Wiley to Reveal Key Insights and AI-Driven Innovations at Frankfurt Book Fair

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Wiley (NYSE: WLY) is set to reveal key insights and AI-driven innovations at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Josh Jarrett, SVP and GM of AI Growth, will present findings from a global survey on AI in scientific research during a keynote address. The company will showcase updates to Research Exchange, its submission, screening, and peer review platform, and launch 'Generative AI for Dummies'.

Wiley will highlight initiatives promoting safe AI use in publishing, including:

  • Wiley AI Partnerships: A Co-Innovation Program
  • AI enhancements to Research Exchange
  • New AI research journals
  • Educational resources on AI

The company will also host a panel discussion on AI's role in research and learning, featuring industry experts. These initiatives reflect Wiley's commitment to redefining publishing for an AI-assisted future while adhering to its AI Principles.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY) si appresta a rivelare intuizioni chiave e innovazioni trainate dall'IA alla Fiera del Libro di Francoforte. Josh Jarrett, VP Senior e GM della Crescita dell'IA, presenterà i risultati di un'indagine globale sull'IA nella ricerca scientifica durante un intervento principale. L'azienda mostrerà aggiornamenti su Research Exchange, la sua piattaforma per la sottomissione, la selezione e la revisione tra pari, e lancerà 'Generative AI for Dummies'.

Wiley evidenzierà iniziative che promuovono un uso sicuro dell'IA nell'editoria, tra cui:

  • Wiley AI Partnerships: un programma di co-innovazione
  • Migliorie con IA a Research Exchange
  • Nuove riviste di ricerca sull'IA
  • Risorse educative sull'IA

La società ospiterà inoltre un dibattito sul ruolo dell'IA nella ricerca e nell'apprendimento, con esperti del settore. Queste iniziative riflettono l'impegno di Wiley nel ridefinire l'editoria per un futuro assistito dall'IA, rimanendo fedeli ai propri Principi sull'IA.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY) está a punto de revelar ideas clave e innovaciones impulsadas por IA en la Feria del Libro de Fráncfort. Josh Jarrett, SVP y GM de Crecimiento de IA, presentará los hallazgos de una encuesta global sobre IA en la investigación científica durante un discurso principal. La empresa mostrará actualizaciones de Research Exchange, su plataforma de presentación, revisión y evaluación por pares, y lanzará 'Generative AI for Dummies'.

Wiley destacará iniciativas que promueven el uso seguro de la IA en la publicación, incluyendo:

  • Wiley AI Partnerships: un programa de coinnovación
  • Mejoras con IA en Research Exchange
  • Nuevas revistas de investigación sobre IA
  • Recursos educativos sobre IA

La empresa también organizará un panel de discusión sobre el papel de la IA en la investigación y el aprendizaje, con expertos de la industria. Estas iniciativas reflejan el compromiso de Wiley de redefinir la publicación para un futuro asistido por IA, mientras se adhiere a sus Principios de IA.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY)는 프랑크푸르트 도서 박람회에서 주요 통찰력과 AI 기반 혁신을 공개할 예정입니다. Josh Jarrett AI 성장 수석 부사장 겸 총괄 매니저는 기조 연설에서 과학 연구에 대한 AI에 관한 글로벌 설문 조사 결과를 발표합니다. 이 회사는 제출, 검토 및 동료 평가 플랫폼인 Research Exchange의 업데이트를 선보이고 'Generative AI for Dummies'를 출시합니다.

Wiley는 출판에서 안전한 AI 사용을 촉진하는 이니셔티브를 강조할 것입니다. 포함하여:

  • Wiley AI Partnerships: 공동 혁신 프로그램
  • Research Exchange에 대한 AI 개선
  • 새로운 AI 연구 저널
  • AI에 대한 교육 자료

회사는 산업 전문가들과 함께 연구 및 학습에서의 AI의 역할에 대한 패널 토론도 개최할 것입니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 AI 원칙을 준수하면서 AI 지원 미래를 위해 출판을 재정의하려는 Wiley의 의지를 반영합니다.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY) s'apprête à révéler des informations clés et des innovations alimentées par l'IA lors de la Foire du Livre de Francfort. Josh Jarrett, SVP et DG de la croissance de l'IA, présentera les résultats d'une enquête mondiale sur l'IA dans la recherche scientifique lors d'un discours principal. L'entreprise présentera des mises à jour de Research Exchange, sa plateforme de soumission, de sélection et de révision par des pairs, et lancera 'Generative AI for Dummies'.

Wiley mettra en avant des initiatives visant à promouvoir une utilisation sûre de l'IA dans l'édition, notamment :

  • Partenariats Wiley IA : un programme de co-innovation
  • Améliorations de l'IA pour Research Exchange
  • Nouvelles revues de recherche sur l'IA
  • Ressources éducatives sur l'IA

L'entreprise organisera également une table ronde sur le rôle de l'IA dans la recherche et l'apprentissage, avec des experts du secteur. Ces initiatives reflètent l'engagement de Wiley à redéfinir l'édition pour un avenir assisté par l'IA tout en respectant ses principes en matière d'IA.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY) wird auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse wichtige Erkenntnisse und KI-gesteuerte Innovationen präsentieren. Josh Jarrett, SVP und GM für KI-Wachstum, wird während einer Hauptrede die Ergebnisse einer globalen Umfrage zur KI in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung vorstellen. Das Unternehmen wird Aktualisierungen zu Research Exchange, seiner Einreichungs-, Screening- und Peer-Review-Plattform, präsentieren und 'Generative AI for Dummies' launchen.

Wiley wird Initiativen hervorheben, die die sichere Nutzung von KI im Verlagswesen fördern, darunter:

  • Wiley AI Partnerships: Ein Co-Innovation-Programm
  • KI-Verbesserungen für Research Exchange
  • Neue KI-Forschungszeitschriften
  • Bildungsressourcen zu KI

Das Unternehmen wird außerdem eine Podiumsdiskussion über die Rolle der KI in Forschung und Lernen veranstalten, an der Branchenexperten teilnehmen. Diese Initiativen spiegeln Willys Engagement wider, das Verlagswesen für eine KI-unterstützte Zukunft neu zu definieren, während es sich an seine KI-Prinzipien hält.

  • Launch of 'Wiley AI Partnerships: A Co-Innovation Program' to deliver AI advantages for researchers
  • AI enhancements to Research Exchange platform, including Papermill Detection technology
  • Introduction of 'GenAI For Dummies' guide and new AI-focused chapter in zyBooks Data Science Foundations courses
  • Expansion of Advanced Portfolio with two new AI-focused peer-reviewed journals set to launch by end of 2024
  • None.


Wiley's strategic focus on AI integration in publishing marks a significant shift in the industry. The company is leveraging AI to enhance its Research Exchange platform, introducing AI-powered Papermill Detection technology to improve research integrity. This move could potentially streamline the publication process and reduce fraudulent submissions, benefiting both researchers and publishers.

The launch of 'GenAI For Dummies' and the addition of AI-focused content to zyBooks demonstrate Wiley's commitment to educating the public and students about AI technologies. This educational initiative could position Wiley as a thought leader in the AI space and potentially open new revenue streams.

The expansion of Wiley's Advanced Portfolio with new AI-focused journals indicates a recognition of the growing importance of AI research. This could attract high-quality submissions and increase Wiley's influence in the rapidly evolving field of AI academia.

While these initiatives show promise, their long-term impact on Wiley's financial performance remains to be seen. The success will largely depend on the adoption rates of these AI-enhanced tools and the quality of the AI-focused content produced.

Wiley's presentation of findings from a global survey on AI in scientific research at the Frankfurt Book Fair is strategically significant. By addressing researchers' expectations and ethical concerns regarding AI, Wiley positions itself as a thought leader and responsive industry player. This could enhance its reputation and potentially lead to increased market share in the academic publishing sector.

The company's AI Partnerships program is a smart move to foster innovation and collaboration within the industry. Such partnerships could lead to new product developments and revenue streams, potentially giving Wiley a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI-driven publishing landscape.

Wiley's focus on responsible AI development aligns with growing market demands for ethical tech solutions. This approach could mitigate risks associated with AI implementation and appeal to conscientious researchers and institutions, potentially leading to stronger client relationships and brand loyalty.

However, the financial impact of these initiatives may not be immediate and investors should monitor adoption rates and revenue growth from AI-enhanced products in the coming quarters to gauge their success.

Keynote to present findings from global survey on AI in scientific research and outline future directions

Wiley will also showcase updates to Research Exchange, its industry-leading submission, screening and peer review platform, and launch ‘Generative AI for Dummies’

FRANKFURT, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- This week at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Wiley (NYSE: WLY), one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, will share key insights on the potential and expectations for artificial intelligence (AI) in scholarly publishing. Wiley will also showcase initiatives to redefine publishing technology with AI-enabled tools, and foster industry dialogue and collaboration.

Bridging the Gap Between Potential and Practice

In a keynote address at 2pm on Thursday titled Capitalizing on AI for Smarter Publishing in the Frankfurt Studio (Foyer Hall 4.0 Room Europa), Josh Jarrett, Senior Vice President and General Manager of AI Growth for Wiley, will unveil findings from a comprehensive, new survey of nearly 5,000 researchers worldwide that reveals that while researchers have high expectations for AI, they also have ethical concerns and are calling on publishers to provide clear guidelines. By taking a future-facing approach and focusing on potential use cases for AI that span the entire research process, Wiley’s presentation will offer practical insights to assist researchers in navigating their choices for implementing AI. Jarrett will also discuss responsible AI development at Wiley to enhance productivity, innovation, and growth and the company’s vision for the future of AI in publishing.

Innovating for a Secure and Efficient Publishing Ecosystem

At the Fair, Wiley will also highlight the following initiatives aimed at promoting safe and productive use of AI in publishing:

  • Strategic Partnerships: Wiley AI Partnerships: A Co-Innovation Program, aimed to deliver AI advantages for researchers and practitioners, will launch at the Fair and additional partners are invited to join this effort to shape the future of AI in research. Interested organizations can learn more about the program at the 2pm keynote on Thursday.
  • A smarter and simpler publication experience: Wiley is leveraging AI to enhance Research Exchange, its comprehensive platform for submission, screening and peer review. At today’s session, User Data in Motion: Research Integrity Feedback Loops, at 10:30am on Stage 4.0 (Hall 4.0 H104), Wiley will showcase how Research Exchange delivers nuanced and actionable research integrity insights. Additionally, Wiley will demonstrate the platform’s Screening module, featuring AI-powered Papermill Detection technology, at the Wiley booth, C18, Hall 4.0.
  • Educational Resources:
    • GenAI For Dummies will debut at the Frankfurt Book Fair. This guide, part of Wiley’s renowned ‘For Dummies’ series, provides essential knowledge on generative AI. It was also developed using an AI-augmented authoring process, reflecting Wiley’s ongoing efforts to explore the use of AI applications to enhance educational resources.
    • zyBooks, Wiley’s affordable and interactive STEM courseware, has added a new chapter to its Data Science Foundations courses, focusing on essential AI concepts like machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. This chapter not only covers practical applications of AI in various fields, but also addresses ethical considerations such as bias and privacy.
  • New AI research journals: Wiley recently announced the expansion of its prestigious Advanced Portfolio, which includes peer-reviewed journals focusing on AI. Building on the success of Advanced Intelligent Systems, two new journals focused on AI, Advanced Intelligent Discovery and Advanced Robotics Research, are on track to launch by the end of 2024.

"As a trusted partner to thousands of organizations and a publisher to over a million authors, we’re committed to working across the community to redefine publishing for an AI-assisted future," said Jay Flynn, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Research & Learning at Wiley. "Integrating AI safely and ethically into the publishing process is not just an opportunity—it’s a responsibility. We look forward to advancing the conversation and partnering with authors, researchers and industry groups to advance the responsible use of AI in publishing."

Fostering Industry Dialogue and Collaboration

Wiley will tape the third episode of its new panel discussion series “The Conversations” live in Frankfurt. Titled "Into the AI Age: The Role of AI in Research and Learning," this episode will feature experts discussing how AI can address academic challenges, spark creativity, and foster collaboration. Moderated by Jay Flynn, panelists include Olivia Gambelin, founder of Ethical Intelligence; Dr. Dorothea Baur, an independent ethics expert; and Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy & AI Governance Officer at Wipro.

Wiley's advancements in AI-enabled technology and services will be showcased throughout the Frankfurt Book Fair. A full list of Wiley sessions is available here. Wiley’s AI innovations and initiatives adhere to the company’s AI Principles.

About Wiley

Wiley (NYSE: WLY) is one of the world’s largest publishers and a trusted leader in research and learning. Our industry-leading content, services, platforms, and knowledge networks are tailored to meet the evolving needs of our customers and partners, including researchers, students, instructors, professionals, institutions, and corporations. We empower knowledge-seekers to transform today’s biggest obstacles into tomorrow’s brightest opportunities. For more than two centuries, Wiley has been delivering on its timeless mission to unlock human potential. Visit us at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Category: All Corporate News


Geena De Rose /

Source: John Wiley and Sons


What AI-related insights will Wiley (WLY) present at the Frankfurt Book Fair?

Wiley will present findings from a global survey of nearly 5,000 researchers on AI in scientific research, showcasing researchers' expectations and ethical concerns regarding AI use in publishing.

How is Wiley (WLY) incorporating AI into its Research Exchange platform?

Wiley is enhancing Research Exchange with AI-powered features, including Papermill Detection technology in the Screening module, to improve submission, screening, and peer review processes.

What new AI-focused educational resources is Wiley (WLY) launching at the Frankfurt Book Fair?

Wiley is launching 'Generative AI for Dummies' and introducing a new AI-focused chapter in its zyBooks Data Science Foundations courses, covering AI concepts and ethical considerations.

What new AI-related journals is Wiley (WLY) planning to launch?

Wiley plans to launch two new AI-focused peer-reviewed journals, Advanced Intelligent Discovery and Advanced Robotics Research, by the end of 2024 as part of its Advanced Portfolio expansion.

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