WTW launches first-to-market document protection platform

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WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) has launched Indigo Vault, a pioneering document protection platform offering advanced cybersecurity for sensitive business files. This cloud and local document management system safeguards against insider threats, AI system exposure, and cyber theft. Utilizing WTW-patented, end-to-end quantum resistant security, Indigo Vault allows precise control over document access, usage, and storage.

The platform employs NIST-certified algorithms resistant to quantum computer attacks, ensuring regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR). It addresses the growing risks of data breaches and inadvertent internal data leaks, especially as companies adopt AI systems. Sean Plankey, Global Leader of Cybersecurity Software at WTW, emphasizes the importance of robust security measures to protect valuable intangible assets and maintain trust.

WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) ha lanciato Indigo Vault, una piattaforma innovativa per la protezione dei documenti che offre una sicurezza informatica avanzata per i file aziendali sensibili. Questo sistema di gestione dei documenti, sia cloud che locale, protegge da minacce interne, esposizione dei sistemi AI e furti informatici. Utilizzando la sicurezza quantistica resistente dal punto di vista della tecnologia brevettata da WTW, Indigo Vault consente un controllo preciso sull'accesso, l'uso e l'archiviazione dei documenti.

La piattaforma impiega algoritmi certificati NIST resistenti agli attacchi dei computer quantistici, garantendo la conformità normativa (ad esempio, GDPR). Affronta i crescenti rischi di violazioni dei dati e fughe accidentali di dati interni, specialmente con l'adozione dei sistemi AI da parte delle aziende. Sean Plankey, Leader Globale del Software di Cybersecurity in WTW, sottolinea l'importanza di misure di sicurezza robuste per proteggere beni immateriali preziosi e mantenere la fiducia.

WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) ha lanzado Indigo Vault, una plataforma pionera de protección de documentos que ofrece ciberseguridad avanzada para archivos empresariales sensibles. Este sistema de gestión de documentos, tanto en la nube como local, protege contra amenazas internas, exposición de sistemas de IA y robo cibernético. Utilizando seguridad cuántica resistente de extremo a extremo patentada por WTW, Indigo Vault permite un control preciso sobre el acceso, uso y almacenamiento de documentos.

La plataforma emplea algoritmos certificados por NIST resistentes a ataques de computadoras cuánticas, asegurando el cumplimiento normativo (por ejemplo, GDPR). Aborda los crecientes riesgos de violaciones de datos y filtraciones internas accidentales, especialmente a medida que las empresas adoptan sistemas de IA. Sean Plankey, Líder Global de Software de Ciberseguridad en WTW, enfatiza la importancia de medidas de seguridad robustas para proteger activos intangibles valiosos y mantener la confianza.

WTW (NASDAQ: WTW)는 Indigo Vault를 출시했습니다. 이는 민감한 비즈니스 파일을 위한 고급 사이버 보안을 제공하는 문서 보호 플랫폼입니다. 이 클라우드 및 로컬 문서 관리 시스템은 내부 위협, AI 시스템 노출 및 사이버 도난으로부터 보호합니다. WTW가 특허한 종단 간 양자 저항 보안을 활용하여, Indigo Vault는 문서 접근, 사용 및 저장에 대한 정밀한 제어를 가능하게 합니다.

이 플랫폼은 양자 컴퓨터 공격에 저항하는 NIST 인증 알고리즘을 사용하여 규제 준수를 보장합니다 (예: GDPR). 이는 데이터 유출 및 내부 데이터 누수의 위험 증가에 대응하고 있으며, 특히 기업들이 AI 시스템을 채택함에 따라 중요해지고 있습니다. WTW의 사이버 보안 소프트웨어 글로벌 리더인 Sean Plankey는 귀중한 무형 자산을 보호하고 신뢰를 유지하기 위해 강력한 보안 조치의 중요성을 강조합니다.

WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) a lancé Indigo Vault, une plateforme pionnière de protection des documents offrant une cybersécurité avancée pour les fichiers d'entreprise sensibles. Ce système de gestion des documents, à la fois dans le cloud et local, protège contre les menaces internes, l'exposition aux systèmes d'IA et le vol de données. En utilisant la sécurité quantique résistente de bout en bout brevetée par WTW, Indigo Vault permet un contrôle précis de l'accès, de l'utilisation et du stockage des documents.

La plateforme emploie des algorithmes certifiés par le NIST résistants aux attaques de l'informatique quantique, assurant la conformité réglementaire (par exemple, RGPD). Elle aborde les risques croissants de violations de données et de fuites internes accidentelles, surtout à mesure que les entreprises adoptent des systèmes d'IA. Sean Plankey, Responsable Mondial des Logiciels de Cybersécurité chez WTW, souligne l'importance de mesures de sécurité solides pour protéger des actifs immatériels précieux et maintenir la confiance.

WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) hat Indigo Vault eingeführt, eine wegweisende Plattform zum Schutz von Dokumenten, die fortschrittliche Cybersicherheit für sensible Geschäftsdaten bietet. Dieses Cloud- und lokale Dokumentenmanagementsystem schützt vor innerbetrieblichem Risiko, der Exposition gegenüber KI-Systemen und Cyberdiebstahl. Durch die Nutzung von WTW-patentierter, durchgehender, quantenresistenter Sicherheit ermöglicht Indigo Vault eine präzise Kontrolle über den Zugang, die Nutzung und die Speicherung von Dokumenten.

Die Plattform verwendet NIST-zertifizierte Algorithmen, die gegen Angriffe von Quantencomputern resistent sind, und gewährleistet die Einhaltung von Vorschriften (z.B. GDPR). Sie geht auf die wachsenden Risiken von Datenpannen und unbeabsichtigten internen Datenlecks ein, insbesondere wenn Unternehmen KI-Systeme einführen. Sean Plankey, Global Leader für Cybersicherheitssoftware bei WTW, betont die Bedeutung robuster Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz wertvoller immaterieller Vermögenswerte und zur Aufrechterhaltung des Vertrauens.

  • Launch of Indigo Vault, a first-to-market document protection platform
  • Utilization of WTW-patented, end-to-end quantum resistant security
  • Protection against insider threats, AI system exposure, and cyber theft
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements like GDPR
  • Addresses growing cybersecurity risks in the era of AI adoption
  • None.

WTW's launch of Indigo Vault marks a significant advancement in document protection technology. The platform's use of end-to-end post-quantum encryption is particularly noteworthy, as it prepares businesses for future cybersecurity challenges. This proactive approach addresses the growing concern of quantum computing threats to current encryption methods.

The platform's ability to control document access and usage at a granular level enhances security against insider threats, a often overlooked vulnerability. Moreover, its compatibility with common file types like Word, Excel and PDFs ensures practical implementation without disrupting workflow. The integration of NIST-certified algorithms adds credibility to WTW's claims of quantum resistance.

However, the true test will be in its real-world performance and user adoption. The success of Indigo Vault will depend on its ability to balance robust security with user-friendliness, a challenge many cybersecurity solutions face.

The launch of Indigo Vault could potentially open up a new revenue stream for WTW, diversifying its offerings beyond traditional advisory and broking services. This move into the cybersecurity software market aligns with the growing demand for data protection solutions, especially in light of increasing regulatory pressures like GDPR.

While financial details are not provided, the cybersecurity market is projected to grow significantly. If Indigo Vault gains traction, it could contribute positively to WTW's bottom line. However, investors should note that entering a new market segment comes with risks and potential high initial costs.

The impact on WTW's stock price may be in the short term, as the product's success and market penetration will take time to materialize. Long-term investors should monitor adoption rates and any disclosed revenue figures in future earnings reports to gauge Indigo Vault's impact on WTW's financial performance.

Indigo Vault addresses a critical gap in current cybersecurity measures by focusing on document-level protection. Its approach to securing files against both external threats and internal misuse is commendable. The platform's ability to protect against AI system exposure is particularly timely, given the rapid adoption of AI in business processes.

The use of quantum-resistant encryption is forward-thinking, preparing businesses for future threats. However, it's important to note that while NIST has selected candidate algorithms for standardization, full quantum-resistant standards are still in development.

One potential challenge for Indigo Vault could be balancing security with usability. Overly restrictive document controls can hinder productivity, so WTW will need to ensure the platform offers flexibility alongside its robust protection. Additionally, the effectiveness of the system will largely depend on proper implementation and user training to prevent workarounds that could compromise security.

Indigo Vault protects electronic documents against insider threats and cyber theft, using end-to-end post quantum encryption

LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WTW, (NASDAQ: WTW), a leading global advisory, broking, and solutions company has launched Indigo Vault, a first-to-market document protection platform that provides advanced cybersecurity for sharing and storage of business sensitive files.

The platform is a combination of cloud and local document management systems, that provides protection against insider threats, AI system exposure and cyber theft, by ensuring documents and assets such as Word, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs and Outlook messages are protected and controlled, while providing minimal disruption to the user.

Using WTW-patented, end-to-end quantum resistant security, Indigo Vault allows assigned users to decide where and how documents are stored, who can access them and for what length of time on a specific device, and how documents are used, to prevent them from being saved, seen or shared outside of specifically defined parameters.

As more companies onboard AI systems for business efficiency and advancement, there is increased risk of inadvertently exposing sensitive corporate data to unauthorised users. Indigo Vault provides comprehensive end-to-end protection, which denies the AI system access to restricted data through post quantum encryption.

Indigo Vault encryption uses U.S National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST) certified algorithms that cannot be cracked by standard computers and are resistant to Quantum Computer attacks. This approach ensures regulatory and compliance requirements are met where mandated (e.g. GDPR in EU jurisdictions).

Sean Plankey, Global Leader of Cybersecurity Software at WTW says: “As the value of our data grows, more companies are unfortunately victims of data breaches, where their own internal technology couldn’t compete with that of cyber hackers.

“And, with many companies adopting AI systems, they’re now at risk of inadvertent internal data leaks, as AI scans their system to learn their company data set and can inadvertently add confidential data to public documents.”

“While technological advancement is a positive for business, security needs to keep pace to protect intangible assets, whether that be confidential client information, financial trading formulas, business strategies or legal documents. Data losses are costly, not only in monetary value but in terms of trust, so where companies can eliminate an area of risk, it’s imperative that they do so.”

About Indigo Vault

Indigo Vault provides quantum-computing resistant protection for companies’ critical information security needs. The WTW patented technology uses the strongest possible encryption to protect assets integrated with Microsoft Azure and Office.

Leveraging best-in-class technology with nearly two centuries of risk management expertise, Indigo Vault helps organizations reduce risks to business from insider threat, data breaches and intellectual property loss by securing cyber terrain.

Find out more at

About WTW

At WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital. Leveraging the global view and local expertise of our colleagues serving 140 countries and markets, we help organizations sharpen their strategy, enhance organizational resilience, motivate their workforce and maximize performance.

Working shoulder to shoulder with our clients, we uncover opportunities for sustainable success—and provide perspective that moves you.

Media contacts

Lauren David - UK

Arnelle Sullivan – North America


What is Indigo Vault and when was it launched by WTW (NASDAQ: WTW)?

Indigo Vault is a first-to-market document protection platform launched by WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) on September 17, 2024. It provides advanced cybersecurity for sharing and storage of business-sensitive files.

How does Indigo Vault protect against cyber threats for WTW (NASDAQ: WTW)?

Indigo Vault uses WTW-patented, end-to-end quantum resistant security to protect against insider threats, AI system exposure, and cyber theft. It employs NIST-certified algorithms that are resistant to quantum computer attacks.

What types of documents can Indigo Vault protect for WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) clients?

Indigo Vault can protect various types of documents including Word files, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and Outlook messages.

How does Indigo Vault address AI-related data security concerns for WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) customers?

Indigo Vault provides comprehensive end-to-end protection that denies AI systems access to restricted data through post-quantum encryption, preventing inadvertent exposure of sensitive corporate data to unauthorized users.

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