Essential Utilities Reports Financial Results for Full Year 2024
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG) reported strong financial results for 2024, with net income reaching $595.3 million and earnings per share increasing 17% to $2.17. The company's revenues grew 1.6% to $2,086.1 million, while operations and maintenance expenses increased modestly by 2.0% to $587.3 million.
Key highlights include:
- Regulated water segment revenues up 5.9% to $1,221.9 million
- Regulated natural gas segment revenues at $843.0 million
- Capital investments of $1.3 billion in infrastructure improvements
- Successful completion of PFAS mitigation at 13 sites
The company affirmed its 2025 EPS guidance of $2.07-$2.11 and projects 5-7% earnings growth through 2027. Essential plans to invest approximately $7.8 billion in infrastructure improvements from 2025-2029, including $450 million for PFAS remediation projects. The company currently has six signed purchase agreements pending closure, representing over 210,000 equivalent retail customers and totaling over $344.0 million in purchase price.
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il 2024, con un reddito netto che ha raggiunto i 595,3 milioni di dollari e un aumento del 17% degli utili per azione, saliti a 2,17 dollari. I ricavi dell'azienda sono cresciuti dell'1,6% a 2.086,1 milioni di dollari, mentre le spese operative e di manutenzione sono aumentate moderatamente del 2,0% a 587,3 milioni di dollari.
I punti salienti includono:
- Ricavi del segmento acqua regolamentato in aumento del 5,9% a 1.221,9 milioni di dollari
- Ricavi del segmento gas naturale regolamentato pari a 843,0 milioni di dollari
- Investimenti in capitale di 1,3 miliardi di dollari per miglioramenti infrastrutturali
- Completamento con successo della mitigazione PFAS in 13 siti
L'azienda ha confermato la sua guida EPS per il 2025 di 2,07-2,11 dollari e prevede una crescita degli utili del 5-7% fino al 2027. Essential prevede di investire circa 7,8 miliardi di dollari in miglioramenti infrastrutturali dal 2025 al 2029, inclusi 450 milioni di dollari per progetti di bonifica PFAS. Attualmente, l'azienda ha sei contratti di acquisto firmati in attesa di chiusura, che rappresentano oltre 210.000 clienti al dettaglio equivalenti e un prezzo di acquisto totale superiore a 344,0 milioni di dollari.
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para 2024, con un ingreso neto que alcanzó los 595,3 millones de dólares y un aumento del 17% en las ganancias por acción, que subieron a 2,17 dólares. Los ingresos de la empresa crecieron un 1,6% a 2.086,1 millones de dólares, mientras que los gastos de operación y mantenimiento aumentaron modestamente un 2,0% a 587,3 millones de dólares.
Los aspectos destacados incluyen:
- Ingresos del segmento de agua regulada en aumento del 5,9% a 1.221,9 millones de dólares
- Ingresos del segmento de gas natural regulado de 843,0 millones de dólares
- Inversiones de capital de 1,3 mil millones de dólares en mejoras de infraestructura
- Finalización exitosa de la mitigación de PFAS en 13 sitios
La empresa reafirmó su guía de EPS para 2025 de 2,07 a 2,11 dólares y proyecta un crecimiento de ganancias del 5-7% hasta 2027. Essential planea invertir aproximadamente 7,8 mil millones de dólares en mejoras de infraestructura de 2025 a 2029, incluyendo 450 millones de dólares para proyectos de remediación de PFAS. Actualmente, la empresa tiene seis contratos de compra firmados pendientes de cierre, que representan más de 210.000 clientes minoristas equivalentes y un precio de compra total de más de 344,0 millones de dólares.
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG)는 2024년 강력한 재무 실적을 보고했으며, 순이익은 5억 9,530만 달러에 달하고 주당 수익은 17% 증가하여 2.17달러에 이르렀습니다. 회사의 수익은 1.6% 증가하여 20억 861만 달러에 달했으며, 운영 및 유지보수 비용은 2.0% 증가하여 5억 8,730만 달러로 증가했습니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 규제된 수도 부문 수익은 5.9% 증가하여 12억 2,190만 달러에 도달
- 규제된 천연가스 부문 수익은 8억 4,300만 달러
- 인프라 개선을 위한 자본 투자 13억 달러
- 13개 사이트에서 PFAS 완화 작업 성공적으로 완료
회사는 2025년 EPS 가이던스를 2.07~2.11달러로 확정하고 2027년까지 5~7%의 수익 성장을 예상하고 있습니다. Essential은 2025년부터 2029년까지 인프라 개선에 약 78억 달러를 투자할 계획이며, 이 중 4억 5천만 달러는 PFAS 정화 프로젝트에 사용할 예정입니다. 현재 회사는 210,000명 이상의 동등한 소매 고객을 대표하고 총 3억 4,400만 달러 이상의 구매 가격을 가진 6개의 구매 계약이 서명되어 마감 대기 중입니다.
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG) a annoncé des résultats financiers solides pour 2024, avec un revenu net atteignant 595,3 millions de dollars et un bénéfice par action en hausse de 17 % à 2,17 dollars. Les revenus de l'entreprise ont augmenté de 1,6 % pour atteindre 2 086,1 millions de dollars, tandis que les dépenses d'exploitation et de maintenance ont modestement augmenté de 2,0 % à 587,3 millions de dollars.
Les points forts incluent :
- Revenus du segment de l'eau régulée en hausse de 5,9 % à 1 221,9 millions de dollars
- Revenus du segment de gaz naturel régulé s'élevant à 843,0 millions de dollars
- Investissements en capital de 1,3 milliard de dollars dans des améliorations d'infrastructure
- Achèvement réussi de la mitigation des PFAS sur 13 sites
L'entreprise a confirmé ses prévisions de BPA pour 2025 de 2,07 à 2,11 dollars et prévoit une croissance des bénéfices de 5 à 7 % jusqu'en 2027. Essential prévoit d'investir environ 7,8 milliards de dollars dans des améliorations d'infrastructure de 2025 à 2029, dont 450 millions de dollars pour des projets de remédiation des PFAS. L'entreprise a actuellement six contrats d'achat signés en attente de clôture, représentant plus de 210 000 clients de détail équivalents et totalisant plus de 344,0 millions de dollars en prix d'achat.
Essential Utilities (NYSE: WTRG) hat für 2024 starke finanzielle Ergebnisse gemeldet, mit einem Nettogewinn von 595,3 Millionen Dollar und einem Anstieg des Gewinns pro Aktie um 17% auf 2,17 Dollar. Die Einnahmen des Unternehmens stiegen um 1,6% auf 2.086,1 Millionen Dollar, während die Betriebs- und Instandhaltungskosten moderat um 2,0% auf 587,3 Millionen Dollar anstiegen.
Wichtige Highlights umfassen:
- Einnahmen des regulierten Wassersektors stiegen um 5,9% auf 1.221,9 Millionen Dollar
- Einnahmen des regulierten Erdgassegments betrugen 843,0 Millionen Dollar
- Kapitalinvestitionen von 1,3 Milliarden Dollar in Infrastrukturverbesserungen
- Erfolgreiche Umsetzung der PFAS-Minderung an 13 Standorten
Das Unternehmen bestätigte seine EPS-Prognose für 2025 von 2,07 bis 2,11 Dollar und prognostiziert ein Gewinnwachstum von 5-7% bis 2027. Essential plant, von 2025 bis 2029 etwa 7,8 Milliarden Dollar in Infrastrukturverbesserungen zu investieren, einschließlich 450 Millionen Dollar für PFAS-Remediationsprojekte. Das Unternehmen hat derzeit sechs unterzeichnete Kaufverträge, die auf Abschluss warten und über 210.000 gleichwertige Einzelhandelskunden repräsentieren, mit einem Gesamtpreis von über 344,0 Millionen Dollar.
- 17% increase in EPS to $2.17 for 2024
- Revenue growth of 1.6% to $2.086 billion
- Water segment revenue up 5.9% to $1.22 billion
- $1.3 billion invested in infrastructure improvements
- Successful PFAS mitigation at 13 sites
- Strong acquisition pipeline with $344 million in pending agreements
- Operating expenses increased 2.0% to $587.3 million
- Natural gas segment revenues declined to $843.0 million from $863.8 million
- Requires $315 million in equity raising for 2025
Essential Utilities delivered strong financial performance in 2024 with
The company demonstrated impressive cost discipline with operations and maintenance expenses increasing just
The acquisition strategy remains robust with the January 2025 closing of the Greenville wastewater system for
The company plans to raise approximately
Essential Utilities' strong 2024 results demonstrate exceptional regulatory execution, with
The Pennsylvania rate case success, combined with the recently concluded Peoples Gas rate case, creates a solid foundation of revenue visibility. The company's infrastructure surcharge mechanisms in states like Ohio and North Carolina further reduce regulatory lag between capital deployment and revenue recovery, enhancing cash flow predictability and the ability to earn authorized returns despite inflationary pressures.
The Greenville wastewater acquisition's completion under Pennsylvania's 2024 Final Supplemental Implementation Order marks a significant regulatory advancement. This framework provides a more predictable path for fair market value transactions by clarifying valuation methodologies and customer impact considerations. The order effectively balances acquisition premiums with rate affordability concerns, creating a more sustainable model for the company's consolidation strategy.
The weather normalization mechanism that stabilized Q4 gas revenues despite warmer temperatures illustrates the value of decoupling-type regulatory mechanisms in reducing volumetric risk. This regulatory structure enhances earnings stability while aligning utility financial interests with conservation objectives - a regulatory approach increasingly favored across jurisdictions.
The planned
Earnings per share increases
Excluding one-time items and weather-related items, adjusted earnings per share of
Company affirms 2025 EPS guidance of
PA PUC Approved Settlement for Aqua Pennsylvania rate case
Recently closed Greenville Wastewater Acquisition in
“2024 was a very productive and successful year for the company,” said Essential Utilities Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chris Franklin. “I am incredibly proud of the team. This was a year of near-perfect execution. We filed at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to recover approximately
The accomplishment of this work demonstrates Essential’s commitment to successfully achieving our priorities while navigating many of today’s most pressing challenges, including mitigating PFAS contamination and addressing aging infrastructure.
“We were pleased to execute well for the benefit of all our stakeholders,” Franklin added. “These achievements resulted in our November reinstatement of multi-year earnings guidance with a compounded annual EPS growth rate of 5
Full Year Operating Results
For the full year 2024, the company reported revenues of
For the full year ending December 31, 2024, Essential reported net income of
Essential’s regulated water segment reported revenues of
Essential’s regulated natural gas segment reported revenues of
Fourth Quarter 2024 Operating Results
Essential reported net income of
Revenues for the quarter were
On February 19, 2025, Essential’s board of directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of
Rate Activity
In 2024, the company’s regulated water segment received rate awards or infrastructure surcharges designed to increase annual revenues in
On February 6, 2025, the Pennsylvania PUC voted unanimously to approve the previously announced Aqua Pennsylvania rate case settlement reached with the statutory advocates. Per the order, Aqua Pennsylvania raised rates by
With the conclusion of the Aqua Pennsylvania rate case, the company has now achieved two significant regulatory outcomes in
Thus far in 2025, the company’s regulated water segment received rate awards or infrastructure surcharges designed to increase annual revenues in
The company currently has infrastructure surcharges pending in
Capital Expenditures
Essential invested approximately
In 2025, the company expects to invest
Water Utility Growth by Acquisition
Essential’s continued growth via acquisitions allows the company to provide safe and reliable water and wastewater service to a larger customer base than it could from organic customer growth alone. Since 2015, Essential collectively has acquired over
On January 31, 2025, the company closed on the acquisition of the
The company has six signed purchase agreements for additional water and wastewater systems in
The pipeline of potential water and wastewater municipal acquisitions the company is actively pursuing represents approximately 400,000 total customers.
Additionally, because of our proven expertise, the company has been appointed the receiver of several investor-owned utilities. Given the operational stability we bring to communities in need, we are positioned to quickly address critical challenges and improve the long-term viability of distressed water and wastewater systems.
Multi-Year Financial and Growth Guidance
The company reaffirms its previously initiated long-term earnings guidance. The company’s latest expectations are the following:
2025 diluted earnings per share guidance range of
to$2.07 .$2.11 -
Grow long-term earnings per share at a compounded annual growth rate of 5 to
7% from the adjusted 2024 earnings per share of (Non-GAAP) for the three-year period through 2027.$1.97 -
In 2025, regulated infrastructure investments will be
to$1.4 .$1.5 billion -
Through 2029, we plan to make regulated infrastructure investments of approximately
.$7.8 billion -
Through 2029, the regulated water segment rate base will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of approximately
6% ; this only includes acquisitions scheduled to close in 2025 and excludes DELCORA. -
Through 2029, the regulated natural gas segment rate base will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of approximately
11% . -
Through 2029, the combined regulated utility rate base will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of over
8% . -
The regulated water customer base (or equivalent dwelling units) of the business will grow at an average annual growth rate of between 2 and
3% from acquisitions and organic customer growth over the long term. - The regulated natural gas customer base of the business will be stable for 2025.
Through 2027, the company expects to raise equity via its ATM program. In 2025, the company expects to raise a total of approximately
in equity.$315 million -
Reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by
60% by 2035 from the company’s 2019 baseline. - Multiyear plan to ensure that finished water does not exceed the federal maximum contaminant level of the six EPA-regulated PFAS chemicals.
Essential reaffirms its commitment to substantially reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. The company plans to achieve these reductions through extensive gas pipeline replacement, the purchase of renewable energy, accelerated methane leak detection and repair, and various other planned initiatives. Essential continues to be an industry leader regarding water quality with its commitment to test and treat for six regulated PFAS chemicals across all states served by its regulated water segment. The company reaffirms its commitment to providing finished water that will meet the EPA timelines and standards. For the fourth consecutive year the company was named to Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies.
Guidance Assumptions
Essential Utilities does not guarantee future results of any kind. Guidance is subject to risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, those factors outlined in the “Forward Looking Statements” of this release and the “Risk Factors” section of the company’s annual and quarterly reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The earnings per share, infrastructure investment, and rate base guidance include the signed municipal water and wastewater acquisitions for which the company has entered into signed purchase agreements as of the date the guidance was announced but do not include DELCORA or other potential municipal acquisitions from the company’s list of acquisition opportunities that currently represents over 400,000 customer equivalents. While the company remains confident in its ability to close DELCORA, for guidance purposes, DELCORA has been removed from all guidance metrics.
The average annual regulated water segment growth guidance reflects the company’s proven acquisition track record of adding nearly 131,000 customers or equivalent dwelling units and over
The company’s guidance includes the expectation that the company will continue to issue equity and debt on an as-needed basis to support acquisitions and capital investment plans.
Full Year 2024 Earnings Call Information
Date: February 27, 2025
Time: 11 a.m. EST (please dial in by 10:45 a.m.)
Webcast and slide presentation link:
Replay Dial-in #: (800) 770-2030 (
Pass code: 9261648#
The company’s conference call with financial analysts will take place on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. The call and presentation will be webcast live so interested parties may listen over the internet by logging on to and following the link for Investors. The conference call will be archived in the Investor Relations section of the company’s website following the call. Additionally, the call will be recorded and made available for replay at 2 p.m. on February 27, 2025, for seven days following the call. To access the audio replay in the
About Essential
Essential Utilities, Inc. (NYSE: WTRG) delivers safe, clean, reliable services that improve quality of life for individuals, families, and entire communities. With a focus on water, wastewater, and natural gas, Essential is committed to sustainable growth, operational excellence, a superior customer experience, and premier employer status. We are advocates for the communities we serve and are dedicated stewards of natural lands, protecting more than 7,600 acres of forests and other habitats throughout our footprint.
Operating as the Aqua and Peoples brands, Essential serves approximately 5.5 million people across nine states. Essential is one of the most significant publicly traded water, wastewater service, and natural gas providers in the
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which generally include words such as “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” and similar expressions. The Company can give no assurance that any actual or future results or events discussed in these statements will be achieved. Any forward-looking statements represent its views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from the statements contained in this release. Such forward-looking statements include, among others: the company’s belief that it will comply with the finalized EPA PFAS rules, the guidance range of net income per diluted common share; the anticipated amount of infrastructure investment in 2025 through 2029; the rate base growth of company through 2029; the reduction in volatility related to abnormal weather impacts on financial results from the Peoples Natural Gas segment; the reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by
Essential Utilities, Inc. and Subsidiaries | |||||||||||
Selected Operating Data | |||||||||||
(In thousands, except per share amounts) | |||||||||||
(Unaudited) | |||||||||||
Quarter Ended |
Year Ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating revenues | $ |
604,383 |
$ |
479,419 |
$ |
2,086,113 |
$ |
2,053,824 |
Operations and maintenance expense | $ |
163,470 |
$ |
156,998 |
$ |
587,250 |
$ |
575,518 |
Net income | $ |
184,755 |
$ |
135,448 |
$ |
595,314 |
$ |
498,226 |
Basic net income per common share | $ |
0.67 |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
2.17 |
$ |
1.86 |
Diluted net income per common share | $ |
0.67 |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
2.17 |
$ |
1.86 |
Basic average common shares outstanding |
274,681 |
273,210 |
273,914 |
267,171 |
Diluted average common shares outstanding |
275,161 |
273,536 |
274,421 |
267,659 |
Essential Utilities, Inc. and Subsidiaries | |||||||||||||||
Consolidated Statement of Operations | |||||||||||||||
(In thousands, except per share amounts) | |||||||||||||||
(Unaudited) | |||||||||||||||
Quarter Ended |
Year Ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating revenues | $ |
604,383 |
$ |
479,419 |
$ |
2,086,113 |
$ |
2,053,824 |
Cost & expenses: | |||||||||||||||
Operations and maintenance |
163,470 |
156,998 |
587,250 |
575,518 |
Purchased gas |
94,511 |
37,468 |
277,009 |
352,306 |
Depreciation |
94,164 |
86,447 |
363,906 |
338,655 |
Amortization |
2,337 |
1,758 |
5,646 |
5,040 |
Taxes other than income taxes |
23,275 |
22,775 |
94,634 |
90,208 |
Total |
377,757 |
305,446 |
1,328,445 |
1,361,727 |
Operating income |
226,626 |
173,973 |
757,668 |
692,097 |
Other expense (income): | |||||||||||||||
Interest expense |
79,303 |
72,922 |
302,467 |
283,362 |
Interest income |
(659 |
) |
(670 |
) |
(3,318 |
) |
(3,401 |
) |
Allowance for funds used during construction |
(5,807 |
) |
(2,400 |
) |
(21,310 |
) |
(16,967 |
) |
Loss (gain) on sale of other assets |
(157 |
) |
119 |
(92,224 |
) |
(65 |
) |
Other, net |
(1,911 |
) |
(612 |
) |
(1,425 |
) |
(2,613 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
155,857 |
104,614 |
573,478 |
431,781 |
Provision for income taxes (benefit) |
(28,898 |
) |
(30,834 |
) |
(21,836 |
) |
(66,445 |
) |
Net income | $ |
184,755 |
$ |
135,448 |
$ |
595,314 |
$ |
498,226 |
Net income per common share: | |||||||||||||||
Basic | $ |
0.67 |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
2.17 |
$ |
1.86 |
Diluted | $ |
0.67 |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
2.17 |
$ |
1.86 |
Average common shares outstanding: | |||||||||||||||
Basic |
274,681 |
273,210 |
273,914 |
267,171 |
Diluted |
275,161 |
273,536 |
274,421 |
267,659 |
Essential Utilities, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
The Company is providing disclosure of the reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures to the most comparable GAAP financial measures. The Company believes that the non-GAAP financial measures "adjusted income" and "adjusted diluted income per common share" provide investors the ability to measure the Company’s financial operating performance by adjustment, which is more indicative of the Company’s ongoing operating performance. The Company further believes that the presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures is useful to investors as a more meaningful way to compare the Company’s operating performance against its guidance range for 2024.
This reconciliation includes a presentation of the non-GAAP financial measures “adjusted income” and “adjusted diluted income per common share” and have been adjusted for the following items:
(1) During the first quarter of 2024, the Company completed the sale of its interest in three non-utility local microgrid and distributed energy projects and recognized a gain of
(2) Estimated impact to Peoples Natural Gas (PNG) operating revenues from warmer than normal weather conditions during 2024 and nonrecurring usage. These impacts are partially offset by favorable regulated water consumption in 2024 due to drier than normal weather conditions.
(3) The income tax impact of the non-GAAP adjustments described above.
These financial measures are measures of the Company’s operating performance that do not comply with
The following reconciles our GAAP results to the non-GAAP information we disclose :
Year Ended | |||
December 31, 2024 | |||
Net income (GAAP financial measure) | $ |
595,314 |
Adjustments: | |||
(1) Gain on sales of assets and related transaction activities |
(94,024 |
) |
(2) Adjustments for estimated effects of unfavorable weather (addback) |
18,749 |
(3) Income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments |
20,859 |
Adjusted income (Non-GAAP financial measure) | $ |
540,898 |
Net income per common share (GAAP financial measure): | |||
Basic | $ |
2.17 |
Diluted | $ |
2.17 |
Adjusted income per common share (Non-GAAP financial measure): | |||
Basic | $ |
1.97 |
Diluted | $ |
1.97 |
Average common shares outstanding: | |||
Basic |
273,914 |
Diluted |
274,421 |
Essential Utilities, Inc. and Subsidiaries | |||||
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets | |||||
(In thousands of dollars) | |||||
(Unaudited) | |||||
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Net property, plant and equipment | $ |
13,143,476 |
$ |
12,097,072 |
Current assets |
485,911 |
491,979 |
Regulatory assets and other assets |
4,397,167 |
4,252,408 |
$ |
18,026,554 |
$ |
16,841,459 |
Total equity | $ |
6,198,809 |
$ |
5,896,183 |
Long-term debt, excluding current portion, net of debt issuance costs |
7,368,381 |
6,826,085 |
Current portion of long-term debt and loans payable |
329,349 |
227,538 |
Other current liabilities |
645,319 |
570,389 |
Deferred credits and other liabilities |
3,484,696 |
3,321,264 |
$ |
18,026,554 |
$ |
16,841,459 |
View source version on
Media Contact:
David Kralle
Vice President, Public Affairs
Media Hotline: 1.877.325.3477
Investor Contact:
Brian Dingerdissen
Vice President, IR, and Treasurer
O: 610.645.1191
Source: Essential Utilities Inc.
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