WesBanco, Inc. Named to Newsweek's America's Greatest Workplaces for Parents & Families 2024
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC) has been recognized as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Parents and Families 2024 by Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group. The company received a five-star rating, one of only seven banks to achieve this highest performance mark. WesBanco fosters a supportive workplace culture through various initiatives, including:
- Family-friendly policies prioritizing work-life balance
- Health and wellness programs
- Employee educational assistance
- Diverse and inclusive workplace culture
In WesBanco's 2023 employee engagement survey, about 90% of respondents recommended it as a great place to work. This recognition comes amid rising rates of households with two working parents and increasing working-parent burnout. WesBanco's commitment to creating a supportive environment for parents and families aligns with the growing demand for employers who offer flexibility and work-life balance.
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC) è stata riconosciuta come uno dei migliori luoghi di lavoro per genitori e famiglie in America nel 2024 da Newsweek e dal Plant-A Insights Group. L'azienda ha ricevuto un rating a cinque stelle, uno dei soli sette istituti bancari a raggiungere questo massimo riconoscimento. WesBanco promuove una cultura lavorativa di supporto attraverso diverse iniziative, tra cui:
- Politiche a favore della famiglia che danno priorità all'equilibrio tra lavoro e vita privata
- Programmi di salute e benessere
- Assistenza educativa per i dipendenti
- Cultura lavorativa diversificata e inclusiva
Nell'indagine di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti condotta da WesBanco nel 2023, circa il 90% dei rispondenti l'ha raccomandata come un ottimo posto di lavoro. Questo riconoscimento arriva in un momento in cui aumentano le famiglie con due genitori lavoratori e il burnout dei genitori lavoratori è in crescita. L'impegno di WesBanco a creare un ambiente di supporto per genitori e famiglie è conforme alla crescente domanda di datori di lavoro che offrono flessibilità e equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e vita privata.
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC) ha sido reconocida como uno de los mejores lugares de trabajo para padres y familias en América 2024 por Newsweek y Plant-A Insights Group. La empresa recibió una calificación de cinco estrellas, siendo uno de solo siete bancos en alcanzar esta máxima distinción. WesBanco fomenta una cultura laboral de apoyo a través de diversas iniciativas, que incluyen:
- Políticas amigables con la familia que priorizan el equilibrio entre trabajo y vida personal
- Programas de salud y bienestar
- Asistencia educativa para empleados
- Cultura laboral diversa e inclusiva
En la encuesta de compromiso de empleados de WesBanco de 2023, aproximadamente el 90% de los encuestados la recomendaron como un gran lugar para trabajar. Este reconocimiento llega en medio de un aumento en las tasas de hogares con dos padres trabajadores y el creciente agotamiento de los padres trabajadores. El compromiso de WesBanco de crear un entorno de apoyo para padres y familias está alineado con la creciente demanda de empleadores que ofrecen flexibilidad y equilibrio entre trabajo y vida personal.
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC)는 Newsweek와 Plant-A Insights Group에 의해 2024년 미국의 부모 및 가족을 위한 최고의 직장 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 5성 평가를 받았으며, 이는 단 7개의 은행만이 이 최고 성과 기준을 달성한 것입니다. WesBanco는 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 지원적인 직장 문화를 조성하고 있습니다. 그 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 업무와 개인 생활의 균형을 우선시하는 가족 친화적인 정책
- 건강 및 웰빙 프로그램
- 직원 교육 지원
- 다양하고 포용적인 근무 문화
WesBanco의 2023년 직원 참여 설문조사에서 약 90%의 응답자가 이곳을 일하기 좋은 곳으로 추천했습니다. 이 인식은 두 명의 직장인이 있는 가구의 증가와 직장인 부모의 번아웃 증가와 함께 이루어졌습니다. WesBanco는 부모와 가족을 위한 지원적인 환경을 조성하겠다는 의지를 가지고 있으며, 이는 유연성과 업무-생활 균형을 제공하는 고용주에 대한 증가하는 수요와 일치합니다.
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC) a été reconnue comme l'un des meilleurs lieux de travail pour les parents et les familles en Amérique en 2024 par Newsweek et le Plant-A Insights Group. L'entreprise a reçu une évaluation cinq étoiles, étant l'une des sept banques seulement à atteindre cette marque de performance maximale. WesBanco favorise une culture de travail de soutien à travers diverses initiatives, incluant :
- Des politiques favorables aux familles qui prioritent l'équilibre travail-vie personnelle
- Des programmes de santé et de bien-être
- Une assistance éducative pour les employés
- Une culture de travail diversifiée et inclusive
Dans l'enquête de satisfaction des employés de WesBanco en 2023, environ 90 % des répondants l'ont recommandé comme un excellent lieu de travail. Cette reconnaissance arrive dans un contexte d'augmentation des ménages avec deux parents travaillant et d'un stress croissant chez les parents employés. L'engagement de WesBanco à créer un environnement de soutien pour les parents et les familles s'aligne avec la demande croissante d'employeurs offrant flexibilité et équilibre travail-vie personnelle.
WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC) wurde von Newsweek und der Plant-A Insights Group als einer von Amerikas größten Arbeitsplätzen für Eltern und Familien 2024 ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen erhielt eine Fünf-Sterne-Bewertung, als eines von nur sieben Banken, die diese höchste Leistungsbewertung erreicht haben. WesBanco fördert eine unterstützende Arbeitskultur durch verschiedeneInitiativen, darunter:
- Familienfreundliche Richtlinien, die das Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben priorisieren
- Gesundheits- und Wellnessprogramme
- Bildungshilfen für Mitarbeiter
- Diverse und inklusive Arbeitsplatzkultur
In der Mitarbeiterumfrage von WesBanco im Jahr 2023 empfahlen etwa 90 % der Befragten den Arbeitsplatz als großartig. Diese Anerkennung erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Haushalte mit zwei berufstätigen Eltern und steigendem Stress bei berufstätigen Eltern. WesBanco's Engagement für die Schaffung eines unterstützenden Umfelds für Eltern und Familien entspricht der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Arbeitgebern, die Flexibilität und eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance bieten.
- None.
- None.
The award recognizes WesBanco's commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture for parents
WHEELING, W.Va., Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WesBanco, Inc. (Nasdaq: WSBC), a diversified, multi-state bank holding company, announced today that Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group have recognized it as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Parents and Families 2024. WesBanco received a five-star rating, one of just seven banks to receive Newsweek's highest performance mark.
"WesBanco is honored to be named one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Parents and Families by Newsweek," said Kim Griffith, Senior Executive Vice President and Group Head, Human Resources, WesBanco. "By fostering a supportive and family-friendly workplace, we enhance the well-being of our team members and contribute to our broader vision of making every community we serve a better place for people and businesses to thrive. When our employees and their families thrive, so do our organization and communities."
Just a thousand U.S. companies are included in the second annual ranking, based on data from working parents who provided nearly 700,000 company reviews. Newsweek and its research partners identified and documented key indicators related to how much parents feel supported in the workplace. They analyzed the number of corporate programs benefiting families, such as the availability of childcare, and information from social media, including company ratings and reviews from parents.
WesBanco fosters a strong sense of employee purpose and engagement through its Mission, Vision and Pledge and supports working parents and their families in a variety of ways, including:
- A diverse and inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and empowered to succeed.
- Family-friendly policies that prioritize work-life balance, offering flexible work arrangements, parental leave and support programs designed to meet the diverse needs of our employees and their families.
- A health and wellness initiative to encourage and incent wellness habits for employees and their families.
- An employee educational assistance program for continuing education and development opportunities
In the company's 2023 employee engagement survey, most respondents expressed high satisfaction with WesBanco. Approximately 90 percent said they had recommended WesBanco as a great place to work to people outside the organization. This high level of satisfaction is a testament to WesBanco's commitment to workplace culture.
WesBanco's ranking by Newsweek as a great workplace for parents and families comes amidst rising rates of households with two working parents and working-parent burnout. Newsweek's coverage of its rankings cited figures from the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics released in April showing that in 2023, 67 percent of all married-couple families with children had both parents employed. That total was up from the previous year when 65 percent of families had both parents working. And according to a May 2022 study from The Ohio State University, 66 percent of working parents reported feeling burned out.
"As more parents juggle raising a family with their work obligations, they want employers who offer flexibility and are supportive of work-life balance. Newsweek and market-data research firm Plant-A Insights are proud to introduce "America's Greatest Workplaces for Parents & Families 2024," highlighting companies that are lauded by their employees as great places to work," said Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief, Newsweek.
About WesBanco, Inc.
With over 150 years as a community-focused, regional financial services partner, WesBanco Inc. (NASDAQ: WSBC) and its subsidiaries build lasting prosperity through relationships and solutions that empower our customers for success in their financial journeys. Customers across our eight-state footprint choose WesBanco for the comprehensive range and personalized delivery of our retail and commercial banking solutions, as well as trust, brokerage, wealth management and insurance services, all designed to advance their financial goals. Through the strength of our teams, we leverage large bank capabilities and local focus to help make every community we serve a better place for people and businesses to thrive. Headquartered in
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SOURCE WesBanco, Inc.