Natural resources industry committed to clean energy strategies despite growing investment in fossil fuels
Willis (WTW) has released its 2025 Global Clean Energy Survey, revealing that natural resources companies plan to increase clean energy technology spending by 34% in the next financial year. The survey, gathering insights from 450 senior decision-makers across global energy and natural resources companies, shows 100% of companies have clean energy strategies, with varying implementation levels.
Key findings show 71% of renewables companies are at implementing or fully implemented stages, compared to 36% for oil and gas. 63% of companies view clean energy as a growth opportunity. Technology priorities include solar (51%) in the near term, while battery storage and carbon capture are medium-term priorities. 79% of respondents cite supply chain disruption as a major risk, while 53% identify insurance blanket exclusions as an obstacle.
Willis (WTW) ha pubblicato il suo Global Clean Energy Survey per il 2025, rivelando che le aziende del settore delle risorse naturali pianificano di aumentare la spesa per la tecnologia dell'energia pulita del 34% nel prossimo anno fiscale. Il sondaggio, che ha raccolto opinioni da 450 decision-maker senior di aziende globali nel settore dell'energia e delle risorse naturali, mostra che 100% delle aziende hanno strategie per l'energia pulita, con vari livelli di attuazione.
I risultati chiave mostrano che 71% delle aziende nel settore delle energie rinnovabili sono nella fase di attuazione o completamente attuate, rispetto al 36% per le aziende petrolifere e del gas. 63% delle aziende vedono l'energia pulita come un'opportunità di crescita. Le priorità tecnologiche includono il solare (51%) nel breve termine, mentre l'accumulo di energia e la cattura del carbonio sono priorità a medio termine. 79% dei rispondenti citano la disruption della catena di approvvigionamento come un rischio principale, mentre 53% identificano le esclusioni generali delle assicurazioni come un ostacolo.
Willis (WTW) ha publicado su Global Clean Energy Survey para 2025, revelando que las empresas de recursos naturales planean aumentar el gasto en tecnología de energía limpia en un 34% en el próximo año fiscal. La encuesta, que recopila opiniones de 450 tomadores de decisiones senior de empresas globales de energía y recursos naturales, muestra que el 100% de las empresas tiene estrategias de energía limpia, con diferentes niveles de implementación.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 71% de las empresas de energías renovables están en etapas de implementación o completamente implementadas, en comparación con el 36% de las empresas de petróleo y gas. El 63% de las empresas considera la energía limpia como una oportunidad de crecimiento. Las prioridades tecnológicas incluyen la solar (51%) a corto plazo, mientras que el almacenamiento de baterías y la captura de carbono son prioridades a medio plazo. El 79% de los encuestados cita la interrupción de la cadena de suministro como un gran riesgo, mientras que el 53% identifica las exclusiones generales de seguros como un obstáculo.
윌리스 (WTW)는 2025년 글로벌 청정 에너지 설문조사를 발표하며, 자연 자원 기업들이 다음 회계 연도에 청정 에너지 기술 지출을 34% 증가할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다. 이 설문조사는 전 세계 에너지 및 자연 자원 기업의 450명의 고위 의사결정자로부터 인사이트를 수집하였으며, 100%의 기업이 청정 에너지 전략을 보유하고 있지만, 구현 수준은 다양합니다.
주요 결과에 따르면, 71%의 재생 에너지 기업이 구현 단계에 있거나 완전히 구현된 상태인 반면, 석유 및 가스 기업은 36%에 불과합니다. 63%의 기업은 청정 에너지를 성장 기회로 보고 있습니다. 기술 우선 순위에는 단기적으로 태양광 (51%)이 포함되며, 배터리 저장 및 탄소 포집은 중기 우선 순위입니다. 79%의 응답자가 공급망 중단을 주요 위험으로 언급하며, 53%는 보험의 일반적인 제외 조항을 장애물로 식별하고 있습니다.
Willis (WTW) a publié son Global Clean Energy Survey pour 2025, révélant que les entreprises des ressources naturelles prévoient d'augmenter leurs dépenses en technologies d'énergie propre de 34% au cours du prochain exercice financier. L'enquête, qui recueille des avis de 450 décideurs senior au sein d'entreprises mondiales de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles, montre que 100% des entreprises ont des stratégies d'énergie propre, avec des niveaux de mise en œuvre variables.
Les résultats clés montrent que 71% des entreprises d'énergies renouvelables sont à des stades d'implémentation ou entièrement mises en œuvre, contre 36% pour les entreprises pétrolières et gazières. 63% des entreprises considèrent l'énergie propre comme une opportunité de croissance. Les priorités technologiques incluent le solaire (51%) à court terme, tandis que le stockage par batteries et la capture de carbone sont des priorités à moyen terme. 79% des répondants citent les perturbations de la chaîne d'approvisionnement comme un risque majeur, tandis que 53% identifient les exclusions générales d'assurance comme un obstacle.
Willis (WTW) hat seine Global Clean Energy Survey für 2025 veröffentlicht, die zeigt, dass Unternehmen im Bereich der natürlichen Ressourcen planen, die Ausgaben für saubere Energietechnologien im nächsten Geschäftsjahr um 34% zu erhöhen. Die Umfrage, die Einblicke von 450 leitenden Entscheidungsträgern aus globalen Energie- und Rohstoffunternehmen sammelt, zeigt, dass 100% der Unternehmen Strategien für saubere Energie haben, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Umsetzungsgraden.
Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 71% der Unternehmen im Bereich erneuerbare Energien sich in der Umsetzungsphase oder vollständig umgesetzt befinden, im Vergleich zu 36% für Öl- und Gasunternehmen. 63% der Unternehmen sehen in sauberer Energie eine Wachstumschance. Technologiefokus liegt kurzfristig auf Solar (51%), während Batteriespeicherung und Kohlenstoffabscheidung mittelfristige Prioritäten sind. 79% der Befragten nennen Störungen in der Lieferkette als ein großes Risiko, während 53% allgemeine Ausschlüsse in der Versicherung als ein Hindernis identifizieren.
- 100% of surveyed companies have clean energy strategies
- 34% expected increase in clean energy technology investment
- 63% of companies view clean energy as growth opportunity
- Strong implementation progress in renewables sector (71%)
- Low implementation rate in oil and gas sector (36%)
- 53% face insurance blanket exclusions as obstacle
- 79% report supply chain disruption risks
- 48% face duration/inflexibility of insurance coverage
Willis Towers Watson's global Clean Energy Survey demonstrates the company's strategic positioning in the evolving risk landscape of energy transition. With 450 responses from senior decision makers across natural resources companies, WTW is showcasing its thought leadership and deep client relationships in a sector undergoing significant transformation.
The survey's findings reveal critical intelligence that WTW can leverage to develop targeted solutions, particularly addressing the 53% of respondents citing insurance blanket exclusions as obstacles to risk transfer. This presents a clear business opportunity for WTW to create specialized insurance products and advisory services for companies implementing clean energy strategies.
While the report itself doesn't directly generate revenue, it solidifies WTW's brand as a knowledge leader in energy transition risk management. The identified gaps in insurance solutions create natural pathways for WTW to expand its business with existing clients and attract new ones in this growing market segment.
This survey aligns with WTW's positioning as a risk advisor rather than just an insurance broker, potentially commanding higher margins through specialized consulting services. The findings about 79% of companies concerned with supply chain disruption and 78% worried about geopolitical issues highlight additional advisory opportunities beyond traditional insurance placement.
The survey reveals a fascinating market contradiction: natural resources companies are simultaneously increasing fossil fuel investments while planning substantial clean energy expansion. The projected
What's particularly telling is the unanimous adoption of clean energy strategies across all surveyed companies, indicating this isn't just a PR exercise but a fundamental business imperative. The varying implementation rates—
The technology priorities reveal a pragmatic approach: solar dominates near-term planning while battery storage, carbon capture, and eventually hydrogen frame the longer horizon. This stepwise approach allows companies to balance immediate deployable solutions with emerging technologies.
For WTW, the identified insurance challenges represent a significant business opportunity. As companies accelerate clean energy investments, traditional insurance products are proving inadequate—creating space for innovative risk solutions. The
Willis publishes results from their 2025 Global Clean Energy Survey
LONDON, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Average spend across the natural resources industry on clean energy technologies is expected to increase by over a third in the next financial year, according to the latest global Clean Energy Survey released by Willis, a WTW business, (NASDAQ: WTW).
Against the backdrop of increased fossil fuel investment in the short and medium term, natural resources businesses have ambitious long-term investment plans in clean energy technology. The risk outlook is more complex and interconnected than ever before as companies balance conflicting priorities.
The survey received 450 responses from senior decision makers in leading energy and natural resources companies in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, providing insights into the industry’s next moves in facing its evolving challenges.
Key findings include:
100% of natural resources companies surveyed have a clean energy strategy, but with different levels of maturity.71% of renewables companies are at the implementing or fully implemented stage, compared to36% for oil and gas,63% for power and43% for mining and metals.63% view clean energy as a growth opportunity: The result is similar across all sectors, indicating a widespread commitment to the energy transition. This includes oil and gas businesses, with many companies investing in clean energy alongside the recent uptick in fossil fuel activity.- Investment will increase by over a third in 2025:
34% is the average expected increase in spend on clean energy technologies and infrastructure in the next financial year. - Technology priorities are shifting:
51% rated solar as a top priority in the near and medium term. In the medium to long term,61% prioritize battery storage solutions and carbon capture and storage. Geothermal and hydrogen emerged as high priorities over a 10-year horizon. - Supply chain and geopolitics are top risks:
79% named supply chain disruption and78% geopolitical issues among the greatest risks to their clean energy strategy, reflecting concerns over trade tensions and changes to subsidies and regulations at a time of increasing global volatility. - Companies face challenges getting the right insurance:
53% said blanket exclusions were an obstacle to transferring their risks, followed by limited duration / inflexibility of insurance (48% ), and lack of suitable products (47% ), indicating a need for markets to develop new and better solutions for clean energy risks.
Rupert Mackenzie, Global Head of Natural Resources, Willis, said: “The risk outlook is more complex and interconnected than ever before. Navigating the clean energy transition is challenging for natural resources companies, who must balance competing regulatory, financial and operational pressures. From supply chain issues to technical and performance failures, to difficulties getting affordable project financing and right-sizing insurance cover.
Maintaining stable energy supplies and healthy revenue flows are commercial priorities, but the need to participate in the clean energy transition is unavoidable. We are committed to understanding the opportunities and obstacles that natural resources companies encounter on their decarbonization journey, as we strive to empower these organizations with the insight and support they need to make informed risk decisions today that will shape a sustainable energy future.”
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At WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital. Leveraging the global view and local expertise of our colleagues serving 140 countries and markets, we help organizations sharpen their strategy, enhance organizational resilience, motivate their workforce and maximize performance.
Working shoulder to shoulder with our clients, we uncover opportunities for sustainable success—and provide perspective that moves you.
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Sarah Booker: / +44 7917 722040