Regional Consumers’ Spending and Saving Habits Remain Flexible in Challenging Economy, WSFS Bank’s Annual Money Trends Survey Finds

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WSFS Bank's Annual Money Trends Survey reveals that 38% of regional residents are spending more money now compared to last year, while only 28% are saving more. The rise in costs and inflation remains the top driver of increased spending (69%) among those who reported higher expenditures. Despite economic challenges, many consumers have adapted their spending and saving techniques.

Key findings include:

  • 65% are spending more on groceries, 55% on utilities, and 53% on transportation
  • 33% are cutting non-essential spending
  • 44% are using debit cards more often
  • 46% report saving less overall compared to last year
  • 42% of those saving more are doing so to ensure future financial stability

The survey, conducted by Opinium, polled 1,000 respondents aged 18-55 in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region from August 23-September 5, 2024.

Il sondaggio annuale sulle tendenze di spesa della WSFS Bank rivela che il 38% dei residenti della regione sta spendendo più soldi rispetto all'anno scorso, mentre solo il 28% sta risparmiando di più. L'aumento dei costi e l'inflazione rimangono i principali fattori dell'aumento della spesa (69%) tra coloro che hanno segnalato spese più elevate. Nonostante le sfide economiche, molti consumatori hanno adattato le loro tecniche di spesa e risparmio.

Tra i risultati principali ci sono:

  • Il 65% spende di più per i generi alimentari, il 55% per le utenze e il 53% per i trasporti
  • Il 33% sta riducendo la spesa non essenziale
  • Il 44% sta usando più spesso le carte di debito
  • Il 46% riporta di risparmiare meno complessivamente rispetto all'anno scorso
  • Il 42% di chi risparmia di più lo fa per garantire la stabilità finanziaria futura

Il sondaggio, condotto da Opinium, ha intervistato 1.000 rispondenti di età comprese tra 18 e 55 anni nella regione di Greater Philadelphia e Delaware dal 23 agosto al 5 settembre 2024.

La encuesta anual sobre tendencias de gasto de WSFS Bank revela que el 38% de los residentes de la región están gastando más dinero ahora en comparación con el año pasado, mientras que solo el 28% está ahorrando más. El aumento en los costos y la inflación sigue siendo el principal motor del aumento de gastos (69%) entre quienes reportaron mayores desembolsos. A pesar de los desafíos económicos, muchos consumidores han adaptado sus técnicas de gasto y ahorro.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 65% está gastando más en alimentos, el 55% en servicios públicos y el 53% en transporte
  • El 33% está reduciendo gastos no esenciales
  • El 44% utiliza más a menudo tarjetas de débito
  • El 46% informa que ahorra menos en general en comparación con el año pasado
  • El 42% de quienes ahorran más lo hacen para asegurar la estabilidad financiera futura

La encuesta, realizada por Opinium, encuestó a 1,000 participantes de entre 18 y 55 años en la región de Greater Philadelphia y Delaware desde el 23 de agosto hasta el 5 de septiembre de 2024.

WSFS 은행의 연간 소비 동향 조사에 따르면, 지역 주민의 38%가 지난해보다 더 많은 돈을 쓰고 있으며, 28%만이 더 많이 저축하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 비용 증가와 인플레이션이 더 높은 지출을 보고한 사람들 중 69%의 주요 원인으로 남아 있습니다. 경제적 어려움에도 불구하고 많은 소비자들이 지출 및 저축 방식을 조정했습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 65%가 식료품에, 55%가 공공요금에, 53%가 교통에 더 많은 돈을 쓰고 있습니다.
  • 33%는 비필수 지출을 줄이고 있습니다.
  • 44%는 더 자주 직불카드를 사용하고 있습니다.
  • 46%는 지난해에 비해 전체적으로 저축이 줄었다고 보고했습니다.
  • 42%의 저축층은 미래의 재정적 안정성을 확보하기 위해 저축하고 있습니다.

이 조사는 Opinium에 의해 실시되었으며, 2024년 8월 23일부터 9월 5일까지 Greater Philadelphia와 Delaware 지역에서 18세에서 55세 사이의 1,000명을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행했습니다.

L'enquête annuelle sur les tendances monétaires de la WSFS Bank révèle que 38 % des habitants de la région dépensent plus d'argent que l'année dernière, tandis que seulement 28 % épargnent davantage. L'augmentation des coûts et de l'inflation reste le principal moteur de l'augmentation des dépenses (69 %) parmi ceux qui ont signalé des dépenses plus élevées. Malgré les défis économiques, de nombreux consommateurs ont adapté leurs techniques de dépenses et d'épargne.

Les principales conclusions comprennent :

  • 65 % dépensent plus pour l'épicerie, 55 % pour les services publics, et 53 % pour les transports
  • 33 % réduisent les dépenses non essentielles
  • 44 % utilisent plus souvent des cartes de débit
  • 46 % déclarent épargner moins en général par rapport à l'année dernière
  • 42 % de ceux qui épargnent plus le font pour assurer une stabilité financière future

L'enquête, réalisée par Opinium, a interrogé 1 000 répondants âgés de 18 à 55 ans dans la région de Greater Philadelphia et du Delaware du 23 août au 5 septembre 2024.

Die jährliche Umfrage zu Geldtrends der WSFS Bank zeigt, dass 38% der Regionalbewohner jetzt mehr Geld ausgeben als im vergangenen Jahr, während nur 28% mehr sparen. Der Anstieg der Kosten und die Inflation bleiben die Hauptursache für die gestiegenen Ausgaben (69%) bei denjenigen, die höhere Ausgaben gemeldet haben. Trotz wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen haben viele Verbraucher ihre Ausgaben- und Spartechniken angepasst.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind:

  • 65% geben mehr für Lebensmittel aus, 55% für Versorgungsunternehmen und 53% für den Transport
  • 33% reduzieren nicht notwendige Ausgaben
  • 44% nutzen häufiger Debitkarten
  • 46% berichten, dass sie im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr insgesamt weniger sparen
  • 42% derjenigen, die mehr sparen, tun dies, um künftige finanzielle Stabilität zu gewährleisten

Die Umfrage, die von Opinium durchgeführt wurde, befragte 1.000 Teilnehmer im Alter von 18 bis 55 Jahren in der Region Greater Philadelphia und Delaware vom 23. August bis zum 5. September 2024.

  • None.
  • None.

While inflation and rising interest rates have begun to subside, many regional consumers are still feeling the crunch

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Thirty-eight percent of regional residents are spending more money now compared to last year, while only 28% are saving more, according to a Money Trends survey from WSFS Bank, the primary subsidiary of WSFS Financial Corporation (Nasdaq: WSFS).

Economic pressures remained, with the rise in costs and inflation noted as the top driver of increased spending (69%) among those who said their spending has increased. While the economy remained challenging, many consumers were able to adapt their spending and saving techniques to put themselves on more solid financial footing.

The annual survey, which polled 1,000 respondents in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region, gauged spending and saving trends and the impact of the current economy among adults ages 18-55.

Inflation Cools, But Economic Headwinds Remain

Rising costs and inflation remained the top driver of increased spending by far in 2024 (69%), followed by having to pay off an emergency expense (29%) or debt (28%).

Despite the fairly even split among those who have increased and decreased their spending habits, consumers largely agreed on the increased cost of living, with more than half spending more on essentials like groceries (65%), utilities (55%), and transportation (53%). A larger number say they’re spending more on groceries this year in comparison to 2023 (65% vs. 60%, respectively), as well as housing (50% vs. 43%) and utilities (55% vs. 50%).

“Many consumers are still feeling the pricing pressures in the current economy, with one-third (33%) saying they’re cutting non-essential spending,” said Shari Kruzinski, Executive Vice President, Chief Consumer Banking Officer, WSFS Bank. “While inflation has cooled during 2024 and interest rates are starting to decrease, it is important for consumers to remain disciplined and budget-focused. Look for opportunities to save on expenses through shopping at discount retailers, buying in bulk or waiting for items to go on sale, and remember to reevaluate your budget regularly.”

While one-third indicated they are cutting back on non-essentials in this year’s survey, respondents in 2024 are slightly less likely to report scaling back in comparison to the 2023 survey (33% vs. 37%, respectively). However, they are more likely to be using their savings (19% in 2024 vs. 13% in 2023) for everyday expenses.

Adapting Spending Habits

When asked to assess how their spending has changed in comparison to last year, two in five (38%) indicated they’re spending more, and a nearly equal amount (37%) said they’re spending less.

While rising costs for essentials have continued to weigh on consumers’ wallets, they’ve adjusted to cut discretionary spending as a result, with respondents most likely to be spending less on eating out at restaurants (40%), entertainment (35%), travel and vacations (34%), online shopping and technology (both 31%).

Consumers have also adapted their preferred payment methods, with 44% using their debit card more often, 36% using cash, 35% using their credit card, and 35% using buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) platforms more often.

More than one-third (35%) of participants who use multiple BNPL services agree that they have lost track of what they owe. Additionally, 35% report they have struggled to pay back what they owe to BNPL services, and nearly half (45%) agree that they, or someone they know, has unknowingly built-up debt as a result of using multiple BNPL services.

“Regional consumers have continued to show resilience and adaptability in the face of a challenging economy,” said Shelly Kavanagh, Senior Vice President, Director of Retail Delivery at WSFS Bank. “Keeping your spending habits nimble is key. Many consumers are better able to stay on budget by using their debit card or cash in place of a credit card. Leveraging your online and mobile banking can be a convenient way to manage expenses in real-time. While there is no one-size-fits-all payment solution, it is vital to carefully manage your various accounts and debt to avoid falling into a financial hole.”

Opportunities Still Exist to Save

Nearly half (46%) report that they are saving less overall compared to last year, which is slightly down from 2023 (50%), while 28% are saving more this year, up from 2023 (21%).

Of those who said they are saving more, the leading reason is to ensure future financial stability (42%) – up from 36% in 2023 – followed by having specific savings goals (41%) and being more prepared for financial emergencies or unexpected expenses (40%).

A quarter of respondents were unaware of high-yield money market accounts (24%), while 49% were aware of these accounts but had never used one. Nearly one-fifth (18%) said they were unaware of Certificates of Deposit or CDs, while 47% said they had heard of CDs but never used one.

“Goal-setting is an important part of your financial journey and can help keep your budget and savings on track,” said Kruzinski. “The economic headwinds of the past few years have certainly made it more expensive to borrow and difficult to save, but an opportunity still exists for savers to set goals and take advantage of the still-elevated interest rates through CDs and money market accounts, which tend to offer higher rates than a standard savings account. Scheduling an appointment with your local banker can be a great way to gain a better understanding of the products available to help in your financial journey, define your goals and build a roadmap to achieve them.”

Survey Methodology

The survey was conducted by research company Opinium. The sample includes 1,000 respondents in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region who reside in five southeastern Pennsylvania counties (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia), four southern New Jersey counties (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden and Gloucester), and all three Delaware counties (Kent, Sussex and New Castle). All respondents were ages 18-55. The online survey was conducted from August 23-September 5, 2024, with a margin of error of +/- 3 percent.

About WSFS Financial Corporation

WSFS Financial Corporation is a multibillion-dollar financial services company. Its primary subsidiary, WSFS Bank, is the oldest and largest locally headquartered bank and trust company in the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region. As of June 30, 2024, WSFS Financial Corporation had $20.7 billion in assets on its balance sheet and $84.9 billion in assets under management and administration. WSFS operates from 114 offices, 88 of which are banking offices, located in Pennsylvania (57), Delaware (39), New Jersey (14), Florida (2), Nevada (1) and Virginia (1) and provides comprehensive financial services including commercial banking, consumer banking, treasury management and trust and wealth management. Other subsidiaries or divisions include Arrow Land Transfer, Bryn Mawr Capital Management, LLC, Bryn Mawr Trust®, The Bryn Mawr Trust Company of Delaware, Cash Connect®, NewLane Finance®, Powdermill® Financial Solutions, WSFS Institutional Services®, WSFS Mortgage®, and WSFS Wealth® Investments. Serving the Greater Delaware Valley since 1832, WSFS Bank is one of the ten oldest banks in the United States continuously operating under the same name. For more information, please visit


Kyle Babcock

(215) 864-1795

Source: WSFS Financial Corporation


What percentage of regional residents are spending more money according to WSFS Bank's 2024 Money Trends Survey?

According to WSFS Bank's 2024 Money Trends Survey, 38% of regional residents are spending more money now compared to last year.

What is the primary reason for increased spending in the WSFS Bank survey?

The primary reason for increased spending, according to the WSFS Bank survey, is the rise in costs and inflation, cited by 69% of respondents who reported higher expenditures.

How has consumer spending on groceries changed in 2024 compared to 2023, according to the WSFS survey?

The WSFS survey shows that 65% of consumers are spending more on groceries in 2024, compared to 60% in 2023, indicating an increase in grocery spending.

What percentage of respondents are saving less overall compared to last year in the WSFS Bank survey?

According to the WSFS Bank survey, 46% of respondents report that they are saving less overall compared to last year.

What is the main reason for increased saving among those who are saving more, as per the WSFS Bank survey?

The main reason for increased saving, among those who are saving more, is to ensure future financial stability, cited by 42% of respondents in the WSFS Bank survey.

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