Sam's Club Embraces a New Golfing Generation; Introduces Member's Mark Golf Ball to Broaden Sport Performance Accessibility
Sam's Club has launched its private brand Member's Mark golf ball to cater to the growing number of Millennial and Gen Z golfers, who now represent over 25% of U.S. golfers. The initiative aims to make golf more accessible by combining performance with affordability.
The new golf ball features a three-layer construction designed for players of all skill levels, including a core layer for maximizing distance, a mantle layer for accuracy, and a cover layer for short-game performance. The product includes enhanced features such as softer compression, higher ball speed, and a specialized dimple pattern for stable trajectory.
The Member's Mark golf balls are priced at $27.98 for a 24-pack and are part of a comprehensive collection that includes golf gloves and activewear. This launch aligns with Sam's Club's expanding young adult membership base, who prioritize physical health, fitness, family, and friendships more than previous generations.
Sam's Club ha lanciato il suo marchio privato Member's Mark golf ball per soddisfare il crescente numero di golfisti Millennial e Gen Z, che ora rappresentano oltre il 25% dei golfisti negli Stati Uniti. L'iniziativa mira a rendere il golf più accessibile, combinando prestazioni e convenienza.
La nuova pallina da golf presenta una costruzione a tre strati progettata per giocatori di tutti i livelli di abilità, inclusi uno strato centrale per massimizzare la distanza, uno strato intermedio per la precisione e uno strato esterno per le prestazioni nel gioco corto. Il prodotto include caratteristiche avanzate come una compressione più morbida, una maggiore velocità della pallina e un motivo di dimple specializzato per una traiettoria stabile.
Le palline da golf Member's Mark sono vendute a $27.98 per un pacco da 24 e fanno parte di una collezione completa che include guanti da golf e abbigliamento sportivo. Questo lancio si allinea con l'espansione della base di membri giovani di Sam's Club, che danno priorità alla salute fisica, al fitness, alla famiglia e all'amicizia più delle generazioni precedenti.
Sam's Club ha lanzado su marca privada Member's Mark golf ball para atender al creciente número de golfistas Millennial y Gen Z, que ahora representan más del 25% de los golfistas en EE. UU. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo hacer que el golf sea más accesible al combinar rendimiento y asequibilidad.
La nueva pelota de golf cuenta con una construcción de tres capas diseñada para jugadores de todos los niveles de habilidad, incluyendo una capa central para maximizar la distancia, una capa intermedia para la precisión y una capa exterior para el rendimiento en el juego corto. El producto incluye características mejoradas como una compresión más suave, mayor velocidad de la pelota y un patrón de hoyuelos especializado para una trayectoria estable.
Las pelotas de golf Member's Mark tienen un precio de $27.98 por un paquete de 24 y son parte de una colección integral que incluye guantes de golf y ropa deportiva. Este lanzamiento se alinea con la expansión de la base de miembros jóvenes de Sam's Club, quienes priorizan la salud física, el fitness, la familia y la amistad más que las generaciones anteriores.
샘스 클럽은 밀레니얼 및 Z세대 골퍼의 증가하는 수요를 충족하기 위해 Member's Mark 골프공이라는 자사 브랜드를 출시했습니다. 이들은 현재 미국 골퍼의 25% 이상을 차지하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 성능과 가격을 결합하여 골프를 더 접근 가능하게 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
새로운 골프공은 모든 기술 수준의 선수들을 위해 설계된 3층 구조를 가지고 있으며, 거리 극대화를 위한 코어 층, 정확성을 위한 맨틀 층, 짧은 게임 성능을 위한 커버 층으로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 제품은 더 부드러운 압축, 더 높은 공 속도, 안정적인 비행 궤적을 위한 특수한 딤플 패턴과 같은 향상된 기능을 포함하고 있습니다.
Member's Mark 골프공은 24개 팩에 $27.98에 판매되며, 골프 장갑 및 액티브웨어를 포함한 종합 컬렉션의 일환입니다. 이번 출시는 신체 건강, 피트니스, 가족 및 우정을 중시하는 샘스 클럽의 젊은 회원층의 확장과 일치합니다.
Sam's Club a lancé sa marque privée Member's Mark golf ball pour répondre au nombre croissant de golfeurs Millénaire et Gen Z, qui représentent désormais plus de 25 % des golfeurs aux États-Unis. L'initiative vise à rendre le golf plus accessible en alliant performance et prix abordable.
La nouvelle balle de golf présente une construction à trois couches conçue pour les joueurs de tous niveaux, comprenant une couche centrale pour maximiser la distance, une couche intermédiaire pour la précision et une couche extérieure pour les performances de jeu court. Le produit comprend des caractéristiques améliorées telles qu'une compression plus douce, une vitesse de balle plus élevée et un motif de dimples spécialisé pour une trajectoire stable.
Les balles de golf Member's Mark sont au prix de 27,98 $ pour un pack de 24 et font partie d'une collection complète comprenant des gants de golf et des vêtements de sport. Ce lancement s'aligne avec l'expansion de la base de membres jeunes de Sam's Club, qui privilégient la santé physique, le fitness, la famille et les amitiés plus que les générations précédentes.
Sam's Club hat seine Eigenmarke Member's Mark Golfball eingeführt, um der wachsenden Zahl von Millennial- und Gen Z-Golfspielern gerecht zu werden, die mittlerweile über 25% der Golfspieler in den USA ausmachen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, Golf zugänglicher zu machen, indem Leistung und Erschwinglichkeit kombiniert werden.
Der neue Golfball verfügt über eine drei-schichtige Konstruktion, die für Spieler aller Fähigkeitsstufen ausgelegt ist. Dazu gehören eine Kernschicht zur Maximierung der Distanz, eine Mantelschicht für Präzision und eine Deckschicht für die Leistung im Kurzspiel. Das Produkt bietet verbesserte Eigenschaften wie weichere Kompression, höhere Ballgeschwindigkeit und ein spezialisiertes Dimple-Muster für eine stabile Flugbahn.
Die Member's Mark Golfbälle kosten $27,98 für ein 24er-Pack und sind Teil einer umfassenden Kollektion, die Golfhandschuhe und Sportbekleidung umfasst. Dieser Launch steht im Einklang mit der wachsenden Mitgliedschaft junger Erwachsener bei Sam's Club, die körperliche Gesundheit, Fitness, Familie und Freundschaften mehr priorisieren als frühere Generationen.
- Launch of new private brand golf product expands Sam's Club's market presence in growing sports segment
- Strategic targeting of Millennial and Gen Z demographic aligns with expanding young adult member base
- Competitive pricing strategy at $27.98 for 24 balls positions product for mass market adoption
- Enters highly competitive golf equipment market with established premium brands
- Success depends on consumer acceptance of private label golf equipment

Member's Mark golf ball available exclusively at Sam's Club (Photo: Business Wire)
Millennials and Gen Z make up more than a quarter of
The golf ball is crafted to accommodate players of varying skill levels to provide an enjoyable experience for all participants — from beginners to experts. The unique dimple design and meticulous selection of materials for the core, mantle and cover make the golf ball suitable for the needs of today's players, making it ideal for both social outings and honing skills on the course.
"Whether you're sharpening your swing or enjoying a round with friends, the Member's Mark golf ball elevates your game with superior performance at an unmatched value,” says Christine Sharp, group director of Member’s Mark Product Development. “When paired with our Member’s Mark golf glove and Activewear, it becomes an integral part of a comprehensive collection that caters to golfers of all skill levels. We’re excited for our members to experience the synergy of our complete collection and feel the difference on the green.”
Key Features for Beginner to Average Golfers:
- Softer compression for enhanced feel and control
- Higher ball speed & lower long-game spin for more distance
- Mid-to-high trajectory to promote easier, straighter shots
Three-layer construction:
- Core Layer: Maximizes long-game distance
- Mantle Layer: Enhances accuracy and control
- Cover Layer: Provides superior short-game performance
Enhanced Features for Skilled Golfers:
- Responsive polyurethane cover for advanced shot-making and spin control
- Dimple pattern design ensures a stable trajectory and shot-shaping ability
- Optimized aerodynamics for powerful, stable flight in various playing conditions
Discover how Sam's Club seamlessly enhances your springtime needs, on and off the golf course, offering everything from top-quality gear and apparel to delectable snacks. The Member’s Mark 3-Piece Golf Balls are now available for only
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