WeightWatchers Adds Compounded GLP-1, Expanding Accessibility and Affordability of Weight Loss Medications

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WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) has announced the addition of compounded semaglutide to its weight management program, starting at $129. This expansion aims to enhance accessibility and affordability of weight loss medications amid ongoing shortages of branded GLP-1 drugs. The company's offering combines clinical interventions with behavioral support, including access to board-certified clinicians, registered dietitians, and the WeightWatchers community.

Key points:

  • WeightWatchers partnered with an FDA-registered 503B facility to ensure quality and safety
  • The company conducted nearly 3 million stock checks, finding GLP-1 medications in stock only 4.5% of the time
  • 45% of eligible WeightWatchers Clinic members were denied insurance coverage for GLP-1 medications
  • Members using GLP-1 medications with the Points® Program lose 11% more weight than those using medications alone
  • Compounded semaglutide will be available to eligible members within 1-3 business days

WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) ha annunciato l'aggiunta di semaglutide compresso al suo programma di gestione del peso, a partire da $129. Questa espansione mira a migliorare l'accessibilità e l'affordabilità dei farmaci per la perdita di peso in mezzo a ongoing carenze di farmaci GLP-1 di marca. L'offerta dell'azienda combina interventi clinici con supporto comportamentale, inclusi accesso a professionisti certificati, dietisti registrati e la comunità di WeightWatchers.

Punti chiave:

  • WeightWatchers ha collaborato con una struttura 503B registrata dalla FDA per garantire qualità e sicurezza
  • L'azienda ha effettuato quasi 3 milioni di controlli di stock, trovando farmaci GLP-1 in stock solo il 4,5% delle volte
  • Il 45% dei membri della clinica WeightWatchers idonei è stato negato l'accesso all'assicurazione per i farmaci GLP-1
  • I membri che utilizzano farmaci GLP-1 insieme al Programma Points® perdono l'11% di peso in più rispetto a coloro che usano solo i farmaci
  • Il semaglutide compresso sarà disponibile per i membri idonei entro 1-3 giorni lavorativi

WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) ha anunciado la adición de semaglutida compuesta a su programa de gestión de peso, comenzando en $129. Esta expansión busca mejorar la accesibilidad y la asequibilidad de los medicamentos para la pérdida de peso en medio de las continuas carencias de medicamentos GLP-1 de marca. La oferta de la empresa combina intervenciones clínicas con apoyo conductual, incluyendo acceso a clínicos certificados, dietistas registrados y la comunidad de WeightWatchers.

Puntos clave:

  • WeightWatchers se asoció con una instalación 503B registrada en la FDA para garantizar calidad y seguridad
  • La empresa realizó casi 3 millones de verificaciones de stock, encontrando medicamentos GLP-1 en stock solo el 4.5% del tiempo
  • El 45% de los miembros elegibles de la Clínica WeightWatchers fueron negados cobertura de seguro para medicamentos GLP-1
  • Los miembros que usan medicamentos GLP-1 con el Programa Points® pierden un 11% más de peso que aquellos que usan solo medicamentos
  • La semaglutida compuesta estará disponible para los miembros elegibles dentro de 1-3 días hábiles

WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW)복합 세마글루타이드를 체중 관리 프로그램에 추가한다고 발표했습니다. 가격은 $129부터 시작합니다. 이 확장은 브랜드 GLP-1 약물의 지속적인 부족 속에서 체중 감소 약물의 접근성과 경제성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 회사의 프로그램은 인증된 임상 의사, 등록된 영양사 및 WeightWatchers 커뮤니티에 대한 접근을 포함한 임상 개입과 행동 지원을 결합합니다.

주요 포인트:

  • WeightWatchers는 품질과 안전성을 보장하기 위해 FDA에 등록된 503B 시설과 협력했습니다.
  • 회사는 거의 300만 개의 재고 점검을 수행했으며 GLP-1 약물이 재고로 존재하는 경우는 단 4.5%에 불과했습니다.
  • GLP-1 약물에 대해 보험 보장을 거부당한 WeightWatchers 클리닉의 적격 회원은 45%였습니다.
  • Points® 프로그램을 사용하는 GLP-1 약물을 사용하는 회원은 약물만 사용하는 회원보다 체중을 11% 더 많이 줄였습니다.
  • 복합 세마글루타드는 적격 회원에게 1-3 영업일 이내에 제공될 예정입니다.

WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) a annoncé l'ajout de semaglutide composé à son programme de gestion du poids, à partir de 129 $. Cette expansion vise à améliorer l'accessibilité et l'affordabilité des médicaments pour la perte de poids en raison des pénuries continues de médicaments GLP-1 de marque. L'offre de l'entreprise combine des interventions cliniques avec un soutien comportemental, y compris l'accès à des cliniciens certifiés, à des diététiciens enregistrés et à la communauté WeightWatchers.

Points clés :

  • WeightWatchers a collaboré avec un établissement 503B enregistré auprès de la FDA pour garantir qualité et sécurité
  • L'entreprise a effectué près de 3 millions de vérifications d'inventaire, constatant que les médicaments GLP-1 étaient en stock seulement 4,5 % du temps
  • 45 % des membres éligibles de la clinique WeightWatchers ont vu leur couverture d'assurance refusée pour les médicaments GLP-1
  • Les membres utilisant des médicaments GLP-1 avec le programme Points® perdent 11 % de poids en plus que ceux n'utilisant que des médicaments
  • Le semaglutide composé sera disponible pour les membres éligibles dans les 1 à 3 jours ouvrables

WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) hat die Hinzufügung von kompoundiertem Semaglutid zu seinem Gewichtsmanagement-Programm angekündigt, beginnend bei 129 $. Diese Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, die Zugänglichkeit und Erschwinglichkeit von Gewichtsverlustmedikamenten angesichts der anhaltenden Engpässe bei den Marken-GLP-1-Arzneimitteln zu verbessern. Das Angebot des Unternehmens kombiniert klinische Interventionen mit verhaltensbezogenem Support, einschließlich Zugang zu zertifizierten Fachleuten, registrierten Diätassistenten und der WeightWatchers-Community.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • WeightWatchers hat mit einer von der FDA registrierten 503B-Einrichtung zusammengearbeitet, um Qualität und Sicherheit sicherzustellen.
  • Das Unternehmen hat nahezu 3 Millionen Lagerüberprüfungen durchgeführt und festgestellt, dass GLP-1-Medikamente nur 4,5 % der Zeit vorrätig waren.
  • 45 % der berechtigten Mitglieder der WeightWatchers-Klinik wurde die Deckung für GLP-1-Medikamente verweigert.
  • Mitglieder, die GLP-1-Medikamente zusammen mit dem Points®-Programm verwenden, verlieren 11 % mehr Gewicht als diejenigen, die nur Medikamente verwenden.
  • Kompoundiertes Semaglutid wird innerhalb von 1-3 Werktagen für berechtigte Mitglieder verfügbar sein.
  • Introduction of compounded semaglutide starting at $129, potentially increasing accessibility and affordability for members
  • Partnership with FDA-registered 503B facility to ensure quality and safety of compounded medications
  • Members using GLP-1 medications with the Points® Program lose 11% more weight than those using medications alone
  • Rapid availability of compounded semaglutide within 1-3 business days for eligible members
  • Comprehensive support including access to clinicians, dietitians, and the WeightWatchers community
  • Ongoing shortages of branded GLP-1 medications, with only 4.5% availability during stock checks
  • 45% of eligible WeightWatchers Clinic members denied insurance coverage for GLP-1 medications
  • Less than 40% of insurers cover GLP-1 medications for weight loss


WeightWatchers' introduction of compounded semaglutide is a strategic move to address the ongoing shortages of GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy. This expansion could significantly increase accessibility and affordability for weight loss treatments, potentially broadening WW's customer base.

The company's comprehensive approach, combining medication with behavioral support, positions them uniquely in the market. Their data showing 11% more weight loss for members using GLP-1s with their program versus medication alone is a strong selling point.

However, the use of compounded medications carries some risks and regulatory scrutiny. WW's emphasis on safety, transparency and their rigorous selection of an FDA-registered 503B facility demonstrates their awareness of these concerns. The publication of a Transparency Report is a proactive step to build trust.

This move could potentially boost WW's revenue streams and market share in the competitive weight loss industry, especially given the high demand for GLP-1 medications. The $129 starting price point makes it more accessible than many branded alternatives, which could drive adoption.

WeightWatchers' entry into the compounded GLP-1 market is a significant development in the weight loss medication landscape. By offering a more affordable alternative to branded GLP-1s, WW is positioning itself to capture a larger share of the rapidly growing obesity treatment market.

The company's data on medication shortages and insurance coverage challenges highlight the unmet need they're addressing. With only 4.5% availability of branded GLP-1s and less than 40% of insurers covering these medications for weight loss, WW's offering could fill a important gap.

However, this move may face scrutiny from regulators and branded pharmaceutical companies. The FDA's stance on compounded versions of shortage drugs could evolve, potentially impacting WW's strategy. Additionally, as supply issues for branded GLP-1s resolve, competition in this space may intensify.

Overall, this initiative could drive significant growth for WW, especially if they can maintain quality and safety standards while offering a more accessible price point. The integration with their existing programs creates a comprehensive weight management ecosystem, potentially increasing customer retention and lifetime value.

The new offering, starting at $129, enhances the Company’s holistic weight management program, which includes behavioral and clinical solutions with support from board-certified clinicians, registered dietitians, and the global WeightWatchers community

NEW YORK, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) (“WeightWatchers,” “WW,” or the “Company”) announced today the addition of compounded semaglutide into its offering, broadening eligible members’ access to clinical weight management interventions that are underpinned by the comprehensive, science-backed, behavioral and lifestyle support that has helped millions of people reach and sustain their weight goals.

“At WeightWatchers, we have always combined proven science and personalized support to help our members achieve meaningful, lasting results. With the addition of compounded semaglutide, we are expanding our offering to include a clinical weight management solution that is both accessible and affordable,” said Tara Comonte, Interim CEO of WeightWatchers. “This launch is the culmination of extensive research and rigorous work by our team to ensure that we are offering the highest quality care — reaffirming the trust we’ve built over six decades as the leader in weight management.”

Shortages of GLP-1 medications have plagued the market for more than two years, with patients often unable to find name-brand medications in stock at their local pharmacies. Over the past year, WeightWatchers has called local pharmacies across the country on behalf of members to conduct almost 3 million stock checks for GLP-1 medications and found them in stock just 4.5% of the time. These shortages can result in delays or interruptions of treatment, which negatively impact health outcomes for patients.

“Given the ongoing shortages of branded medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy, WeightWatchers is committed to ensuring our members still have access to effective alternatives and the support they need to achieve the health outcomes they deserve,” continued Comonte.

Over the last six months, roughly 45% of WeightWatchers Clinic members eligible for and prescribed a GLP-1 by their clinician have been denied coverage by their insurance after three prior authorization requests.1 Less than 40% of insurers cover GLP-1 medications for weight loss, leaving many individuals living with obesity without crucial financial support, and for those with coverage, more than half say their GLP-1 is still difficult to afford2.

“We know that compounded semaglutide can be an important option for those seeking weight loss support, given its greater availability and affordability,” said Dr. Jamil Alkhaddo, Medical Director of WeightWatchers. “In fact, over 50% of current WeightWatchers members have expressed consideration of a compounded GLP-1 for their journey.3 That’s why, after months of thorough research, and careful evaluation of multiple facilities, we partnered with a trusted, FDA-registered 503B facility that meets our high standards for quality and patient care — so our eligible members can feel confident in this new option as a trusted part of their weight loss plan.”

For drugs that appear on the FDA drug shortages list, the FDA allows compounding pharmacies to create compounded medications that are identical to, or nearly identical to,4 the drug in shortage. WeightWatchers undertook an extensive and robust diligence process to select an FDA-registered 503B facility. A 503B must adhere to Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations, which are the same manufacturing standards enforced by the FDA for all manufacturing facilities involved in the production of FDA-approved drugs. Every batch of the finished product from a 503B facility is tested for sterility and potency, among other things, before release. For more information about WeightWatchers’ Compounded GLP-1 medication offering and due diligence process, the Company has published a comprehensive Transparency Report which can be found at

“Patient safety and education are our top priorities, which is why anyone prescribed a compounded GLP-1, receives step-by-step guidance on how to use the medication safely, including access to one-on-one support from a trained clinician via a telehealth appointment,” said Dr. Alkhaddo. “Beyond offering this new clinical solution, we’re committed to delivering the personalized high-touch support that our members expect throughout their journey. Each member has access to a full care team — from insurance coordinators and registered dietitians to fitness coaches and board-certified clinicians.”

WeightWatchers Clinic members also receive behavioral and lifestyle support included in their subscription, which means they can access all of WeightWatchers’ programs, including the GLP-1 Program, WeightWatchers’ #1 doctor-recommended Points® Program, and WeightWatchers’ Diabetes Program. This wraparound support, which includes Workshops and a built-in community is crucial to delivering best-in-class health outcomes. WeightWatchers members who take a GLP-1 medication in conjunction with the behavioral Points® Program lose 11% more weight than those taking weight-loss medications alone5.

WeightWatchers clinicians have the option to prescribe compounded semaglutide, if determined that the use of a GLP-1 weight-loss medication is appropriate for a patient. Eligible members can either use their insurance for brand-name medications or choose to self-pay for brand-name medications or compounded semaglutide. Only patients meeting clinical eligibility requirements will be prescribed a compounded GLP-1; the clinical eligibility requirements for compounded GLP-1s are the same as for brand-name medications. If prescribed, WeightWatchers members receive their compounded semaglutide within 1-3 business days. They can also request a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for their medication, which provides transparency as to how medications were tested and quality standards in place throughout the process.

WeightWatchers continues to deliver a holistic care model of high-touch, accessible clinical solutions in combination with its comprehensive, science-backed behavioral programs, providing members with all of the tools and resources they need to reach and sustain their weight health goals.

About WW International, Inc.
WeightWatchers is a human-centric technology company powered by our proven, science-based, clinically effective weight loss and weight management programs. For six decades, we have inspired millions of people to adopt healthy habits for real life. We combine technology and community to help members reach and sustain their goals on our programs. To learn more about the WeightWatchers approach to healthy living, please visit For more information about our global business, visit our corporate website at

1 Source: WeightWatchers internal data over a six month period. April - September 2024.
2 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans: GLP-1 Drugs: 2024 Pulse Survey Report U.S. Data
3 Source: WeightWatchers Spectrum Target Audience Study. Partnered with BSG. August 2024.
4 A compounded drug is “identical or nearly identical” if it and the FDA-approved drug have the same active ingredient(s), route of administration, dosage form, dosage strength, and excipients.
5 Based on an analysis of virtual clinic member data at 4 weeks of membership comparing those who initiate WW’s behavior change program and those who don’t. This persisted with use of first and second generation FDA-approved anti-obesity medications. Compounded medications were not included in the analysis. Completed in Jan 2024


What is WeightWatchers' new offering for weight loss medication?

WeightWatchers (WW) has added compounded semaglutide to its weight management program, starting at $129, to enhance accessibility and affordability of weight loss medications.

How does WeightWatchers ensure the safety of compounded semaglutide?

WeightWatchers partnered with an FDA-registered 503B facility that adheres to Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations and tests every batch for sterility and potency before release.

What is the availability of GLP-1 medications according to WeightWatchers' stock checks?

WeightWatchers conducted almost 3 million stock checks for GLP-1 medications and found them in stock only 4.5% of the time, indicating significant shortages.

How effective is WeightWatchers' program when combined with GLP-1 medications?

WeightWatchers members who take a GLP-1 medication in conjunction with the behavioral Points® Program lose 11% more weight than those taking weight-loss medications alone.

What is the delivery time for compounded semaglutide prescribed through WeightWatchers?

If prescribed, WeightWatchers members receive their compounded semaglutide within 1-3 business days.

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