Westlake Royal Building Products™ Introduces Tapco Tape™ Accessory for Tapco Tools® Brakes
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) has introduced Tapco Tape™, a new measuring accessory for Tapco Tools® siding and trim brakes. The accessory enhances efficiency and precision in onsite trim fabrication by providing an instant scale for bends and cut-offs, eliminating the need for separate tape measures. Key features include:
- Easy attachment to Tapco Tools brakes without drilling
- Built-in 1.5" offset for Pro-Cutoff use
- Hinged design for flexible positioning
- Material stops for efficient repeat bends
- Compatibility with multiple brake models including Max-I-Mum® XL, PRO 14®, PRO 19®, Pro® II, Pro® III, Pro® 2000, and Pro® 50"
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) ha introdotto il Tapco Tape™, un nuovo accessorio di misurazione per le piegatrici di rivestimento e bordo Tapco Tools®. Questo accessorio migliora l'efficienza e la precisione nella fabbricazione di bordi in loco, fornendo una scala immediata per piegature e tagli, eliminando la necessità di misuratori separati. Caratteristiche principali includono:
- Facile attacco alle piegatrici Tapco Tools senza forare
- Offset incorporato di 1,5
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) ha presentado Tapco Tape™, un nuevo accesorio de medición para las dobladoras de revestimientos y molduras Tapco Tools®. Este accesorio mejora la eficiencia y precisión en la fabricación de molduras en el lugar, proporcionando una escala instantánea para dobleces y cortes, eliminando la necesidad de cintas métricas separadas. Características clave incluyen:
- Fácil acoplamiento a las dobladoras Tapco Tools sin necesidad de taladrar
- Desplazamiento incorporado de 1.5
웨스트레이크 로열 빌딩 제품 (NYSE:WLK)에서 탭코 테이프™를 출시했습니다. 이는 Tapco Tools®사이딩 및 마감 브레이크용 새로운 측정 액세서리입니다. 이 액세서리는 현장에서 마감 제작의 효율성과 정밀도를 높여주며, 구부리기 및 절단을 위한 즉각적인 스케일을 제공하여 별도의 줄자 사용을 필요 없게 합니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:
- 드릴링 없이 Tapco Tools 브레이크에 손쉽게 부착 가능
- Pro-Cutoff 사용을 위한 1.5인치 오프셋 내장
- 유연한 위치 지정을 위한 경첩 디자인
- 효율적인 반복 구부리기를 위한 소재 스톱
- Max-I-Mum® XL, PRO 14®, PRO 19®, Pro® II, Pro® III, Pro® 2000 및 Pro® 50"와 같은 여러 브레이크 모델과의 호환성
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) a introduit Tapco Tape™, un nouvel accessoire de mesure pour les plieuses de revêtement et de moulure Tapco Tools®. Cet accessoire améliore l'efficacité et la précision dans la fabrication de moules sur site en fournissant une échelle instantanée pour les plis et les découpes, éliminant ainsi le besoin de rubans à mesurer séparés. Caractéristiques clés incluent :
- Attache facile aux plieuses Tapco Tools sans perçage
- Décalage intégré de 1,5" pour utilisation Pro-Cutoff
- Design articulé pour un positionnement flexible
- Arrêts en matériau pour des plis répétés efficaces
- Compatibilité avec plusieurs modèles de plieuses, y compris Max-I-Mum® XL, PRO 14®, PRO 19®, Pro® II, Pro® III, Pro® 2000 et Pro® 50"
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) hat Tapco Tape™ eingeführt, ein neues Messzubehör für die Tapco Tools® Seitenverkleidungen und Beschneide-Maschinen. Dieses Zubehör verbessert die Effizienz und Präzision bei der Trimmbearbeitung vor Ort, indem es eine sofortige Skala für Biegungen und Zuschnitte bereitstellt und die Notwendigkeit separater Maßbänder überflüssig macht. Hauptmerkmale sind:
- Einfache Befestigung an den Tapco Tools-Maschinen ohne Bohren
- Eingebauter Offset von 1,5 Zoll für den Pro-Cutoff
- Schwenkdesign für flexible Positionierung
- Materialstopps für effiziente wiederholte Biegungen
- Kompatibilität mit mehreren Maschinenmodellen, darunter Max-I-Mum® XL, PRO 14®, PRO 19®, Pro® II, Pro® III, Pro® 2000 und Pro® 50"
- Product innovation expanding existing tool line
- Potential for increased operational efficiency for customers
- None.
Measuring accessory boosts efficiency and precision for onsite trim fabrication

Tapco brake with Tapco Tape (Photo: Business Wire)
Tapco Tape attaches easily to a Tapco Tools brake to provide an instant scale for bends and cut-offs, allowing users to measure from the brake anvil and with a 1.5" offset for use with the Pro-Cutoff without using a standalone tape measure. With the Tapco Tape in place, there’s no need to mark material with a tape measure and then line up marks with the anvil. It also has material stops to make repeat bends more efficient. The result is easier, faster and more precise bending.
Tapco Tape clamps to the brake without needing to drill holes. The accessory has a hinge design, so users can swing it up and out of the way when not in use, then bring it back down into place when needed.
“Siding and trim fabricators rely on the precision and durability of Tapco Tools brakes to craft custom, on-site trim with a high-quality, expert finish, and Tapco Tape adds to that versatility,” said Steve Booz, vice president, marketing for Westlake Royal Building Products. “Rather than fumbling with a separate tape measure and worrying about lining up marks, Tapco Tape simplifies the process, thereby increasing efficiency and accuracy.”
Tapco Tape can be used with the Max-I-Mum® XL, PRO 14®, PRO 19®, Pro® II, Pro® III, Pro® 2000, and Pro® 50” Tapco Tools brake models.
To learn more about Tapco Tools, visit www.tapcotools.com.
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Westlake Royal Building Products
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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241217733259/en/
Kriss Swint
Westlake Royal Building Products
Source: Westlake Royal Building Products