WTW acquires stake in atomos, a leading advice-led wealth manager in UK

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(Very Positive)

WTW has acquired a stake in atomos, a UK-based advice-led wealth manager backed by Oaktree Capital Management. This investment follows a successful strategic alliance since 2022, where WTW's investment engine powered atomos' multi-asset investment solutions. The partnership aims to provide atomos' clients with access to a broader range of asset classes and investment choices.

The deal strengthens WTW's presence in the £2.2 trillion UK wealth market. It allows WTW to extend its investment capabilities to a wider audience and shape how the industry serves savers' needs. The investment is designed to support further growth for atomos and recognizes its growth potential in the competitive UK wealth management sector.

This move aligns with WTW's strategic focus on wealth markets, which has driven significant business growth in recent years. The partnership combines high-quality financial planning with institutional-quality investment portfolios to deliver sustainable financial outcomes for savers.

WTW ha acquisito una partecipazione in atomos, un gestore patrimoniale con sede nel Regno Unito, supportato da Oaktree Capital Management. Questo investimento segue un alleanza strategica di successo dal 2022, in cui il motore di investimento di WTW ha alimentato le soluzioni d'investimento multi-asset di atomos. L'obiettivo della partnership è fornire ai clienti di atomos l'accesso a una gamma più ampia di classi di attivo e opzioni di investimento.

L'accordo rafforza la presenza di WTW nel mercato della ricchezza del Regno Unito da 2,2 trilioni di sterline. Permette a WTW di estendere le proprie capacità di investimento a un pubblico più vasto e di plasmare come l'industria soddisfa le esigenze dei risparmiatori. L'investimento è progettato per supportare ulteriore crescita per atomos e riconosce il suo potenziale di crescita nel competitivo settore della gestione patrimoniale nel Regno Unito.

Questa mossa è in linea con il focus strategico di WTW sui mercati della ricchezza, che ha guidato una significativa crescita aziendale negli ultimi anni. La partnership combina pianificazione finanziaria di alta qualità con portafogli di investimento di qualità istituzionale per fornire risultati finanziari sostenibili per i risparmiatori.

WTW ha adquirido una participación en atomos, un gestora de patrimonios con sede en el Reino Unido respaldada por Oaktree Capital Management. Esta inversión sigue una exitosa alianza estratégica desde 2022, donde el motor de inversión de WTW potenció las soluciones de inversión multiactivo de atomos. La asociación tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los clientes de atomos acceso a una gama más amplia de clases de activos y opciones de inversión.

El acuerdo refuerza la presencia de WTW en el mercado de riqueza del Reino Unido de 2.2 billones de libras. Permite a WTW extender sus capacidades de inversión a una audiencia más amplia y moldear cómo la industria atiende las necesidades de ahorradores. La inversión está diseñada para apoyar un crecimiento adicional para atomos y reconoce su potencial de crecimiento en el competitivo sector de gestión de patrimonios en el Reino Unido.

Este movimiento se alinea con el enfoque estratégico de WTW en los mercados de riqueza, que ha impulsado un crecimiento empresarial significativo en los últimos años. La asociación combina planificación financiera de alta calidad con carteras de inversión de calidad institucional para ofrecer resultados financieros sostenibles a los ahorradores.

WTW는 atomos에 지분을 인수했습니다, Oaktree Capital Management에 의해 지원되는 영국 기반의 자산 관리 회사입니다. 이 투자는 2022년부터의 성공적인 전략적 제휴에 이어 이루어진 것으로, WTW의 투자 엔진이 atomos의 다중 자산 투자 솔루션을 지원했습니다. 파트너십은 atomos의 고객에게 더 넓은 자산 클래스와 투자 선택지를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이번 거래는 WTW의 2.2조 파운드 규모의 영국 부유 시장에서의 존재감을 강화합니다. 이를 통해 WTW는 투자 능력을 더 넓은 청중에게 확장하고 업계가 저축자의 요구를 어떻게 충족해야 하는지를 형성할 수 있습니다. 이 투자는 atomos의 추가 성장 지원을 위해 설계되었으며, 경쟁이 치열한 영국 자산 관리 분야에서의 성장 잠재력을 인식하고 있습니다.

이 조치는 최근 몇 년간 상당한 비즈니스 성장을 이끌어온 WTW의 자산 시장에 대한 전략적 초점과 일치합니다. 파트너십은 고품질 재무 계획과 기관 품질의 투자 포트폴리오를 결합하여 저축자에게 지속 가능한 재정 결과를 제공하고자 합니다.

WTW a acquis une participation dans atomos, un gestionnaire de patrimoine basé au Royaume-Uni, soutenu par Oaktree Capital Management. Cet investissement fait suite à une alliance stratégique réussie depuis 2022, où le moteur d'investissement de WTW a soutenu les solutions d'investissement multi-actifs d'atmos. Le partenariat vise à fournir aux clients d'atmos un accès à un éventail plus large de classes d'actifs et d'options d'investissement.

L'accord renforce la présence de WTW sur le marché de la richesse britannique de 2,2 billions de livres. Il permet à WTW d'élargir ses capacités d'investissement à un public plus large et de façonner la manière dont l'industrie répond aux besoins des épargnants. L'investissement est conçu pour soutenir une croissance supplémentaire pour atomos et reconnaître son potentiel de croissance dans le secteur compétitif de la gestion de patrimoine au Royaume-Uni.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'accent stratégique de WTW sur les marchés de la richesse, qui a permis un développement commercial significatif ces dernières années. Le partenariat combine une planification financière de haute qualité avec des portefeuilles d'investissement de qualité institutionnelle pour offrir des résultats financiers durables aux épargnants.

WTW hat einen Anteil an atomos erworben, einem in Großbritannien ansässigen, beratungsorientierten Vermögensverwalter, der von Oaktree Capital Management unterstützt wird. Diese Investition folgt auf eine erfolgreiche strategische Allianz seit 2022, bei der die Investment-Engine von WTW die Multi-Asset-Investitionslösungen von atomos gefördert hat. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den Kunden von atomos Zugang zu einem breiteren Spektrum von Anlageklassen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu bieten.

Der Deal stärkt die Präsenz von WTW im 2,2 Billionen Pfund schweren britischen Vermögensmarkt. Er ermöglicht es WTW, seine Anlagefähigkeiten einem größeren Publikum zugänglich zu machen und zu gestalten, wie die Branche den Bedürfnissen von Sparern begegnet. Die Investition ist darauf ausgelegt, wachstumsfördernd für atomos zu sein und erkennt das Wachstumspotenzial im wettbewerbsintensiven britischen Vermögensverwaltungssektor an.

Dieser Schritt steht im Einklang mit dem strategischen Fokus von WTW auf Vermögensmärkte, der in den letzten Jahren ein erhebliches Geschäftswachstum vorangetrieben hat. Die Partnerschaft kombiniert hochwertige Finanzplanung mit institutionell qualitativ hochwertigen Investmentportfolios, um nachhaltige finanzielle Ergebnisse für Sparer zu erzielen.

  • Acquisition of stake in atomos expands WTW's presence in the £2.2 trillion UK wealth market
  • Partnership provides atomos' clients access to a broader range of asset classes and investment choices
  • Investment designed to support further growth for atomos
  • Alignment with WTW's strategic focus on wealth markets, which has driven significant business growth
  • None.


WTW's acquisition of a stake in atomos, a UK wealth manager, is a strategic move that could significantly impact its market position and revenue streams. The UK wealth market, valued at £2.2 trillion, presents a substantial growth opportunity. This investment allows WTW to leverage its institutional investment expertise in the retail wealth sector, potentially increasing its assets under management and diversifying its revenue sources. The partnership has already proven successful since 2022, with WTW's investment engine powering atomos' multi-asset solutions. This deeper integration could lead to synergies in product development and distribution, enhancing WTW's competitive edge in the wealth management space. However, investors should consider the execution risks associated with entering a new market segment and the potential regulatory challenges in the UK financial services sector. Overall, this move aligns with WTW's strategic focus on wealth markets and could drive long-term growth if executed effectively.

This acquisition marks a significant shift in WTW's market strategy, positioning the company to capture a larger share of the growing UK wealth management sector. By partnering with atomos, WTW gains direct access to retail clients, bridging the gap between institutional and individual investors. This move is particularly timely given the increasing trend of individuals taking greater responsibility for their retirement planning through defined contribution schemes and personal savings. The deal also reflects a broader industry trend of convergence between institutional and retail investment services. For investors, this could translate to enhanced revenue diversification and potential for market share growth in a lucrative sector. However, it's important to monitor how effectively WTW can adapt its institutional expertise to serve individual clients and navigate the competitive landscape of UK wealth management. The success of this venture could set a precedent for similar moves by other institutional players, potentially reshaping the wealth management industry landscape.

WTW’s investment follows a successful strategic alliance since 2022

LONDON, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WTW announced today that it has acquired a stake in atomos, the UK-based advice-led wealth manager backed by funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”).

The investment follows a successful alliance with atomos since the end of 2022, during which WTW’s investment engine has successfully powered atomos’ multi-asset investment solutions. With its scale and investment rigour, WTW provides atomos’ clients with access to a broader, more diversified range of asset classes and investment choices, previously only available to institutional sized investors.

This next step in the partnership sees WTW acquire part ownership in the business, as well as providing additional capital designed to support further growth.

The UK wealth market is large and growing, estimated to be worth £2.2 trillion. Through this investment WTW strengthens its relationship with a key strategic partner and boosts its presence in the UK wealth space.

Mark Calnan, Head of Investments for Europe, WTW, said: “This is an incredibly exciting development for WTW which reinforces our commitment to the wealth markets, a strategic focus area for us and one that has driven significant growth for our business in recent years. Our investment in atomos is the natural next step in our successful partnership and extends our investment capabilities to a wider audience.

“Our stake in atomos enhances our ability to shape how the industry services the needs and aspirations of savers in the UK. This is particularly important as individuals take increased responsibilities for their retirement through defined contribution schemes and personal savings. It also enables us to bring our experience and capabilities built over many decades in occupational pensions to atomos’ individual clients.”

“Having had the opportunity to work closely with the atomos leadership team since the end of 2022, we have seen first-hand the alignment with us. We passionately share the belief that combining high quality financial planning with institutional-quality investment portfolios is a winning combination that delivers sustainable financial outcomes for savers.”

Federico Alvarez-Demalde, a managing director at Oaktree, commented on the deal, stating: “In a highly competitive market, WTW’s strategic minority stake in atomos is both a clear indication of the value of the UK wealth management sector, and an endorsement of the company’s differentiated vertically integrated business model. The deal is designed to deliver better outcomes for a broad range of clients. It also recognises atomos’ outstanding growth potential, both organically and through its disciplined acquisition strategy. The atomos leadership team has ambitious plans for the business and a clear strategy for realising those plans.”

Jonathan Polin, CEO of atomos, said: “We are delighted to be extending our relationship further with WTW after a highly successful period since the end of 2022 in which, together, we have transformed the investment proposition we offer our clients. WTW’s investment in atomos, having seen first-hand the strength of our client relationships and quality of our people, is further recognition of the health and growth potential of this business. As we look for more ways in which we can enhance the atomos client experience, our closer alignment to such an established, well-resourced business will play a key part.”

Houlihan Lokey acted as financial advisor to WTW. Herbert Smith Freehills LLP acted as legal advisor in connection with the transaction. Fenchurch Advisory Partners acted as financial advisor to atomos. White & Case acted as legal adviser to atomos in connection with the transaction.

About WTW Investments
WTW’s Investments business is focused on creating financial value for end investors through its expertise in risk assessment, strategic asset allocation, fiduciary management and investment manager selection. It has over 900 colleagues worldwide, more than 1,000 investment clients globally, assets under advisory of over US$4.2 trillion and US$167 billion of assets under management.

About WTW
At WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital. Leveraging the global view and local expertise of our colleagues serving 140 countries and markets, we help organizations sharpen their strategy, enhance organizational resilience, motivate their workforce and maximize performance.

Working shoulder to shoulder with our clients, we uncover opportunities for sustainable success—and provide perspective that moves you.

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About atomos
atomos is a UK-based, digitally enabled, hybrid wealth business providing a full financial planning service and bespoke portfolio management to UK clients (retail and professional). Originating from the Sanlam Wealth UK business, atomos is led by CEO, Jonathan Polin. The company has ~£7 billion of assets.

atomos will allow clients to view their entire financial ecosystem through an app and will offer the best of both worlds where clients will be able to personalise how they interact with the company, whether digitally, face-to-face or a hybrid of the two.

The name, meaning “indivisible” in ancient Greek represents a strong internal culture of collaboration, inclusivity and diverse perspectives.

WTW Forward-Looking Statements
This document contains ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created by those laws. You can identify these statements and other forward-looking statements in this document by words such as “may”, “will”, “would”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “plan”, “intend”, “continue”, or similar words, expressions or the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology. These statements include, but are not limited to, the potential impact of the investment and other statements that are not historical facts. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking disclosure is speculative by its nature. There are important risks, uncertainties, events and factors that could cause our actual results or performance to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements contained herein, including, but not limited to those described under “Risk Factors” in Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company’s most recent 10-K filing and subsequent filings filed with the SEC.

Media contacts

Adam Kirby, +44 (0)20 7520 7634,
Sarah Toubman, +44 (0)20 7520 7625,

Jamie Kilduff, +44 (0)20 7170 3746,

Hilary Morison
+44 (0)20 3326 9900,

Andrew Appleyard
+44 (0)7909 684 468,

WTW – Houlihan Lokey
Oaktree – Fenchurch Advisory Partners


What is the significance of WTW's stake acquisition in atomos?

WTW's stake acquisition in atomos strengthens its presence in the £2.2 trillion UK wealth market, extends its investment capabilities to a wider audience, and supports atomos' growth potential in the competitive wealth management sector.

How does the WTW-atomos partnership benefit clients?

The partnership provides atomos' clients with access to a broader, more diversified range of asset classes and investment choices, previously only available to institutional-sized investors, combining high-quality financial planning with institutional-quality investment portfolios.

What is the strategic importance of the UK wealth market for WTW (WTW)?

The UK wealth market, estimated at £2.2 trillion, is a strategic focus area for WTW. This investment reinforces WTW's commitment to the wealth markets, which has driven significant growth for their business in recent years.

How long has WTW been in a strategic alliance with atomos before this stake acquisition?

WTW has been in a successful strategic alliance with atomos since the end of 2022, during which WTW's investment engine has powered atomos' multi-asset investment solutions.

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