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Helmerich & Payne (NYSE: HP) has announced the appointment of J. Kevin Vann as Chief Financial Officer Designate, effective August 5, 2024. Vann will succeed Mark W. Smith as CFO upon Smith's retirement on August 15, 2024. Vann brings extensive public company financial and accounting experience in the oil and gas industry, having previously served as CFO at WPX Energy from 2014 to 2021. His background in M&A is expected to be valuable as H&P looks to close its planned acquisition of KCA Deutag.
John Lindsay, President and CEO of H&P, expressed confidence that Vann's leadership will maintain and strengthen the company's financial policies, strategy, and performance. H&P, founded in 1920, is committed to delivering industry-leading drilling productivity and reliability, operating with integrity, safety, and innovation.
Devon Energy and WPX Energy have successfully completed their all-stock merger, creating a leading energy producer focused on the Delaware Basin. The merger enhances operational scale and accelerates Devon's cash-return model, emphasizing free cash flow and shareholder returns. WPX shareholders received 0.5165 shares of Devon common stock for each WPX share. The new board comprises 12 members, led by David A. Hager. Devon aims to leverage its superior asset base and operational capabilities for long-term financial success.