WisdomTree Launches New Platform - WisdomTree Connect™

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WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) has launched WisdomTree Connect™, a new platform enabling access to tokenized real world assets (RWA) for a broader range of users. This platform marks the first time WisdomTree digital funds will be directly available to clients with their own wallet infrastructure, including businesses and institutional users. Key features:

1. Utilizes proprietary tokenization platform and technology infrastructure
2. Solves integration issues between traditional and decentralized finance
3. Allows on-chain access to yield-generating products like WisdomTree Government Money Market Digital Fund (WTGXX)
4. Supports purchases via US dollars or USDC stablecoin
5. Initially available via web portal and API, with future plans for decentralized application (dApp) interaction

WisdomTree Connect aims to bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized finance, offering a secure gateway for firms seeking blockchain-integrated recordkeeping and 24/7/365 peer-to-peer transfers of digital funds.

WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) ha lanciato WisdomTree Connect™, una nuova piattaforma che consente l'accesso ad asset reali tokenizzati (RWA) per un numero più ampio di utenti. Questa piattaforma segna la prima volta che i fondi digitali WisdomTree saranno direttamente disponibili per i clienti con la propria infrastruttura di portafoglio, comprese aziende e utenti istituzionali. Caratteristiche principali:

1. Utilizza una piattaforma di tokenizzazione proprietaria e un'infrastruttura tecnologica
2. Risolve problemi di integrazione tra finanza tradizionale e decentralizzata
3. Consente l'accesso on-chain a prodotti che generano rendimento come il Fondo Monetario Digitale del Governo WisdomTree (WTGXX)
4. Supporta acquisti tramite dollari statunitensi o stablecoin USDC
5. Inizialmente disponibile tramite portale web e API, con piani futuri per l'interazione tramite applicazioni decentralizzate (dApp)

WisdomTree Connect mira a colmare il divario tra la finanza tradizionale e quella decentralizzata, offrendo un gateway sicuro per le aziende che cercano una registrazione integrata nella blockchain e trasferimenti peer-to-peer di fondi digitali 24/7/365.

WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) ha lanzado WisdomTree Connect™, una nueva plataforma que permite el acceso a activos reales tokenizados (RWA) para un rango más amplio de usuarios. Esta plataforma marca la primera vez que los fondos digitales de WisdomTree estarán directamente disponibles para clientes con su propia infraestructura de billetera, incluyendo empresas y usuarios institucionales. Características clave:

1. Utiliza una plataforma de tokenización propia y una infraestructura tecnológica
2. Resuelve problemas de integración entre finanzas tradicionales y descentralizadas
3. Permite el acceso en cadena a productos generadores de rendimiento como el Fondo de Mercado Monetario Digital del Gobierno WisdomTree (WTGXX)
4. Soporta compras a través de dólares estadounidenses o la stablecoin USDC
5. Inicialmente disponible a través de un portal web y API, con planes futuros para interacción con aplicaciones descentralizadas (dApp)

WisdomTree Connect tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha entre la finanza tradicional y la descentralizada, ofreciendo un puente seguro para las empresas que buscan llevar la contabilidad a la blockchain y realizar transferencias de fondos digitales de igual a igual 24/7/365.

WisdomTree (NYSE: WT)는 WisdomTree Connect™를 출시하여 더 광범위한 사용자들이 토큰화된 실제 자산(RWA)에 접근할 수 있는 새로운 플랫폼을 선보였습니다. 이 플랫폼은 WisdomTree 디지털 펀드가 자체 지갑 인프라를 가진 고객에게 직접 제공되는 첫 번째 사례입니다. 주요 특징:

1. 독점적인 토큰화 플랫폼 및 기술 인프라 활용
2. 전통 금융과 분산 금융 간 통합 문제 해결
3. WisdomTree 정부 머니 마켓 디지털 펀드 (WTGXX)와 같은 수익성 있는 제품에 대한 온체인 접근 제공
4. 미국 달러 또는 USDC 스테이블코인으로 구매 지원
5. 초기에는 웹 포털과 API를 통해 제공되며, 향후 분산 애플리케이션(dApp) 상호작용 계획

WisdomTree Connect는 전통 금융과 분산 금융 간의 격차를 해소하는 것을 목표로 하며, 블록체인 통합 기록 관리를 원하는 기업과 24/7/365 디지털 자금의 P2P 전송을 위한 안전한 게이트웨이를 제공합니다.

WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) a lancé WisdomTree Connect™, une nouvelle plateforme permettant l'accès à des actifs du monde réel tokenisés (RWA) pour un plus large éventail d'utilisateurs. Cette plateforme marque la première fois que les fonds numériques WisdomTree seront directement disponibles pour des clients ayant leur propre infrastructure de portefeuille, y compris des entreprises et des utilisateurs institutionnels. Caractéristiques clés :

1. Utilise une plateforme de tokenisation propriétaire et une infrastructure technologique
2. Résout les problèmes d'intégration entre la finance traditionnelle et décentralisée
3. Permet l'accès on-chain à des produits générant des revenus comme le Fonds Monétaire Numérique du Gouvernement WisdomTree (WTGXX)
4. Supporte les achats via des dollars américains ou des stablecoins USDC
5. Initialement disponible via un portail web et API, avec des plans futurs pour une interaction avec des applications décentralisées (dApp)

WisdomTree Connect vise à combler le fossé entre la finance traditionnelle et décentralisée, en offrant une passerelle sécurisée pour les entreprises cherchant un enregistrement intégré à la blockchain et des transferts de fonds numériques entre pairs disponibles 24h/24, 7j/7, 365j/an.

WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) hat WisdomTree Connect™ gestartet, eine neue Plattform, die den Zugriff auf tokenisierte reale Vermögenswerte (RWA) für eine breitere Nutzergruppe ermöglicht. Diese Plattform stellt das erste Mal dar, dass WisdomTree digitale Fonds direkt für Kunden verfügbar sind, die über ihre eigene Wallet-Infrastruktur verfügen, einschließlich Unternehmen und institutionellen Nutzern. Wichtige Funktionen:

1. Nutzung einer proprietären Tokenisierungsplattform und Technologieinfrastruktur
2. Lösung von Integrationsproblemen zwischen traditioneller und dezentraler Finanzwirtschaft
3. Ermöglicht On-Chain-Zugriff auf renditeträchtige Produkte wie WisdomTree Government Money Market Digital Fund (WTGXX)
4. Unterstützt Käufe über US-Dollar oder USDC-Stablecoin
5. Zunächst über ein Internetportal und API verfügbar, mit zukünftigen Plänen für die Interaktion mit dezentralen Anwendungen (dApp)

WisdomTree Connect hat das Ziel, die Lücke zwischen traditioneller und dezentraler Finanzwirtschaft zu schließen und ein sicheres Tor für Unternehmen anzubieten, die eine blockchainintegrierte Buchführung und 24/7/365 Peer-to-Peer-Übertragungen von digitalen Fonds suchen.

  • Launch of WisdomTree Connect platform expands digital assets opportunity
  • Enables access to tokenized real world assets (RWA) for a broader range of users
  • Allows on-chain access to yield-generating products like WTGXX
  • Supports purchases via US dollars or USDC stablecoin, bridging traditional and decentralized finance
  • Offers 24/7/365 peer-to-peer transfers of digital funds for onboarded and eligible users
  • None.

WisdomTree's launch of WisdomTree Connect™ represents a significant leap in bridging traditional finance with blockchain technology. This platform's ability to facilitate tokenized real-world assets (RWA) access could be a game-changer for institutional investors and businesses seeking seamless integration between conventional and decentralized finance.

The platform's innovative approach to treasury and cash management solutions is particularly noteworthy. By allowing firms to access yield-generating products like WTGXX on-chain, it eliminates the cumbersome process of converting between cryptocurrencies and fiat for fund purchases. This efficiency could attract more institutional players to the digital asset space.

However, the success of this platform will largely depend on regulatory compliance and market adoption. While it's a promising step towards financial innovation, investors should closely monitor its uptake and any potential regulatory challenges that may arise in this rapidly evolving sector.

WisdomTree Connect™ marks a significant milestone in the tokenization of traditional financial assets. By leveraging Ethereum's blockchain for initial token minting, WisdomTree is tapping into a well-established and widely adopted network. This choice could facilitate faster integration with existing decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems.

The platform's flexibility to add more blockchains in the future is a smart move, potentially allowing for cross-chain interoperability. This could enhance liquidity and accessibility of tokenized assets across various blockchain networks.

The use of DTCC's Token Factory for smart contract creation adds a layer of credibility and standardization to the tokenization process. However, it's important to monitor the scalability and transaction costs on Ethereum, especially during periods of network congestion, as this could impact the efficiency of token transfers and overall user experience.

WisdomTree Connect™ opens up new avenues for portfolio diversification and risk management. The ability to access tokenized real-world assets (RWA) could provide investors with enhanced liquidity and potentially lower transaction costs compared to traditional investment vehicles.

The platform's support for USDC stablecoin conversions is a strategic move, offering a bridge between crypto and fiat currencies. This feature could attract both crypto-native institutions and traditional firms looking to dip their toes into digital assets.

However, investors should be cautious. While tokenized assets like WTGXX offer 24/7/365 transferability, which is attractive, the underlying assets (in this case, a money market fund) still operate within traditional market hours. This mismatch could potentially lead to pricing discrepancies or liquidity issues during off-hours. It's important for users to understand these nuances and potential risks before fully embracing this new investment paradigm.

Expands digital assets opportunity

Enables access to tokenized real world assets (RWA) to broader range of users

Utilizes proprietary tokenization platform and technology infrastructure

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- WisdomTree, Inc. (NYSE: WT), a global financial innovator, today announced the launch of WisdomTree Connect™, a new platform unlocking tokenized real world assets (RWA) access to a broader range of users. The vision for WisdomTree Connect is to enable customers over time to interact with any WisdomTree-issued token, in any wallet, across supported blockchains.

WisdomTree Connect marks the first time WisdomTree digital funds will be available directly to clients with their own wallet infrastructure, including businesses and other institutional users. Features of this platform will enable WisdomTree to, over time, offer access to digital funds to other customer-facing platforms and apps (B2B2C distribution) and retail users with self-hosted wallets.

Supported by the same proprietary tokenization platform and technology infrastructure as the direct-to-retail app, WisdomTree Prime®, WisdomTree Connect is its direct-to-business counterpart and together the two platforms offer complementary digital assets solutions across the entire customer spectrum.

The platform solves a key problem for firms seeking integration between traditional and decentralized finance. For example, a crypto-native institution looking to purchase a traditional money market fund for a treasury or cash management solution would typically have to sell its stablecoins, send fiat currency to its bank, and then separately purchase a money market fund. WisdomTree Connect solves for this and allows firms to access yield-generating products, such as the WisdomTree Government Money Market Digital Fund (WTGXX), on chain with blockchain-integrated recordkeeping through an easy-to-use gateway focused on security.

“We’re thrilled to announce the launch of WisdomTree Connect. With increasing interest in tokenized real world assets, WisdomTree Connect opens up additional business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) opportunities for WisdomTree to provide access to digital funds to on-chain firms without leaving the ecosystem,” said Will Peck, Head of Digital Assets at WisdomTree.

Users will receive a digital record of the WisdomTree digital funds into their own wallets, which can be self-hosted wallets or held with a third-party custodial wallet service. Digital funds purchased via WisdomTree Connect will be able to be transferred on-chain on a peer-to-peer basis to other onboarded and eligible users 24/7/365.

WisdomTree Connect will initially be available via web portal and API. In the future, WisdomTree is exploring other novel methods of interaction via decentralized application (dApp).

Once onboarded, institutional users will be able to purchase or redeem via US dollars, which can also be facilitated via USDC, a stablecoin that is redeemable 1:1 for US dollars. A separate stablecoin conversion service is made available by WisdomTree Digital Movement, Inc., in which stablecoins (i.e., USDC) are converted into fiat currency (i.e., US dollars) to facilitate a purchase of WTGXX’s shares via WisdomTree Transfers, Inc., WTGXX’s transfer agent, and vice versa on redemption. The inclusion of features that provide fiat-to-crypto on and off ramps further bridges the gap between traditional and decentralized finance.

Tokens will be initially minted on Ethereum with additional blockchains anticipated to be added over time. With respect to WTGXX, WisdomTree Transfers, Inc. maintains the official record of share ownership via a blockchain-integrated system with respect to each token on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts associated with WisdomTree’s tokenized real world assets were created leveraging Token Factory, part of a suite of digital infrastructure capabilities DTCC Digital Assets offers. For more information about WisdomTree Connect, please visit:

The initial tokenized real world asset available via the WisdomTree Connect platform will be WTGXX. More information about WTGXX can be found here. The Ethereum token address for WTGXX is 0x1feCF3d9d4Fee7f2c02917A66028a48C6706c179.

About WisdomTree

WisdomTree is a global financial innovator, offering a well-diversified suite of exchange-traded products (ETPs), models, solutions and products leveraging blockchain technology. We empower investors and consumers to shape their future and support financial professionals to better serve their clients and grow their businesses. WisdomTree is leveraging the latest financial infrastructure to create products that provide access, transparency and an enhanced user experience. Building on our heritage of innovation, we are also developing and have launched next-generation digital products, services and structures, including digital or blockchain-enabled mutual funds and tokenized assets, as well as our blockchain-native digital wallet, WisdomTree Prime® and institutional platform, WisdomTree Connect™.*

*The WisdomTree Prime digital wallet and digital asset services and WisdomTree Connect institutional platform are made available through WisdomTree Digital Movement, Inc., a federally registered money services business, state-licensed money transmitter and financial technology company (NMLS ID: 2372500) or WisdomTree Digital Trust Company, LLC, in select U.S. jurisdictions and may be limited where prohibited by law. WisdomTree Digital Trust Company, LLC is chartered as a limited purpose trust company by the New York State Department of Financial Services to engage in virtual currency business. Visit or the WisdomTree Prime mobile app for more information.

WisdomTree currently has approximately $110.6 billion in assets under management globally.

For more information about WisdomTree, WisdomTree Connect and WisdomTree Prime, visit:

Please visit us on X, formerly known as Twitter, at @WisdomTreeNews.

WisdomTree® is the marketing name for WisdomTree, Inc. and its subsidiaries worldwide.



The products and services available through the WisdomTree Prime app and WisdomTree Connect are not endorsed, indemnified or guaranteed by any regulatory agency.

Important Digital Fund Information

You could lose money by investing in the WisdomTree Government Money Market Fund (WTGXX). Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in the Fund is not a bank account and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund’s adviser is not required to reimburse the Fund for losses, and you should not expect that the adviser will provide financial support to the Fund at any time, including during periods of market stress.

Carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Digital Funds before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other important information, please visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

There are risks associated with investing, including possible loss of principal. The Digital Funds have limited performance history. Blockchain technology is a relatively new and untested technology, with little regulation. Blockchain systems could be vulnerable to fraud, particularly if a significant minority of participants colluded to defraud the rest. Potential risks also include vulnerability to theft, or inaccessibility, and future regulatory developments could affect its viability.

Cybersecurity attacks affecting a Digital Fund’s third-party service providers, the application used to transact in Digital Fund shares, blockchain network, or the issuers of securities in which the Digital Fund invests may subject the Digital Fund to many of the same risks associated with direct cybersecurity breaches.

WisdomTree Digital Funds are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC (FFS). Foreside Fund Services, LLC, (FFS) is not affiliated with WisdomTree, Inc. and its subsidiaries, nor any entity mentioned in the press release. FFS does not provide digital wallet or digital asset services.

Category: Business Update

Media Relations

WisdomTree, Inc.

Sarah Richter


Investor Relations

WisdomTree, Inc.

Jeremy Campbell


Source: WisdomTree, Inc.


What is WisdomTree Connect and when was it launched?

WisdomTree Connect is a new platform launched by WisdomTree (NYSE: WT) that enables access to tokenized real world assets (RWA) for a broader range of users, including businesses and institutional users with their own wallet infrastructure.

What is the first tokenized real world asset available on WisdomTree Connect?

The initial tokenized real world asset available via the WisdomTree Connect platform is the WisdomTree Government Money Market Digital Fund (WTGXX).

How can users purchase digital funds on WisdomTree Connect?

Users can purchase digital funds on WisdomTree Connect using US dollars or USDC stablecoin. A separate stablecoin conversion service is available to facilitate transactions.

What blockchain is WisdomTree Connect initially using for its tokens?

Tokens on WisdomTree Connect are initially minted on the Ethereum blockchain, with plans to add additional blockchains over time.

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