Worthington Enterprises Releases 2024 Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report

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Worthington Enterprises (NYSE: WOR) has released its 2024 Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report, highlighting achievements in four key areas: People First, Process and Planet, Sustainable Products, and Responsible Governance. The company aims to balance people, planet, and prosperity for a sustainable future.

Notable milestones include:

  • Establishing corporate sustainability goals aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Outperforming industry average safety rates by 36%
  • Achieving 86% participation in employee engagement surveys
  • Reducing environmental impact by diverting 85% of waste from landfills
  • Decreasing global market-based GHG emissions intensity by 23% compared to 2020
  • Investing in climate resilience, saving $3.9 million over three fiscal years
  • Allocating 89% of total annual spend to U.S. suppliers
  • Contributing $3 million to 73 non-profit organizations
  • Committing $7.5 million to pediatric research at Nationwide Children's Hospital

The report adheres to GRI Standards and incorporates SASB and TCFD elements. Worthington Enterprises received recognition from various organizations for its sustainability efforts in FY24.

Worthington Enterprises (NYSE: WOR) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Cittadinanza Aziendale e Sostenibilità 2024, evidenziando i risultati in quattro aree chiave: Persone al Primo Posto, Processo e Pianeta, Prodotti Sostenibili e Governance Responsabile. L'azienda mira a bilanciare persone, pianeta e prosperità per un futuro sostenibile.

Tra i traguardi significativi ci sono:

  • Stabilire obiettivi di sostenibilità aziendale allineati con gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite
  • Sorpassare del 36% i tassi di sicurezza medi del settore
  • Raggiungere l'86% di partecipazione nei sondaggi di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti
  • Ridurre l'impatto ambientale deviando l'85% dei rifiuti dalle discariche
  • Diminuire l'intensità delle emissioni di gas serra di origine globale basata sul mercato del 23% rispetto al 2020
  • Investire nella resilienza climatica, risparmiando 3,9 milioni di dollari nell'arco di tre anni fiscali
  • Destinare l'89% della spesa annuale totale a fornitori statunitensi
  • Contribuire con 3 milioni di dollari a 73 organizzazioni non profit
  • Impegnarsi a destinare 7,5 milioni di dollari alla ricerca pediatrica presso il Nationwide Children's Hospital

Il rapporto rispetta gli Standard GRI e incorpora elementi SASB e TCFD. Worthington Enterprises ha ricevuto riconoscimenti da diverse organizzazioni per i suoi sforzi in materia di sostenibilità nell'anno fiscale 2024.

Worthington Enterprises (NYSE: WOR) ha publicado su Informe sobre Ciudadanía Corporativa y Sostenibilidad 2024, destacando logros en cuatro áreas clave: Personas Primero, Proceso y Planeta, Productos Sostenibles y Gobernanza Responsable. La empresa busca equilibrar personas, planeta y prosperidad para un futuro sostenible.

Los hitos notables incluyen:

  • Establecimiento de objetivos de sostenibilidad corporativa alineados con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU
  • Superar en un 36% la tasa de seguridad media de la industria
  • Alcanzar un 86% de participación en encuestas de compromiso de empleados
  • Reducir el impacto ambiental desviando el 85% de los desechos de los vertederos
  • Disminuir la intensidad de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del mercado global en un 23% en comparación con 2020
  • Invertir en resiliencia climática, ahorrando 3.9 millones de dólares a lo largo de tres años fiscales
  • Destinar el 89% del gasto anual total a proveedores estadounidenses
  • Contribuir con 3 millones de dólares a 73 organizaciones sin fines de lucro
  • Comprometerse a destinar 7.5 millones de dólares a la investigación pediátrica en el Nationwide Children's Hospital

El informe se adhiere a los estándares GRI e incorpora elementos de SASB y TCFD. Worthington Enterprises recibió reconocimiento de diversas organizaciones por sus esfuerzos en sostenibilidad durante el año fiscal 2024.

워싱턴 엔터프라이즈 (NYSE: WOR)는 2024년 기업 시민권 및 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하였으며, 여기서는 네 가지 핵심 영역에서의 성과를 강조하였습니다: 사람 우선, 과정 및 지구, 지속 가능한 제품, 책임 있는 거버넌스. 이 회사는 지속 가능한 미래를 위해 사람, 지구, 번영의 균형을 맞추는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

주요 이정표는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 유엔 지속 가능 개발 목표에 맞춘 기업 지속 가능성 목표 설정
  • 산업 평균 안전 비율을 36% 초과 달성
  • 직원 참여 조사에 86% 참여율 달성
  • 쓰레기 매립지에서 85%의 폐기물 전환을 통해 환경 영향 감소
  • 2020년 대비 전 세계 시장 기반 온실가스(GHG) 배출 강도 23% 감소
  • 기후 회복력에 투자하여 390만 달러 절감
  • 총 연간 지출의 89%를 미국 공급업체에 할당
  • 73개의 비영리 단체에 300만 달러 기부
  • 네셔널 차일드런스 병원에서 소아 연구에 750만 달러 약속

이 보고서는 GRI 기준을 준수하며 SASB 및 TCFD 요소를 통합했습니다. 워싱턴 엔터프라이즈는 2024 회계연도 동안 지속 가능성 노력에 대해 여러 기관으로부터 인정을 받았습니다.

Worthington Enterprises (NYSE: WOR) a publié son Rapport sur la Citoyenneté d'Entreprise et la Durabilité 2024, mettant en lumière des réalisations dans quatre domaines clés : Personnes d'abord, Processus et Planète, Produits Durables et Governance Responsable. L'entreprise vise à équilibrer les personnes, la planète et la prospérité pour un avenir durable.

Les jalons notables incluent :

  • Établissement d'objectifs de durabilité d'entreprise alignés sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable de l'ONU
  • Dépassement de 36 % des taux de sécurité moyens du secteur
  • Participation de 86 % aux enquêtes d'engagement des employés
  • Réduction de l'impact environnemental en détournant 85 % des déchets des décharges
  • Réduction de 23 % de l'intensité des émissions de GES basées sur le marché par rapport à 2020
  • Investissement dans la résilience climatique, économisant 3,9 millions de dollars sur trois ans fiscaux
  • Attribution de 89 % des dépenses annuelles totales à des fournisseurs américains
  • Contributions de 3 millions de dollars à 73 organisations à but non lucratif
  • Engagement de 7,5 millions de dollars pour la recherche pédiatrique à l'hôpital pour enfants Nationwide

Le rapport respecte les Normes GRI et intègre des éléments SASB et TCFD. Worthington Enterprises a été reconnue par diverses organisations pour ses efforts de durabilité au cours de l'exercice 2024.

Worthington Enterprises (NYSE: WOR) hat seinen Bericht zur Unternehmensbürgerhaft und Nachhaltigkeit 2024 veröffentlicht, der Erfolge in vier Schlüsselbereichen hervorhebt: Menschen zuerst, Prozesse und Planet, nachhaltige Produkte und verantwortungsvolle Governance. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Menschen, Planeten und Wohlstand für eine nachhaltige Zukunft in Einklang zu bringen.

Bemerkenswerte Meilensteine sind:

  • Festlegung von Unternehmensnachhaltigkeitszielen, die mit den UN-Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung übereinstimmen
  • Übertreffen der durchschnittlichen Sicherheitsraten der Branche um 36%
  • Erreichen einer Beteiligung von 86% bei den Umfragen zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
  • Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung durch Umleitung von 85% der Abfälle von Deponien
  • Verringerung der marktbezogenen Treibhausgasemissionen um 23% im Vergleich zu 2020
  • Investition in Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen, Einsparung von 3,9 Millionen Dollar über drei Geschäftsjahre
  • Zuweisung von 89% der jährlichen Gesamtausgaben an US-Lieferanten
  • Beitrag von 3 Millionen Dollar an 73 gemeinnützige Organisationen
  • Verpflichtung zu 7,5 Millionen Dollar für die pädiatrische Forschung am Nationwide Children's Hospital

Der Bericht entspricht den GRI-Standards und umfasst Elemente von SASB und TCFD. Worthington Enterprises erhielt im Geschäftsjahr 2024 Anerkennung von verschiedenen Organisationen für seine Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen.

  • None.
  • None.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Worthington Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: WOR), a designer and manufacturer of market-leading brands that help enable people to live safer, healthier and more expressive lives, today published its annual Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report detailing the Company’s commitments, management approach and achievements within four categories: People First, Process and Planet, Sustainable Products and Responsible Governance. Through the lens of sustainability, Worthington Enterprises aspires to achieve a balance of people, planet and prosperity to meet the needs of today without compromising tomorrow.

Andy Rose, president and chief executive officer, Worthington Enterprises, said, “We believe sustainability is an essential element of safety, health and the ability to live life expressively. We have taken significant strides in our first year as Worthington Enterprises to use sustainability as an enabler for success. The data and supporting stories included in this year’s report demonstrate the results of our initial efforts. We are proud of our accomplishments; however, we are not celebrating completion. Opportunities remain, and we are committed to achieving meaningful outcomes in collaboration with our customers, suppliers and communities.”

Some of the Company’s milestones include:

  • Establishing corporate sustainability goals to address priority material topics and align with related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Prioritizing safety as demonstrated by outperforming the industry average safety total case incident rate by 36 percent.
  • Fostering an engaged and inclusive workforce of which 86 percent participated in an annual “Shaping Our Future” employee engagement survey. Additionally, 51 percent of promotions were earned by diverse employees.
  • Reducing environmental footprint by diverting 85 percent of total waste from landfills in FY24 and decreasing global market-based GHG emissions intensity by 23 percent compared to CY20.
  • Building climate resilience by investing in systems that mitigated climate risk and subsequently saved $3.9 million across the last three fiscal years.
  • Working with U.S. suppliers by allocating 89 percent of total annual spend domestically.
  • Investing in innovation through expansion of product development labs and extension of a gas cylinder recycling pilot program.
  • Supporting communities by contributing $3 million to 73 non-profit organizations as well as committing $7.5 million in partnership with the McConnell Foundation to create The Worthington Companies Foundation Pediatric Research Fund at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

Additional information about the Company’s corporate citizenship and sustainability efforts can be viewed here. Click here to download an executive summary PDF or here for the comprehensive report.

Worthington Enterprises developed its Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and incorporated elements of the Appliance Manufacturing Standard, the Building Products and Furnishings Standard and the Containers and Packaging Standard of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Throughout FY24, numerous third-party organizations recognized the corporate citizenship and sustainability efforts of Worthington Enterprises with distinctions such as America’s Climate Leaders (USA Today), Top Workplaces (Energage), America’s Most Responsible Companies (Newsweek), Military Friendly Employer (Viqtory) and Four-Star Employer (VETS Indexes), among others.

About Worthington Enterprises
Worthington Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: WOR) is a designer and manufacturer of market-leading brands that help enable people to live safer, healthier and more expressive lives. The Company operates with two primary business segments: Building Products and Consumer Products. The Building Products segment includes cooking, heating, cooling and water solutions, architectural and acoustical grid ceilings and metal framing and accessories. The Consumer Products segment provides solutions for the tools, outdoor living and celebrations categories. Product brands within the Worthington Enterprises portfolio include Balloon Time®, Bernzomatic®, Coleman® (propane cylinders), CoMet®, Garden-Weasel®, General®, HALO™, Hawkeye™, Level5 Tools®, Mag Torch®, NEXI™, Pactool International®, PowerCore™, Well-X-Trol® and XLite™, among others. The Company also serves the growing global hydrogen ecosystem via a joint venture focused on on-board fueling systems and gas containment solutions.

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Worthington Enterprises and its joint ventures employ approximately 6,000 people throughout North America and Europe.

Founded in 1955 as Worthington Industries, Worthington Enterprises follows a people-first Philosophy with earning money for its shareholders as its first corporate goal. Worthington Enterprises achieves this outcome by empowering its employees to innovate, thrive and grow with leading brands in attractive markets that improve everyday life. The Company engages deeply with local communities where it has operations through volunteer efforts and The Worthington Companies Foundation, participates actively in workforce development programs and reports annually on its corporate citizenship and sustainability efforts. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements by Worthington Enterprises that are not limited to historical information constitute “forward-looking statements” under federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expected by Worthington Enterprises. Readers should evaluate forward-looking statements in the context of such risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are described in Worthington Enterprises’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Forward-looking statements are qualified by the cautionary statements included in Worthington Enterprises’ SEC filings and other public communications. This press release speaks only as of the date hereof. Worthington Enterprises does not undertake any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law or regulation.

Sonya L. Higginbotham
Senior Vice President
Chief of Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainability

Marcus A. Rogier
Treasurer and Investor Relations Officer

200 West Old Wilson Bridge Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43085


What are the key focus areas in Worthington Enterprises' 2024 Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report?

The 2024 report focuses on four key areas: People First, Process and Planet, Sustainable Products, and Responsible Governance. These categories encompass Worthington Enterprises' (WOR) commitments, management approach, and achievements in sustainability.

How much did Worthington Enterprises (WOR) reduce its global market-based GHG emissions intensity in 2024?

According to the report, Worthington Enterprises (WOR) decreased its global market-based GHG emissions intensity by 23% compared to the calendar year 2020.

What percentage of Worthington Enterprises' total waste was diverted from landfills in fiscal year 2024?

Worthington Enterprises (WOR) reported diverting 85% of its total waste from landfills in fiscal year 2024, demonstrating its commitment to reducing environmental impact.

How much did Worthington Enterprises (WOR) contribute to non-profit organizations in 2024?

In 2024, Worthington Enterprises (WOR) contributed $3 million to 73 non-profit organizations, showing its commitment to supporting communities.

What major commitment did Worthington Enterprises make to pediatric research in 2024?

Worthington Enterprises (WOR) committed $7.5 million in partnership with the McConnell Foundation to create The Worthington Companies Foundation Pediatric Research Fund at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

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