Despite strong equity markets, financial health of largest US corporate pension plans showed modest improvement in 2024

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WTW's analysis of 361 Fortune 1000 companies' defined benefit pension plans shows only modest improvement in funded status for 2024, reaching 100% from 98% in 2023. Despite strong U.S. equity market performance and rising interest rates, pension plan assets declined by 8% to $1.12 trillion, with average investment returns of 3%.

Pension obligations decreased from $1.25 trillion to $1.12 trillion due to higher interest rates and pension risk transfer activity. While domestic large-cap equities increased by 25% and small/mid-cap equities rose by 12%, long corporate and government bonds saw losses of -2% and -6% respectively.

The moderate improvement in funded status reflects a shift in pension plan investment strategy, with assets now less concentrated in equities and more focused on bonds for liability-hedging, providing funded status stability.

L'analisi di WTW sui piani pensionistici a prestazione definita di 361 aziende Fortune 1000 mostra solo un modesto miglioramento dello stato di finanziamento per il 2024, raggiungendo il 100% rispetto al 98% del 2023. Nonostante l'ottima performance del mercato azionario statunitense e l'aumento dei tassi d'interesse, gli attivi dei piani pensionistici sono diminuiti dell'8%, attestandosi a 1,12 trilioni di dollari, con rendimenti medi sugli investimenti del 3%.

Le obbligazioni pensionistiche sono diminuite da 1,25 trilioni a 1,12 trilioni di dollari grazie all'aumento dei tassi d'interesse e all'attività di trasferimento del rischio pensionistico. Mentre le azioni domestiche a grande capitalizzazione sono aumentate del 25% e quelle a piccola/media capitalizzazione del 12%, le obbligazioni societarie a lungo termine e quelle governative hanno registrato perdite rispettivamente del -2% e del -6%.

Il miglioramento moderato dello stato di finanziamento riflette un cambiamento nella strategia di investimento dei piani pensionistici, con attivi ora meno concentrati nelle azioni e più focalizzati sulle obbligazioni per la copertura delle passività, offrendo stabilità allo stato di finanziamento.

El análisis de WTW de los planes de pensiones de beneficio definido de 361 empresas del Fortune 1000 muestra solo una mejora modesta en el estado de financiación para 2024, alcanzando el 100% desde el 98% en 2023. A pesar del fuerte rendimiento del mercado de acciones estadounidense y el aumento de las tasas de interés, los activos de los planes de pensiones disminuyeron un 8%, alcanzando los 1,12 billones de dólares, con rendimientos promedio de inversión del 3%.

Las obligaciones de pensión disminuyeron de 1,25 billones a 1,12 billones de dólares debido a las tasas de interés más altas y la actividad de transferencia de riesgos de pensión. Mientras las acciones de gran capitalización doméstica aumentaron un 25% y las de pequeña/media capitalización crecieron un 12%, los bonos corporativos y gubernamentales a largo plazo vieron pérdidas de -2% y -6% respectivamente.

La mejora moderada en el estado de financiación refleja un cambio en la estrategia de inversión de los planes de pensiones, con activos ahora menos concentrados en acciones y más enfocados en bonos para la cobertura de responsabilidades, proporcionando estabilidad al estado de financiación.

WTW의 분석에 따르면, 361개의 Fortune 1000 기업의 확정급여연금 계획은 2024년 재정 상태가 2023년의 98%에서 100%로 소폭 개선됨을 보여줍니다. 미국 주식 시장의 강력한 성과와 금리 인상에도 불구하고, 연금 기금 자산은 8% 감소하여 1.12조 달러에 이르렀고, 평균 투자 수익률은 3%입니다.

연금 의무는 금리 상승과 연금 리스크 이전 활동으로 인해 1.25조 달러에서 1.12조 달러로 감소했습니다. 국내 대형주 주식이 25% 증가하고 중소형주 주식이 12% 상승했지만, 장기 회사채 및 정부채는 각각 -2%와 -6%의 손실을 보였습니다.

여유 자금 상태의 소폭 개선은 연금 계획의 투자 전략 변화가 반영되어 있으며, 자산이 이제 주식보다 채권에 더 집중되어 책임 헤징을 위해 자산 안정성을 제공합니다.

L'analyse de WTW des plans de pension à prestations définies de 361 entreprises du Fortune 1000 montre une amélioration modeste du statut de financement pour 2024, atteignant 100% contre 98% en 2023. Malgré la forte performance du marché boursier américain et la hausse des taux d'intérêt, les actifs des plans de pension ont diminué de 8%, s'élevant à 1,12 trillion de dollars, avec un rendement moyen d'investissement de 3%.

Les obligations de pension ont diminué de 1,25 trillion à 1,12 trillion de dollars en raison de l'augmentation des taux d'intérêt et des activités de transfert de risque de pension. Alors que les actions domestiques à grande capitalisation ont augmenté de 25% et que les actions à petite/moyenne capitalisation ont progressé de 12%, les obligations d'entreprise à long terme et les obligations gouvernementales ont enregistré des pertes respectives de -2% et -6%.

L'amélioration modérée du statut de financement reflète un changement dans la stratégie d'investissement des plans de pension, les actifs étant désormais moins concentrés dans les actions et plus axés sur les obligations pour couvrir les passifs, ce qui assure la stabilité du statut de financement.

Die Analyse von WTW der Pensionspläne mit definierten Leistungen von 361 Fortune 1000 Unternehmen zeigt im Jahr 2024 nur eine bescheidene Verbesserung des Finanzierungsstatus von 98% auf 100%. Trotz der starken Performance des US-Aktienmarktes und steigender Zinssätze gingen die Pensionsplanvermögen um 8% auf 1,12 Billionen Dollar zurück, mit einer durchschnittlichen Rendite von 3%.

Die Pensionsverpflichtungen sanken von 1,25 Billionen auf 1,12 Billionen Dollar aufgrund höherer Zinssätze und Aktivitäten zur Risikoübertragung. Während die inländischen Large-Cap-Aktien um 25% zulegten und Small/Mid-Cap-Aktien um 12% stiegen, mussten langfristige Unternehmens- und Staatsanleihen Verluste von -2% bzw. -6% hinnehmen.

Die moderate Verbesserung des Finanzierungsstatus spiegelt einen Wandel in der Anlagestrategie der Pensionspläne wider, bei dem die Vermögenswerte nun weniger auf Aktien und mehr auf Anleihen konzentriert sind, um die Verbindlichkeiten abzusichern und Stabilität im Finanzierungsstatus zu gewährleisten.

  • Pension funded status improved to 100% from 98% in 2023
  • Pension obligations decreased from $1.25T to $1.12T
  • Domestic large-cap equities increased by 25%
  • Small/mid-cap equities rose by 12%
  • Pension plan assets declined by 8% in 2024
  • Overall investment returns averaged only 3% despite strong market performance
  • Long corporate bonds declined by 2%
  • Long government bonds declined by 6%
  • Cash contributions were lower than historical years


The 100% funded status achieved by Fortune 1000 corporate pension plans marks a critical milestone, yet reveals a complex narrative beneath the surface. Despite the S&P 500's remarkable <percent>25%</percent> surge, pension assets actually declined by <percent>8%</percent> to <money>$1.12 trillion</money>, highlighting the industry's strategic shift toward liability-hedging.

The modest <percent>3%</percent> average investment return, despite strong equity markets, reflects pension funds' deliberate de-risking through increased bond allocations. This conservative approach, while sacrificing potential upside, has successfully delivered the stability that plan sponsors sought. The <percent>2%</percent> improvement in funded status from 2023 demonstrates the effectiveness of this risk-management strategy in a volatile market environment.

The divergence between asset performance and funded status reveals a fundamental shift in pension investment strategy. Traditional equity-heavy portfolios have given way to liability-matching approaches, with bonds becoming increasingly prominent despite their negative returns (-2% for long corporate bonds, -6% for long government bonds). This transformation represents a mature phase in pension fund management where stability trumps growth.

The continued trend of pension risk transfers, combined with reduced cash contributions, suggests that companies are actively managing their pension exposure rather than seeking to maximize returns. This strategic pivot indicates a broader movement toward pension de-risking that will likely persist through 2025, particularly among well-funded plans looking to lock in their favorable status.

Funded status of largest plans edged up to 100%, WTW analysis finds

NEW YORK, Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Despite strong U.S. equity market gains and rising long-term interest rates, the funded status of the nation’s largest corporate defined benefit (DB) pension plans improved only modestly in 2024, according to an analysis by WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company.

WTW examined pension plan data for 361 Fortune 1000 companies that sponsor U.S. DB pension plans and have a December fiscal year-end date. The aggregate pension funded status of these plans at the end of 2024 is estimated to be 100%, just two percentage points higher than 98% at the end of 2023. Pension obligations declined from $1.25 trillion at the end of 2023 to an estimated $1.12 trillion at the end of 2024 due to higher interest rates and pension risk transfer activity.

1000 aggregate pension plan funding levels


“Strong gains in the stock market and rising interest rates would traditionally have helped to strengthen the overall financial health of corporate pension plans,” said Joseph Gamzon, managing director, Retirement, WTW. “However, pension plan assets are less concentrated on equity investments today, as they hold more bonds to support liability-hedging strategies to provide funded status stability. As a result, many plan sponsors were able to achieve their goals of funded status stability while also seeing moderate increases in pension plan funding during 2024.”

According to the analysis, pension plan assets declined by 8% in 2024, finishing the year at $1.12 trillion. Overall investment returns are estimated to have averaged 3% in 2024, although returns varied significantly by asset class. Domestic large capitalization equities increased by 25%, while domestic small/mid-capitalization equities rose by 12%. Long corporate and long government bonds, typically used in liability-driven investing strategies, realized losses of –2% and –6%, respectively. While overall investment returns were slightly positive, the decline in assets year over year resulted from another active year in pension risk transfers and cash contributions that were lower than in historical years.

“As we move into 2025, sponsors whose plans aren’t fully funded will want to keep an eye out for opportunities to manage costs and cash contributions, including investment strategy and de-risking initiatives. For those with well-funded plans, sponsors will want to think about how best to protect this asset and best utilize the surplus for employee benefits in the coming year,” said Fred Lamm, managing director, Retirement, WTW.

About the analysis

WTW analyzed 361 Fortune 1000 companies with December fiscal year-end dates for which complete data were available. The 2024 figures are estimates of U.S. plan assets and liabilities. The earlier figures are actual. Actual year-end 2024 results will be publicly available in a few months.

About WTW

At WTW (NASDAQ: WTW), we provide data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital. Leveraging the global view and local expertise of our colleagues serving 140 countries and markets, we help organizations sharpen their strategy, enhance organizational resilience, motivate their workforce and maximize performance.

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What was the funded status of Fortune 1000 pension plans in 2024 according to WTW?

According to WTW's analysis, the aggregate pension funded status reached 100% in 2024, up from 98% in 2023.

How did pension plan assets perform for Fortune 1000 companies in 2024?

Pension plan assets declined by 8% in 2024, finishing at $1.12 trillion, with average investment returns of 3%.

What were the returns on domestic large-cap equities in pension plans analyzed by WTW?

Domestic large capitalization equities increased by 25% in 2024.

How did pension obligations change in 2024 for Fortune 1000 companies?

Pension obligations declined from $1.25 trillion to $1.12 trillion due to higher interest rates and pension risk transfer activity.

What was the performance of bonds in pension portfolios according to WTW's analysis?

Long corporate bonds realized losses of 2% while long government bonds declined by 6% in 2024.

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