Wolters Kluwer recognized as one of America’s Best Employers for Women by Forbes

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Wolters Kluwer has been recognized by Forbes as one of America's Best Employers for Women 2024. This accolade, based on a survey of over 150,000 women across various industries, highlights the company's commitment to gender diversity and inclusive workplace practices. Wolters Kluwer ranks #3 in the Professional Services sector and #114 overall among the top 600 companies identified.

Key achievements include:

  • 50% of Executive and Supervisory Boards consist of women
  • 32% of executives and 41% of all managers are women
  • Previously named one of the most trustworthy companies by Newsweek
  • Ranked #1 in the Netherlands for gender diversity by Equileap

The survey assessed companies on workplace conditions, diversity, pay equity, and support for family and parental leave.

Wolters Kluwer è stata riconosciuta da Forbes come uno dei migliori datori di lavoro per donne in America nel 2024. Questo riconoscimento, basato su un sondaggio che ha coinvolto oltre 150.000 donne in vari settori, evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda per la diversità di genere e pratiche lavorative inclusive. Wolters Kluwer si posiziona al #3 nel settore dei servizi professionali e #114 in generale tra le 600 aziende identificate.

Le principali realizzazioni includono:

  • Il 50% dei Consigli Esecutivi e di Vigilanza è composto da donne
  • Il 32% degli esecutivi e il 41% di tutti i manager sono donne
  • Precedentemente nominata una delle aziende più affidabili da Newsweek
  • Classificata al #1 nei Paesi Bassi per la diversità di genere da Equileap

Il sondaggio ha valutato le aziende in base a condizioni lavorative, diversità, equità retributiva e supporto per permessi familiari e parentali.

Wolters Kluwer ha sido reconocida por Forbes como una de las mejores empresas para mujeres en América 2024. Este reconocimiento, basado en una encuesta a más de 150,000 mujeres de diversas industrias, resalta el compromiso de la empresa con la diversidad de género y prácticas laborales inclusivas. Wolters Kluwer ocupa el #3 en el sector de Servicios Profesionales y el #114 en general entre las 600 principales empresas identificadas.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • El 50% de los Consejos Ejecutivos y de Supervisión están compuestos por mujeres
  • El 32% de los ejecutivos y el 41% de todos los gerentes son mujeres
  • Anteriormente nombrada una de las empresas más fiables por Newsweek
  • Clasificada #1 en los Países Bajos por diversidad de género por Equileap

La encuesta evaluó a las empresas en base a condiciones laborales, diversidad, equidad salarial y apoyo para permisos familiares y parentales.

Wolters Kluwer포브스에 의해 2024년 미국 최고의 여성 고용주 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. 이 상은 다양한 산업에서 150,000명 이상의 여성들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 바탕으로 하며, 회사의 성별 다양성 및 포괄적인 직장 관행에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. Wolters Kluwer는 전문 서비스 부문에서 #3위를 차지하며, 전체적으로는 #114위에 랭크되었습니다.

주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 경영진 및 감독 이사회의 50%가 여성으로 구성되어 있습니다.
  • 임원 중 32%, 모든 관리자 중 41%가 여성입니다.
  • Newsweek에 의해 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 기업 중 하나로 선정되었습니다.
  • Equileap에 의해 성별 다양성 부문에서 네덜란드 #1로 평가받았습니다.

이 설문조사는 근무 조건, 다양성, 임금 형평성 및 가족 및 육아 휴직에 대한 지원을 기준으로 기업을 평가했습니다.

Wolters Kluwer a été reconnue par Forbes comme l'un des meilleurs employeurs pour les femmes aux États-Unis en 2024. Cette distinction, basée sur une enquête menée auprès de plus de 150 000 femmes dans divers secteurs, met en évidence l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la diversité de genre et des pratiques de travail inclusives. Wolters Kluwer se classe #3 dans le secteur des services professionnels et #114 au total parmi les 600 entreprises identifiées.

Les réalisations clés incluent :

  • 50 % des conseils exécutifs et de surveillance sont composés de femmes
  • 32 % des dirigeants et 41 % de tous les managers sont des femmes
  • Précedemment nommée parmi les entreprises les plus fiables par Newsweek
  • Classée #1 aux Pays-Bas pour la diversité de genre par Equileap

L'enquête a évalué les entreprises sur les conditions de travail, la diversité, l'équité salariale et le soutien aux congés familiaux et parentaux.

Wolters Kluwer wurde von Forbes als eines der besten Unternehmen für Frauen in Amerika 2024 anerkannt. Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf einer Umfrage unter mehr als 150.000 Frauen aus verschiedenen Branchen und hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für geschlechtliche Diversität und inklusive Arbeitspraktiken hervor. Wolters Kluwer belegt den #3 Platz im Bereich der professionellen Dienstleistungen und den #114 Platz insgesamt unter den 600 identifizierten Unternehmen.

Wichtige Erfolge umfassen:

  • 50% der Führungs- und Aufsichtsräte bestehen aus Frauen
  • 32% der Führungskräfte und 41% aller Manager sind Frauen
  • Zuvor von Newsweek als eines der vertrauenswürdigsten Unternehmen ausgezeichnet
  • Von Equileap als #1 in den Niederlanden für Geschlechtervielfalt bewertet

Die Umfrage bewertete die Unternehmen nach Arbeitsbedingungen, Vielfalt, Lohngleichheit und Unterstützung für Familien- und Elternzeit.

  • None.
  • None.


Wolters Kluwer recognized as one of America’s Best Employers for Women by Forbes

Recognition highlights the company’s commitment to gender diversity and inclusive workplace practices

New York – July 25, 2024 – Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in professional information, software solutions, and services, has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Employers for Women 2024. This prestigious and independently judged award, based on an exhaustive survey involving more than 150,000 women across various industries, underscores Wolters Kluwer’s exceptional employer qualities and its commitment to creating a supportive and equitable workplace for women.

Previously, Newsweek named Wolters Kluwer one of the most trustworthy companies in the world. The company also ranked #1 in the Netherlands for gender diversity in Equileap’s Gender Equality Global Report and was featured in Forbes’ America’s Best Large Employers list.

“We are very proud to be recognized as one of America’s Best Employers for Women. This achievement reflects our unwavering dedication to cultivating an inclusive environment where diversity is at the forefront of our success,” said Nancy McKinstry, CEO and Chair of the Executive Board at Wolters Kluwer. “With 50% of our Executive and Supervisory Boards consisting of women, and women making up 32% of our executives and 41% of all managers, we are committed to fostering gender diversity at every level of our organization.”

Wolters Kluwer ranks #3 in the Professional Services sector and #114 overall among the top 600 companies identified by Forbes and Statista as America’s Best Employers for Women.

The America’s Best Employers for Women 2024 list was compiled based on over 4 million evaluations from more than 150,000 women. The survey assessed companies on workplace conditions, diversity, pay equity, and support for family and parental leave. It also considered the percentage of women in executive and board positions.

For more information about Wolters Kluwer, please visit:


About Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) is a global leader in information, software solutions and services for professionals in healthcare; tax and accounting; financial and corporate compliance; legal and regulatory; corporate performance and ESG. We help our customers make critical decisions every day by providing expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with technology and services.

Wolters Kluwer reported 2023 annual revenues of €5.6 billion. The group serves customers in over 180 countries, maintains operations in over 40 countries, and employs approximately 21,400 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands. 

For more information, visit, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Media Contact
David R Guarino
Vice President, Global Communications
Wolters Kluwer 
Office/Mobile: +1 646 954 8215



What recognition did Wolters Kluwer (WTKWY) receive from Forbes in 2024?

Wolters Kluwer was recognized as one of America's Best Employers for Women by Forbes in 2024.

How did Wolters Kluwer (WTKWY) rank in the Professional Services sector on Forbes' list?

Wolters Kluwer ranked #3 in the Professional Services sector on Forbes' America's Best Employers for Women 2024 list.

What percentage of Wolters Kluwer's (WTKWY) Executive and Supervisory Boards are women?

50% of Wolters Kluwer's Executive and Supervisory Boards consist of women.

How many women were surveyed for Forbes' America's Best Employers for Women 2024 list?

Over 150,000 women across various industries were surveyed for Forbes' America's Best Employers for Women 2024 list.

What percentage of executives at Wolters Kluwer (WTKWY) are women?

32% of executives at Wolters Kluwer are women.



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Specialty Business Services
United States of America
Alphen aan den Rijn