WesBanco Bank Earns 2024 Designation of Savings Excellence Award from America Saves
WesBanco Bank has earned the America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence (DOSE) award for the ninth consecutive year, recognizing its exceptional efforts during America Saves Week. WesBanco is one of only nine banks out of 4,600 participating organizations to receive this honor. The bank's initiatives included:
1. Enrolling over 1,800 individuals in its Savers program across five states
2. Launching a partnership with Veteran Saves
3. Hosting financial literacy outreach programs
4. Implementing the Split-to-Save program for employees
During America Saves Week, participating institutions encouraged nearly $354 million in deposits and opened 231,000 new accounts. This award highlights WesBanco's commitment to financial literacy and customer empowerment.
WesBanco Bank ha ricevuto il premio America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence (DOSE) per il nono anno consecutivo, riconoscendo i suoi sforzi eccezionali durante la Settimana del Risparmio in America. WesBanco è una delle sole nove banche su 4.600 organizzazioni partecipanti a ricevere questo onore. Le iniziative della banca includevano:
1. L'iscrizione di oltre 1.800 individui al suo programma Savers in cinque stati
2. Il lancio di una partnership con Veteran Saves
3. L'organizzazione di programmi di sensibilizzazione sulla alfabetizzazione finanziaria
4. L'implementazione del programma Split-to-Save per i dipendenti
Durante la Settimana del Risparmio in America, le istituzioni partecipanti hanno incentivato depositi per quasi 354 milioni di dollari e hanno aperto 231.000 nuovi conti. Questo premio sottolinea l'impegno di WesBanco per l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria e l'empowerment dei clienti.
WesBanco Bank ha recibido el premio Designación de Excelencia en Ahorros de America Saves (DOSE) por noveno año consecutivo, reconociendo sus esfuerzos excepcionales durante la Semana de Ahorro en América. WesBanco es uno de solo nueve bancos de 4.600 organizaciones participantes en recibir este honor. Las iniciativas del banco incluyeron:
1. Inscribir a más de 1.800 personas en su programa Savers en cinco estados
2. Lanzar una asociación con Veteran Saves
3. Organizar programas de divulgación de educación financiera
4. Implementar el programa Split-to-Save para empleados
Durante la Semana de Ahorro en América, las instituciones participantes alentaron depósitos por casi 354 millones de dólares y abrieron 231,000 nuevas cuentas. Este premio destaca el compromiso de WesBanco con la alfabetización financiera y el empoderamiento del cliente.
WesBanco 은행은 아메리카 세이브 디자인상의 저축 우수성(DOSE) 상을 아홉 번째 연속으로 수상하며 아메리카 세이브 주간 동안의 뛰어난 노력을 인정받았습니다. WesBanco는 4,600개의 참가 조직 중에서 유일하게 아홉 개의 은행 중 하나입니다. 은행의 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:
1. 다섯 개 주에서 1,800명 이상의 개인을 Savers 프로그램에 등록
2. Veteran Saves와 파트너십 시작
3. 금융 교육 홍보 프로그램 개최
4. 직원들을 위한 Split-to-Save 프로그램 구현
아메리카 세이브 주간 동안, 참여 기관은 약 3억 5,400만 달러의 예금을 유도하고 231,000개의 새로운 계좌를 개설했습니다. 이 상은 WesBanco의 금융 교육 및 고객 권한 강화에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.
WesBanco Bank a reçu pour la neuvième année consécutive le prix America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence (DOSE), reconnaissant ses efforts exceptionnels durant la Semaine du Savings America. WesBanco est l'une des neuf seules banques parmi 4 600 organisations participantes à recevoir cet honneur. Les initiatives de la banque comprenaient :
1. L'inscription de plus de 1 800 personnes dans son programme Savers dans cinq États
2. Le lancement d'un partenariat avec Veteran Saves
3. L'organisation de programmes de sensibilisation à la culture financière
4. La mise en œuvre du programme Split-to-Save pour les employés
Durant la Semaine du Saving America, les institutions participantes ont encouragé près de 354 millions de dollars de dépôts et ouvert 231 000 nouveaux comptes. Ce prix souligne l'engagement de WesBanco en faveur de l'éducation financière et de l'autonomisation des clients.
WesBanco Bank hat zum neunten Mal in Folge die America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence (DOSE) Auszeichnung erhalten, die seine außergewöhnlichen Bemühungen während der America Saves Week anerkennt. WesBanco ist eine von nur neun Banken unter 4.600 teilnehmenden Organisationen, die diese Ehrung erhalten haben. Die Initiativen der Bank umfassten:
1. Einschreibung von über 1.800 Personen in ihr Savers-Programm in fünf Bundesstaaten
2. Start einer Partnerschaft mit Veteran Saves
3. Durchführung von Programmen zur finanziellen Bildung
4. Implementierung des Split-to-Save-Programms für Mitarbeiter
Während der America Saves Week haben teilnehmende Institutionen Einlagen von fast 354 Millionen Dollar angeregt und 231.000 neue Konten eröffnet. Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht das Engagement von WesBanco für finanzielle Bildung und die Ermächtigung der Kunden.
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Award recognizes exceptional efforts to promote savings during America Saves Week
"WesBanco's recognition with the 2024 America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence is a testament to our commitment to financial literacy and the economic well-being of our customers and communities," said Jennifer Mott, EVP Retail Banking, WesBanco. "We are incredibly proud of the collaborative efforts of our teams and partners, whose dedication to promoting savings and financial education is making a significant difference in the lives of our customers. This award highlights the real-life impact of our mission to empower our customers for success in their financial journeys."
During this year's America Saves Week, the participating financial institutions collectively encouraged nearly
As part of its America Saves Week activities, WesBanco enrolled more than 1,800 individuals across five states in its Savers program, which provides subscribers with financial literacy information from national experts. WesBanco also launched a new partnership with Veteran Saves, a component of America Saves that seeks to support and encourage the veteran community to save money, reduce debt and build wealth.
Other WesBanco initiatives included financial literacy outreach programs hosted in collaboration with community organizations and the Split-to-Save program, which encourages employees to direct a portion of their regular pay to a savings goal. In addition, WesBanco actively encourages savings year-round with products designed to promote personal savings and through the efforts of its employees who dedicate thousands of hours per year to savings education programs such as Teach Children to Save and Get Smart about Credit.
"Congratulations to the financial institutions awarded the 2024 Designation of Saving Excellence for their achievements during America Saves Week 2024. Their commitment to empowering customers and members to save money not only strengthens individual financial security but also contributes significantly to our nation's economic stability," commented Carolyn Pemberton, America Saves Program Manager. "Their leadership sets a commendable example for the financial industry, demonstrating how proactive investments in savings can foster a resilient and prosperous future for all."
The DOSE award is the latest in a series of accolades for WesBanco for soundness and profitability, customer service, employer of choice and community development, including its eighth consecutive "Outstanding" FDIC Community Reinvestment Act rating, Newsweek's America's Greatest Workplaces, Newsweek's Best Regional Banks and Forbes' America's Best Banks.
About WesBanco, Inc.
Founded in 1870, Wesbanco, Inc. is a diversified and balanced financial services company that delivers large bank capabilities with a community bank feel. Our distinct long-term growth strategies are built upon unique sustainable advantages permitting us to span six states with meaningful market share. The company's banking subsidiary, Wesbanco Bank, Inc., operates more than 190 financial centers in the states of
About America Saves
America Saves is a campaign coordinated by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and is dedicated to empowering all, particularly those who are financially vulnerable, to build financial confidence through effective saving, debt reduction, and wealth building strategies. Learn more at americasaves.org and americasavesweek.org.
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SOURCE WesBanco, Inc.