WNS Recognized as a Leader in Lending Services Operations by Everest Group

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WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS) has been recognized as a 'Leader' in Everest Group's 2024 Lending Services Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment. The company was acknowledged for its market impact and vision/capability. Everest Group highlighted WNS' comprehensive suite of solutions across the lending value chain, powered by hyperautomation, advanced analytics, and Gen AI, as key contributors to market success.

WNS' solutions include GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) and KnowRa, which leverage Gen AI for data extraction and summarization. The company's deep domain expertise across FinTech, regional banking, and mortgage/lending was noted as a key differentiator. WNS' Mortgage-as-a-Service solutions suite, developed through strategic collaborations with technology partners, leverages advanced hyperautomation and embedded analytics to drive client value.

WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS) è stata riconosciuta come un 'Leader' nella valutazione PEAK Matrix® dei servizi di prestito del 2024 dell'Everest Group. L'azienda è stata apprezzata per il suo impatto sul mercato e per la sua visione/capacità. Everest Group ha evidenziato l'ampia gamma di soluzioni di WNS lungo la catena del valore del prestito, alimentata da iperautomazione, analisi avanzate e intelligenza artificiale generativa, come fattori chiave per il successo nel mercato.

Le soluzioni di WNS includono il GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) e KnowRa, che utilizzano l'intelligenza artificiale generativa per l'estrazione e la sintesi dei dati. L'approfondita esperienza di settore dell'azienda nel FinTech, nella banca regionale e nei prestiti ipotecari è stata evidenziata come un differenziatore chiave. La suite di soluzioni Mortgage-as-a-Service di WNS, sviluppata attraverso collaborazioni strategiche con partner tecnologici, utilizza un'iperautomazione avanzata e analisi integrate per generare valore per i clienti.

WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS) ha sido reconocida como un 'Líder' en la Evaluación PEAK Matrix® 2024 de Servicios de Préstamo del Everest Group. La empresa fue reconocida por su impacto en el mercado y su visión/capacidad. Everest Group destacó la completa gama de soluciones de WNS a lo largo de la cadena de valor de préstamos, impulsada por hiperautomatización, análisis avanzados e inteligencia artificial generativa, como factores clave para el éxito en el mercado.

Las soluciones de WNS incluyen GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) y KnowRa, que aprovechan la inteligencia artificial generativa para la extracción y síntesis de datos. La profunda experiencia en el sector de la empresa en FinTech, banca regional y hipotecas/préstamos se destacó como un diferenciador clave. La suite de soluciones Mortgage-as-a-Service de WNS, desarrollada a través de colaboraciones estratégicas con socios tecnológicos, utiliza hiperautomatización avanzada y análisis integrados para generar valor para los clientes.

WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS)는 Everest Group의 2024 대출 서비스 운영 PEAK Matrix® 평가에서 '리더'로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 시장 영향력비전/능력을 인정받았습니다. Everest Group은 WNS의 종합 솔루션 모음하이퍼자동화, 고급 분석, 생성 AI를 통해 대출 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 성공에 기여했다고 강조했습니다.

WNS의 솔루션에는 GARI (Generative AI Response Interface)KnowRa가 포함되어 있으며, 이들은 생성 AI를 활용하여 데이터 추출 및 요약을 수행합니다. 회사의 전문적인 도메인 전문성은 핀테크, 지역은행, 주택담보대출/대출 분야에서 핵심 차별화 요소로 언급되었습니다. WNS의 모기지-서비스 솔루션 모음은 기술 파트너와의 전략적 협업을 통해 개발되었으며, 고급 하이퍼자동화와 포함된 분석을 활용하여 고객 가치를 주도합니다.

WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS) a été reconnue comme un 'Leader' dans l'évaluation PEAK Matrix® des services de prêt 2024 du Everest Group. L'entreprise a été saluée pour son impact sur le marché et sa vision/capacité. Everest Group a mis en avant la large gamme de solutions de WNS tout au long de la chaîne de valeur des prêts, alimentée par hyperautomatisation, analyses avancées et IA générative, comme des facteurs clés de succès sur le marché.

Les solutions de WNS comprennent le GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) et KnowRa, qui utilisent l'IA générative pour l'extraction et la synthèse de données. L'expertise approfondie de l'entreprise dans le FinTech, la banque régionale et les prêts hypothécaires a été soulignée comme un facteur de différenciation clé. La suite de solutions Mortgage-as-a-Service de WNS, développée grâce à des collaborations stratégiques avec des partenaires technologiques, tire parti de l'hyperautomatisation avancée et des analyses intégrées pour générer de la valeur pour les clients.

WNS (Holdings) (NYSE: WNS) wurde als 'Leader' im PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 der Everest Group für Kreditdienstleistungen anerkannt. Das Unternehmen wurde für seine Markteinwirkung und Vision/Fähigkeit gewürdigt. Everest Group hob die von WNS entlang der Kreditwertschöpfungskette hervor, die durch Hyperautomatisierung, fortschrittliche Analytik und generative KI unterstützt wird, und bezeichnete diese als Schlüsselfaktoren für den Markterfolg.

Die Lösungen von WNS umfassen GARI (Generative AI Response Interface) und KnowRa, die generative KI für die Datenerfassung und -zusammenfassung nutzen. Die tiefe Fachkompetenz des Unternehmens in den Bereichen FinTech, regionale Banken und Hypotheken/Kredite wurde als entscheidender Differenzierungsfaktor hervorgehoben. Die Mortgage-as-a-Service-Lösungsuite von WNS, die durch strategische Partnerschaften mit Technologiepartnern entwickelt wurde, nutzt fortschrittliche Hyperautomatisierung und integrierte Analytik, um Kundennutzen zu schaffen.

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NEW YORK & LONDON & MUMBAI, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS), a digital-led business transformation and services partner, today announced that it has been recognized as a ‘Leader’ in Everest Group’s 2024 Lending Services Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment.

WNS was named a ‘Leader’ for its market impact (including adoption, portfolio mix, and value delivered) and vision/capability (including vision and strategy, scope of services, innovation and investments, and delivery footprint). Everest Group highlighted WNS’ comprehensive suite of solutions across the lending value chain, powered by hyperautomation, advanced analytics, and Gen AI, as a key contributor to market success. These solutions include GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) and KnowRa, which leverage Gen AI for data extraction and summarization to enhance accuracy and customer experience.

Everest Group considered WNS’ deep domain expertise across FinTech, regional banking, and mortgage/lending as key differentiators. Our strong customer centricity, including proactive approach, adaptability, and geographical footprint was also noted. WNS’ strategic collaborations with technology partners have also helped develop its Mortgage-as-a-Service solutions suite, which leverages advanced hyperautomation and embedded analytics to drive client value.

“This recognition from Everest Group is a testament to our ability to deliver strategic value to our clients with a comprehensive suite of solutions powered by hyperautomation, advanced analytics and Gen AI across the lending value chain from originations to servicing to collections. WNS’ digitally-led solutions enable our banking and financial services clients to reduce cost, manage risk, drive efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction in a rapidly changing and highly regulated business environment,” said Keshav R. Murugesh, Group CEO, WNS.

“Service providers in the lending operations market are persistently advancing their innovations to preserve their competitive advantage. WNS has distinguished itself in the market through its domain expertise and a robust suite of proprietary solutions, including GARI and KnowRa,” said Sahil Chaudhary, Practice Director, Everest Group.

WNS offers flexible, customized digital solutions that enable lenders to navigate the complexities of managing fluctuating interest rates, rising costs and evolving regulations with ease and move ahead of the curve. By leveraging our domain, data and analytics proficiency, lenders can enhance cost savings per loan, improve collections and recovery, elevate customer service, accelerate throughput, remain compliant and boost their bottom line.

About WNS

WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS) is a digital-led business transformation and services partner. WNS combines deep domain expertise with talent, technology, and AI to co-create innovative solutions for over 600 clients across various industries. WNS delivers an entire spectrum of solutions including industry-specific offerings, customer experience services, finance and accounting, human resources, procurement, and research and analytics to re-imagine the digital future of businesses. As of September 30, 2024, WNS had 62,951 professionals across 66 delivery centers worldwide including facilities in Canada, China, Costa Rica, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

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This document includes information which may constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the accuracy of which are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions as to future events. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied are discussed in our most recent Form 20-F and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. WNS undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


David Mackey

EVP – Finance & Head of Investor Relations

WNS (Holdings) Limited

+1 (646) 908-2615


Archana Raghuram

EVP & Global Head – Marketing & Communications

WNS (Holdings) Limited

+91 (22) 4095 2397;

Source: WNS (Holdings) Limited


What recognition did WNS receive in the 2024 Lending Services Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment?

WNS was recognized as a 'Leader' in Everest Group's 2024 Lending Services Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment for its market impact and vision/capability.

What technologies power WNS' lending solutions?

WNS' lending solutions are powered by hyperautomation, advanced analytics, and Gen AI technologies.

What are GARI and KnowRa in relation to WNS' services?

GARI (Gen AI Response Interface) and KnowRa are WNS solutions that leverage Gen AI for data extraction and summarization to enhance accuracy and customer experience in lending operations.

How does WNS' Mortgage-as-a-Service solutions suite benefit clients?

WNS' Mortgage-as-a-Service solutions suite leverages advanced hyperautomation and embedded analytics to drive client value in mortgage and lending services.

What are the key areas of domain expertise highlighted for WNS in the assessment?

WNS' deep domain expertise across FinTech, regional banking, and mortgage/lending was noted as a key differentiator in the Everest Group assessment.

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