Aqua Pennsylvania Installs PFAS Treatment System at Montgomery County Well Station

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Aqua Pennsylvania has completed the installation of a PFAS treatment system at its Perkiomen Woods well station in Montgomery County. This marks the fourth PFAS treatment facility the company has implemented since 2018, all meeting the new national drinking water standard. The system serves approximately 1,100 people in Upper Providence Township and utilizes four 3-foot diameter filter vessels with anion exchange media.

The $1.3 million project demonstrates Aqua Pennsylvania's commitment to removing 'forever chemicals' from drinking water and complying with state and federal regulations. The company's engineering team devised an innovative solution to install the equipment through rooftop hatches, avoiding more costly construction options. The treatment system became fully operational on July 30, reinforcing Aqua's dedication to providing safe drinking water to its customers.

Aqua Pennsylvania ha completato l'installazione di un sistema di trattamento PFAS presso la sua stazione di pozzi di Perkiomen Woods, nella contea di Montgomery. Questo segna il quarto impianto di trattamento PFAS che l'azienda ha realizzato dal 2018, tutti conformi al nuovo standard nazionale per l'acqua potabile. Il sistema serve circa 1.100 persone nella Upper Providence Township e utilizza quattro filtri di 3 piedi di diametro con media di scambio anionico.

Il progetto da 1,3 milioni di dollari dimostra l'impegno di Aqua Pennsylvania per rimuovere i 'prodotti chimici eterni' dall'acqua potabile e rispettare le normative statali e federali. Il team di ingegneria dell'azienda ha ideato una soluzione innovativa per installare l'attrezzatura attraverso aperture sul tetto, evitando opzioni di costruzione più costose. Il sistema di trattamento è diventato completamente operativo il 30 luglio, rafforzando la dedizione di Aqua a fornire acqua potabile sicura ai suoi clienti.

Aqua Pennsylvania ha completado la instalación de un sistema de tratamiento de PFAS en su estación de pozos de Perkiomen Woods en el municipio de Montgomery. Esto representa la cuarta instalación de tratamiento de PFAS que la empresa ha implementado desde 2018, todas cumpliendo con el nuevo estándar nacional de agua potable. El sistema abastece a aproximadamente 1,100 personas en Upper Providence Township y utiliza cuatro filtros de 3 pies de diámetro con medios de intercambio aniónico.

El proyecto de 1.3 millones de dólares demuestra el compromiso de Aqua Pennsylvania para eliminar los 'químicos eternos' del agua potable y cumplir con las normativas estatales y federales. El equipo de ingeniería de la empresa ideó una solución innovadora para instalar el equipo a través de trampillas en el techo, evitando opciones de construcción más costosas. El sistema de tratamiento se volvió completamente operativo el 30 de julio, fortaleciendo la dedicación de Aqua a proporcionar agua potable segura a sus clientes.

Aqua Pennsylvania가 몽고메리 카운티의 Perkiomen Woods 우물소에서 PFAS 처리 시스템 설치를 완료했습니다. 이는 2018년 이후 회사가 실행한 네 번째 PFAS 처리 시설로, 모두 새로운 국가 음용수 기준을 충족합니다. 이 시스템은 Upper Providence Township에 있는 약 1,100명에게 서비스를 제공하며, 직경 3피트의 필터 용기 4개와 양이온 교환 매체를 사용합니다.

130만 달러 규모의 프로젝트는 Aqua Pennsylvania가 음용수에서 '영구 화학 물질'을 제거하고 주 및 연방 규정을 준수하기 위한 의지를 보여줍니다. 회사의 엔지니어링 팀은 비용이 더 많이 드는 건설 옵션을 피하기 위해 지붕 해치를 통해 장비를 설치하는 혁신적인 솔루션을 고안했습니다. 이 처리 시스템은 7월 30일에 완전 가동 상태가 되었으며, 고객에게 안전한 음용수를 제공하기 위한 Aqua의 헌신을 강화하고 있습니다.

Aqua Pennsylvania a terminé l'installation d'un système de traitement des PFAS à sa station de puits de Perkiomen Woods dans le comté de Montgomery. Cela marque la quatrième installation de traitement des PFAS mise en place par l'entreprise depuis 2018, toutes conformes à la nouvelle norme nationale sur l'eau potable. Le système dessert environ 1 100 personnes dans la ville de Upper Providence et utilise quatre cuves filtrantes de 3 pieds de diamètre avec un matériau d'échange d'anions.

Ce projet de 1,3 million de dollars démontre l'engagement d'Aqua Pennsylvania à éliminer les 'produits chimiques éternels' de l'eau potable et à se conformer aux réglementations étatiques et fédérales. L'équipe d'ingénierie de l'entreprise a conçu une solution innovante pour installer l'équipement par des trappes de toit, évitant des options de construction plus coûteuses. Le système de traitement est devenu entièrement opérationnel le 30 juillet, renforçant l'engagement d'Aqua à fournir de l'eau potable sûre à ses clients.

Aqua Pennsylvania hat die Installation eines PFAS-Behandlungssystems an seiner Bohrstation Perkiomen Woods im Montgomery County abgeschlossen. Dies markiert die vierte PFAS-Behandlungsanlage, die das Unternehmen seit 2018 umgesetzt hat, alle entsprechen dem neuen nationalen Trinkwasserstandard. Das System versorgt etwa 1.100 Menschen in der Upper Providence Township und nutzt vier Filterbehälter mit einem Durchmesser von 3 Fuß mit Anionenaustauschmaterial.

Das 1,3-Millionen-Dollar-Projekt zeigt das Engagement von Aqua Pennsylvania, 'ewige Chemikalien' aus dem Trinkwasser zu entfernen und die staatlichen und bundesstaatlichen Vorschriften einzuhalten. Das Ingenieurteam des Unternehmens entwickelte eine innovative Lösung, um die Ausrüstung durch Dachluken zu installieren und teurere Bauoptionen zu vermeiden. Das Behandlungssystem wurde am 30. Juli vollständig in Betrieb genommen und bekräftigt Aquas Engagement, seinen Kunden sicheres Trinkwasser zur Verfügung zu stellen.

  • Completion of fourth PFAS treatment facility since 2018
  • Treatment system meets new national drinking water standards
  • Serves approximately 1,100 people in Upper Providence Township
  • Innovative installation method saved on construction costs
  • Significant investment of $1.3 million for the project

The installation of a PFAS treatment system at Aqua Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Woods well station is a significant development in addressing water quality concerns. This $1.3 million project demonstrates a proactive approach to removing "forever chemicals" from drinking water, benefiting approximately 1,100 residents in Upper Providence Township.

The use of anion exchange media in four 3-foot diameter filter vessels is a proven technology for PFAS removal. This method is effective in meeting both state and federal PFAS drinking water standards, which is important for long-term public health protection. The company's commitment to setting internal removal targets before regulations existed shows foresight in addressing emerging contaminants.

From an engineering perspective, the rooftop hatch installation for equipment placement is an innovative solution that saved costs and avoided the need for new construction. This approach showcases the company's ability to adapt to site constraints while implementing necessary upgrades efficiently.

Aqua Pennsylvania's investment in PFAS treatment systems demonstrates a strategic approach to regulatory compliance and risk management. The $1.3 million project at Perkiomen Woods, being the fourth such installation since 2018, indicates a consistent capital allocation towards water quality improvements.

This proactive stance may positively impact the company's financial outlook in several ways:

  • Reduced risk of future regulatory fines or legal liabilities related to water quality issues
  • Potential for rate case approvals to recover these infrastructure investments, supporting future revenue growth
  • Enhanced reputation among customers and regulators, potentially leading to easier approval for future projects or expansions

The cost-effective engineering solution employed here also suggests efficient capital deployment, which is favorable for maintaining healthy profit margins in a regulated utility environment.

The treatment system installation highlights Aqua’s ongoing commitment to remove “forever chemicals”

BRYN MAWR, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Aqua Pennsylvania announced today the completion of its PFAS treatment system installation at its Perkiomen Woods well station in Montgomery County. This is the fourth PFAS treatment facility that Aqua Pennsylvania has completed and placed into operation since 2018, all of which meet the new PFAS national drinking water standard. This new system removes PFAS from drinking water for about 1,100 people in Upper Providence Township. The new treatment includes four 3-foot diameter filter vessels using anion exchange media. With these upgrades, this facility treats drinking water to meet both the state and federal PFAS drinking water standards.

“We’ve been hard at work for years testing and removing PFAS from drinking water in the communities we serve in Pennsylvania, setting an internal aggressive removal target before regulations existed and now continuing as leaders to meet the new federal regulations,” said Aqua Pennsylvania President Marc Lucca. “This project highlights our dedication to our customers as well as our commitment to comply with state and federal regulations.”

The nearly $1.3 million project is also a testament to the ingenuity of the Aqua Pennsylvania engineering team. Due to the limited building size and access, crews installed rooftop hatches to ensure the new filter vessels could be hoisted by crane into the water treatment facility, which avoided more costly options associated with construction of a new building.

“It’s these dedicated professionals who set Aqua Pennsylvania apart,” said Lucca. “This project shows no obstacle is too large when you have a team like we have here, willing to work together to come up with cost-effective, timely solutions no matter how difficult the task may be, while always keeping the customer in mind.”

The treatment became fully operational on July 30.

About Aqua Pennsylvania

Aqua Pennsylvania serves approximately 1.5 million people in 32 counties throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Visit for more information or follow Aqua on Facebook at and on X at @AquaWater.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which generally include words such as “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “estimates” and similar expressions. The Company can give no assurance that any actual or future results or events discussed in these statements will be achieved. Any forward-looking statements represent its views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from the statements contained in this release. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the capital to be invested in Aqua’s water and wastewater infrastructure, that it will continue to seek and receive grants and low-interest loans, and that it will receive its requested rate increase. There are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements including the factors discussed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, which are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information regarding risks and uncertainties associated with the Company’s business, please refer to the Company’s annual, quarterly and other SEC filings. The Company is not under any obligation - and expressly disclaims any such obligation - to update or alter its forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



Patrick Wenger

Aqua Communications Manager

O: 610.645.1175

Source: Aqua Pennsylvania


What is the purpose of Aqua Pennsylvania's new PFAS treatment system in Montgomery County?

The new PFAS treatment system at Aqua Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Woods well station in Montgomery County is designed to remove 'forever chemicals' from drinking water, serving about 1,100 people in Upper Providence Township and meeting both state and federal PFAS drinking water standards.

How much did Aqua Pennsylvania invest in the PFAS treatment system at Perkiomen Woods?

Aqua Pennsylvania invested nearly $1.3 million in the PFAS treatment system installation project at the Perkiomen Woods well station in Montgomery County.

When did the new PFAS treatment system at Aqua Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Woods facility become operational?

The new PFAS treatment system at Aqua Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Woods facility in Montgomery County became fully operational on July 30.

How many PFAS treatment facilities has Aqua Pennsylvania completed since 2018?

Aqua Pennsylvania has completed and placed into operation four PFAS treatment facilities since 2018, all of which meet the new PFAS national drinking water standard.

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