa collaborazione si concentra sulla celebrazione della mentalità e dell'etica del lavoro tipiche delle persone comuni, attingendo dalle radici familiari di Davis nel settore delle professioni qualificate.
La partnership include il lancio della collezione 'Jordan Davis Picks', disponibile su Wolverine.com e presso rivenditori selezionati, che presenta gli stivali, l'abbigliamento e gli accessori preferiti da Davis. È prevista una nuova collezione personalizzata per l'autunno 2025, insieme a eventi a sostegno della comunità delle professioni qualificate.
Il legame di Davis con Wolverine deriva dalla sua eredità familiare, avendo visto suo padre e suo nonno indossare stivali Wolverine mentre lavoravano. L'obiettivo della partnership è promuovere le carriere nelle professioni qualificate e incarnare i valori dell'artigianato e del duro lavoro, sia nei cantieri, nelle fattorie o sui palcoscenici.
Wolverine, la empresa de botas y ropa con 142 años de historia, ha anunciado una colaboración con el artista country multiplatino Jordan Davis. Esta colaboración se centra en celebrar la mentalidad y la ética de trabajo de la clase trabajadora, inspirándose en el trasfondo familiar de Davis en oficios calificados.
La asociación incluye el lanzamiento de la colección 'Jordan Davis Picks', disponible en Wolverine.com y en minoristas seleccionados, que presenta las botas, ropa y accesorios favoritos de Davis. Se planea una nueva colección personalizada para el otoño de 2025, junto con eventos que apoyan a la comunidad de oficios calificados.
La conexión de Davis con Wolverine proviene de su herencia familiar, al ver a su padre y su abuelo usar botas Wolverine mientras trabajaban. La asociación tiene como objetivo promover las carreras en oficios calificados y encarnar los valores de la artesanía y el trabajo duro, ya sea en obras, granjas o escenarios.
울버린, 142년 된 부츠 및 의류 회사가 다중 플래티넘 카운트리 아티스트 조던 데이비스와 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협업은 데이비스의 숙련된 직업에 대한 가족 배경을 바탕으로 블루칼라 마인드셋과 근면성을 기념하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
파트너십에는 '조던 데이비스 픽스' 컬렉션의 출시가 포함되며, 이는 Wolverine.com 및 선택된 소매점에서 제공되며, 데이비스가 가장 좋아하는 부츠, 의류 및 액세서리가 포함됩니다. 2025년 가을에는 새로운 맞춤형 컬렉션이 계획되어 있으며, 숙련된 직업 커뮤니티를 지원하는 이벤트도 함께 열릴 예정입니다.
데이비스와 울버린의 연결은 그의 가족 유산에서 비롯되며, 그는 아버지와 할아버지가 일할 때 울버린 부츠를 신는 모습을 보았습니다. 이 파트너십은 숙련된 직업 경력을 홍보하고, 작업 현장, 농장 또는 무대에서든 장인 정신과 근면의 가치를 구현하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Wolverine, l'entreprise de bottes et de vêtements âgée de 142 ans, a annoncé un partenariat avec l'artiste country multi-platine Jordan Davis. Cette collaboration vise à célébrer l'état d'esprit et l'éthique de travail des classes ouvrières, s'inspirant du parcours familial de Davis dans les métiers qualifiés.
Le partenariat inclut le lancement de la collection 'Jordan Davis Picks', disponible sur Wolverine.com et chez des détaillants sélectionnés, présentant les bottes, vêtements et accessoires préférés de Davis. Une nouvelle collection personnalisée est prévue pour l'automne 2025, ainsi que des événements pour soutenir la communauté des métiers qualifiés.
Le lien de Davis avec Wolverine vient de son héritage familial, ayant vu son père et son grand-père porter des bottes Wolverine en travaillant. L'objectif de ce partenariat est de promouvoir les carrières dans les métiers qualifiés et d'incarner les valeurs de l'artisanat et du travail acharné, que ce soit sur les chantiers, dans les fermes ou sur scène.
Wolverine, das 142 Jahre alte Unternehmen für Stiefel und Bekleidung, hat eine Partnerschaft mit dem mehrfachen Platin-Country-Künstler Jordan Davis angekündigt. Die Zusammenarbeit konzentriert sich darauf, die Mentalität und die Arbeitsmoral der Arbeiterklasse zu feiern, inspiriert von Davis' familiärem Hintergrund in den Fachberufen.
Die Partnerschaft umfasst die Einführung der Kollektion 'Jordan Davis Picks', die auf Wolverine.com und bei ausgewählten Einzelhändlern erhältlich ist und Davis' Lieblingsstiefel, Bekleidung und Accessoires präsentiert. Eine neue maßgeschneiderte Kollektion ist für den Herbst 2025 geplant, zusammen mit Veranstaltungen zur Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft der Fachberufe.
Davis' Verbindung zu Wolverine stammt aus seinem familiären Erbe, da er seinen Vater und Großvater gesehen hat, die beim Arbeiten Wolverine-Stiefel trugen. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, Karrieren in den Fachberufen zu fördern und die Werte von Handwerkskunst und harter Arbeit zu verkörpern, sei es auf Baustellen, auf Bauernhöfen oder auf Bühnen.
- New product line expansion through Jordan Davis Picks collection
- Additional custom collection launching Fall 2025
- Strategic partnership with award-winning, multi-platinum artist expanding brand reach
- Enhanced marketing presence in country music demographic
- None.
The original work boot brand and the award-winning country musician are bringing a fresh, modern country aesthetic to the worksite and beyond.
Wolverine's longtime commitment to creating comfortable and trustworthy workwear seamlessly complements
Jordan Davis' rise from blue-collar roots to country star reflects the true Wolverine spirit. Raised by generations of skilled trades workers, he learned the value of hard work and grit, watching his dad and grandpa tackle long days in their trusted Wolverine boots. Now, he brings that same dedication to his
"My partnership with Wolverine is a special one," said Jordan Davis. "Growing up, I watched my dad, and his dad do what they love – whether it was fishing or refurbishing furniture at the shop – all with their trusted Wolverine boots on. I learned a lot about life from them, and I take pride in living out the lessons and skills they taught me both while I'm performing on stage and working at my farm. Partnering with Wolverine allows me to honor this legacy and inspire others to do what they love."
Fans can now shop the "Jordan Davis Picks" collection on Wolverine.com and in select retailers across the country featuring
"Our work with Jordan Davis perfectly reflects our values at Wolverine. His embodiment of hard work on and off the jobsite and reaping its rewards resonates deeply with our purpose and consumer," said Lauren King, Sr. Director of Marketing at Wolverine Boots and Apparel. "As a celebrated musician,
Sign up for email at Wolverine.com to be the first to know what's coming next in this partnership and follow @Wolverineboots on Instagram for more updates.
Wolverine, the 141-year-old boot and clothing company, is on a mission to honor the spirit and tenacity of the American worker and build the next generation of skilled trades people. Taking pride in crafting durable boots with unrivaled craftsmanship and the highest quality materials, Wolverine is dedicated to serving hardworking people all over the world. Through Project Bootstrap, Wolverine has contributed over
Award winning, multi-platinum singer/songwriter Jordan Davis' Platinum-selling sophomore album, Bluebird Days produced four consecutive #1s and three "song of the year" award-winning titles including the 5X Platinum-selling hit "Buy Dirt," (CMA Awards 2023, NSAI Awards 2023) and 3X Platinum-selling "Next Thing You Know" (ACM Awards 2024). All penned by Davis, the
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SOURCE Wolverine