WOW!'s Dedicated Inclusion and Belonging Team Wins Spot on the OnCon Icon Awards 2024 Top 50 List
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone's Inclusion and Belonging team has been named to the OnCon Icon Awards 2024 Top 50 DEI Team list. The recognition comes through a peer and community-voted awards program that acknowledges leading business teams globally.
The selection process involved organizational observation, public voting, and evaluation of teams demonstrating success and positive organizational impact. WOW!'s team was recognized for their work in maintaining company values of respect, integrity, service, and accountability. Their initiatives include establishing employee-led affinity groups and implementing diverse recruitment practices.
According to Leslie Peabody, SVP and chief people officer, the team has been instrumental in fostering workplace inclusivity and driving innovation through diverse perspectives, making them one of the top vote recipients in the awards program.
Il team di Inclusione e Appartenenza di WOW! Internet, TV & Phone è stato inserito nella lista dei Top 50 DEI Team dei OnCon Icon Awards 2024. Questo riconoscimento è stato ottenuto attraverso un programma di premi votati da pari e dalla comunità, che riconosce i team aziendali di spicco a livello globale.
Il processo di selezione ha coinvolto osservazione organizzativa, votazione pubblica e valutazione dei team che dimostrano successo e un impatto positivo sull'organizzazione. Il team di WOW! è stato riconosciuto per il suo impegno nel mantenere i valori aziendali di rispetto, integrità, servizio e responsabilità. Le loro iniziative includono la creazione di gruppi di affinità guidati dai dipendenti e l'implementazione di pratiche di reclutamento diversificate.
Secondo Leslie Peabody, SVP e chief people officer, il team è stato fondamentale nella promozione dell'inclusività sul posto di lavoro e nel favorire l'innovazione attraverso prospettive diverse, rendendoli uno dei principali riceventi di voti nel programma di premi.
El equipo de Inclusión y Pertenencia de WOW! Internet, TV & Phone ha sido incluido en la lista de los Top 50 DEI Team de los OnCon Icon Awards 2024. Este reconocimiento proviene de un programa de premios votado por pares y la comunidad, que reconoce a los equipos empresariales líderes a nivel mundial.
El proceso de selección involucró la observación organizativa, votación pública y evaluación de equipos que demuestran éxito y un impacto organizacional positivo. El equipo de WOW! fue reconocido por su trabajo en la preservación de los valores de la empresa: respeto, integridad, servicio y responsabilidad. Sus iniciativas incluyen el establecimiento de grupos de afinidad dirigidos por empleados y la implementación de prácticas de reclutamiento diversas.
Según Leslie Peabody, SVP y directora de personal, el equipo ha sido fundamental para fomentar la inclusión en el lugar de trabajo y promover la innovación a través de diversas perspectivas, convirtiéndose en uno de los principales receptores de votos en el programa de premios.
WOW! 인터넷, TV & 전화의 포용성과 소속감 팀이 2024 OnCon Icon Awards Top 50 DEI Team 목록에 선정되었습니다. 이 인식은 동료 및 커뮤니티 투표 프로그램을 통해 이루어졌으며, 이는 전 세계의 선도적인 비즈니스 팀을 인정합니다.
선정 과정에는 조직 관찰, 공개 투표 및 성공과 긍정적인 조직적 영향을 보여주는 팀 평가가 포함되었습니다. WOW!의 팀은 존중, 무결성, 서비스 및 책임이라는 회사의 가치를 유지하기 위한 노력으로 인정받았습니다. 그들의 이니셔티브에는 직원 주도의 친목 모임을 설립하고 다양한 채용 관행을 시행하는 것이 포함됩니다.
Leslie Peabody 이사에 따르면, 팀은 직장 내 포용성을 촉진하고 다양한 관점을 통해 혁신을 추진하는 데 중요한 역할을 했으며, 이는 그들이 프로그램에서 가장 많은 투표를 받은 팀 중 하나가 되게 했습니다.
Le groupe Inclusion et Appartenance de WOW! Internet, TV & Phone a été nommé dans la liste des Top 50 DEI Team des OnCon Icon Awards 2024. Cette reconnaissance provient d'un programme de récompenses voté par des pairs et la communauté, qui reconnaît les équipes d'affaires leaders au niveau mondial.
Le processus de sélection a impliqué l'observation organisationnelle, le vote public et l'évaluation des équipes démontrant succès et impact organisationnel positif. L'équipe de WOW! a été reconnue pour son travail visant à maintenir les valeurs de l'entreprise : respect, intégrité, service et responsabilité. Leurs initiatives comprennent la création de groupes d'affinité dirigés par des employés et la mise en œuvre de pratiques de recrutement diversifiées.
Selon Leslie Peabody, SVP et responsable des ressources humaines, l'équipe a joué un rôle clé dans la promotion de l'inclusivité sur le lieu de travail et dans la stimulation de l'innovation grâce à des perspectives variées, ce qui en fait l'un des principaux récipiendaires de votes dans le programme de récompenses.
Das Team für Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit von WOW! Internet, TV & Phone wurde in die Liste der Top 50 DEI Teams der OnCon Icon Awards 2024 aufgenommen. Diese Anerkennung erfolgt durch ein Programm, das von Kollegen und der Gemeinschaft abgestimmt wird und führende Geschäftsteams weltweit würdigt.
Der Auswahlprozess umfasste organisatorische Beobachtung, öffentliche Abstimmung und die Bewertung von Teams, die Erfolg und positive organisatorische Auswirkungen demonstrieren. Das Team von WOW! wurde für seine Arbeit zur Aufrechterhaltung der Unternehmenswerte Respekt, Integrität, Service und Verantwortung anerkannt. Zu ihren Initiativen gehören die Gründung von von Mitarbeitern geleiteten Interessengruppen und die Implementierung diverser Rekrutierungspraktiken.
Laut Leslie Peabody, SVP und Chief People Officer, war das Team entscheidend für die Förderung von Inklusivität am Arbeitsplatz und die Förderung von Innovation durch vielfältige Perspektiven, wodurch sie zu den meistgewählten Empfängern im Preisauszeichnungsprogramm gehören.
- None.
- None.
Winners are determined by organizational and community observation of work, as well as a public voting process. The OnCon team determines the finalists based on applications, nominations, and their own research. Once the finalists are chosen, the award winners are decided by public votes, with voters selecting teams they felt demonstrated a balance of success and positive organizational impact. This includes acknowledging teams that have made notable contributions through thought leadership and innovative projects, reflecting their influence within their organizations.
WOW!'s Inclusion and Belonging team consistently reflects these criteria, working diligently to ensure the company's culture and values of respect, integrity, spirit of service and accountability remain vibrant and unite all employees across its markets. The team is dedicated to building a workplace where all team members are valued for their strengths and contributions, as well as creating policies and practices to empower and inspire employees, including employee-led affinity groups to foster connection and collaboration. The team's efforts have also ensured talent acquisition personnel are trained to engage and recruit a diverse candidate pool that matches WOW!'s diverse customer base, further supporting the company's commitment to a more inclusive workplace.
"It's an honor to have WOW!'s Inclusion and Belonging team recognized for fostering a workplace where every team member is seen, valued, and celebrated for their unique strengths and contributions," said Leslie Peabody, SVP and chief people officer of WOW!. "The team goes beyond cultivating a culture of belonging; they're instrumental in driving innovation and business success for WOW! through the power of diverse thought. The team is well deserving of these accolades, especially for being one of the top vote recipients."
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About WOW! Internet, TV & Phone
WOW! is one of the nation's leading broadband providers, with an efficient and high-performing network that passes nearly 2 million residential, business and wholesale consumers. WOW! provides services in 19 markets, primarily in the Midwest and Southeast, including
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SOURCE WideOpenWest, Inc.