Walmart Expands Centers of Excellence Associate Health Benefit to Include Virtually All Cancers

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Walmart has expanded its Cancer Centers of Excellence (COE) program, a collaboration with Mayo Clinic, to cover virtually all cancers for eligible associates and dependents. This expansion builds on the company's commitment to employee health and well-being. The program provides access to top cancer specialists at Mayo Clinic at no cost to the associate, including expenses for travel, lodging, and food for the patient and a caregiver.

The process begins with a review of the patient's medical records by Mayo Clinic experts. If they can offer new or different treatment options, they recommend the patient travel to Mayo Clinic for care. This benefit aims to bridge gaps in cancer care and provide Walmart associates with access to specialized medical expertise during a challenging time.

Walmart ha ampliato il suo programma di Centri di Eccellenza per il Cancro (COE), una collaborazione con la Mayo Clinic, per coprire praticamente tutti i tipi di cancro per i dipendenti e i loro familiari idonei. Questa espansione si basa sull'impegno dell'azienda per la salute e il benessere dei propri dipendenti. Il programma offre accesso ai migliori specialisti del cancro presso la Mayo Clinic senza costi per il dipendente, inclusi le spese per viaggi, alloggio e cibo per il paziente e un accompagnatore.

Il processo inizia con una revisione della cartella clinica del paziente da parte degli esperti della Mayo Clinic. Se possono offrire nuove o diverse opzioni di trattamento, consigliano al paziente di recarsi alla Mayo Clinic per ricevere cure. Questo beneficio mira a colmare le lacune nell'assistenza oncologica e fornire ai dipendenti di Walmart accesso a un'abilità medica specializzata durante un periodo difficile.

Walmart ha ampliado su programa de Centros de Excelencia en Cáncer (COE), una colaboración con la Clínica Mayo, para cubrir prácticamente todos los tipos de cáncer para los asociados y sus dependientes elegibles. Esta expansión se basa en el compromiso de la empresa con la salud y el bienestar de los empleados. El programa proporciona acceso a los mejores especialistas en cáncer de la Clínica Mayo sin costo para el asociado, incluidos los gastos de viaje, alojamiento y comida para el paciente y un cuidador.

El proceso comienza con una revisión de los registros médicos del paciente por parte de los expertos de la Clínica Mayo. Si pueden ofrecer nuevas o diferentes opciones de tratamiento, recomiendan al paciente viajar a la Clínica Mayo para recibir atención. Este beneficio busca cerrar las brechas en la atención del cáncer y proporcionar a los asociados de Walmart acceso a experiencia médica especializada durante un momento difícil.

월마트는 메이요 클리닉과의 협력을 통해 변호사와 의존자를 위한 사실상 모든 유형의 암을 포함하도록 암 전문 센터(COE) 프로그램을 확장했습니다. 이 확장은 직원의 건강과 복지에 대한 회사의 헌신을 기반으로 합니다. 이 프로그램은 메이요 클리닉의 최고의 암 전문의에게 무료로 접근할 수 있도록 회원에게 제공되며, 여행, 숙박 및 환자와 간병인을 위한 식사 비용도 포함됩니다.

이 과정은 메이요 클리닉 전문가가 환자의 의료 기록을 검토하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 만약 새로운 치료 옵션을 제공할 수 있다면, 환자가 메이요 클리닉으로 가서 치료를 받도록 권장합니다. 이 혜택은 암 치료의 격차를 해소하고 어려운 시기에 월마트 직원들에게 전문 의료 전문가에 대한 접근을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Walmart a élargi son programme des Centres d'Excellence en Cancérologie (COE), en collaboration avec la Mayo Clinic, pour couvrir pratiquement tous les types de cancer pour les employés et leurs dépendants éligibles. Cette expansion repose sur l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la santé et le bien-être de ses employés. Le programme propose un accès gratuit aux meilleurs spécialistes du cancer de la Mayo Clinic pour l'employé, y compris les frais de voyage, d'hébergement et de nourriture pour le patient et un accompagnateur.

Le processus commence par un examen des dossiers médicaux du patient par des experts de la Mayo Clinic. S'ils peuvent proposer de nouvelles options de traitement ou différentes, ils recommandent au patient de se rendre à la Mayo Clinic pour des soins. Cet avantage vise à combler les lacunes dans les soins du cancer et à offrir aux employés de Walmart un accès à une expertise médicale spécialisée pendant une période difficile.

Walmart hat sein Programm für Krebszentren von Exzellenz (COE), eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Mayo Clinic, ausgeweitet, um praktisch alle Krebsarten für berechtigte Mitarbeiter und deren Angehörige abzudecken. Diese Ausweitung baut auf dem Engagement des Unternehmens für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter auf. Das Programm bietet kostenlosen Zugang zu den besten Krebsspezialisten der Mayo Clinic für den Mitarbeiter, einschließlich der Kosten für Reisen, Unterkunft und Verpflegung für den Patienten und eine Pflegeperson.

Der Prozess beginnt mit einer Überprüfung der medizinischen Unterlagen des Patienten durch Experten der Mayo Clinic. Wenn sie neue oder andere Behandlungsmöglichkeiten anbieten können, empfehlen sie dem Patienten, zur Mayo Clinic zu reisen. Dieser Vorteil zielt darauf ab, Lücken in der Krebsversorgung zu schließen und Walmart-Mitarbeitern Zugang zu spezialisierter medizinischer Expertise in einer schwierigen Zeit zu bieten.

  • Expansion of Cancer COE program to cover virtually all cancers
  • No-cost access to top cancer specialists at Mayo Clinic for eligible associates
  • Coverage includes travel, lodging, and food expenses for patient and caregiver
  • Potential for improved cancer treatment outcomes for Walmart associates
  • None.


Walmart's expansion of its Cancer Centers of Excellence (COE) program is a significant move in corporate healthcare benefits. By covering virtually all cancers and partnering with Mayo Clinic, Walmart is setting a new standard in employee health support. This comprehensive coverage, including travel and treatment costs, addresses both financial and quality-of-care concerns for employees facing cancer diagnoses.

The program's expansion aligns with the projected increase in cancer cases in the U.S., demonstrating Walmart's proactive approach to employee health management. By removing financial barriers to top-tier cancer care, Walmart is likely to see improved health outcomes for affected employees, potentially leading to better retention rates and employee satisfaction.

From a broader perspective, this move could influence other large employers to enhance their healthcare benefits, potentially shifting the landscape of employer-provided health coverage. It also highlights the growing trend of direct partnerships between major employers and healthcare providers, bypassing traditional insurance models to provide more targeted, high-quality care.

Walmart's expansion of its Cancer COE program represents a significant investment in employee benefits, which could have both short-term and long-term financial implications for the company. In the short term, this expansion may increase Walmart's healthcare costs. However, the long-term benefits could outweigh these initial expenses.

By providing comprehensive cancer care, Walmart may see reduced absenteeism and improved productivity among affected employees. This could lead to cost savings in terms of reduced turnover and training expenses. Additionally, such a robust health benefit can serve as a powerful recruitment and retention tool in a competitive labor market, potentially reducing hiring costs and improving workforce stability.

From an investor perspective, this move demonstrates Walmart's commitment to employee welfare, which can enhance its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) profile. Companies with strong ESG credentials often attract more investor interest and can see improved stock performance over time. While the immediate financial impact may be an increase in operating expenses, the long-term benefits to Walmart's brand value and employee relations could positively influence its market position and financial performance.

  • America’s largest private employer expands its Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence (COE) program to include virtually all cancers
  • Walmart’s Cancer COE is a collaboration with Mayo Clinic, which provides associates access to top cancer specialists
  • The Walmart Cancer COE program covers the cost of cancer care and travel when recommended by Mayo Clinic – the associate never receives a bill for care received through the Walmart Cancer COE program

BENTONVILLE, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Walmart is building on its commitment to associates’ health and well-being with the expansion of the Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence (COE). The Walmart Cancer COE is a collaboration with Mayo Clinic that gives associates diagnosed with cancer access to the cancer experts at Mayo Clinic.

Supply chain associate and breast cancer survivor, Tasheka Saunders, is one of the many Walmart associates to receive life-saving care at no cost through the Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence health benefit. (Photo: Business Wire)

Supply chain associate and breast cancer survivor, Tasheka Saunders, is one of the many Walmart associates to receive life-saving care at no cost through the Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence health benefit. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Receiving a cancer diagnosis can lead to one of the most stressful times in a person’s life – physically, emotionally and financially – and access to specialized medical expertise matters most,” said Kim Lupo, Walmart senior vice president, Global Total Rewards. “The Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence program gives our associates access to the top cancer specialists in the country at no cost and helps get them on the path to wellness.”

The American Cancer Society projects the United States to exceed two million new cancer cases for the first time this year.

Providing Access to the Very Best

For over a decade, Walmart’s Cancer COE program has helped bridge gaps and provide Walmart associates access to the cancer experts at Mayo Clinic. Before now, the program centered around some of the most prevalent cancers – breast, lung, colon, prostate, pancreatic and blood cancers. By expanding the Walmart Cancer COE program, associates and dependents on eligible Walmart medical plans can now access the same great benefit for virtually any cancer.

“We are thrilled to expand our longstanding relationship with Walmart, now providing a Centers of Excellence program for their associates that includes virtually all cancer types,” said Lyell K. Jones, Jr., MD, consultant and professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic and Medical Director of Contracting and Payer Relations. “In working directly with employers like Walmart, we can remove barriers to high-quality care and deliver the best possible outcomes to more patients every day.”

How Walmart’s Cancer COE Program Works

Once a Walmart associate or their eligible dependent has been diagnosed with cancer and has a recommended treatment plan from their local provider, they can begin the Walmart Cancer COE process offered through their eligible Walmart medical plan. Mayo Clinic will review the patient’s medical records, including diagnosis and treatment plan. If the cancer experts at Mayo Clinic can offer new or different treatment options than what is available or offered locally, they will recommend the patient travel to Mayo Clinic. The record review, travel and on-site care at Mayo Clinic come at no cost to the associate. Covered travel includes the cost of airline, hotel and food for the patient and one adult caregiver when traveling to a Mayo Clinic. Deductible and coinsurance apply to cancer care received outside of Mayo Clinic.

“Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our associates and their families,” Lupo said. “While we hope they never need to use the Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence benefit, we want them to feel reassured that, if that moment comes, access to top-quality support is available and accessible.”

Hear from Walmart associate and breast cancer survivor, Tasheka Saunders, about how the Walmart Cancer COE saved her life.

For more information about the Walmart Cancer Centers of Excellence program, including eligibility and coverage details, go to

About Walmart

Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) is a people-led, tech-powered omnichannel retailer helping people save money and live better — anytime and anywhere — in stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, approximately 255 million customers and members visit more than 10,500 stores and numerous eCommerce websites in 19 countries. With fiscal year 2024 revenue of $648 billion, Walmart employs approximately 2.1 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy, and employment opportunity. Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting, on Facebook at, on X (formerly known as Twitter) at, and on LinkedIn at

Source: Walmart Inc.


What cancers are covered by Walmart's expanded Cancer Centers of Excellence program?

Walmart's expanded Cancer Centers of Excellence program now covers virtually all cancers for eligible associates and dependents, beyond the previously covered breast, lung, colon, prostate, pancreatic, and blood cancers.

How does Walmart's Cancer COE program work for associates diagnosed with cancer?

After diagnosis and a local treatment plan, Mayo Clinic reviews the patient's records. If they can offer new or different treatment options, they recommend the patient travel to Mayo Clinic. The review, travel, and on-site care at Mayo Clinic are provided at no cost to the associate.

What costs are covered by Walmart (WMT) for associates using the Cancer COE program?

Walmart covers the cost of the medical record review, travel to Mayo Clinic (including airline, hotel, and food for the patient and one adult caregiver), and on-site care at Mayo Clinic. The associate never receives a bill for care received through the Walmart Cancer COE program.

When did Walmart announce the expansion of its Cancer Centers of Excellence program?

Walmart announced the expansion of its Cancer Centers of Excellence program to include virtually all cancers in a press release dated October 2, 2024.

Walmart Inc.


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