WOW! Named One of Florida's Best Companies To Work For in 2024
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) has been named one of the Best Companies To Work For In Florida by Workforce Research Group and Florida Trend. This recognition follows WOW!'s selection as a Best and Brightest Company to Work For in the Nation® for the 7th consecutive year. The company has been expanding its presence in Central Florida, bringing its all-IP fiber network to more communities.
WOW! was honored for its focus on employees and creating a work culture that instills pride. The company has been recognized for success in areas such as general employee experience, role satisfaction, communication, workplace culture, diversity and inclusion, leadership, and work-life balance. This award comes as WOW! continues to grow its footprint across Florida, serving customers in various Central Florida communities and creating more opportunities for employee growth and success.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) è stata nominata una delle Migliori Aziende Dove Lavorare In Florida dalla Workforce Research Group e da Florida Trend. Questo riconoscimento arriva dopo la selezione di WOW! come Una delle Migliori e più Luminosi Aziende Dove Lavorare in Nazione® per il settimo anno consecutivo. L'azienda ha ampliato la sua presenza in Florida Centrale, portando la sua rete in fibra all-IP a più comunità.
WOW! è stata onorata per la sua attenzione verso i dipendenti e per aver creato una cultura lavorativa che infonde orgoglio. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta per il successo in aree come esperienza generale dei dipendenti, soddisfazione nel ruolo, comunicazione, cultura lavorativa, diversità e inclusione, leadership e equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e privata. Questo premio viene mentre WOW! continua a espandere la sua presenza in tutta la Florida, servendo clienti in varie comunità della Florida Centrale e creando maggiori opportunità per la crescita e il successo dei dipendenti.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) ha sido nombrada una de las Mejores Empresas Para Trabajar En Florida por el Workforce Research Group y Florida Trend. Este reconocimiento sigue a la selección de WOW! como Una de las Mejores y Más Brillantes Empresas Para Trabajar en la Nación® por séptimo año consecutivo. La compañía ha estado expandiendo su presencia en Florida Central, llevando su red de fibra totalmente IP a más comunidades.
WOW! fue honrada por su enfoque en los empleados y por crear una cultura laboral que infunde orgullo. La empresa ha sido reconocida por su éxito en áreas como experiencia general del empleado, satisfacción en el rol, comunicación, cultura laboral, diversidad e inclusión, liderazgo y equilibrio entre vida y trabajo. Este premio llega mientras WOW! continúa creciendo su huella en Florida, sirviendo a clientes en varias comunidades de Florida Central y creando más oportunidades para el crecimiento y el éxito de los empleados.
WOW! 인터넷, TV 및 전화 (NYSE: WOW)는 Workforce Research Group과 Florida Trend에 의해 플로리다에서 일하기 좋은 최고의 기업 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 WOW!가 미국에서 일하기 좋은 최고의 기업으로 7년 연속 선정된 데 따른 것입니다. 이 회사는 중부 플로리다에서의 입지를 확장하고 있으며, 모든 IP 기반의 광섬유 네트워크를 더 많은 커뮤니티에 제공하고 있습니다.
WOW!는 직원에 대한 관심과 자부심을 심어주는 직장 문화를 조성한 점에서 많은 인정을 받았습니다. 이 회사는 일반적인 직원 경험, 역할 만족도, 커뮤니케이션, 직장 문화, 다양성과 포용, 리더십, 삶과 일의 균형 등 여러 분야에서 성공을 인정받았습니다. 이 수상은 WOW!가 플로리다 전역으로 영향력을 확대하면서 여러 중부 플로리다 커뮤니티의 고객을 서비스하고, 직원의 성장과 성공을 위한 더 많은 기회를 창출하고 있는 가운데 이루어졌습니다.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) a été désignée comme l'un des Meilleurs Employeurs en Floride par le Workforce Research Group et Florida Trend. Cette reconnaissance fait suite à la sélection de WOW! comme Meilleure et Plus Brillante Entreprise où Travailler dans la Nation® pour la 7ème année consécutive. L'entreprise a élargi sa présence en Floride Centrale, apportant son réseau de fibre tout-IP à davantage de communautés.
WOW! a été honorée pour son attention portée aux employés et pour la création d'une culture de travail qui suscite la fierté. L'entreprise a été reconnue pour son succès dans des domaines tels que expérience générale des employés, satisfaction au travail, communication, culture d'entreprise, diversité et inclusion, leadership, et équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée. Ce prix arrive alors que WOW! continue d'étendre son empreinte à travers la Floride, servant des clients dans différentes communautés de Floride Centrale et créant plus d'opportunités pour la croissance et le succès des employés.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) wurde von der Workforce Research Group und Florida Trend als eines der Besten Unternehmen zum Arbeiten In Florida ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung folgt auf die Auswahl von WOW! als Bestes und Brillantestes Unternehmen zum Arbeiten in der Nation® zum 7. Mal in Folge. Das Unternehmen hat seine Präsenz in Zentralflorida ausgebaut und bringt sein volles IP-Glasfasernetzwerk in weitere Gemeinden.
WOW! wurde für seinen Fokus auf die Mitarbeiter und die Schaffung einer Arbeitskultur, die Stolz vermittelt, geehrt. Das Unternehmen wurde für seinen Erfolg in Bereichen wie allgemeine Mitarbeitererfahrung, Rollenzufriedenheit, Kommunikation, Arbeitsplatzkultur, Vielfalt und Inklusion, Führung und Work-Life-Balance anerkannt. Diese Auszeichnung kommt, während WOW! weiterhin seine Präsenz in ganz Florida ausweitet, Kunden in verschiedenen Gemeinden in Zentralflorida bedient und mehr Möglichkeiten für das Wachstum und den Erfolg der Mitarbeiter schafft.
- None.
- None.
Leading broadband provider recognized for outstanding commitment to employees and exceptional workplace environment
The Best Companies To Work For in
"We are extremely proud to receive this award for the second time since extending our presence in
"In today's hyper-competitive labor market, it takes more than good salaries and benefits to attract and keep talent," says Florida Trend Executive Editor Amy Keller. "Looking under the hood, we see that the 'Best Companies To Work For' in
WOW! received this award for demonstrating success in the following areas based on an in-depth questionnaire and comprehensive employee survey: general employee experience, role satisfaction, communication and workplace culture, supervisor relationship, technology, training and development, diversity and inclusion, leadership, benefits and work-life balance.
To learn more about WOW!, please visit
About WOW! Internet, TV & Phone
WOW! is one of the nation's leading broadband providers, with an efficient and high-performing network that passes nearly 2 million residential, business and wholesale consumers. WOW! provides services in 16 markets, primarily in the Midwest and Southeast, including
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SOURCE WideOpenWest, Inc.